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Show - l Friday, June MAGNA TIMES. MAGNA. UTAH f . t gjpgg II i By 9 Be when doubling a rec double the seasoning. Use then add needed. i jMovie Radio Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young Hp .s Household o o QueslioM I Season Lightly STAR DUST THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE 4, VIRGINIA VALE ta iK Eggs ke President of the toes. Cut off tops, scoop outpot, p THEStates, no less, is the ters and season with butter new diction coach at the and a little pepper, mashingtk i Selznick-Internation- stu- al dios in Hollywood. Whenever Potatoes-Ba- Hall fill shells with pou! to mixture and drop a raw e salt, pepper, a little grated chees. and one teaspoon butter Put back in hot oven for tow minutes to aet egg. oughly. President Roosevelt makes an address over the radio, David Selznick has it recorda ed, and these records are Food Odors Eliminating A used daily in training actors smal quantity of charcoal in for voice tests. container on the top shelf win hd - Player memorize hi speeches, then play the record over and over following hi every Intonation until they have maitered the art of per- SMATTER PO- P- Ya Didnt Need to Be So Positive, William! By CM. PAYNE Ora ns who could not get to London for the coronation can comfort ourselves by watching the long-ag- o The coronation scenes In Prince and the Pauper." This is a most likable and refreshing picture and very exciting too. The Manch twins are a grand addition to the ranks of young players. AH of ' a wants Selznick-Interna-tlon- It Seems Pa Knows Too Much Ber md hr t Carole to make at least three of them. Her first flight away from the home studio will be at where she will play in Nothing Sacred opposite Fredric March. By S. L. HUNTLEY pri th Rhubarb and. Figs To one fect phrasing. Considering the great pound rhubarb, after peeling anc charm of the First Lady recent cutting, add half pound good fin, broadcasts, studios might do well to cut into smallish pieces. Place h a saucepan with a very, little . get records of her talks. ter and about a dessertspoon gold, en syrup or sugar and gently itev In recent weeks Carole Lombard has been the busiest young woman till tender. Serve with a rice or bein Hollywood, sago mold or hot milk pudding cause her Paramount contract alHale In Tablecloth If a small hole is burnt or worn in an othelows her to make rwise good white tablecloth, it can one picture for anbe mended most effectively by other company each stitching a motif in fine crochet year, and all the over It .and cutting away th have companies been sending scripts spoiled fabric underneath. Adi one or two more motifs so that th over to her house for her approval. necessary one does not look odd. This is certainly more decoratin There were such than an obvious darnt grand stories in the lot that MESCAL IKE eliminate food odors from frlgerator. Some weeks ago, you may recall, Gloria Swansons return to the screen was all set. She was going for to make Mazie Kenyon And then when Gloria ar- rived at the studio all ready to go to work, the director looked at her She wouldnt do at all; she looked too young. Dashing over to London to coronation festivi-- i ties to forget her disappointment, Gloria had about decided that her future lay In radio work, when Columbia pictures got her on the transatlantic phone and told her to hurry home, they had found the perfect story for her. It sounds like a wonderful break for Gloria. ow Mat d'x 4 I attei 0 pa ton id W Sal Ben rru OP" t her m. ttoa Won later, b i Ouft Ml Beta Kano Unwrap Food Food should not be stored in the refrigerator while wrapped in paper because the piper prevents the cold air from circulating freely over it npe actlw Ion. Srinkb hr FINNEY OF THE FORCE L Huntley Trade Mark Rt V 8 Pat A Neighborhood Affair ByTdOUfHlia k l Apply on the surface the dough with a pastry fore baking the cookies. I tnp k then ct brush be She s.th i To Keep Frosting From tinning A half teaspoonful of baling soda added to boiling frosting will keep it from running. WNU Servic. were i Mu tot BRONC PEELER Wither Applies for a Job 0 Tm?" CaTcm rno-.ePuwlers And alio VinO our IP (?EO BoXS is wiTu Them is Join -- IS ONUYOMF WAY -- that to their OUTFIT 7 WkaT dVa VJamT WERE, sTQM&CQ ? (V By FRED HARMAN JisT Easy, 6ors-- in OSYFlW ?)UNO KlNCA. ffcl? WORK' To FrT IM , f PuRiY ManOY UELPiH cows. eA?-ya - fljRIY SrYARTl fEU-tv Aint YA T if AinT Wealthy frWow SKIUCH rWEL- UHERE- -; fuBoSS Aint we AifTr UiRiM c OKI- C LE TTi At YA 60. Car &d g, Scvra the sgx surrot nil i B ab: gone. KILLS INSECTS Jim Fredric March and a few were mob scenes. These men James Cagney won undying gratitude of extras and bit players, for they were battling to improve their pay and working conditions, not their own. Everyone is relieved that no strike was necessary. These leaders rallied the support of their s so quickly and thoroughly that the producers gave in to their demands without a struggle. FRUITS I VEGETABLES Plot FaUtoired Our representative hasnt had time to leave Washington and mingle with us voters, said the smooth campaigner. "No, replied Farmer CorntosseL "Its another one o them party tricks. Theyre gi in him as little chance as possible to nang around an make bisself unpopular." The Horse He Knew Johnnie was visiting his uncles farm. Among the animals was a. young coIL The boy gazed at him long and earnestly. "What do you think of him? the uncle inquired. Why hes all right, I guess, answered Johnnie, "but wheres his rockers? i ' The Awakening Mr. HenpCck My wife has dis appeared. Constable When? A fortnight ago. Why didn't you coma to us bethought I was dreaming." BATHROOM By GLUYAS WILLIAMS ODDS AND ENDS Hollywood witl throw a grand party toon in honor of eber and held, and the fiftieth an- nil ersary of their Huge debut at a tram. Imitation, of their act Will be on put by Jack Bennyand George burns , Eddie Cantor and George Jet-trand two motion-picturproducer, . . . Joan Crawford it leaching Mrt. Dory Cooper to crochet and Cary it threatening to buy them old fashioned rocking chairs . . . Betty Davit never gets the least bit nervous in front of a camera or a microphone, but waiting between scenes gives her the jitters. She culms down by tipping wnyito juice between scene, Joe E. Brown, Jr, because h. cu liul 'LDrnbar' r WWk pictures, to his fraternity dances . . . James Dunn hoi bought an airplane to Aat he can fly around the country to big snorts H Ive be IvWS ON KATES FOR MW . Vinks sonronf havi vkhepheaTopf hire VipJDdW tssmirvwf. fltowDs as Mt ciosi as k RMWKOfc S' t ... Pi Ja icben the is not working, StZaZtJ' zsurz I AMCfS BfO'H lb 6E( OHlltp ikksonc nntOIMERtipil- H- MttmsB 1 vanus.unHSHWW ahbitsh if Rt Alius VlVinV how onr (Dtp HEU eg moans, Takes a bE AW AND PEE STARTS 1 Taking Jftfti- - pet wrap w hound SElT A6AIH, PtXIS OUT min- i- W16 and decides fo Take bath Torso rroiJ W.lw, t,n,M h, 1 ' J uut. Wurn hat rebelled ter h Neglected Ideas Some ideas which have nor than once offered themselves k the senses have yet been Ltw taken notice of. Locke. whats tided. first : siany So. ( . , Tit, th; ?. km Constipated Magd, We In to othe 30 yrMeats Fop I thirty oo; the hS I "vti constipation, Sometimes tor tour or five days. I also MS Sat bloating, headaches and M ; the back. Adlerika helped right Now I eat sausage, bananee, bettm , thing I want and never feltenjoy sleep soundly all night and Mrs. Mabel Schott. If you ara suffering from eonetiP eleepleseneea, sour etomecn, rorj-- in bloating, thar ia quick relief Adlerika. Many report tak'H thirty minutes after complete dote. Adlerika givei whw tract cleaning your bowel nary laxatives do not even reew Br. ft. L SR A, hen f In eddiltmn $e tnumftnmt Hi cA ech, the erewth el tnunumt heemm .J y.B cotim kmtilii. A.ailMM Oiva your bowels a real gooe with Adlerika and eee how feel. Just ena spoonful relieve and stubborn constipation, Loading Druggists. WNU Purchas lobeia, v Vie hied c which t Through re ate Horr Gate What Ifcgda letter. i "Heav Kooalei. long n her!" n They not V felling, W Tome "Of cc ft KEWEST BOSTOgl trill firmer Mediate Onr lobby I dellgbtfsWj cooled daring tbo swn Belle ter gverr 200 Rosens 200 Beths, tin l, A HOI bit mo JtYf e (rtf' Vic. bottles, from goer 4ml SALT LAKE'S lf hrnncr die fore?" I couldn't believe It at first, COLD tried ttd wa SHKOBS fellow-player- A It va gothon Demand original sealei Montgomery, ter felt staging Carrie" and the forthcoming They Gave Him a Gun" which is said to be even better, Gladys George looks on herself as Just a novice at screen acting, - So intent is she on becoming as skilled a player on the screen as she was on the stage, that she spends all of her spare time studying movies. The players she admires most are Garbo, Spen-- ! cer Tracy, and Merle Oberon. Cagney, T bis be fog? ON FLOWERS g stud bve KtisL one-four- th In spite of her outstanding success in Valiant Is the Word for Social life and were at low ebb during the weeks when there was talk in the air of a strike of the Screen Actors guild which counts ail the great In its ranks, but the homes of Robert r Xeith e horror-stricke- S I nS Glazing Liquid for Cookles-- A mixture of two tablespoons of sugar and cup of mil makes a good glazing liquid is cookies. 0 ate mi it felon 4 Tt Keeps Cauliflower White A tablespoon of sugar in the water a which cauliflower is cooked vi keep it white. Be foing ou while Call get back rd he: ac tother' i V' ,h Vic 1 m Blue 'cphoni a HOTEL conf At the Temple Squaf P.fet Sl.S0tofl2. The hlably Tr-- Pr H- -J MreUe. plm. Yew Will miner, mlom. nnemmrir tbecwweUr Me c: Collie oti 0-- n : f Yew M.elM C ns Ttter "jcnnpi, tun rrlMl,WVe rntthleheetsUfelh" ERNEST j, held why fete awMiuM SECOMMEYDW RICHLY kne toomwg ROSSlTEiL PilJlon ddr I?., |