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Show following from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by In Science, Mary Baker Eddy: A miscellaneous shower was giv- man's Immortality depends upon en In honor of Mrs. LaMar Brema. that of God, good and fbllows as a formerly Miss Lois Smith of Mag- necessary consequence of the ImWhen na. at her home on Falrvlew street mortality of good (p. 81.) Thursday evening. Games were play- spiritual being Is understood in all ed and refreshments served. The fol- its perfection, continuity, and might, lowing guests were present: Misses then shall man be found In Ood's Blanche Smltjj, Vaudls Richards, Image (p. 325.) Being is holiness, Laura Woolfenden, Mabel Brems, harmony, immortality." (p. 402.) Jenny Drlffel, Bernloe Gam, Vivian Newell, Ruth Newell, Clella DAY-OL- D MAGMA NOTES INFANT Dorothy Williams, Helen Smith, Smith and Mrs. Janette Wright. SATURDAY DIES Elsie x Loralne Bamson, day-ol- d Mrs;- FraukBhefflerdi daughters, Norma and Beryl returned Thurs- daughter of Arden R. and Elsie Mae day after an enjoyable trip In El Morgan Barnson of Garfield, died Paso, Texas, where they were guests May 29. Graveside services for the Infant of Mr. Sheffields brother and fam-llTuesday at ll Mr. and Mrs. Claude 6hefflc I the Wasatch Lawn burial park. They also visited the State of JuSincere sympathy of the communarez, Mexico and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sheffield's son and family, ity Is extended to Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sheffield In San Bamson. Bernardino, California. - PAGE Elf.lfr Friday, June 4, 1937 MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA, UTAH y. in -- ted Mrs. Whitaker by monthly conjoint mut- a surprise to June 6. at 8 00 few of her close friends. their regular ual, Sunday evening oclock. Sorrow fell upon the home of Mr, A slight deviation has been made from the regular schedule. A StranChris Eskesen Saturday when his ger Passes, a three act drama has wife passed away after a lingering been prepared and Is being presented illness. in the Granger Ward Chapel. Mrs. Eskesen was 53 years of age had resided In Hunter for sevMra Ruth Hale, ward dramatic and eral years. Inleader is directing the play. An She was survived by her husband, vitation is extended to everyone a son, Edward F and three brothwho wishes to attend. ers. The funeral was held Tuesday at Mrs. Irene Crouch Bawden 1 p. m. at Deseret her mother, Mrs. Crouch and Chanel underthethe directionMortuary of the Tr-Vrfit. heriiome overthe h church. The bur hrlstlan ial took place in the Wasatch lawn m burial park. to entended are Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Petersen on the arrival of twin boys who were born-lasweek. t FOR SALE Icebox In good condition. Reasonably priced See M NielThe Ladies Central Club of 8alt son, 2972 2nd East, Magna. Lake County met Friday, May 28, at WLWVWAVyVWMWW their regular monthly meeting. A short meeting was held and business of Importance was trans-sacte- d. A splendid program was also presented by a committee In charge. This was followed by other entertainment Including games. The refreshment committee prepared and served a light luncheon which was enjoyed by seventy EtoQfOT Garfield Community The monthly social of the American Legion Auxiliary was hed last Sunday School To Thursday at the Copper Club. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs Show Oolden C. Burris, Mrs. Ray Wyatt. Mrs. Fred Mrs. Ed J. Oardner and The Community Sunday School Barton. Progressive games were played and prizes for high scores of Garfield schedules a special fea- guests. Rose and sweet pea corsages were given to Mra Fay Morgan, Mrs. Inez ture Sunday evening, June 6, 7.45 p. to the retiring officers presented Tenm. Mrs. when will show and free Margaret they pictures Macauley and those their positions. filling on Hawaii. ney. Beautiful gifts were presented to C. R. Webster from the Hawaiian Mr. W. W. Collins, wife and family Islands, will be the speaker and ex- Mrs. J. R. Rawlins, Mrs. Malln Milof San Pedro, California, who spent plain the pictures. Musical numbers ler, and Mrs. W. G. Bawden, the rethe past ten days with Mr. Collins' will also be given. The general pub- tiring officers, for their splendid work. mother, Mrs. A. J. Colins of Salt lic is Invited to attend Lake City and grandmother, Mrs. Special guests present were Mrs. state committee-womaChester Criss of Magna,, left ThursTODAY & TOMORROW Penrose, Mrs. Moffat, county committee woday for their home Mr. Collins is In man and Mrs J. R. Rawlins, nationthe United State Navy. He has servContinued From Page 1 al committee-womaed six years as fireman, First Class Several leadon Canada for an ers of the Salt Lake City Club were on the U. 8 S. West Virginia He longer dependent essential staple. i In attendance. has reenllsted and Is returning to The firt commercial paper mill to duty, June 5th. make newsprint from southern pine A shower was given recently In Is now being built It's a start toward Mrs Etta Criss entertained at a honor of Miss Irene Woodbury, daua new prosperity for the South. ghter of Mr. and Mrs Warren H. family dinner Wednesday evening in honor of Mr and Mrs. W. W CollWoodbury, announcing her engageGRANGER NOTES ins and children. Joan and Billie, and ment to Mr. William Whitaker. FifMrs Col Tins sister. Miss Francis teen guests were Invited and a pleasmade to your order in any ant evening was enjoyed by all By Louise Bawden Cereno of 8an Pedro, California. shape or size required Your Girls Softball teams of Granger Games were payed and refreshbusiness forms are most n Mrs. Martin Nemanlck and son ate being organized under the ments were served when printed on practical of Ethel Coates, first councilor returned to th-- lr home In San FranBest wishes were extended to the cisco, California, this week, after of the V W M I A All girls interbetrothed, accompanied by a variety visiting with Mrs. Nemanick's par- ested In playing are invited to att- of beautiful presents. end the practices and try for the ents, Mr. and Mrs Frank Kaber A few previous a novel enterteam All those who Join are asked tainment days was given In the form of Mr. and Mrs WU'lam Brown of to donate twenty- - five cents to buy Rupert, Idaho, were guests Monday balls and baU at the home of Mrs Browns aunt, A fli.st and second team will be Mrs William Gallagher. organised and all others will be plac- ed In a third team, The teams will' MAN AS GOD'S IMAGE practice twice a week and regular1 HELD TO BE ETERNAL rompetlve games will be played themselves We are equipped to print a wide variety and seGod, the Only Cause and CreaLater In the summer, they will Is tor" the subject of the play other members of the Farm Bu- lection of wedding invitations. Get our quotations In all Churches of Christ, rau league, and compete for a June 6th. Scientist, Sunday, champion.'hlp The champion team first. Results guaranteed. Among the Scriptural citations will play on Farm Bureau Day. A large number of girls have atare the following: "And this is the Ask anyone . Theyll say, Theyre cheaper and record, that God hath given to us tended and many are enrolling. Loueternal life, and this life Is In his ise Peterson and Afton Wallace are much better at Son. These things have I written Mrs Coates In directing unto you that believe on the name the girls Interest is Increasing and THE COPPER PRINTING COMPANY of the Son of God ; that ye may know they hope soon to be all organized that ye have eternal life, and that and start reguar game practice YOU GET THE MAN WELL DO THE REST! ye may believe on the name of the Son of God (I John 5 11,13 ) The Granger Ward Mutal ImproCorrelative to the citations are the vement Association are presenting Hawaii Pictures One story going the rounds has Secret Service agents of the Treasury Department being called in and forsolving a case of burglary and Hoovof J. office Edgar gery in the PresiImportant members of the er, chief of the Justice Departments urgto have said dents Cabinet are Bureau of Investigation. This gives withed Mr. Roosevelt to announce the Secret Service one up on its ridrawal or drastic modification of his val sleuthing organizatioa court reorganization plans following sethe decision upholding the social Little is said about it but health Inlaws. curity surance studies are making progress. with the prospect that action Rise to power of Neville Cham- will be speeded up now that social berlain as British prime minister Is insurance Is legal. The first move boiled being followed by a harder kr the socialsecurity.progranvhow tflTOdeorrWTfrorthe British ever, will be the speeding up of old toward an American trade agree- age Insurance activities. ment. Prime Minister Chamberlain Is a strong believer in Empire preIt is not generally known that. In ference and is not ready to give new the struggle between politicians and concessions to American farmers the diplomats as to which group shall have most influence at the State Department, "career men are Insiders hint that Paul V. McNutt, ahead now after taking secPhilslightly of the new governor-generond place for quite some time. ippines, was skilfully farmed into he that of demanding the position be toasted ahead of Philippine offi- Recent disclosure by Government officials of evidences of shortages of cials. Filipinos want American to stay In their skilled labor In certain Industries or-generals from laplace during the nine remaining were made despite pressure not to bor publigive this organizations years of affiliation with city to such data. WASHINGTON WHISPERS - ' Civil Service advocate in the eminent privately exp. over the personnel wovkw. Tr11 -- Administration! wage Xd blU. They fear it may leave th. opeto a further attack on the Ber it system. w BOY, WHAT A LUCKY DAY FOR ME WHEW ' MY WIFE LEARNED ABOUT Spry MOTION AT THE PICTURE C00KIN6 SCHOOL A govern- Lighter cakes, flakier pastry, crisper fried foods too. Get Spry SoItDiCEfTHLS, a whiter, smoother, purer. Mia, twice as fast, fries without moke, hake baked and fried foods doubly debaa Tested and approved by Good Hou. keeping Institute. Get the big can get Fo The sew, paw shorts TRIPLE-CRCAM- things done in a hurry mm. m 0 A BLEND OF by telephone STRAIGHT WHISKIES 90 PROOF JCeep in touch with business opportunities, with friends and FEINTED I1EEC dir-tln- neighbors the easy way v,vmvmvmmmvvvvmv.wMv.w You can enjoy a telephones con fM taw yaM t e st fiw HERE COME THE BRIDE. lesson-sermo- SJ al n, n. ueiimie steps already have en in certain Administrating' ters to quietly build suppSJ proposal'll) amend the XL1 curity Act to eliminate huge reserve account Ukm 1 pensions. The strategy i. mlnate this tax on pay roC ; the same time to of higher Income groupTww! avowed objective of lncreashuT purchasing power. n SALT LAKE & TOOELE STAGE LINES Passengers and Express Magna Cash Market Salt Lake Depot Union Bus Station 77 West South Temple CORNER 3rd SOLTn, MAGNA STREET, MAGNA, UTAH Look For Our Special Bargains Every Saturday Specials For Saturday, June 5, 1937 CRISCO, 3 lb. can MILK, all brands, 2 cana BANANAS, ripe, firm, lb SUGAR, 10 lbs RICE, Blue Rose bulk, 3 lbs TIME TABLE Effective March 1, Leaves Salt Lake City 7:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 4:00 p. m. 5:00 p. m. 9:00 p. m. Let our driver help you arrange your cific Greyhound Line. 59c 13c 5 l-- Magna Depot Rasmussen Service Station Phone Gar. 110 2c 56c 19c 1937 Leave Magna a. m. p. m. 9:40 1:40 0:40 7:40 11:10 trip p. m. p. m. p. m. via Union Pacific or Pa- SPECIALS ON MEAT WEINIES, 2 lbs SIRLOIN STEAK, young beef, lb 29c 22c CHEESE, mild, lb Featuring PABSTS S & W Coffee Freihly Roasted Blue Ribbon Bottle Beer DELICIOUS FLAVOR Pabst Export Can Beer. Purity Biscuit Crackers MADE IN UTAH BEERS YOU MUST 15c 1. FOR COMPLETE GREATER BURKE'S 2. Magnets American Bar 3. GREATER OClover Butter-Chees- FINANCE SERVICE e If you contemplate the purchase of a new or used ear on a deferred payment basis, see us. We are In a position to assist you In arranging the financing on most favorable terms. OUR CONTINUING" POLICY WILL SAVE YOU APPROXIMATELY 40 PER CENT ON YOUR INSURANCE COST. American Lady Baking Co. nailer's Vitamin D Bread and Cakes. MADE IN UTAH ILL BE v. Fresh Daily The Little Store With The Big Stock Louis 42 AND WE Y crowding. Maximum shelf space up in front. Storage space for every need I 4. MADE IN UTAH Call STORAGE-ABILIT- GREATER PROTECT-ABILIT- Y Keep food safer, fresher, longer, even in the hottest weather! Safety. Zone Temperatures provta by Indicator. Mutual Creamery Co. d Y End Food-Safet- M-ii- ICE-ABILIT- HOME REFRIGERATION Makes more ice, faster . . . instantly releases ell ice tray and cube . . . yield 20JI more ice by ending meltage waste! 15c . . . HAVE Fairs, manager WILL BE GLAD TO DELIVER. GLAD TO HELP YOU (No Charge for This Service) Farmers Automobile Inter Insurance Exchange J. REX HAMILTON, Dist. Mgr. 4762 South State 8L, Murray, Utah Phone Midvale 93R1 y GREATER DEPEN 5 Year Protection Plan on the sealed-i- n mechBuilt and backed by Genend MotorsI Model illustrated gives 3.1 eu. ft storage ipse-10.- 7 a sq. ft. shelf (pace. 48 big Ice cube at freezing. Has the New Instant Food-Safet- y Indicato- rfamous Meter-Mise- r Automatic Tray Release Automatic Reset Defroster Super- - Duty Freezer Automatic Interior Light Double-Rang-e Cold Control Super-Dut- y Protection Hydrator Cube-Releas- ! e- ATIONAUY LOW PRICES, ALSO, ON AND 7CU.Fr.SUPER-DimrPRIGIDAIRSSPECIA- anism. 5. GREATER SAVE-ABILIT- Y Only FriglSaire has the CUTS CURRENT COT TO THE RONE and provn it with so electric meter test! Simplest refrigerating mechanism ever built only 3 mov-in- g parts, including the motorl ... INSTANT CUBE-R- Only end itmatly YuldsJORmoreUeW log uP Evff7 ' Duty" Friend freesiog . ff TAt .y with CUBE1w QU,T Come ta4 lease. quick. eT scti- - R. S. Powell Appliance Shop GARFIELD UTAH |