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Show TIMES' MACHA' UTAH ,.CN ' F.iJ.v. J... 4, 1937 PAGE FIVE timely methods rout mercur ghosts S the guest of her sister, entertained a Olsen. TT' I . Mrs. Virginia Ball g group of frknds Friday evening Mrs. Leah Barns of Baseman, Montana, who is visiting in Magna. Monopoly was played and pruts to Miss Sarah Spence and Mr. II. E. Robert and son, GorMrs, (j.ace Thomas. A mkln.ght don. James and Gene and daughwas served to twelve guests. ter. Jeanette, left Tuesday for Jop-llMissouri, where they were called r, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Murphy an- by the serious illness of their nounce the axlval of a baby Mrs. M. Delcour. born last week. Mrs. Elizabeth Mylcr has returned MrS. J. E. Huff and daughter, Ms- - iramea54rw extended --visit with Ree and sons, Leonard, Edward and her daughters, Mrs. C. & Bird of Franklin have gone to Murray to Lynwood. California and Mrs. Polly make their home for the summer. Sanders of Lindsay, California. X 4 4 hon-oini- ei VT,y- w - f ! V" Mrs. Eva Long of Los 'Angeles, is meeting. A quilt1 will be made and Mrs. Oluf ladles are asked to bring their hand ' -. - work and enjoy a noon luncheon Prizes will be given for best needle Miss Hazel Dunn of Salt Lake City work. was a weekend guest of Mrs. Her-bMrs.. Vane Frazier entertained at t Tom'ln. MAGNA NOTES ,7S: ,i fy Vy lun-chi- n, W 553? T grand-motlie- By GEORGE W. SNYDER FLOYD, an early military CAMP In the Oqulrrh mountains, miles south of Great Salt ,ave its name to a district thlch has never ceased to astonish and etillurgists by the diversity Lplerity ot its ores. Mercur, one been a it subsidiary camps, has heritable test tube of mineralogy. herself In de Thera nature outdid of tlilns obdurate combinations metallic elements and the miner countered by working out no less lentous solutions of her metall- . j urgical and mechanical problems. It was the lure of Mercurs gold which led to the general use of buildieranide in leaching, to the electng of the first long distance rical transmission line and to the development of vacuum filtration. Discoveries began in 1898. Find-to- g of a vein of antimoniul silver In the Sp' rrow Hawk brought farmers and prospectors canyon. Exposures of of mercury) cinnabar (sulphide to the excitement. and gold adilo One Cap'. Sliaw built a mill In the Some silver was canyon in 1ST2. was laved. Tro gold,- - however-A- -. elusive. ays were good, but the cl.iylke ore containing It would jotycld to any known method of treaimen. Mill changes proving lnetice!iH, Capt. Shaw gave np the itrusJj and tbe little town became a ghost camp. to Lewiston , SNOW - 50-to- Del-am- cya-nlde- 8 Co. The two companies had produced tons of ore at a profit of 52,190,901. During the 11 years following, Con. Mercur milled tons with a gross value of 510,245,175 and paid 51,235,000 In 1,045,138 dividends. Extraction was at the ' rate of 76.7. After the closing ot the Golden Gate mill in 1913 the camp languished. In 1917 the mill machinery was sold, houses were moved sway and the railroad tom up. Mercur was a ghost town again. Adjacent properties had' been operated far years with varying success. The Sacramento, Just south, had paid 5208,000 in dividends, chiefly from profits on its quicksilver ore. The Geyser and Marion mines had united in 1897 to form the Geyser-Mariocompany. Until 1900 their respective mills ran to capacity and about 5100,000 was paid to stockholders. Thereafter little was done until 1933-when a cyanide plant was and a steam shovel completed turned loose to scoop np low grade gold ore in quantities. Four miles south of Mercur the Sunshine Gold Mining Co., with a mill was operated with Indifferent results. The Con. Mercur took control in 1908 and incorporated the company. The mill was remodeled and in the 14 months ensuing 519,500 was The nearby paid in dividends. Overland property treated 52 20 to n 52.40 gold ore In a mill, but was unable to finance Us operations and closed down in 1902. Beginning in 1933, new life was Infused into the Mercur area by the W. F. Snyder & Sons Co. The n 4 50-to- n Boston-Sunshin- e 500-to- Snyders and associates built plant at Manning to leach the ad Manning and Mercur dumps, The issue hung in the balance when the increase in the mint price ot gold from 520.67 to 535 an ounce turned the scale. Snyder k Sons immediately closed a deal tor the purchase of the Con. Mercur properties under a lease and option contract Incorporating the Lewiston Peak Mining Co., they arranged for the removal ot their Manning plant to Mercur. Leasing operations in some ot the Mercur claims were very profitable and, with the prospective recoveries from the old tailing dumps, another period ot prosperity for the twice camp could be foreseen. The recent era ot activity has seen the payrolls of tho district rise from a few hundred dollars la 19;0 to approximately 515,000 per month, wiiich is steadily increasing. This means about 130 men on compenv account, employed with 75 to 100 lessees al30 producing. Food iind mining supplies to a month the value of around are procured locally an 1 from Salt Lake City, while electric power at a cost of 53,000 a m mth is consumed. Insurance ar.d taxes ot various kinds, together with miscellaneous expenditures, account for another 53,000 monthly. It is estimated licit $1.3.000 to 510,001 a month la being put into circulation instead of nothing at all Mr. and Mrs. Mack Whimpey and Mrs. Frank Mclntee has returned to her home in New York City after Miss Nancy McChonchie of Price. vkiting with her sister, Mrs. Teres-s- a Utah, .were weekend guests of Mr. Taylor. Mrs. Mclntee had been and Mrs. H. P. Ensign. visiting in San Francisco, California. Mrs. L. Cullimore of Lyndon and Mrs. Merle Kirk and daughter were Mrs. Herman Anderson Mr. and announce the arrival of a baby girl weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. born last Thursday at their home B. Wilson. in Garfield. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer W. Speers and sen, Dick, spent Sunday in Brig- -, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Anderson and sons David and Richard, have gone ham City. to California and Arizona, for a two Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barratt have weeks visit. gone to Detroit, Michigan for a ten Mrs. Glen Drown entertained the day trip. NOTES GARFIELD North of Camp Floyd lead mines and ameltera sprang up, but Mercur slumbered. Then, in 1890, some Nebraska farmers were induced to invest in the gold bed. The Mercur Gold Mining & Milling Co. was organized. Less than 20 of the gold was saved by the small pan amalgamation mill installed at Manning. Cyanide saved ttoMay. This chemical was being tned experimentally at Denver. Tests of small samples from Mercur proving encouraging, a carload of the ore was forwarded. More than 85 of the gol.d was recovered. A cyanide plant started at Man nlng In 1892 was able to show a profit and in 1893 its capacity was doubled. Two years later Capt. J. L. bought the Golden Gate group, next to the Mercur claims. Pyrite, sulphur and carbon in his ore made trouble. Two years more, and experimentation proved that with finer grinding and roasting the base ores could be Dclamar built the Golden Gate mill, In 1897-and, in 1S99, effected a consolidation with the Mercur company under the name Consolidated Mercur Gold Mines DANGERFIELD matriage of Miss Meryveldeen Mr Stanley Dangerfleld took place last Tuesday In the Salt Dke L D S Temple, uniting two of Garfield's mast popular young The Snow and people. In the evening a reception honoring the young couple was held at the - ghost-haunte- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Coon and son, J. T. and daughter, Denise and Mr. and Mrs. Reer Mickelsen spent Memorial holiday In Richfield. The children remained at Monroe to spend the summer with their aunt. Mrs. McKay WlngeL d fifty guests LOST Ladies white gold wrist watch, attached to metal bracelet Reward Return to Magna TlmeaDfIl,jg. Mrs. Dick Wilkin, Whipple. WHY Mr. and Mrs. James Mabey attended a farewell party honoring Bishop H. M. Taggart of Salt Lake City, who leaves for a three year mission In England soon. Gee, and Mrs. Lima Olsen. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Richards returned Sunday from a ten day trip to the Pacific Northwest. Mrs. Millie Beath and her daughter, Miss Gladys Beath, left Tuestrip to Bryce Canday for a ten-da- y yon and points in Southern Utah. SHE DORS)! Irs n-- i Try pry . Mrs. Allen Knight and son, Buddy and daughter, Betty, were week end guests of Mrs. Knight's mother, Mrs. Elvira Jensen entertained the Mrs. Thomas Bonner of Heber City members of the New Idea Club Friwas served Luncheon afternoon. day Mr. Ren Orton and sons and Miss to Mrs. Rose Rasmussen, Mrs. Nena Ree Orton spent the Memorial holMillie Mrs. Christopherson, Harris, Mrs. Ann Weichers iday In Falrvicw, Utah. Mrs. Allle T tmm $ hear ye hear ye I hear ye! 0) BY ORDER Of THE COURT au wive i must Try Spry FOR ALL BAKINS AND F&Y1N6..6ET A CAN OF THE NEW SHORTENING TODAY Next Tuesday at 11:00 a. m the Pleasant Green Ward Relief Society will hold its Work and Business am wan opherson. High score was won by Mrs. Blackett and cut prize by Mrs. Wallace. I ram em I Mrs. D. J. Long and children have returned from a two weeks va- cation in Ohrland, Utah. 0 0 0 Mrs. Margaret Christopherson en- tertained her bridge club at her home last week. High score was won by Mrs. D. J. Long. ORDER FROM US Club. One hundred and , called. Miss Lola Mae Peterson and Miss Gladys Daybell were bridesmaids and Mrs. Mildred' 0 0 Rowberry was matron of honor. Mrs. members of the Nite Club last week. Mr and Mrs. N. L. Pullum spent Rawberry had charge of the gift High score was won by Mrs. Beth the Memorial holiday In Logan. room. Dancing was later enjoyed, Long, cut prize by Mrs.. Jerry. Ri0 chardson and house prize by Mrs. Mrs. Helena Evers Mr. and Mrs. Justin Peay and sons and daughter, Mrs Ruth Andrus of Holladay, Grace Hint. A midnight luncheon Wilson and Vem spent Monday viswas served. spent Monday in Park iting friends in Provo. City. Utah Copper a luncheon party honoring Mrs Dale Barrett. Mrs. J. S. Barrett and Mrs. Inar Gustaveson of Salt Lake City and Mrs. Roy Anderson of $ t Mr spent and Mrs. Hodge Marshall the weekend at Provo. .MoTf?rMddTanditughter:E1;i sie Mrs. McFaddens sister, Mu chas, Martin. . . Mrs. D. J. Long entertained at a bridge luncheon Wednesday afternoon. Covers were laid for Mrs. Margaret Christopherson, Mrs. E. E. McCarty, Mrs. Robert Monger, Mrs. M. con- - Alexander, Mrs. L. T. Blackett, Mrs. Gene Wallace and Mrs. Belle Christ- - We Print Anything and Sam gets it there in his from business cards to the bound catalog. Whatever .. it may be in printing suit us first ONLY THEN LOOK AT THESE TIRE 6 HIGH-PRICE- D Roads Out? Not to tha No. 1 Carl knows all about rough roads, but he knows his Terraplane will go through where ordinary cart give up. For it has 96 smooth horsepower . . . more than cars priced hundreds ot dollars higher! With not an ounce of needless weight to pull! Thats one reason why Terraplane is the No. 1 performer. Its Got What It Take I Sams drivingthata running mate of the 1937 Terraplane proved It endurance oil th j Utah Salt Flats . . . averaging 86.54 miles an hour for 1,000 miles . . . smashing 8 American Automobile Association records la the most punishing test ever given a low priced stock car. Its wheelbase. smoother riding, too, on a 1 FEATURES 1. 16.4 sq. in. of tread rubber gripping the road. con2. 72.47 linear in. of non-tki-d tact. 3. Goodrich 1005 full floating 17-in-ch 4. cords. Made tough throughout by the Goodrich 'Double-Cur- e Pro-cea- a. , . ctiLALU 5. Extra strong carcass providing increased protection against bruising. . Scientific grip tread. Dont forget, that Goodrich CavaThat liers are Double-Curemeans theyre tough sdl the way through tough iisida and tough in the tread. Cavaliert will save you money. Let us put a act on your car at these low prices. every 3 miles I Room . ..and Then Some That ...-front teat width comes In handy when . m takes the family riding. A full 53 Inches rf comfort for three . . . several Inches mors than In other low priced cars! Plenty of leg room, front and back. Level rear floor. Big rear luggage compartment. Package locker with record roominess . . . 104)2 cubic Inches. ,ly of are SfopdndLGo. V 'vodrive a I Every TIME you STOP, you can enough gasoline to OO of a mile. Thats what runs up todays driving costs. To cut down the high cost of one-thir- d stop-and-g- o driving, Shell engi- - neers have developed a way to balance gasoline. By completely rearranging its chemical structure, this balancing process makes Super-She- ll digestible for. your motor . . . just as cooking makes rao' LaU'k food digestible for you. Motor-digestib- le is the best this way you can describe gasoline. Your motor gets the of Super-Shel- ls I new-typ- e benefit high energy content . ... you get the savings! Theres a Shell dealer in your next neighborhood. Stop there jjme you need gas. Come la Today . . . Drive the Indue la WlwdkwM . Torreplona, 132 ad 129 Indiae la 90 Hudson No. 1 Honapewoe and 101 la Tampions, 101, 107 and 122 in Hud ion. Double corburatloa . V Sopor Tarraplana and ail Hod too Na. I Onailnw Sina and (lMl 95 lull Inctiae at front Mot cow No. 1 ... ... No. 1 Nod Safety, exclusive Duo-Automa-tic Giant, smooth hydraulics, with a separatesafety braking aystem operating automat!cally from the same foot pedal if ever needed, Plua a third system, the handy parking brake up at the instrument panel. Safest bodies, too, all of steel, Including roofs. Cart of the Low fort for Htraa Na. 1 Driving lata... with axdutiva Salactlvo Autonatie Shift aa optional antra) No. I Safaty . . . with ondutivo Hydraulk Orokat and bodiot oil of tool. Indodlng roofs. Now Doublo No. 1 Icoaomy Fraa Drop 2-. . . 23 wllat par gatloa for Torrw o.lCAR( ilUDOOf; ueatuatmasnuti Safest stopping, vi:h Hydraulic Brakes. Tool and Moderate Price Fields! piano, 22.71 for Hudtoa In lot Economy Run optional oxtra Hydraulic on all modalt 49 moduli dioico of 12 boautiful colors -- . . alto a com-plot-o lino of Tarrapiona Commordal Cart. Aik about Hit aaw low-co- tl L T. Tima foyaioat 9laa Hudtaa-taratt la suit your Incomo. Angolos-Yosomlt- o LTEnnAFlflfJE UliiHiA m 5055 5722- Mill $822 430x20 - AADxtt 85 4.50x21 922 59Z2 5.00x19 4.75x13 OTxrw Prie$ iJ4 tirr m proppimon tubjkd to eAanpw iptAoul tEftcw M H 0ihr 0100 M proport um. Goodrich Cavaliers EVERY INCH A COODNICM TldE' Magna Auto MAGNA, UTAH Supply Co. j - |