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Show J f Fridayt Jgly MAGNA TIME& MAGNA. UTAH Sew-Your-OvmSty- leN HERE 1 THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young SWEIBE APCMT VOU GOiMS- - TO TAKE 'iOltft UMBRELLA MO OVERSHOES 2 me PAPER. SAYS RAiM 1 - Cloudy Weather Br OUonw THE FEATHERHEADS WOUT (401 vsJBT GBT T 0 A By SMATTER POP Did ja Ever Have a Smi e Bumped Loose? CM. PAYNE something something rweet, and aomethlng or namental for your wardrobe. Simple Aa Toast and Coffee. At breakfast time you need the crisp shipshape style of the little model at the left. Hell proffer that eight oclock kiaa with alacrity and fervor when you greet your hubby in this pleasant surprise. cotton Make it of a gay for greatest usability. Lines That IJve. For luncheon in town, for cutting up touches on the Club veranda you cant find a more fetch ing frock than the one in 'the center. lt combines sweetswing with nonchalance. Never has a designer given more flattering shoulder and waist lines than these. And what about the skirt? you ask. Obviously it has the most finished flare in town. Chiffon, so- mid-aumm- er tub-we- ll e&n MESCAL IKE Br WNTJ yBdleata SarrtM. Come and Git It! t. L. HUNTLBY GRACIOUS1. Vvwwv, TW , M.varmm'JTI, ocst reftTner .. NUW GOkinJA. PER oaiuJ ural T etate, or sports ink wE & fcf the flare end yoo, liry And If Antonis Coma, Its help to have a dm I the one et the right arondi It gives that feeling of pnpm ness. Prepared in case i g Fallish day or evening k iff; in without warning, lien, to,! wont be long before coni I will be the rule rather the exception. So it would seem it cal ee well as a fashion&bk to set about making this tit; to both model-rig- g ((Copyrifht. 1937, W I HutrfUy, . Tra Mark Kt ti. S Pat. OBca) Note So Bad FINNEY OF THE FORCE TuST SiT DOWM IT IS OPERV OM TUB RADIO n ai IN id Pattern 1354 is designed 1 sizes 24 to 48. Size 36 requires?', ) yards of 25 inch material Pattern 1307 is design! I 12 Pattern 4M a j to 20 (30 to 46 far Size 14 requires 3 yards di inch material plus 7 yardi ribbon for trimming as pictr Household Helps 7 away.-Beftt 1 your crowd to show whati t under the fashion sun for f. f The Pattens. sizes 0) ht i 1324 is designed u Hi fc Do you know the proper thing to sizes 14 to 20 (32 to 42 bust).! ay when you sit on a wad of chew- 16 requires 3 yards of S r material plus yard contrast' ing gum? If your suit is washable, here is and 1 yards of ribbon for the correct command if you want belt and bow et the neck. to get rid of the chewing gum and Send your order to Th Sr not your garment: Circle Pattern Dept, H k Bring me an egg white, some Montgomery Ave., San Franc soap and some lukewarm water. Calif. Patterns 15 cents (in at Then stand back and watch me each. soften the gum with the egg white Bn ayndlcat. WHO low sol And finally wash it completely away with the soapy water. If your suit isnt washable, the g element is carbon SALT USE'S lEWESIlMtt which will remove all traces of stain. Our lobby to The authority for these points of cooled daring tbe sew chewing gum etiquette is a new KMtl e for dvory oaw booklet called Handy Helps for BOO Hi Homemakers," which has been prepared by a group of home economics authorities. This booklet is a convenient, compact handbook of practical remedies for the most common household problems. It is divided into four sections: laundering (which includes not only formulae, but also detailed advice on the proper way to wash various fabrics); home HOTEL lighting; heating, and cooking. 7 The writers of the Handy Helps Squar. for Homemakers booklet have LWtogSS confined the chapter on Cooking to an Informative discussion of T-i- Htj KU. WW . rules, suggestions highly j for improving actual cooking techAhmTM will wwjza, nique and a summary of the merits and problems of home canning. A copy of the Handy Helps for Homemakers book earn be secured by sending 5 cents to cover postage and handling to Miss Boyd, 210 S. Desplaines St., Chicago, I1L Adv. to n fabric-savintetra-chlorid- e, stain-remov- al ath , BRONC PEELER By FRED HARMAN Stick em Up Temple Mtfl . meat-selecti- fe IIOTLI Helpful The husband drew up a chair beside his wiles sewing machine the other day and remarked: Dont you think its running too (astT Look out, you'll sew the wrong seam, Slovr down, or you'll stick that needle In your finger! "Why. whata the matter with e yc f'3 I've been running this for ten years. Oh, I was merely trying to assist you. Just a you try to help me drive the car. SLOW SERV1CI By GLUYAS WILLIAMS In here! -- VtHHtS mwwv "Nawl-Uh-hu- (WOE 6fC.I?SE WOILO urwttsvme inf SEssw which looks eooy 0 5I6HS R) AS UNCLE ttU itttU SERVW H OTOER A FdNNV SfORV SW DOE WHNV W Utrw AN UNCIE SEHSjNSUHfu. SHE oof vRi tVStt 60 C0U6M EM VWf HKg pen Irooi -- ANV ai6 4 trtucousmiM Totem EM COMPROMISES OH just UflU'AKD JERKINS w up, FB Ira' hi The Newhouse Hotel 400 ROOMS 400 !( BATHS SET UNDER WAV at Moderate BtK 0X1E Hff H AfcAlN 1b A COMPlEfif VHOI 6I0R6J SftUS m Ull LAP Met Uei The Finest in Hotel Accommodate Thu A fvffrtfHMO SfcP WHUt SVERvWT SR60B one rt hl" Salt Lakes Most Hospitable Hotel Invites YOU A Say Nawt Se "Do you know how the rats FB IQi mi-chn- Stretching the Point railroad agent In Africa had been "bawled out lor doing things without orders from headquarter. One day hia boss received the following startling telegram: -Tiger on platform eating conChristductor. Wire instruction!. ian Advocate. Ikto J , Mtvwo Moms fujrrV bv ah- - WOKlHHraPUfSHOkf wwas femEs asu. su oecause Km sue says BE, HE CAN'T i It is our lim to scire tor manner most Ccfstsria Dining Room , W 6itei Es a tWWHiH MW. Sf TN.W1 iyWfa.M, tw) Pr,ct Mrs. J. H. Waters, JVw. w. |