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Show 9 i i PAGE FQU? MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA, UTAH THE MAGNA TIMES SUMMONS Edith M. Nleltoi, Published Since 1906 Entered second chus null matter under the act of March 3rd, 1879, at M(MLL'tali . bsued each Friday morning at Magna, Utah lubacription, in advance, per year Editor-Publish- er u -- Published By The Copper Printing Company for plaintiff IN THE THIRD JUDICIAL . DIS- P. O. Address: 20 Kearns Bidding, Salt Lake City, Utah TRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF UTAH, IN AND FOR SALT Date of 1st publication May 14, 1937 LAKE COUNTY. Date of last publication. June 11, THE BOTHWELL CORPORATION, 1937. 'j. ;,.$1.00 a corporation. Plaintiff v. MORELAND DUNFORD; JOHN LOYD: JOHN W. SNELL; THOMAS TANEY; THOMAS TANEY; JOHN JOE SCOTT; FOX CATTEN' R. BRADYr Attorney RAYMOND The' marriage of Miss LaVonne Mrs. Catten, daughter of Mr. and E. Robert Mr. and Fred S. Catten, OrFox, son of Mr. E. Fox of New leans, Louisiana, took place ThursSalt day morning at the City Hall in Lake City. Bishop John A. Harter performed the ceremony in the presence of the Immediate family and a few close friends of the young oou- -, Mrs. Cat ten had as her guest last Mr. Harts week Mrs. Marie Mashler of Ogden. L. Hart and family. - Mrs. RusseU Magleby entertained the members of her club at a pret- tily arranged luncheon at her home on Belva Avenue last Thursday afternoon. Covers were laid for Mrs. Norman Hainsworth, Mrs. George Yeates, Mrs. Val Garfield, Mrs. Lyo-J- n Hendrickson and Mrs. Norman Weggeland. Mi. Ann Williams entertained members .of her club at her ft. on Center Street Wednesday noon. A one oclock luncheon served to Mrs. Leah Barnes of man. Montana, Mrs. Selma peuT son, Mrs. Violet Haslam, Mrs vT ginla Ban, Mrs. Grace Thomas Mrs. Zelma Payne. T w Piei JENKINS; The regular meeting of the Spen The bride, who was. unattended, wore a suit of navy blue with white, cer Ward Relief Society was held The Magna Womens Club n tertained at a successful Friday dJ week at the clubrooms. UtTaI arrprsorlps and had a shoulder Tuesday afternoon. The theology of bride's roses. Following the lesson was presented by Mrs. JotuT thurMirsh and'Mrs. A. Davies; robt. l. Only aseed,butit chancedtofallinto thecleft THOMAS C. WILLIAMS; a city wall, and, taking root, grew bravely up til a tiny JONES; r Wnr PA? LONEROAN; were hostesses. High score was ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Catten en- Ihomas. A testament meeting blossom crowned its top. JAMES JOHNSTON and tertained at a wedding breakfast by Mrs. Frank Peterson. Luncheon BIANCA J. JOHNSTON, hia wife; TO OPEN PLAYGROUND was served to twenty. for a few close firends. Only a thought, but the work it wrought could never SALT LAKE COUNTY, a municipal Mr and Mrs Fox will make their Mrs. W. C. Tanner and son, Billy by tongue or pen be taught for it ran through a life like Corporation; JOHN DOE, RICHARD home on Canyon Road In Salt Lake of Salt Lake City were Sunday dinat The B & O Sewing Club entertain met Club Women's The Magna a thread of gold, and the life bore fruit a hundred fold. DOE, and JANE DOE, together Its ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl ed at a luncheon last regular Business and social meet- City. with all the unknown wives, heirs, Monday hon. Mrs. Poulton. Only a vision of a dreamer and out of it came a legatees, devisees, executors, admin- ing Wednesday evening. The play- On Wednesday evening, orlng the birthday of Mrs. o L. Mrs. assisted by Joseph Sonne at her home. Coven wen istrators or assigns of the above ground will open June 15th. Miss great city. Kunz, entertained at a miscellanThe laid for twelve. The honored Powell will be Pearl supervisor. all other with perparies, together guest But without the vision, without the dream, there sons eous shower honoring Mrs. Fox at Mr. and Mrs. Ted Tomlin of Salt was presented with a unknown claiming any right, library committee Is planning to lovely gift. Clubrooms. Women's the were on Magna dinner Lake guests would have been no city. City title, estate or Interest In or lien place many of the latest fiction Whist and brides game were played Monday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Wesley Wright of Salt the real In books on the shelves within the next described upon property Lake and Garfield can be as enterprising and the complaint adverse to Magna during the evening and prizes Herbert Tomlin on 4th East street. City visited In Magna Tuesday plaintiff's month. A public card party for the with Mrs. to Ed Mrs. and Hansen as prosperous as we want it to be, but first we must benefit of the library will be held relatives and friends. get ownership, titleor any cloud upon June Roland Crump. A late luncheon was one A Mr. of Mrs. Charles and 11th Clubrooms. at the Tenny a vision of the thing we would have and keep stead- plaintiff's thereto, o'clock luncheon will be served and served to forty guests. Mrs. Lola Los Angeles, California, were guests Mrs. Sam Buter of Spanish Fork Defendants the public is cordially Invited to at- Ware of Salt Lake City, assisted last week of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tenfastly working toward it, concentrating all of our enerand Mrs. Janet Ashby of Salt Lake THE STATE UTAH The hostesses OF the honored TO THE guest tend. After the business meeting ny and family. gies on this one thing until it is achieved. SAID DEFENDANT: City were guests of Mrs. James Wednesday evening, a social time was the recipient of many beautiful and Magna Sunday and Monday. Garfield, nor any other city like us, has You are hereby summoned to ap- followed. Bridge was played and gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cahoon anneither the energy nor the resources to devote to a do- - pear within twenty days after the high 6core won by Mrs. Clara E. Last Thursday evening Mrs. nounce dauthe of a arrival baby n service of this summons upon you, Burke. Mrs. W. B. Boucher was the Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hulse zen schemes, but if we will concentrate on one entertained a few' of her dau- ghter born June 1 at the Holy Cross If served within the county in which hostess. plan hospital In Salt Lake City. Mother the arrival of twin daughat a school friends luncheon. ghter's this Is action anddevote all our time and thoughts and talent and brought; otherwise, Con-ters born Wednesday morning at the Progressive games were played. Co- and baby are doing nicely. within after and service, days thirty at illations. resources toward the accomplishment of the L. D. S. Hospital. Congratulations. Mis. O. A. Sonne entertained the vers were laid for ten guests. the above entitled acUon; things, defend n Mr Mrs and Sunday & B both towns will move forward and become evening and In case of your failure so to do, Eightsome at her home on the Mr. Lee Hart and Mr. Clarence more pros- judgment Mr. and Mrs. Hy Anderson returnentertained at a dinner party will be rendered against G Row. A one oclock luncheon was Howarth motored to Rifle, Colorado ed last week from a perous and more enterprising. Miss Mr Catten Fox and honoring were served. to trip to Detroit the demand of the you according High prizes at bridge to spend the Memorial Holiday with There are few problems in the Michigan. Mrs. to S. Powell and awarded has which J. been filed complaint building of a fuMrs. W. J. Corrigan. the Clerk of said Court. ture for cities or individuals that do not yield to a con- with nni a This action Is brought to quiet 1 tinuous, persistent, intelligent, sustained effort. Vyl title to the following described real A I Mrs. Maude S. Laker entertained ev propei ty: the members of the Spencer family COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS The South i of Lot 9, Block 12, at a party last week honoring the Tins ticket presented at the GEM THEATRE, Magna RATS BOARD BILL Section 16, Township 1 South, birthday of her mother, the late Mrs. wthin the next week of--Willi- cor-so- ge ISAAC-ROW-LA- ND; foll-owe- Cat-te- d. n, Ma-b- Cat-te- gi Cat-te- . Iv. Yes, rats! There are too many of them and the bill for their board is entirely too high. It is estimated that they cost each farmer in Salt Lake County $24 per year. Multiply this sum by the number of farms in the county and see what a bill the county is paying for rat board per annum. Even if the amount were cut in half the bill would still be a tremendous one, a bill the county cannot afford to pay, especially when the major of it can be saved. Rats can only be exterminated by united effort, that is for every farmer to constitute himself a soldier in the army of extermination and wage increasing warfare twelve months in the year against the rodents. If every farmer will do this and keep at it, this huge rat board bill can be saved. Range 1 East, Salt Lake Meridian, H T. Spencer. Cards were played according to the survey made by F. during the evening and prizes M. Lyman, Jr., the plate of which to Mr. William Lambert of survey is recorded in Book "D" of Salt Lake City, Mrs Owen S. Jacrecords of Salt obs, Mrs. Glen Reid and Mr. Hugh Plats, pages Lake County, Utah. Jacobs. A late supper was served. , i r entitles THE BEST BUY IN CALIFORNIA WINE Mr. and ywvvwAiAmwAttmmwvkmvAViWj'JM A FREE SHOW AS GUESTS OF THIS PAPER (These names are taken from par Subscription Mt OUR SPECIAL THIS WEE-K- COMPLIMENTARY (Specials are From Saturday to Saturday) GRAPE PINEAPPLE 40c TICKETS This ticket presented at the EMPRESS Magna, within the next week entitles True Fruit Punch, made from fresh fruit juices Put up in qts.-5- :c, 2 gal.-$1.- 00 and 1 gal.-$2.- 00 T he punch keeps for several months without losing its delicious flavor. THEATRE. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Winder Mr. and Mrs. Jay McCallister Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Poulton Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Ashby qt. for your Party Orders. We will be glad to deliver. 115 Partner Mr. and Mrs. John H. Benson Mr. and Mrs. Lou Ellertson Mr. and Mrs. Glen Breeze 40-4- 1, Phone Gar. Mr. Justin Peay Miss Orpha Harvey and xi ixmvffi FRFE SHOW AS GUESTS OP THIS PAPER (These names are taken from eur Subscription List) 1-- PETERSONS ICE CREAM WAW.Vi,AWAWJAVAWA,,V1V,"11',v.W,'W.( EMPRESS THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY. JUNE 4 First Show Thursday, 6:15, Friday, 7:00; Last show 9:00 p. m. SPECIAL BIG DOUBLE BILL -SEA DEVILS WILD BRIAN KENT New Serial, SECRET AGENT." SATURDAY ONLY, JUNE 5 First Show 7 00 Drawing at 9 00 MONEY NIGHT NOTICE At the Gem or Empress this week $70 Cash is the award ghen away this $70. Requirements are.... To be registered and present. A Satuiday special selected show every This Week. Saturday SPECIAL SELECTED MONEY NIGHT SHOW - THE GOOD OLD SOAK IT BAKES Wallace Beery. Una Merkel, Eric Linden His most laughable lovable role! A great drama! COMEDY MARCH OF TIME IT ROASTS IT BROILS IT STEWS IT COOKS IjjLACE an entire meal in the roa;.;.. vegetables and pudding . and set the automatic ... diaL ... No need to watch no failures no no scorching for the burning automatic control always insures the proper heat. Take it with you anywhere, for an Electric Roaster is light. easy to move and as handy as an Elec- ... ... SUNDAY, MONDAY, JUNE 7 First Show Sunday. 6:00, Monday 7:00. Last show 9:00. A MIGHTY, PASSION-SWEPDRUMt THE WOMAN I LOVE Paul Muni. Miriam Hopkins. Louis Hayward A battle of love in three human hearts! Fiery romance 6-- T COMEDY NEWS TUESDAY, JUNE tric Toaster. Let us give you i't t On The Avenue " (No Show Wed , Empress ) GEM THEATRE Notice: EXTRA full details about ti.? marvelous new, yet inexpensive. Electric Roasters. Convenient terms, if you desire. i ! 8. THURSDAY, FRID IY, JUNE 4 First show 6:15, Last show starts 8 n. m SPECIAL BIG DOUBLE BILL EXTRA THE QUALITY CAR IN THE SEA DEVILS Victor McLaglen. Preston Foster, Ida Lupmo in action, a romance packed with thrills T- - Coast Guard Second Feature An Electric Roaster is a practical way 'for lighting rate customers to take ad- anginal smooth, quiet and responsive e Ralph Bellamy. Mae Clarke Action and romance' a SECRET AGENT. Quick-stoppin- g, vantage oi REDUCED RATES and low rates, for combination service, with Extra Electricity at SATURDAY ONLY. JUNE 5 First Show 7 00 Drawing at AT The GEM or EMPRESS togeth-- r Half-Pric- e. 11 you are FIELD! Graatast oparahng economy in F ord history WILD BRIAN KENT New Serial. V-- 8 LOW-PRIC-E Easy-Actio- n Safety Brakes a Salaty of 9 00 construction MONEY NIGHT at either Theatre you are eligible to win. Same quirements and the same show at both theatres You May Win SUNDAY, MONDAY, JUNE 7 First Show 7.00. Last at 9. (At Empress Tuesday June 8 re- ON THE AVENUE i . - Your Dealer or Utah Power & Light JCifrj See Powell, Alice Faye. Madeleine Carroll. ful and romantic comedy! It Is a PPPy. tune and cold Outsida luggag, compartments on all sedans TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE Hub nights. Shows Tuesday, 6:00 Wednesday 7:00 8-- VSONG OF THE CITY COMEDY NEWS Vort V-- 8 low-pric- quiet power. To meet a brilliant set of brakes fast and powerful in their stops, soft and easy to your toe. Togetthefeer0faFords handling of roadhas won a fame that ability all its own. To sit back in Center-Pois- e effortless ride relaxed in roomy comfort cradled gently between the axles. Come and get acquainted with a car that's modern in looks and modern in action. A car that's fun to drive and wise to buy. The car thats rightly being called the fmtU field! e itj car in the sei youi roan Duun today rafter usual bu mr model car through the low-pric- IJS KXUANTSJ Authored Ford Financ. Pu of Universal Credit Company, THE THRINT 9 Margaret Lindsay. Jeffrey Dean. See the actual scenes of fish emen on San Francisco fishing banks! SPECIAL MUSICAL A MONTH e car. To look over clean new beauty of a kind youll be seeing more and more. To learn at first hand how much modern V-power does for you. Smooth, quick-respondin- g, body Bodias insula tad against noisa, heet IS most modem Americas 8 I C invited to see YOU'RE ZSBlSXZSBrsHm Magna Motor Sales Co. Magna, Utah c 60 |