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Show the' hospital"UiTweeksT the following from Science and Mrs. Sorenson was born with producing high to ed earn to dairymen at . Dont miss this opportunity Health with Key to the Scriptures" tcrvllle, Utah in prothe Heizer completed Dr. cow. some extra cash for your vacation. Whatever wife of Golden L. with further information on by 'Mary Baker Eddy: Just phone Garfield 6 and we will gram holds human thought in line with vivor in addition to her hudZT studies. cattle breeding articles. help you in advertising your The concluding feature of the unselfed love, receives directly the include five sons, Wayne. PauLtZ: Do it now. e Is Jack and day was a visit to the college dairy divine power (p- 192.) Blair, all of Magnv herd. more opaque than a solid body. In daughters, Mrs, Kenneth DAIRYMEN patient obedience to a patient God, Erma Sorenson and Donna With respect to sugar beet pay ments, farmers should advise the 1937 sugar beet acreage, the acreage of crops grown on Published Since 190C 1937 in rotation with in farm the Entered ns second class mall matter under the set of sugar beets; and of the 1937 beet March 3rd. 1379, at Mama, Utah acreage, how many of the same acres were used for growing beets Utah at each Issued Magna. Frida; morning $LM continuously in 1934, 33 and 30. Subscription, In advance, per year ATTEND DAIRY Crews doing mapping work In the Pubtished By The Copper Printing Company state are also checking compllahce. Cooperation of the farmers with these crews will facilitate this work, More than 200 dairymen of Utah lower the ooet of doing the work. In crease Its efficiency and speed up attended the sixth annual dairy day at the Utah State Agricultural colTo payments says Director Peterson. lege on Monday, July 19, according to Professor George B. Caine, head of the dairy department Representatives were from practically every Farmers can help-- a great deal in north of and including Sevier. Money county In speeding up the paper work" Caine outlined the proProfessor connection with 1937 compliance it the for day and introduced the gram Vacation here. is time s yacatlon they have as much infortnatton-aDr. E. R Helzer, speaker, principal is a pertime, like Christmas time, possible ready for the supervisors of the Holsteln-Frie-sia- n representative to have llkea when family iod every who are now beginning the annual association of America, and proe. as much extra cash on hand as compliance work in Utah. William of genetics at Ohio State Unfessor Peterson. In charge of the AAA ConThe Times and Leader, starting iversity. servation Program In this state, says Dr. Heizer discussed milk secretwith this Issue, Is offering you the ion, the glands involved In the proof measurement, If, at the time opportunity of securing some of this cess, the hormones which affect farmers will assist the supervisor by on cash that will come in so han- milk extra information with him providing production and some of the deon your vacation period. dy the varous crops and also with diseases that attack the The plan is simple. All you have tails on the different glands of cows. With the aid on work p follow-uto do is check over items in your of lantern slides he traced the cirpractices, the home which you no longer have culatory system at the cow and compliance will be much smoother, the to audit use for. It may be a baby buggy, and showed the Influence of the blood and the time necessary articles of furniture no longer need- flow on milk production- He also compliance forms and make payed by you, or any one of a thousand discussed the new method of treatments to fanners can be cut down own and farms that are signed up gimilar items. ing cows suffering from milk fever. appreciably. far- on a work sheet and also any farms no that longer you Information Yet the things very Important Following the morning session the need may be Just the items which group adjourned to the dairy exmers will need supply to supervisors not in the program. other people are very anxious to se- perimental farm north of the collcure at a reduced price. ege where George Q. Bateman, All you do is simply make a list explained the effects of ALL-UTA- H of those articles you no longer need, barnyard manure and commercial and then advertise them in the Mag- fertilizers on the carrying capacity na Times or Garfield Leader. of pastures. The list of those things which you During the afternoon meeting the desire to sell will be carried Into the Guernsey program for Utah was outhomes of hundreds of local residents, lined by C. W. Robinson and the Homany of whom may be prospective lstein program by Mr. M. R. Reyherd imbuyers of the very articles which nolds. A total of 36 dairy award- were certificates to sell. provement you desire THE MAGNA TIMES Edith M. Nielson. Editor-Publish- vuaB.frQir FridayuIy30J937 MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA, UTAH er Sorely 200 DAYATUSAC Farmers Urged Have Facts For Supervisors Turn It Into Cash For Vacation pos-sbl- milk-secreti- - BEST CEMENT lfr- - COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS This ticket presented at the GEM THEATRE, within the next week entitles Blast loosens 300,000 Tons Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cahoon Mr. and Mrs. James DeLuca George Dellis and Partner Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gardner Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hunt of Cement Material Portland Cement Plant, Union t ' Devil's Slide, Utah F IF-W-: " cv V -- ... - - By FRED H. RICHARDSON 11 About $4,600,000 - ;N Is Invested In plants und equipment here and at capacity some 4100 barrels can be turned out daily. - "Portland Is not a special brand of cement, but a term as Inclusive as 'Irish" applied to potatoes, or "sterling to silver. The name designates a process rather than a The process Involves variety. proper mixing, crushing, fine grinding and intense heat. In the mix are limestone, marl, shale, clay, blast furnace slag and gypsum. One does not have to go abroad for any of them, nor for fuel or power. He does not even have to send outside for the powder with which to blast the rock. That, too, Is made In Utah. Cement that would harden under water was made by the Romans and Carthaginians. The art was rediscovered In England In 1824 and developed In the United States in the GOs. Utah was the second state west of the Mississippi river to practice It, the first being California. In 1SD0 the Utah Portland Cement Co. built a plant In Salt Lake City which, for three years, made natural cement on a small d acale and experimented with cement. LaGue & Campbell took the plant over In 1893 and Installed a kiln of the Danish ring oven type. Commercial production was not attained until In lSS when Topham Richardson, an Englishman, financed a small dome kiln and actually made satisfactory Portland it mint. "Clmker, the hard globules resulting from heating the raw cement mixture to Incipient fusion, was burned, ground on a set of old fashioned flour mill burrs and sold. in 1S92 tho English interests & Campbell and bought out built a new plant. They produced from 40 to 60 barrels a day of fairly good Portland cement. In the spring of 1893 the plant of the Utah Portland Cement Co. was swept by fire. It was rebuilt by the English owners with a 40 foot kiln and lectrlca! power. They found a market for about 100 barrels a day, extending from Great Falls on tbs north to San Francisco on the west and Denver on the east. The plant wa completely remodeled upd brought to a capacity of 1000 barrels a day In 1919. It was taken over by the prc3?nt owners In 1915 and, In 192S-6- , changed from a dry to a wet process plant1. Now it has ttwo kilns 185 foit Dug and a producing capacit of about 1500 barrels a day. I The Union Portland Cement Co. port-lan- constructed a plant in Weber canyon at Devils Slide In 1906. With four kilns it produces about 2000 barrels of "Red Devil cement a day, employs an average of 150 men and owns a town with dwellings, water system, general store, drug store, hotel, clubhouse, recreation grounds and a w e r a. Mountains of limestone and ahale slope to within a few yards of the plant. t miles northwest Six and of Rrlgham City a cement plant was built In 1910 by the Utah-IdabCement Co. Capacity was Increased Id l'il7 by the addition of a third kiln, to 1300 barrels a day. Later tha buildings were partly destroyed by t re and they have not been rebu It. In the manufacture of cement the rocks are blasted loose in the quai ay. Power shovels load them on dump cars for transportation to the mill, where huge gyratory Jaw crushers reduce lump of piano size to fragments. Secondary crushers break the pieces stilt smaller. Grinding la often done in ball or tube mills. The former are armor-platecylinders half filled with tons of steel balls. As the cylinder revolves the balls roll over and over, reducing the material to a fine powder. Before final grinding the material is exactly proportioned. Automatic scales, sealed and locked by the plant chemist, measure the proper amount of each ingredient In the machines a thorough mixing takes place and the properly proportioned power goes to the kilns. The kilns are cylinders lined with fire brick resting on their sides at a alight angle from the horlxontal. Heavy gears rotate the kiln. which operate on the blow torch principle. Nearly half a ton of coal la consumed tor each ton of cement produced. Temperature mounts to 2500 or 3000 deAfter several hours the grees. clinker, about the else of marblei and glass-hard- , goes to plies te cool and await final grinding. During this second grinding process gypsum Is added to regulate the "setting time. Burning produces the chemical change which makes the material o valuable tor the construction of highways, streets, sidewalks, public and private buildings, dams, irrigation and water supply systems, septic tanks, sewer systems. REAPER IONE HeJ-U- 40c Live, -sermon Phone Gar. lesson- Scientist on Sunday, August 1. Among the Scriptural citations are the foUowing: It Is not good to eat much honey; so for men to search their own glory is not glory (Proverhs 25:27.) Neither be ye called masters; for one is your Master, even Christ (Matthew 23.10) For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves themselves, are not wise (II Corinthians 10:12.) Correlative to .the citations are o d 145 for your Party FINANCE SERVICE If you contemplate the purchase of a new or used car on a deferred payment basis, see us. We are In a poslUon to assist yoa in arranging the financing on moet favorable terms. OUR CONTINUING rOLICY WILL SAVE YOG APPROXIMATELY 40 PER CENT ON YOUR INSURANCE COST. I'LL BE GLAD TO HELP YOU (No Charge for This Service) 4762 V' " ' Hr . South State SL, Murray, Utah Passengers and Express Sait Lake Depot Union Bus Station 77 West South Temple I Magna Depot Rasmussen Serrioe Station Phone Gar. Ill TIME TABLE Effective March 1, 1937 , Leaves Salt Lake City 7:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 4:00 p. m. 5:00 p. m. 9:00 p. m. MAGNA SALT LAKE FARES: ONE WAY 29 9:00 JUDGE CLIFFORD F. SMITH Incoming President of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Massachusetts Its different and their FRIDAY SATURDAY, JULY 1 First Show Friday, 6:15; Saturday, 7:00. Last Show 9:00 p. in. SPECIAL BIG DOUBLE BILL 30-3- LOVE AGAIN SUNDAY-MONDA- NEWEST AUG. ENTERTAINMENT 1- IN YEARS NEW FACES OF 1937 The Joe Penner, Parkyakarkus, Harriet Hillard and 100 new faces greatest gang of talent In one show. New songs, glamorous girls. You'll say its different. COMEDY NEWS NO SHOW AT THE EMPRESS TUESDAY-WEDNESDA- ateel-Jackete- d GEM THEATRE KENTUCKY STRAIGHT THURSDAY ONLY. JULY 29 1UU Show 6:30, Drawing at 9:00 AT The OEM or EMPRESS BOURBON MONEY NIGHT It you are at either Theatre you quirements and the same show at are eligible to win. Same both theatres You May Win re- WHISKEY FRIDAY SATURD AY, JULY Last Show starts S:00 p. First show Friday 6:13, BIG DOUBLE BILL 30-3- 1 90 PROOF RUSTLERS VALLEY William Boyd in another action-packe- d comes roaring out of the west! Hopalong Cassidy thriller that SECOND FEATURE ITS LOVE AGAIN Jessie Matthews and Robert Young See this clever dancing, singing r courts, dance floors and a thou- - Serial sand other purpoees. Beside creating direct employment for hundreds of men, the Portland cement Industry glvee work to many more In mining coal and cement materials. In making explosives and in the transportation of material to tho mill and the product to tho consumer. It not only keep large sum at home, but brings much monsy from abroad to better the financial o Next Thursday. Morey Night, Fasy Living." dltlon of the atat. Fliday-Saturda- y, "Pick a Star," Riding On Air." :Ti SCHENLEY DISTRIBUTORS, NEW YORK 17" N V BV Leave Magna 9:40 a. m. i;40 p. m. 6:40 pi m. 7:40 p. m. H;io p. m. 50c, ROUND TRIP 75c ASK ABOUT THE SPECIAL ON COMMUTATION TICKETS Let our drivers help you arrange your trip via Union Pacific er Pacific Greyhound Lines. A DAY AT THE RACES THE GRANDEST 93R1 SALT LAKE & TOOELE STAGE LINES MONEY NIGHT "ITS Phone Midvale ' fJ At the Gera or Empress this week NOTICE award Requirements is the $60 Cah given away this Thursday SCO. are.... To be registered and present. A special selected show every This Week. Saturday EXTRA SPECIAL MONEY NIGHT SHOW "RUSTLERS VALLEY Serial will be glad to deUver. Farmers Automobile Inter Insurance Exchange J. REX HAMILTON, Dist. Mgr.. EMPRESS THEATRE Marx Bros , Allan Jones, Maureen OSullivan best Music, laughs and gals. COMEDY NOVELTY Order. We VYmY.VY.VAVAYW.YlVWW.WAV.W;; is the subject of the In all Churches of Christ, FREE SHOW AS GUESTS OF THIS PAPER (These names are taken from eur Subscription List.) one-hal- qt PETERSONS ICE CREAM UNSELFED LOVE HELD RELATED TO POWER Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Kumrow Dr. and Mrs. Geo. EL McBride Mrs. Y. Mori and Partner Mr. and Mrs. Gus Paulos Mr. and Mrs. Alen Swenson THURSDAY ONLY, JULY First Show 6:30, Drawing at sn son. all of Magna; three sister Evan Jones and Mrs. J both of Malad, Idaho and Mr&X Spayner. Twin Falls, Idaho; brothers. A. R. BlisdeU and jV Blisdell, both of SL John, Idaho m J. W. BlisdeU. Logan. Residents of Magna and Garfield communities have been complaining GRIM -- - Mrs- - A- - V. bitterly of the vast hordes of mosquiPoweU entertained at tos that are prevalent this year due on Tuesday afternoon luncheon CLAIMS h the memory to wet weather. Never in oring Mrs. Cyril Luce of Salt of many old timers have there been SORENSON City, Mrs. Clarence Mitchell, lih as many of the pests as this year, B. Clifton Reid, Mrs- - Kenneth Reis therefore, the wet weather and Mrs. John McDonald, Mrs. A.T. 40, BlisdeU with Sorenson, credited Mrs. lone growth of weeds are and Mrs. Margaret W. Jones contributing to their reproduction. of Magna, died at a Salt Lake hospi- Mrs. Keith Richards assisted Un bronchial pneuof tal Wednesday everyMosquitos have monia. She had been a patient at Powell. thing and farmers and gardeners find it almost impossible to carry on because of their persistence in finding some exposed epidermis upon which to alight and cause OUR SPECIAL THIS WEEK- misery. Mothers complain bitterly because small children are victims (Specials are From Saturday to Saturday) of attacks of mosquitoes and many i BANANA NUT ICE CREAM children suffer because of swollen limbs. The Pests find their way into homes and sitting on open porches or on lawns is most discouraging because of attacks from them. For a few summers these pests were scarce We carry delicious flavors, daily specials, in because of dry weather, but this Sherbert, including raspberry, lime, pineapple season they are making up for lost time and citizens are suffering and orange. Take home a quart today. Only 40c from their vigorous attacks This ticket presented at the EMPRESS THEATRE, Magna, within the next week entitles - error-self-wi- self-lov- A hundred percent Utah" describes the Portland Industry In this state. AU of the raw materials used, all the coal consumed and all the electrical energy employed in the manufacture of the cement are of Utah origin. t Outdoor Work Unpleasant COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS -- i Millions of Pests Make let us labor to dissolve with the universal solvent of Love the adamant n, of which wars against e, and is the law of sin and and spirituality death,", (p. 242.) FREE SHOW AS GUESTS OF THIS PAPER (These names are taken from our Subscription List.) .v . l! idrywwi MOSQUITOS A . . v- - Magna Self-lov- - INC 11 K ki Rd released by U. L. C. C er |