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Show MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA, UTAH Scenes and Persons in the Current News NOT IN THE BOX SCORE hitting and YOUNG Lee Handler's have helped undoubtedly Pittsburghs Pirates this season, hat hla meat Important contribution seems to have been neglected by the public commentators. 1 refer to hla fine clear voice, which he Is aot afraid to raise la whoops of encouragement and protest. Before ha Injected some elan Into the entfit, Pittsburgh pitchers used to have to look around every few seconds to make sure they bad a team ea the 1 'oV ' ' n d' I: 4 N.w fork Port. Guitar-Strummin- WNU StrvlM. g Cards Practice Up on Victory Theme J S J Ji flit! ORMN'O among (he Mudcats: "I wonder," aald the reporter, of the Carda are up. "You wonder! There waa Infinite acorn mingled with baffled rage In the hotel clerks voice. Ask some of those guys there. Ask" There waa a pause while the clerk sought to soothe another sleepy-eye- d gentleman who had come down the stairs, tooth brush In one band, suit case In the other. The reporter glanced at the horde of other similarly attired and irate gentlemen galloping through the lobby. Now and then one of them would collapse exhausted on a lounge. A moment later tired eyes would close in grateful slumber. The reporter wished he had been built in the Richard Harding Davis mold so that he could get a line on such unseemly doings in the lobby of a great hostelry at the unearthly hour of 9 a. m. The clerks voice had "Okay. lapsed Into that sad, sweet resignation which comes to men. who have encountered the worst and have resolved no longer to combat It. "Go on up. Where? Just get on the elevator and use your own judgment. Thatll be them." The reporter did and it was But even then he was surprised. It scarcely seemed, even judging from the increasing tempo of the advance warnings all the way from the first to the twenty-firs- t floor, that all that noise could be made by a mandolin and three guitars. He hesitated in the doorway. After all if the Gas House boys could take on a journalist before dinner what chance would a little gee have Impelled by a blind loyalty to his masters he stumbled in. Ihc swarthy gentleman tn Tcrise pajamas waved one languid hand while continu- I" "If any 230-rou- ing to pick energet- ically at his mandolin with the other paw. The unshaven and hairy chested gentleman made a similar gesture of , I h greeting with a foot. It waa not b Pepper Martin th he m,nt Impolite. Even Pepper Martin haa difficulty keeping up with the conventions when standing on hla bead playing a guitar. Would you mind playing something soothing, asked the reporter. "I Frenchy Bordagaray patted his cerise pajamas. "We'll give you our theme song, he o'fTered. They fiat-tis- did. "IV ra mud cjr tough as wild till, Our srs ar mid of Itaihar And thef top im wind waathat. Cosh all btmlocka Wa ra aa tough aa ptna knota, Wa ra from Oklahoma, can't you Nice song. the reporter Inter- s." rupted by crashing a bureau lo the floor after the,forty-nint- h repetition of the verse. Got It all over those things Berlin and Gershwin do. Those birds handicap themselves by sticking to a special tune. "Shucks. Pepper Martin, who had been trying to introduce a variation by playing his guitar with one hand while hanging from outside the window ledge with the other, chinned himself back into the room. "1 can write 'em with one hand tied behind my back. I can . Say. I think that's Frisch rooming below here. You gotta treat the manager right. Im gonna serenade him. He disappeared over the window ledge again. remarked the reporter Well, after a while. "It looks like youve lost a good guitar. said "Tut, don't mention It, M'sien Bordagaray. "We can get There' a plenty more of thrm. music store that feeds em to us. This Bob Welland hes up there now getting a guitar. Thatll get us some place. What I say Is there's not a club in the league that couldn't use a good southpaw and The phone rang. Pitcher Bill McGee practiced playing the mandolin with one hand while picking up the receiver with the other. "Zut, he screamed. "Canaille. Bourgeoise. He slammed down the receiver and began playing the mandolin with both hands so as to catch up wit the others. "Probably the hotel complaining again," said the ever polite M'sieu "Those travelling Bordagaray. salesmen havent any appreciation of art They always want to sleep d and A hand and then a head reappeared oa the window ledge. "Wasnt Frisch at all," announced Pepper Martin. one-ma- y Ray Sclialk Picks Best Athletes of Diamond Constitution of the JL United States is a law for rulers and people, equally in war and in peace, and covers with the shield of its protection all classes of men, at all times, and under all circumstances. That quotation is from an opinion rendered by the Supreme court of 2 I it the United States in one of its most - famous decisions. The facts in the case ere these: In October, 1864, Lambdin P. Milligan was sentenced to death on the gallows. The sentence was declared void. Why? Because he had been denied bis constitutional right of trial by jury In a civil court The Supreme court of the United States, to which he appealed, made that ruling. Tried in Military Court. a citizen of the state of Milligan, dominions and various 1 Scene In the Queen Anne room of St James palace, London, as premiers of the was arrested on charges Indiana, other delegates attending the Imperial conference following the coronation conferred on problems of the of disloyalty to the Union cause. AlBritish empire. 2 Employees of the Jones & Laughlin Steel corporation, whose vote adopted i C, I. O. union though not e member of the army, for representation In collective bargaining. 2 President Roosevelt who has asked congress to enact legis-latio- n he was tried and sentenced before establishing wage and hour atandards for labor. a military commission, despite the fact that in the city of Indianapolis, where the trial was held, the civil STICKS TO HIS LAST courts were open. Citing these circumstances and the fact that no indictment had been found against him, Milligan filed a petition to be discharged. The case eventually reached the Supreme court at Washington. Learned and eloquent argument was heard on both sides. But the court based the decision on the Constitution, and held that one of its guarantees was broken when Milligan was denied a trial by jury. "The great minds of the country, explained the formal opinion of the court, "have differed on the correct Interpretation to be given to various provisions of the Federal Constitution; and judicial decision has been often invoked to settle their true meaning; but until recently no one ever doubted that the right of trial by fury was fortified in the organic law against the power of attack. Calls It Grave Question. "It is now assailed; but if ideas can be expressed in words, and lanBubbling over wth joy, Salvatore guage has any meaning, this right Branchiella is pictured in his shop one of the most valuable in a free at Mamaroncck, N. Y., as he soles country is preserved to every one a pair of shoes for a customer. Sal- accused of crime who is not atvatore's joy comes from his receipt tached to the army, or navy, or of the news that President Roosevelt militia in actual service. had just signed a special bill grantThe opinion pointed out that n ing him the right to live In the United when arrested and convicted States. He was to have been de- by a military commission was not ported on a charge of allegedly a resident of a rebellious state, or a Famed Scotch singer. Sir Harry Lauder Is pictured as he arrived In stealing $15 from an employer in of but a citizen of Los Angeles from Australia aboard the liner Monterey, accompanied by Italy 10 years ago. The charges prisoner who war, had never been in the Indiana, his niece, Miss Greta Lauder. Sir Harry, who has retired from concert were proved false and Branchiella military or naval service. work, plans no stage appearances on this was exonerated. trip. "No graver question, it continued, was ever considered by this court, nor one which more nearly LOYALIST STRONG M N U. S. concerns the rights of the whole people; for it is the birthright of every American citizen when charged with crime, to be tried and punished according to law . . J By the protection of the""Taw human rights are secured; withdraw that protection, and they are at the mercy of wicked rulers, or the clamor of an excited people. "If there was law to justify this military trial, It is not our province to interfere; if there was not, it is our duty to declare the nullity of the whole proceedings." Again the opinion cited the constitutional rights established for the American citizen and declared; Constitution Is Yardstick. The decision of this question does not depend on argument or Judicial precedents, numerous and highly illustrative as they are. These precedents inform us of the extent of the struggle to preserve liberty and to relieve those in civil life from military trials. The founders of our Government were familiar with the history of that struggle; and secured Indaleclo Prieto, dynamo of the in a written Constitution who cause has become every right key loyalist which the people had wrested from of new the the civil war in man a power during contest of ages. Dr. C. T. Wang, newly appointed Chinese ambassador to the Spanish republican cabinet organUnited By that Constitution and laws ized by Premier Juan Negrln. He States, shown soon after his arrival in this country. With him are his authorized by it this question must plans to revamp the fighting forces. daughters, Yeeh on the left and An-Fon the right. be determined. This was not the only death sentence set aside by the Supreme court because it found that constitutional rights had been violated. It had also ruled against the "Third Degree as a method of evidence on which convictions were based. "The rack and torture chamber " it pronounced, "may not be for the witness stand. M w. Sir Harry Lauder on .World Tour 1 7T Mi?-liga- round-the-worl- d Ray Schalk, famous White Sox catcher of other days, says that ' Everett Scott, o I d Yankee shortstop, is the best bowler t come out of base-baCarl Hubbetl la a better pitcher than Oiny Dean; Ty Cobb waa the greatest player of all time, and Joe Jackson was the best natural hit. Ohio State ter J athletes hold seven of the 15 Big Ten outdoor (rack records. Four of them belong lo Jesse Owens. . . . They also stand as world records . . J Mrs. Taul Bowser, wife of the wrestling Impresario, was Ihe woman wrest-lin- g champion of (he world as Cora Livingston years ago. . . . Harry Kipke predicts that Minnesotas football team will be in a class by itself next fall. He gives his own Michigan eleven as good a chance as any other to finish second in the Big Ten . . . The billiard cue waa Invented bv Capt. Minguad, one of Napoleons officers, while locked np in a Paris jail. Ten years ago seven specialists told Freddie Steele, middleweight boxing champion, he would have to quit the ring because of a kidney aliment . . . Because the sun was bad in Shibe park during the first Jim Dykes game of a double-heade- r once tried to use outfielders tun glasses while playing third base for He tossed them the Athletics. away after losing a couple of pop fouls. . . . Soccer is the major sport in Shanghai. . . . The Shanghai Football association is affiliated with the Football Association of Eng All players in China land. it'"-'- . is s' r are registered with the British group L 5 ' J7' . . . Johnny Baldwin, captain of 1933 basketball team, Notre Dames is working for the American airlines. . . . Earl Brucker, the Athletics slugging rookie, and Pid Purdy, the old Cincinnati outfielder, were the same age when they broke into baseball together . . . Now Purdy is thirty-fou- r and Brucker thirty-tw- WAN . according to the Athletics roster, Wally Fipp, Loo Gehrigs predecessor at first base for the Yankees, is deaf In one ear as a result of having been beaned in batting practice by Charles Caldwell, rookie x ... ,X rv pitcher fresh from the Princeton Soon after being launched at Bath. Me , the Ranger. Commodore Harold S Vanderbilt. campus . . . Ear'e Mack wishes his illustrious father would receive tender met with disaster on her first test run and lost her mast Towed to i,.eriCa Cup con' port it fewer invitations to be honored guest fit It toi competition, with other American ships for the honorof erf? epairs to the British meeting auenger, Endeavor IL at banquets and parties when tha Scene above shows the Ranger at the time of her launching. Athletics are on the road. Dr. Wang New Chinese Envoy to - .. u Ranger Is Crippled on First Test Cruise ... ... tub-stitut- a. -- e Western N wspapor Unlon. Man. 127, Weds Wife No. 7 To celebrate his one hundred birthday Hassan. a peasant living near Bigha. In the Dardanelles Straits, married for the eventh time. His bride is only thirty-seveHassan declare that a man is never too old to marry. Enjoying perfect health, a good and the use of a new set of natural teeth, which first started to grow 10 years he does not ago, look older than seventy. He walks several times week from his to the neighboring town of Bigha to buy his groceries. Hassan hopes to live at least another twenty-sevent- h te vil-w- f rate " cause, C build an obse made during th capital. Too Poor loon, a patchwork ed out of th. vamii menu of Virginia eral army captured luL. cent A fragment Shield of Protection By ROBERT MERRILL d Grand Central guard accomplished that which Gene Venzke has been trying to do for years with scant success closing a door in front of Glcnn'a flushed face. n When Van Mungo staged hla two-darebellion last summer a Dodger director explained to mo why the pitcher just had to quit on his teammates. It was because Van la a fast ball pitcher and that Stengel makes him keep trying to throw cnrvel when hes never had to throw carve a before." Now National League players are explaining why Mungo la having such rare success this season. It Is "because Van, who used to be nothing but a fast ball thrower, now haa a swell and well controlled enrvo to fool you with,", . .Frank Keogh, International riding star, now la a patrol judge on metropolitan courses . . . Rigan McKinney will not ride In any teeplechaaes this year. He la on a world tour. Like Fete Bostwlck, also on the sidelines, McKinney Is said to have received retirement order from the mlssns. Walter E. OHara, who frankly styles himself as a promoter and not as a sportsman, pays all hospital bills for jockeys Injured at hia park. There's no Insurance gag either, the money coming right out of his own jeans. . . . The real name of Tony Malinosky, recruit inflelder of the Dodgers, is Malununus. . . . Tony, a Lithuanian, changed the name, explaining that he had taken Malinosky for short and did not notice until some time later that both names have nine letters. . . . Art Lasky, former heavyweight title contender, is trying to get a Job as a referee In California. . . . Gilly Brack, hitting sen- sation of the National league, who several days this spring led the league in batting, works in a Louisville bat factory in the off season. When signed by the Dodgers he threw away the bats with which he batted .229 in the American association and designed twelve new models especially adapted for hitting major league pitching. AND HOW IT WORTS ) and outdoor records for tha mile, e COURT u A to prove that there Is a common denominator for all of us, Glenn Cunningham, who holds the indoor like a knock-kneestenographer when running for a 'subway train In New York. Sometimes he doesn't even make It and gets sore like the rest of us, too. For instance there was that day recently whi a SUPREIIE I Just looks The .r$ 8,nd attnbutei bl fitness his in the open and his total a Ostentation from liquor and tobac- CO. is preserved in the Smltw titution at Washm. LocationofBrrl.! to oJth.h fWtw side from the preferential ham J known structural rrasoT for the use of the hJ ' than- - tha-left-- sjg grow up to be speech center of the left side ofX w3 the case with most hdivj' Attractive Church la The Great ehurch at at Taxco, Mexico, 'built h 2 reminiscent of some of the fully picturesque places with its huge dome decor! glazed tiles in vivid uW orange, green and white r1 In the intense sunlight An Altar to Bread Bread was esteemed so hi ancient times that the raised an altar to It and always to eat it at the begs? their meaU. Certain tribes s dus baptize a loaf of bread g ping It In the Holy Ganga ' before eating it tr Knitting In 15th Sewing was done in the Sia3 Weaving was practiced Bronze age, but the first me' knitting is in a Fifteenths' manuscript The Saxons, W used the word cnyttin, knitting is probably a verj ! craft Altitude Records Antarctic has a mean d of 6,000 feet Asia is natjj feet mean altitude; flies I America, 2,000 feet; Afrio.1 feet; South America, 100 fee, tralia, 1,000 feet; Europe, K Values of Corn Veil Yellow corn meal has mcrj min A than white com meii otherwise the food value b f the same if the grinding is the sme. Red, blue and corn meal can be found a Southwest and Mexico. Le eless War Dog Monomenl In the animal cemetery it! dale, N. Y., there is mocor' the form of a German shephe wearing Red Cross insignia, i bottle and leather helmet ij: his ijntity cuir,b 'j less fexer feet ff Ork t Csbil The Constitution Frawen Of the men who framed be stitution fourteen were fifty 21 were under forty. Frankia Dayle eldest, was eighty-one- ; youngest, was twenty-six- . mu ne 17' a purp tsrj anc Brea d. read Made Slaves Pray When the Turks ruled Athe the late Middle agss, in to) drouth the Turks made their lias being innocent victims i fortune, pray to Heaven for altai small tit mo 01d ' Park Farthest 8tii old n the National PA Everglades Florida, Is farther south other section of the United Sj and 350 miles farther aouth Cairo, Egypt. al coloi n, Va. sl Most Understand Pwi "To be gsopuiar, said HI Rj sage of Chinatown, "it often JT necessary to understand the without allowing them to stand you. icre snee. e Whe lamo ra, pa ti i and I Ihe d ld Tea Taster Busy M Since the blending of art. a tea taster, or tea expj an important place in preps for the market ar umet mnsul The c Bed laiflc, i t Lake d Most Know Culisr No use trying to acquire one has not the knack to to it is. wo 'omett ee Fine View at Odes From the Beleveder to Odense, Denmark, 600 feel whole island of Fyen may veyed (jn a clear day. Invented the General S The general strike is an Invention of an English William Benbow, in the ye 1 and tt Va to . |