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Show J 1 931 3Q. July MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA, UTAH c: lessor W hd,: h hP- - know 1 her that I thought youd Jump at today taking wuple of the kid off for a holi-oc- y France, maybe wa could close up this house . . Her world was tottering about her; aha heard tha hurricane shriekIn ing her ears, breathed tha rush of mothering dust, felt the good earth , I hake. "You mean leava some of them here In the house with Nurse and a cook and take the others off to Europe? Well His tone was dubious, faintly Irritated. Ha waa atW g his hair with restless fingers. W could make tome arrangement, he said. What I mean la, doesnt seem fair to hava you here slaving yourself to death for the kids, when when tilings hava changed so. Theres no use of three people being unhappy, when with a little common sense everyone d be satisfied. "Yhls la as much a surprise to me as you, Vic. It came to me like a thunderbolt, the other day, when he told me what It meant to her. She aaid she wished to God she had never met me she actually said that She felt that way about turn-blin- X Continued 1- 8a, had to come up and say Serena said. Sha roar from a cold walk, belted tool tweed coat with sables a ) and a about her shoulder '(mined tweed bat drawn down eye. Gita wa Lur a me, but she went op to the Sdren. Youre not sickt fjjjj," Vicky said. Tv been W everything at once today, and C an hour ago I simply- gave CHAPTER i Mer-Chriitm- tea-blu- e - . can imagine," aaid Serena. Lth to many stocking! to fiU. about it, i was quite envious I dont think it would be much for one child to bang a stocking. nr did It lovely. Blonde and jwlessly sb, ber hair a crisp pale gold imst the rough texture of the of the smooth deep , her skin the of magnolia petal, her jieu s blue blue blue; Vicky, study-he- r, once again thought of the exquisite womanhood.' oris, watching her, felt an inner nbling that was almost a vertl-Ho-w dared she I How dared ase, this all a troubled Or was dreamt that am, one of those ne when she was too tired or gjpjom e,, uncomfortable, atti--f that twisted body as well as id? CHAPTER XI not a dream to it was ut hear bang, and Quentins stairs, and hit voice at front door the on door. Having teat said Quentin, his Serena? I didnt Vicky! Oh, dropping, lo, :e Hel-Mag- you. shifted about a little, to room for him; Anna brought toast and more tea. Vicky ber hand to her disordered hair; taa sat, a picture of radiant hey ber loosened furs end timed hat, with the firelight and plight glowing In her eyes. in uty, Im disgracefull" hla Suentln, sail arts But I've been on the Her voice trembled, day. trembled, but no one no hand i it unless too sign. 1 bet you sr ithi at i up? come? :wt Magda did, and sha have. You got tha Did tha Emporium Everythings come, I think. The i room looks like a toy shop. ty bad gotten to her feet, poured ; she stood now, looking down a. And as he glanced up, hand , tired, relaxed After the hard A wished in her heart that ?ad she were dead and rm kind f fiber. came In to say Merry Serena repeated once ly itmas, lice Iff. lying earth somewhere that you did! Well, Ita going to be a cold one. unly sha aaid. out tonight, from the San about an hour ago. 0PPd there on the way down. Bledsoe's coming, at about j maybe earlier is that too And then rent wa you going 100 pf fen isnt Quen-telephon- ed off the tree?" very much to do. p'5 semblance to the m holidays, this reminder I hour when h nd their own house In JepJSf th winter' nilht. had Iu the 8urprisea for :biHr hd filled the dangling k'nis on (0 many Christito.2k e lnstinc! and taught her, ae helped her, to chat b LIth Serena- and pres- - . u, - e&lCUSec.herself nd 0T he left her mother and Serena. half hour with the Ii. roomflLen 8he wa Bing to Q- met and Mard. ,leep UPSUlri t0 .nehimany , laa,keL ?S-vu- (jjrti t ,aid r not going to stand sfclH J!aid f, slowly. owling a little, Per-Hm- am. ,mart to let gda commentedT Perhap think 'eta. u e mwt?p,B?rthin f P' heavUy a,T, rtght 1 C8n iwuhi: 'kkyaaid. t 1 hmi I ?dnes there could do to heip d JJV tVltkaa!d m! Mother- - You ,,h did .g ng on her w?-tha- t ,a how- - She did L red lust I Anna bad come la to the room to announce Serena, had somehow reached her heart reached her soul; had changed blank deapalr to despairing resolution. Tve always thought . . . that of all the girls I ever knew," Magda had said, you were tha one to try the long way I mean stick to your guns, and not let what anyone does make you anything but what you are. i The only talk they were to have on the subject for almost a long year came about ten day later, when the Christmas tree had been aawed into short lengths that were till draped here and there with odd scraps of cotton end tinsel, and when Vicky end Quentin had the sitting-roofire to themselves, after Magda had gone to bed. 1 was wondering Quentin beWongan, and stopped abruptly. dering if youd like to get away." Get away?" She was honestly taken by surprise. YP- - Take Gwen and Susan, or Kenty, If you liked, and go on a trip somewhere? Victoria sat down again, looking at him. Her heart had turned to Ice. How could I possibly get away, QuentinTWhaY of the twins, and Maddy?" "Wen, I think Ita too much for you," Quentin persisted gruffly and stupidly. He sat with hla big hands locked and hanging between his knees; his eyes were on the fire, and his brow was slightly knitted. I see, Victoria presently said lowly. But how, she asked, after bow could we afford that, a pause now? To this, Quentin made no answer. After a time he aaid. Irrelevantly: "You see, I may bava to be in town a good deal this winter. "You mean overnight?" Sometimes. He did not look at Now I owe her I owe her aome consideration about It She got some rights In this matter. Its too bad when it happens this way, but the only thing is to be honest and to work It out for the best for aU parties. And you must believe that it doesnt In the lefcst affect what I feel for you and. the children, Vic? I mean thats separate. Its simply that you come to a time In your life when youve got to be fair to all hands. "You mean that you want a dt vorce? The instant she said It she knew that ir was a mistake. She should not have been the one to introduce this word But at least It seemed to be no shock to Quentin. He said, e with a for the fire: "She says she. sJmplyJiateiJlhe word She was divorced once, and the idea makes her sick. I suppose it makes any decent woman sick. Whatever you decide to do, Quentin, Victoria said, after a moment, standing up as an indication that tha conversation was over, half-smil- ber. "At the club?" Well, no. Swanson has taken a little place on Pine street, and hed like me to go into it with him. But I thought Dr. Swanson was going to Lot Angeles? "HeU be back and forth, ha saya. 1 see," Vicky said again, pondering. Her heart was beating fast, and the felt ber spina cold her hands cold and wet Its Serena, Isnt it, Quentin?" she added, almost Involuntarily. She had not meant to ask it: it was said. Quentin glanced quickly across at ber, looked back at. the fire. His eyes narrowed, and she saw his Jaw stiffen. he aaid aimply, with a little philosophic shrug. You like her terribly, dont you?" Vicky pursued, turning the knife in her heart Oh, it isnt that!" Quentin said If it was Just my Impatiently. liking her it wouldnt matter! Everyone likes her. I dont suppose shes met a man in ten years who hasnt fallen for her. A man her mothers doctor she tells me hes one of the big men at Roosevelt hospital in New York now asked her to marry him when she was only fourteen. Really?" Vicky said. And tha word if he had been in any mood to hear it, was like a sword blade naked in the air. No, It isnt what I feel for her," Quentin, hearing nothing, went on after a moment. Ita that that I cant see any sense in hurting her. Victoria What ajaout Spencer? asked simply after a silence. She Uh-huh- ," AO Right, Serena," She Said Half Aloud. "count on leaving me here with the children. ' I couldnt leave any it would only mean of -- them expense and trouble for you. Ill stay here Im glad weve talked about it, anyway, and I think Til go to bed Good-night- " T think youre a tremendous sport to take it this way. Let me talk to her she'll work it all out' Quentin said The library door closed; there was no other answer. Hes a genius, of course, Vicky said to herself, against the surge of pain in her heart as she went slowly upstairs In the big house that of late had seemed so wintry Hes a genius, and and desolate. geniuses have times of not knowing what theyre doing or saying! Ev eryone says that Quentin is in a class by himself hes temporarily put of his mind, thats all! hat him." She looked across at the MorriWhat did you say? son house; its tiled Spanish roofs Didnt she love Spencer? and balconies, its oaks and peppers No, that was a funny thing, too, wera brightly lighted by tha cold She tells me . . ." January moon. eaAll right. Serena, she said half Quentin told the whole story gerly. belie vlngly. It was the story aloud apostrophizing the dim light window she knew Magda had told her daughter years that shone In thwindow. "All right to be Serenas before; the story of the beautiful wait for him to telephone. He will. woman wheedled Into marriage on ago that hed the promise of love sure to follow. He said five minutes and lock the and the ashtrays so ago, empty long Spencer, and Ferdy means hes all the other men to whom these doors, and that always Let him beautiful women later were to prove going to telephone you.with a talk had Vicky, hes tell enough you to love false, had promised and she was surprisingly sensible, for two." say, 'Ah, lover, then maybe "Shes as sorry as I am, Quen- and can we begin to play tomorrow!' finished. tin presently now on lt'a my win whue, a from But Victoria was silent for inThen against your admirable little-gifire. tha into fixedly looking He'll never get Serena. nocence, aaid temperately: never consent to You feel that something must be free of me. for m whUe I it HeD nevernotmarry you done? to die! Im Tm going and live, startled glance. a Quentin sent her to be right here, and after a Well, Lord, Vicky, she cant go going in because there s on this way, you know. Her lffe while youll give for you to da You beelse theta nothing is hell, over there simply now and I, know It, what It Is. Morrison never hss ap- long to him me how strong was telling completely while he preciated ber. ba controlled you were. how and were, you own troubles, wrapped up In his had u Youre his now, youve him-twhat has she to live for?" he from have to Quen- youre going What do you want to-dthe wife, and Im mine! afl ia a rest In tin? Vicky asked at last. children, and I voice. my children are the B It 1L ad temperate, expressionless was know sunk can wait Ill His dark rumpled bead rl o, keep still m be pitied, and women will hint things to me, and Til keep stini You take your day, Serena go ahead! Take a year, taka two years. Flatter him, and meet him tor lunch, end take hi presents, and hat me. Hat me because X wont five you your way. But in tha end Sheer Wools in Summer Wardrobe With Much Variety Here simplicity in needlework ta this gay appllqus quilt. Grandmothers Prize theyre such easy patches to apply I If its variety youre looking for, make this your choice. Theres the fun of using so many different materials the pleasure of owning so colorful a By CIIERIE NICHOLAS IF rn win! ' Prize Applique Quilt I Victoria and Violet Keats sat on tho Hardiaty lawn on e hot spring afternoon and discussed, with limitations, their husbands and children, their homes, servants, and friends, their Uvea generally. The long Saturday had been spent by Violet end her own quartette, of youngster with tho Hardiaty troop; now it was late afternoon, and th problem of getting Kate, Dune, Bunty, and Baba Kaata amicably separated from Gwen, Kenty, Sue, Dicky, Bobs, and Madeleine y was like an uneasy undercurrent to the women talk. ' I suppose you couldnt leava them aU with us, VI? What, aU four of them! Violet 1 couldnt le.ve one. ejaculated. Mother! birthday tomorrow. Td forgotten thst although X sent her flowers. Did you really think to send her Her-dlst- flowers, Vic? I did, and e book. "Youre charming, end she really loves you, end always has. Violet said, touched Into a rare display of I dont know why you feeling. worry ao about this baby of yours," she added, going back to earUer talk. He may be Just slow. Duna was terribly slow; he didnt walk Pattern quilt that fits Into aqy bedroom. its just a pillow you want, the I Inch block makes an effeo-tlv- e one. Pattern 1458 contains complets, simple instructions for cutting, sewing and finishing, together with yardage chart, diagram of quilt to help arrange the blocks for single end double bed size, and a diagram of block which serves as a guide for placing tha patches and suggests contrasting materials. Send 18 cents in stamps or coins (coins preferred) for this patters to Th Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept., 82 Eighth Av., New York, And If until he was nineteen months old." Vie looked down at the yearling baby In her lap. Martys not slow, she said gently. If more than that, VL My own boy! Tho last was murmured to the child, who looked up at her with smiling blue eyes. Small end relaxed and secure, he lay In her arms He never fretted, he did not seem sick, but this littlest of the Hardistys had only been loaned to her "for t "while, and hli mother knew It Quentin think so? Mrs. Keats asked abruptly. Youve had another opinion? Knows so, Victoria spoke mildly, but ber whole body was torn with a sigh. Violet was silent Isnt It strange? this little fellow means more to Quentin than any of the others did. Hes always loved them as soon as they tot Interesting, but only this one from the very start! All men are like that Violet put Into the pause. Martin he adores. Its strange, Vic mused. "Hell come home night after night and sit holding him. He used to say Marty understood him; he doesnt say that now, he doesnt say anything. "I feel to badly for Quentin, Vicky presently continued. For Quentin?" Mrs. Keats' tone was sharp and quick. She apparently reconsidered what elso the might have added, and when she spoke again her tone was milder. I feel sorry for you, my dear, the said. I think you're a remarkable woman, Vicky. Oh, thank you! Vicky answered gratefully, with a little flush. And so does everyone else," VioAnd sometimes let persisted. there Is someone Id like to talk to! she added, significantly. Vics eyes laughed, but there was glint of warning In them, too. Because I adore Quentin we both do, Violet proceeded further. We both da she repeated, trying to open a door. Vic said Qiients a genius, simply, closing it once and for alL Howd he like Germany, Vic? the other woman asked, abandoning her other lead. He had a remarkable experience. He stayed with the Von Hoffmans and almost worked himself to death. But he said it was a won' derful experience. He got home last week, you said? Last Saturday. older, somehow, He looks thin, Victoria said. here they all come!" Panting, breathless, exhausted, the children now emerged from cover and flung themselves, about on the lawn. They ranged from Kate Keats and Gwen, sixteen years old apiece., to Madeleine Hardisty, who was four. Brown, tall, handsome children in whit shirts and tan shorts, they glowed, sparkled, shone with the beauty of bright eyes and clear skin, flashing teeth and tumbled masses of rich soft hair, firm young legs and arms. on the lawn They had had luncheon two swims of Inhad had today; determinate length. Now Susans brilliant thought was that th Keatses should stay to supper, end that they should make it a picnic.Victoria considered this temperateAh, But Aunt Vi say that tomorrows their Grans birthday. (TO BE COSTISUED) Wearing Bats in Congress In the early days of th federal government It was customary for representatives to wear their hata house. during the session of th When speaking th representative held his bat in his hand, placed it on a bench or let another member bold It The custom of wearing hats in the house was borrowed of com- from the British house after the until not was It nions, and adminclose of President Jackson's istration In 1837 that the practice was discontinued. Senators never copied th custom. 1151 no doubt about It the woman of today knows the value of clothes that will go placet and do things with the same ease end aplomb at their streamlined wearer. The wardrobe must contain frocks and costumes that will adapt themselves with tasta and comfort to any number of changing scenes and temperatures. No matter what the season, there Is something about sheer wool that does th trick. Tailored or dressmaker In style, a sheer wool costume earrles with It a clatsle atmosphere which keeps it never too dressy for town or country, traveling or local activities. There ia aver that something about the smart new light woolen ensembles, dresses end coats that bespeak that casual look of good taste that la aristocratically at home at tea or card party or any more or less social event of the day. Wool knits, light as a feather and luxuriously soft to the touch, meke charming and supremely correct porta frocks. Whether you are an agile golfer or simply a deck lounger your wool knit costume will give you a Joyful feeling of freedom to take your fun at you find IL Both pastel and darker shades art too smart for sports and clever dee classic signs vary from e and jacket cosstyles to tumes" that may be ensembled with a variety of blouses and accessories. Zephyr knits, soft wool jerseys and fine featherweight angoras are cool end comfortable, end lacy weaves in lightweight wool are unusually Interesting. THERES one-piec- two-piec- Fancy shadow weaves, fascinating bright prints and embroidery motifs art cleverly emphasized by simple styling. Sheer monotones weaves via with and d worsteds tor first place In the tailored scene. The adaptability of sheer wool knits is well illustrated in the slim d frock shown to th left in the picture. The material for this dress la a featherweight angora knit In pearl gray with distincd bands In brown and tive maize inserted in bolero effect In th blouse end edging the sleeves and skirt hem. Tha smart shirtwaist closing below a rounded neck ia finished with a row of composition buttons In maize. A deep inverted pleat in the skirt front gives plenty of action freedom. As pictured to the right, close knit wool jersey in chic navy blue makes a stunning and versatile frock for sports or apectator wear. Cut on flattering princess lines with a front buttoned closing. It la cool and practical. Sleeves are full and ahort and neckline' ia high. Mens tie silk In gay red, navy and white patterning la interesting trimming. Note how attractively it is employed to outline two large plastron pockets end th round yoke treatment below a trim tailored neck. A stunning color combination distinguishes the beautifully tailored dress end redingot ensemble of sheer wool centered in the group. Tucked treatment in bold chevron d patterning accents the neckline. The dusty rose dress Is topped by a full length redingote in light olive green. Double flap hip pocket and scissor-sharlapels ere nice details. Pleas writs your name, address, and pattern number plainly. short-sleeve- mranDes two-tone- To Lata Percival Im sorry that I forgot to invlta you to my plcnlo party tomorrow. Wont you coma? Little Heyton No, Ive already prayed for a violent thunderstorm col-larle- ss Llttl tomorrow. Da Said It Fisherman Mika Yes, Tom, It was a trout of enormous size. I tell you I never saw such a fish I Skeptical Tom I believa you, full-leng- th Mike. tri-col- A boy, says Unci Joe, Is noise with dirt oa it. Convict (very politely to prlsoa Would you obllgo mo warder) by dropping your keys down my back? I think my nos la going to bleed Pearsons Weekly, p Western Newspaper Colon. IN UTAH ITS HAND KNIT CBCBDB NICHOLAS AND Summertime means shirtmaker frocks, and this years crop of is smarter and more distinguished than ever. Cotton, linen and silk are used to fashion useful frocks that are good for most occasions in the summer scene, especially New and diversified necklines bring novelty to some of the models. Smart is a shirtmaker frock with a collarless neckline marked by tucking. The tucks continue ell the way down the rs r r- - I ! I XV. vfA Im k ;V' ' . ' -- n HOTEL BEN LOMOND . , On of Utah's Best Os den's Finest button-up-the-fro- 350 Rooms Closing. The classic frock In' striped silk Is always good, as Is tha model In A pure silk that tubs beautifully. grand model la In dotted silk and has a fly front with enclosed zipper. Air Cooled Corridors Peliflhlful Rooms Grill Room Coffee Shop Spacious Lounge and Lobby Courteous Service Every Comfort end Convenience will be found at THE HOTEL BEN LOMOND OGDEN. UTAH New Jeweled zippers are now being shown in use on womens wear, for fastening sweaters, bathing COME AS YOU ARE CHAUNCKY W. WEST, OWL Ha suits, gloves, band bags and many other purposes. The new zippers ere bound on colored tape end spaced at frequent Intervals with various colored catalin ornaments resembling novelty buttons - When the zipper is closed the catalin ornaments take the place of buttons. When opened the ornaments assemble at the base of the zipper with the effect of being in a continuous piece. Just Imagine the joy, not to forget the comfort In wearing, any little girl will find in owning such a cut peasant hand knit dress at this. When eU other frocks In little missy's wardrobe fail, being too this or that for a practical day, there just Isnt anything to equal as a dress knit of d Accent la the model pictured. Looks not White shantung makes a sumtoo dressy but la dressy enough, mer costume with a front yoke of washes perfectly and is pretty in multicolored striped application. dark colors or In the charming The same bright stripes reds, pastels as you may choose. Doesn't used on the pockets of the short take long at ell to knit the cunning white shantung Jacket. , model pictured and the yarn eosts very little. Note that It has no belt, Chlnts for Evening the dress falling in e graceful Quilted chintz Is used for sumprincess line from the shoulders, mer evening gowns which makes it very stylish. 350 IiHm $100 to $4.00 Decorative Zippers Now ( Used in Variety of Ways 8087 WNU W 0332555503? PHOTOGRAPHY BOLLS DEVELOPED of M print wltheiai W poor eholet vtirh(Bl8fMtL nol a. li print ha KHTTMWCSr WOT IIKriCI $ pvtnia 1 Multi-Colore- -- a high-throate- SHIRTMAKER FROCKS IN COTTON, LINENS shirt-make- N. Y. d hard-twiste- REAL ESTATE TO BUY Homes, , 8EIX or TRAD! far mV ranchfs, m BUSINESS PROPERTIES Commit th BEE HIVE REALTY, INC. SEASON BUILD OiQ |