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Show u Scenes and Persons in the Current New -- nr, r 8 A LcMTiinFr?;' i CLUB . , I . s . U Deadlines u. LIKE VOURSELFI Jf ftQPLS "tft ltJ, ' fint at 6 ! Movie Radio is goiRg tol play the lead in her very first picture, and as if that! 'VELYN-DA- By FLO TD GIBBONS were not enough to make her! Hollywoods Cinderella of the week, she tops it by being a girl who can keep a secret, j UJXLO EVERYBODY: has passed out a lot of free advice at l It seems that everybody who ever has learns something from it thathe wants to pass n adventure, the of rest the world, and this seems to be the clear-Fong to kind of information. Ive issued warnings for that house fiat everything from jumping off buildings to get-n- g mother-in-laof the with g a friendly tiger. This column ne time or another. a 'f - i I 'Vj . , L 40-sto- V 'v S. A'Sw T v.-- - ' - C.v? V ' . man-eatin- for you. I dont know If youll ever Today Ive got another warning If gccasloo to use It, but rn pass it along for what it's worth. u're ever motoring to Niagara Falla at night, dont go by the River t , ,t 1 v il That cornea from Jim McDermott, New Fork City. Some of ng fellows who have been to that address before may recognise Night Court. Well, thata where yenll find Jim. g t the Men Be'i the fingerprint expert there. But in 1926, Jim waa a mem- ker ef the lmmlgraUoa Border patrol, stationed nt Tonawanda, I -- t- ; well-know- n 341- -, VK a g. y, half way between Niagara Falla and Buffalo. That's how te feud oat about River road. giver road waa dangerous because of the way car sped along it ?The late Guglielmo Marconi father of radio, who was accorded a atat funeral by Italy following his aifht But speeding cart werent the only danger, folks said. It was death recently. 2 Secretary of Treasury Henry Morgenthau (left) shown with Arthur De Sousa Costa (cenRoscoe to patrol the road in Doane of Jim and another lad duty t and ter), Secretary of State Cordell Hull following e conference in which the United States agreed to sell to was the of aliens of eon. Their prevent and duty smuggling car. 660,000,000 worth of gold to Brazil to aid the southern republic in bolstering its currency. 6 Chines ,bind goods, the principal contraband in that day being typical of the troops now warring with Japanese soldiers in North China. aol-die- ra pre-repe- al Q'jor. This Was No Job for a Weak Heart. King Gustav Autographs a Stone it "Before I took the Job, saya Jim, people advised me against 7 claimed the bootleggers were deaperate and would shoot on sight bund this to be untrue. But I did face death in three violent forma, in at many minute on one particular night of my service. That night came In the spring ef 1926. Jim and Rescoe Urted out in a small roadster, with the top down. Rescoe wee driving, for Jim at that time didnt knew hew te operate a ear. Fix! Ferry was their starting point. They hang aronnd there un-t- fl out NEW SENATE LEADER w f x r chl-wa- and then started te drive toward Tonawanda. They bad gone about two mile when they cams to a point where a road narrowed down and the Erie canal ran alongside it for a jtince. An auto with glaring headlights waa approaching. It waa oming straight down the center of the road end it was coming plenty ut Jun yelled to Roscoe. Give this fellow ell the room you can, or el bit us. Roscoe waa already turning over on the grass at the aide But the headlight! cam rushing on. ( the road. shoot 11:15, j Jim Is Surprised to Find Himself Alive. Th? car hit them! Saya Jim: Our car seemed to a moment or two. Aa we were hit, Roscoe Jumped to Then BANGI oir in the air (or t Senator Alben Barkley of Kentucky, who was elected majority' leader of the senate to succeed the In tailoresque pose. King Gustav of Sweden is pictured seated on the late Senator Joseph T. Robinson of ground as he autographed the memorial stone placed outside the Gothen- Arkansas. He received 38 Democratburg water works during the recent celebration of its one hundred and ic votes in a close contest with Senator Pat Harrison, who received 37. fiftieth anniversary. it turned ever and landed bottom ap. landed in my lap. The left front wheel of the big sedan had :aught our front wheel. It lifted our light car completely off the road uid swung it around. At the same time, it turned over and landed out and let bottom up, Youngest Mother Has Second Baby STRATOSPHERE TESTER diagonally across the narrow roadway. apt In Hollywood may plead for a chance to watch Robert Taylor or Joaa Crawford or Luis Grown Rainer nt work, bnt children anaal-moasbeg to bo allowed to visit the Grand National lot Thera le a reason, or rather a lot of them. Grand National to rapidly acquiring a 0 made np of the moot (stented animals in Bollywood. ly Be was in that position when suddenly he heard Roscoe let out on a guy doing fifty and no Ilghta, Hell hit us he cried. Jim couldnt see a thing, but it was true, he knew. Itair ear was lying right across the road. A man going at that speed, vuh no lights, could hardly help but hit them. "Heres jih pur u hell. All over There Was More to Come! Dr. Jean Piccard, famed who miraculously escaped death when his balloon cluster craft crashed flaming to earth near Lansing, Iowa, after a takeoff from Rochester, Minn. He estimated he Mrs. Daniel Gonzale. thirteen years old, of Port Arthur, Tfcxas, achad reached 11,000 leet before startthe youngest mother in the world 18 months ago, recently gave claimed was scientist The ing his descent to another birth baby. She is shown with Robert Lee (left), and Estelle double a carried on his flight by r Alice (right). The first baby was bora in January, 1936, before the one balloons, 80 small of cluster old. twelve was years other. cluster above the strato-spheri- through contained a suitcase full ef counterfeit liquor Weis, but the driver waa gone. Be had walked down the road telephoned ahead for help. The second car had Jnat maa-let by them because a farmere wife, who had aeea the r to the road with a lantern. That oecond car got by 'barely two inches t spare. But tt didnt atop. Cara without lon tht road never did. Jim UP tore weeks with a wrenched back, hut Boeco Waid tw. ff Wl,h Particm! ew bruise. But even to, Jim doesnt think It I afe at night on that River road. st child-mothe- Trotters Show Speed in Grand Circuit Meet' didnt occur to Jim to shut off the switch. He didnt know how to car' Momentarily he expected en explosion fire agony and And thea- - 11 t once, be heard voices. Someone was saying, de. now. The car waa lifted off them, end half a dosen wer pulling him out A bunch of army officer, returning from o to Fort Niagara, had come along and found them. The car that hit them had ran a ditch and crashed trre- - pEugiyUj Efmgi l v 'Hi ' M-"'- f ' v ill. x , w ' V-V- . M I i y , ,i;f f. ' K r i . t s. Jtil1UrT 8irnaunf means of mill. A Chinese W?1 general than 2.000 tten remained iport toed!, ntl! Benjamin Franklin 'loud. hRhtning from a , llme science has kit, nl weather hfcdition, traveled Englishman once n .. , if111 hi a haswd V. "V'Buffa,0 Bill Cody channel in a ht toM 1 n- - Safer kite-draw- , h? kite. I Carbon monoxide gas in Itself not harmful nor toxic. It is danIt progerous due to the fact that C r t duce oxygen starvation. Gradual than starvation i more dangerous i ' V , sudden saturations by much large! ' , ; 4 f poimonoxide rj5 quantities. Carbon at sea matter serious a is soning Arl6illlJt J III' level The medical profeasion data , of the Tuxedo Purse race at Goshen, N. T-- , recently, shown rounding are daily Field a burst of speed to lead across the line. Freckles that thousand of perioni the lead. Mr. Watts, however, got up affected to some degree by thi gas. u third. Serious, even fatal poisoning ran second and Gunar common. ,i h. lisOpal Craven, known to radio teners from coast to coast as "the Lullaby Lady of the Contented Hour has 4 been appearing professionally in the enworld tertainment since she was seven. With Frank Black and the Continentals she shares top bill-fi ing on 'this concert ( 1 6 program that hat run without interrup-iJr- t JU tion for more than five end a half years. Opal In private life Opal Craven Craven to the wife of a prominent Chicago Insurance man. She began singing lullabies in real earnest about a year ago when her husky son was born. Across the Continent The shortest distance in the United States from th Pacific to th Atlantic is a straight line drawn from a point near San Diego to a point near Charleston, S. C., the distance being 21152 miles. Mach Bread Needed The average adult American eats more than five slices of bread each day. To supply this demand 80,000 American bakeriea baka a billion loaves at bread a month. Rhinoceros Once Numerous Fossil bones of th rhinoceroa. show that this animal waa once found on all the continents; now it lives only in Africa and Eastern Asia. Helped Bomb Jud Tunklns says, Honesty Is the Best Policy was a fine old copy book motto which improved a lot of chirography even if It failed to do much for morals. True "Cockney The true Cockney must be born within the sound of Bow Bells, which hang in the belfry of St Mary-le-BoCheapside, London. Music America Popular The music for America to also that of tha national anthems of the British Empire, Denmark and Switzerland. Popularity of the Fan The fan attained its greatest popularity in the United States during th latter half of th Nineteenth century. Among Greatest Churches SL Peters cathedral Rome, has an area of 227,009 square feet, by far the greatest among the worlds churches. om Crmufortt idem 0 grand fun U to go down to a radio iio tion whan her kutband or no of her friend t Is broodcatting and foin Carbon Monoxide j' if the run will never end, because the same people come back to see it again and again. . Almost any night you can find in the audience Barbara Stanwyck end Robert Taylor, Marlene Dietrich, her husband, and Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. ODDS AND ENDS 1, WNU Bonrico, Ury Col bert'a grand comedy, I Met Him in Paris," but in Hollywood it looks as burst into flames! j,v the country picture fans art enthusiastic over Claudette Says Jim: For the second time, I thought the end had come. 1 only a lew feet ahead through the wreckage, but I could hear roar of the approaching car. I gritted my teeth and struggled to ftt out. but I couldnt move. Roscoe waa making my position mors Mmfortable every second. I shouted out, Where is he? At the same if1 I heard the roar of the motor 'diminish end Roscoe yelled back gone. " Two narrow escapes. And a third etui t come. An the night Dow quiet again, Jim discovered that their headlights were still boning and the motor waa still running. And then, suddenly, he K something drip down an his face. My first thought waa ust it was blood, be be. This fluid was couldnt that but says, 6. I straggled to get my hand t my face, but before I got it there, I knew it was gasoline. It was coming from the tank Jnst fotside the dashboard, ever the engine. I had faced death twice before and now 1 was facing it again In a more dreadful form. Pr engine wat still running. At any moment the car might Nick Korans brother Jimmy graduated from Princeton medical school Just a few weeks sgo and walked right into a contract to act in pictures for Universal Buddy do Sylva who is producing a musical Merry Go extravaganza called Round saw Jimmy doing some impersonations of Washington politicians and waa ao amused he persuaded him to postpone his career in medicine for a while. Jimmy will certainly b welcomt on the Universal lot mI Jim says that, daring the brief moment while they were turn-h- f over, just one question presented Itself te hie mind. That wu: "Will I be dead when we hit? Bat down there, trapped inder the overturned car, Jim found te hie surprise that he vssnt dead. Roscoe was on top of me," he says, with his back on my face, and he was doing some straggling. I couldnt neve. Hy shoulder and the back ef my neck were on the road, and I was still on the sent, albeit apslde down. My back ached sad the weight of the car, crashing down on me, was Increasing aiofflentarily. And Certified Public Aeeenntanta Certified public accountants might be called business referee. Appointed by courts, creditors, or prospective buyers, they may manage, sell or ataply investigate a buxine firm or bank. They also audit or check accounts. CPA examinations are possibly the most difficult given for any professional degree. For six months she has known aha waa going to ba given a big x aereen opportunity and aha hasn't told a soul Even so. when aha learned that her big chance wsi to be nothing less than prtaa donna opposite James Cagney in Grand NaUonar a Something to Embroidered Samplers Sing About ah nearly swooned. There was a great variety of arVictor Schertxlnger, rangement and design, but nearly dicomposer and the motion-pictur- e all sampleri bore the name of the rector who gave Janet Gaynor her maker, j the date, th alphabet, picfirst chance and .Grace Moore her r:tures of birds, animals and flowers, second, Is responsible for Evelyn'a and 'perhaps a house, a scriptural text or k proverb. Usually a conopportunity. ventional bdrder was embroidered sleek a Carole Lombard still has around the edge. . town car, a limousine and a roadster or two, but she isn't Progress f the Sunflower In the wild itate, sunflower range using them much from 3 to 13 feet in height and these days. Every have flowers anywhere from 3 to 6 afternoon when ah inches in diameter. But man has finishes work at the studio, up drives a gone Nature one better. When he cultivates the plants, they tower staUon wagon all 17 feet end bear flowers 14 Inches filled with fishing and across. paraphernalia driven by Clark Gable and off go the Chihuahua, Name ef State Chihuahua to tha name of a northtwo most Impress-ibl- a ern inland state of Mexico, and merrymakers the name of its capital The proof Hollywood. She nunciation to ch aa in claims (he likes the chin, 1 as in police, first a as in station wagon better art, second a as in artistic. Literthan ths limousine and she'd rather ary Digest go fishing than attend a fashionable party. Clark agreea with her. Bine Lake Near Red Lake In the Island of Flores, in the Two newcemen te Hollywood are Azores, exists e strange phenomesetting Bollywood fashions sad everyone is wondering Jnot how far non; two lakes separated only by a these new trends will go, Sigrid thin barrier of rock. Both are opaqua and look Ilka lakes of paint" Garie, the exquisite young Norweone to ruby red and the other for Artists United whom actress gian blue.' turquoise Coopto imported play opposite Gary er In The Adventure of Msroe Te Vic ton Belong th B polls Polo goe la for simplicity. Louis statement They see nothing The atrlp-teoo- o of moot famous Hovlck, artists la her burlesque day when wrong in the rule that to tha victors she was known as Gypsy Rose Leo, belong the spoils of th enemy was in a speech by William L. goes la for conservatism. She wont made in the United States senate Mercy poao for pictures In bathing suits, 1832. in January, even or negligees. shorts, that AW ' , ry w ! VAU; By VIRGINIA Famous Headline Boater 4 j fir The River Road k , from the lives Where Girls Pop the Question In aomi of the old French villages of Provence the girl puts the question. She makes a cajeq. called a fougasse, and sets it with a Jar of wine somehwere outside her house. Some homes have wall niches left by the builders for this purpose. When her lover cornea, he eats the cake, drinks the wine, and leaves a token in the niche. Usually the token is aomethlng of silk, which, if he is acceptable, the girl wears at church the following Sunday. Th girls of this region used to refuse a young man in a novel way. They offered him a handful of oats. , r V-,- the mob of vfjttaga noisat . . . ha found a troy to finish Jean Harlow last pictura "Saratoga, using only long shots of e doubla. The pro view audience approved htightily Paul Robeson lifts his magnificent voice in song in "King Solomons Mines," making this giddy thriller 0 picture not to be missed under any do cumstances , , - And dont miss any of Edgar Bergens shorts with his prico less dummy Charlie McCarthy, Incidentally, his Sunday night radio program with (T. C. Fields almost makes up for Jack Bennyd absence from the airwaves, doesnt it. 6 Western Newspaper Onion. ... QUAITS MNTS A 2S2 256 MINI or rriAioHT WMISKill teraoofi $ |