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Show OF FRISCO ‘FARMERS GETTHE BEST ~ ORCHARD EATERS ‘EUGENEMAY SCHMITZ CONVICTS MAKE NOT Ge TRICO AGAIN OF DARING SAFE ROBGCRS PLEA OF CUILTY DASH FOR LIBERTY SLAYER OF PRIEST WILL BE EXECUTE LOS'AKA STATE SENATOR SUT BOWAΔΙΚΗ Quarrel With Young Politician Over | No Escapefor the Italian Anarchis! Who Murdered Father Heinrichs at the Altar of His Church. Political Situzt on Reeu! te in the Death of Scns tor-clect Kemp. Amite situa irk Under the Laws of Colorado at Least Sixty Days of Life is Allowed the Convicted Man—Assassin Displayed Little La—The strained political in Leowsiana Democratic reg] or tye Pros-cuton’s Petition for a Rehear ing of the Bribery and Grait Cosme Denied by the Supreme Court. Self-confessed Murderer of Ex-Goyernor Steunenberg Wil Not Put up Fight for His Life. killing «ΓΙ era tic State Senator-elect ». 8. Kemp of this c He was shot and kiled by C. F. Hyde, a young po htical and busiaess leader of this sec- Man Who Stands in Shadow of the Gallows When Convicted. Denver, Colo.—Just eiz iteen days after firing the shot which brought death to Father Francis Leo Heinrichs, at the altar of St. Elizabeth's Catholic church, while in the act of administering the holy sacrament Cuiseppe Ali, an alleged μαι not proven anarchist, heard his doom, the jury returning a verdict of guilty of reurder in the first degree and fixing bentence at death ¢ In the court room, not three blocks from the church where he committed his heinoug crime, and within the sound of the chimes, which he claimed drew him to that church, Alia το ceived the judgment delivered by a jury of his peers. Stolid to the last he simply nodded his head and whis[8 there no pered to the interpreter, appeal?” Then his chin sank upon his breast and he made no further move ment, When the jury had been polled the judge thanked them for having done their duty and expressed his approval of the verdict. Attorney Widdicombe, for the defendant, made a motion for a new trial and was granted five days in which, to file papers. Under the laws of this state, Alia can not be anged within sixty days of the rendering of the verdict. AT MAGDALENA BAY, Calm When Judge Wood Set Date of Sen- ticn Emotion Perfecly The men quarreled about the recent Demecratic prinyvary for lieutenant governer, In which J. J. Bailey and Peul Lambremont competed, with the result that Bailey, the defeated candidate, filed a protest, charging fraud, with the Democratic state central tence for Wednesday, March 18. War Vessels Complete 13, 000 Miles of Long Tr'p, San Francisco—The supreme court by unanimous vote, has handed down a decision denying the application of the prosecution in the San Francisco bribery-graft cases for a rehearing, after a decision by the district court of appeals in the case of former Mayor Eugene E. Schmitz, convicted of extortion in thet French resaurant cases. Without a dissenting vote among the seven justices, the court sustained the appeilate court in its decision that the indictment upon which Schmitz was convicted was defective, in that it did not aver that Schmitz was mayor, that Ruef, his co-defendant, was a po, litical boss, practically in control of jthe city, that as such they were in a | | Caldwell, Idaho—IiIn the district | |; court here on Tuesday, the assassin |} of Frank Steunenberg, former govcommittee, Hyde, in discussing this ernor of Idaho, Harry Orchard, whose controversy, is alleged to have called | startling confession made public in Kemp a Har. Later the men met on February, 1907, caused the arrest of position to exercise power and undue the street and in a pstol dur 1 Kemp Charlies H, Moyer and William Ὁ. influence over the police commissionwas killed, while Hyde es iped unin Haywood, president and secretary of ers, and that it did not show that jured | the Western Federation of Miners, Schmitz resorted to unlawful means and George Pettibone, honorary mem- in threatening to have liquor licenses SCALDED WIFE AND CHILDREN. ber of that organization, and the sub- withheld. Inhuman Act of Wisconsin Farmer sequent trials of the latter two, faced | Judge Fremont Wood and pleaded VICTORY FOR FRANCE, Who Went Home Drunk. | guilty to the charge of murder in the Chicazgo.—The story Comes from | Defeat Tribesmen in a Battle Which first degree. Kenosha, Wis,, that Chrisiian RasmusLasted All Day. | There has been a great deal of specsen, a farmer, is alleged to have gone ulation as to how Orchard would conParis.—General d’Amade, comhome in a drunken frenzy Monday | duct himself when arraigned at this mander of the French forces in Monight, and heating a large kettle of time. Juries in the trials of Hay- roceo, according to official advices rewater, to have gone to the room oe| wood and Pettibone refused to believe ceived here, has followed up his precupied by his son, four years of age, | his tale of crimes committed at the | vious advantages in his campaign and his daughter, nine years old, and instigation of the officers of the fed- against the warring tribesmen by indeliberately poured the boiling water cration. They were all freed. After flicting a decisive defeat on the Madover the children, that the opinion was etxpressed in rakas, the Mzabs and a force of MuMrs. Rasmussen attempted to save many quarters that Orchard would lai Παπά adherents, who came to the lives of the children and the man take advantage of every legal right the assistance of the tribesmen. The turned on her and poured the hot he might have to obtain his own rebattle lasted from 6 o'clock in the water over her as well. She fied from jease or a light sentence. the house and sought aid of the neighThe stand he took was a surprise to morning until 7 o'clock in the evenbors, while the children went into an- most every one and, his attorney says, ing. The enemy suffered enormous was entirely yoluntary on his part losses, abandoning everything in their other bedroom, and, locking the door, and against the advice of many who headlong flight. The French losses hid themselves under the bed. Neighbors released them later and the | had seen and talked with him. It is were very slight, considering the-seknown that strong influences have verity of the combat and the nature children were given medical aid. Ras been at work the past few weeks to [οἱ the ground. mussen 18 in jail. San Diego, Cal.—When the American battleship fleet under command of Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans steam ed into Magdalena bay, passing through the rocky gateway marked by Sail rock on the north and Rodon do point on the south, and dropped an chors behind the high peninsula's promontory which stretches a protecting arm down from the mainland and makes Man o’ War Cove the most sheltered harbor of the lower Pacific coast, the history making naval cruise of more than 13,000 miles begun at Hampton Roads less than three months ago, practically came to an erd. Magdalena is the present naval } “not guilty” and stand ‘trial. Judge Wood questioned Orchard as to whether he fully understood. the Will Be Great Gathering at San Franstatus of the case, what it meant for cisco to See Fight.ng Machines. him to plead guilty and if he underguilty (ο the Washington—A partial itineraryfor| stood that to plead in the indictment meant the battleship fleet, after finishing charges pleading guilty to the charge of first arget practice at Magdalena bay, has degree murder. been announced by the navy departPerfectly calm, with no indication ment, It. includes visits to Cando of any emotion in face or voice, Or; (Coronado), Santa Barbara, San Pe- chard answered that he had gone over GRAND REVIEW ON MAY 8. dro, Santa Cruz and San Francisco, | arriving at the latter place on May 5. |The announcement says that the | plans for the future movementsof all was lost in 1897, with sixty-five passengers on board. The purser wa'’s the only one ever found. The exact location of the Nevada's bull has been a mystery these eleven years, until the terrible winds of the last few days exposed the remains of the craft to view. Many human bones have been picked up on the beach in this vicinity. The Bucket Shops. made, President Roosevelt has de- Ruef May Be Grented Bail. San Francisco—Following the set- | ting at liberty upon bail aggregating Reduction in Wages for,“Cotton Mill |$345,000 of former Mayor Eugene E. Operatives. | Schmitz Tuesday evening, after being The manutacturers State that the discouraging situation is without a parallel in many years, the whole cotton manufacturing industry, north and souta, being seriously impaired. It is also stated that further curtailment of production may become necessary. confined for nine months in the county jail, the preliminary steps were Washington.—Protests against a favorable report on the senate resolution directing the attorney general of the United States to institute suits to | penitentiary for safe keeping. Early in February the news was given out that he had made a confession which implicated Haywood, Moyer and Pettibone and others in the Steunenberg murder and in a series of most hor The three | rible crimes in Colorado, Omaha, Neb.—A bold attempt was made Tuesday morning to τοῦ the Merchants’ National bank at Thirteenth and Farnum streets by a man, who, although at first thought to be a desperate criminal, is now believed by the police to be a lunatic. The man, who gave his namet as L, L. Fee, formerly of Rockford, UL, walked into the bank soon after it opened and menacing Vice-President taken Wednesday for the release of Luther Drake with a bottle which he nitro-glyeerine, deAbraham Ruef. Immediate advantage | said contained Mr. Drake, was taken of the admission of Assist- manded $5,000 cash. ant District Attorney Francis J. Heney in the voluminows affidavit filed by him that Ruef had been twice indicted on every charge against him, with the exception of half a dozen charges on which he was_ indicted | separately Fifteen Thousand Homeless. Lumbermen Protest. Orchard was arrested Washington.—President Roosevelt has directed Herbert Knox Smith of the bureau of corporations to investigate the methods of stock trading, with a view to furnishing the basis of possible future legislation regulating } men in Denver were arrested, brought such practices. The difficulty is rec- te Idaho and Haywood and Pettibone, after long delay, tried and acquitted ognized of attempting federal regulaseparately. The case against Moyer tion for the transfer of stocks which was afterwards dism‘ssed. will operate to curtail purely gambling contracts, and at the same time work LUNATIC SCARES BANKERS, no hindrance to legitimate transfers, and it is announced to befor the pur- Threatens to Blow Up Omaha Bank pose of proceeding on sound princiWith Nitro-Glycerine and Lands ples that the investigation is being in Jail, for her treasure. tive on March 30. namite bomb. two days later and placed in the state Manila.-—Fire destroyed 2,000 native shacks in the Samplouill district of Manila, on the evening of March 8. The damage is estimated at $100,000. It is believed that the fire started though believing for the moment that his life and those of his fellow officials and employees of the bank might be in imminent danger, conferred calmly with the would-be robber until other officials called the po- lice and the man was taken into custody. Tests by the police seem to show that the contents of the bottle were harmless. Myron fore the Ohio legislature Thursday on “Guarantee of Bank Depositors,” in reτὶν to W. J. Bryan. Declaring that the guaranteeing of bank deposits is sccialistic in that it weakens the incentive for individual initiative along proper lines. and that it is an unconstitutional proposition and unjust, former Governor Herrick appealed to his hearers not to jeopardize the best interests of the state of Ohio by the passage of such a law. Beth Candidates Mave Been Requested to Withdraw, committee, which reported and visitors who crowded the galleries of the senate for over two hours with a speech in opposition to that measure. When he concluded his address, he was greeted by a storm of applause, and senators from both Sides of the chamber as well as many members of the house crowded about him to extend their congratulations. Has Slept Thirty-three Days. and shoot two of the assailants down. Rock was shot twice through the lungs, and Hayes three times through the abdomen. Both are badly wounded, but it is believed they will recover. The attack on the prison authorities and a subsequent effort to escape has, according to the prison authorities, been long planned by Rock and Hayes, who were cellmates. Both were armed with pen knives, the blades of which were sharpened like razors. The men had been brought Night Raiders Whip Negroes. Paducah, Ky—One hundred masked New Orleans —Atter considering night riders rode into Birmingham the charge that about 9,000 fraudu- Tuesday nicht, shot six negroes; one lent vetes were cast in the recent of them, it is believed, fatally, and Democratic primary for leutenant | whipped five others, The riders took governor, the Democratic state cen- possession of the town and shoot into tral committee has appointed a comnegro cabins in the place. In one of mittee to request both the successful these, John Seruggs, his wife and and defeated candidates to withdraw ‘three children and a granddaughter, and allow the committee to appoint a | were struck by bullets. Scruges is nominee for lieutenant governor, The probably fatally wounded.. The riders che 8 of fraud were. filed, by J. J. then took five other negroes to the | Pailey,. the defeated candidate, who banks of he Tennessee river, where was opposed by Paul Lambremont. they whipped them. farmers, well and soon had armed, them gave chase penned in the woods nearby. Both sides opened fire. One of the robbers fell and the second threw up his hands and surrendered. The third man held his ground for some time, but woods, fled further into the The wounded man and the one who surrendered were taken into custody and locked up in the W oodbury jail. One of the men, William McCoy, had his face literally riddled with buckshot. OUTCOME OF TONG BATTLE. the rules, when they attacked the two Wealthy Boston Chinamen ard Eight of His Countrymen to Hang. LOOK FOR BETTER TIMES. Boston,—Warry Charles, one of the Various wealthiest and most influential Chinamen of Boston, and eight of his coun- New York City—Signs from the general business world of the arrest of the shrinkage following the financial erisis are discernible in more than one direction, and the slight improvements reported the past week give a hope that the corner has been turned towards steady betterment. The action of the securities market, trymen, claimed to be notorious “hatchet men,” were found guilty by a jury in the superior court on Satur- Improvement Noted in’ Branches of Business. syme production in the Montana min- ing camps was heralded as a positive evidence of betterment in that trade. Reduction of the surplus of freight roads upon earnings of railroads are | 80 severe, however, as to bring into day of murder in the first degree on four counts alleging the killing of four Chinamen in Boston, August 2 of last year. A tenth defendant, Yee Wata, who had also been on trial on the same charges died suddenly in his cell last Tuesday, while the trial was in progress. Early in the evening on Friday, Aug. 2, 1907, a number of strange Chinese suddenly appeared in Oxford place, in the heart of the Chinese quarter of Boston, and when signal was given, began firing from revolvers of heavy calibre upon scores of Chinese merchants and laundrymen who werelazily lolling about. Over forty shots were fired, and when the police appeared they found three Chinamen dead and a dozen others seriously one of whom died. wounded, Shoy Tong, one of the principal government witnesses, testified that Warry Charles, president of the Hip Sin Tong, had instituted the killing. HUGHES THE BANNER BEARER. panies, the meeting of fixed charges. The struggles to be met in the readjustment of wages in the carrying out of economics is viewed with disquiet. New York Republican State Commit Decision of Court Regarded as Vic- Hughes was formally indorsed as New tory for Mine Owners. Reno, Nev.—Judge Farrington of |the United States district court has | handed down his decision in the sui tee Endorses the Governor for President. New York—Governor Charles ἴδ, York’s candidate for the presidency by the Republican state committee at the meeting here. Resolutions endorsing him which were presented by former Congressman William H. district of the governor in the committee, were adopted unanimously and deep interest in the long sleep of Mrs. /an unqualified victory for the mineBeulah Hawkins, who, on Monday last, owners. The injunction covers pracfinished thirty-three days of a stupor | tically all the grounds of relief asked which exhibits all the physical ap- | for by the Consolidated Mines com- without discussion. The committee decided upon April 11 as the time and Carnegie hall, New York, as the place for holding the This is pearances of a sound sleep. During | pany and enjoins the miners from visiting hours at the county hospital, | every act which by any stretch of conwhere Mrs. Hawkins is confined, there struction might be construed as in- Douglass, who represents the home state convention which will elect delegates-at-large to the national convention at Chicago, nominate presidential is a continual stream of persons to | imical to the interests of the minelook at the patient, owners. electors and elect a new state committee. Wilfley’s Case in Hands of Committee. | Emma Goldman Not Wanted in Chicago. Washington.—The special commit- | tee appointed by Speaker Cannon to Chicago.—Emma Goldman, prodetermine whether there is sufficient pounder of the doctrine of anarchy, ground for the impeachment of Leb- | did not make a public address in Chi- President Favors Aldrich Bill. Washington.—President Roosevelt beus R. Wilfiey, judge of the United | cago Sunday, as it had been her an- States court for China at Shanghai, | nounced intention to do. Strict orwho stands accused of misconduct in | ders issued by the police during the office by Lorin S. Andrews and other | week to owners and managers of public halls left her without a place in American lawyers resident in Shang To guard hai, on Monday heard arguments and iwhich to hold a meeting. took the case under advisement. The against a surprise, however, police committee has not announced {Πο were detailed to watch all gatherings anarchists. probable date of its report on the na- ‘of social associates and ture of its findings and recommenda- | No attempt was made by Miss Gold| man ot violate the police injunctiou tion. | against public speaking. Galliopolis, O.—Heavy rainfall has again started all the rivers in this He fired nonah and within a short time a score of to the office for trial for infraction of officers. junction against the miners. Christiania.—A Swede, apparently insane, fusi!laded the royal castle here with a rifle at noon Tuesday. Shortly after 8 o'clock two men earrying a third were seen at We- brought by the owners of the Mer: Los Angeles, Cal.—Physicians and | gers mines of Goldfield against the medical students in almost every secMiners’ union, granting a blanket intion of the southwest are taking a Rivers on Rampage. Says Scheme is Socialistic. T. Herrick delivered an address be- was the Aldrich currency bill, on Monday | question future dividend returns and held the attention of his colleagues | even in the case of the weaker com Tried to Kill King Haakon, recover title to several hundred thou- | from a spark from a railroad locomo- altogether a dozen bullets, several of sand acres of lands originally granted tive, which caught on a thatched roof. which crashed through the windows 1o railroad companies and especially The high wind drove the flames | and em)edded themselves in the inthe Oregon & California Railway com- through the district. Only native terior walls of the castle. The man pany, when those companies have shacks were burned, and there were was promptly seized by the police and failed to observe the conditions under At the police station he ho Casualties. Fifteen thousand disarmed. which the grants were issued, have declared that it was his intention to homeless natives are being cared for been made to the house committee on kill King Haakon. Hestill had forty in the Κα hes by the police, There public lands by western lumbermen or fifty cartridces in his pockets, The is no danger of any slarvation or suflawyers and railroad representatives. king and queen were not at the fering among the r ee. castle. Columbus, O—Ex-Governor finance They then went to the postoffice, blew town. Robinson's throat cut from ear to ear and the jugular vein was xevered. Conley’s throat was gashed, « * he was stabbed several times in t e shoulder and groin before he w s able to draw his revolver | resumption in Montana. Bailey Makes Great Speech. The robbers first appeared .at Bedricktown shorily after midnight and stole a team from a livery stable. on Sunday. Washington—Senator Joseph M | cars on railroads makes an encouragBailey of Texas, a member of the | ing item in the week’s summary, In- Harry Ὀρυμαᾷ was born March 18, tween farmers and three robbers, in which two of the later were wounded, followed the daring robbery early Saturday of the postoffice at Pedricktown and Bridgeport, about thirty miles south of this city. Two of the men were captured, but the third succeed- George Rock, “W. H, Hayes and another whose name is not given, made a dash for liberty in the penitentiary first assistant warden, John Robinson, was killed, when three life convicts, over how we sirall go about it.” | ulative attitude. The decision of the Despite this statement by Mayor Amalgamated Copper company to re- refused to issue bonds to the amount of $750,000 for street. repaving, it be- a open the safe and stole $250 in money and stamps. The force of the explosion wrecked the building and the place took fire. The robbers then fled with the team, the police exchanging shots with the robbers at the edge of Governor Frank Steunenberg was blown to eternity while passing through the gate leading to his home in Caldwell by the explosion of a dy- Way out with their first clean-ups. Parties here are preparing to search operatives in seven large mills here were notified by notices posted during the noon luncheon hour on Thursday of a 10 per cent reduction in wages. The reduction is to be effec: Deer Lodge, Mont.—Warden Frank Conley of the Montana state penitentiary was fearfully wounded and his the money is raised. The suffering however, does not reflect full confiof the people for the ἀμ. οἵ dence in the immediate progress of life and the position the city is in for | improvement. The mixed conditions meeting this meed make it impera- in the field where the improvement is tive that no time be lost in quarreling | most shown help to explain this spec- Guthrie, the council on Monday night Bandits Kills One ed in eluding the farmers. The state of the market, however, has ing proposed to have the city do the | been unsteady, the yielding of copper work, dividing it among the city’s | eeacee being attributed to the prosunemployed. | pect of the increased output from the Nevada is believed to have had a | ΠΗ himself to be decidedly in falarge amount of gold dust on board, as several Klondikers were on the vor of Piminsting stock gambling. Lowell, Mass.—Nearly 25,000 cotton His Assailants, Who Were Armed With Pen Knives. 1866. The crime fer which Orchard has been held was committed on the eve of December 30, 1905, when ex- President After the the wreck of the Clara Nevada, which to be changed and set the date for the authority Wounded, Bu‘ Manages to Draw Gun and Shoot 'San Francisco, have not as yet been /made. The grand review of the ships THE CLARA REVADA LOCATED. Juneau, Ajaska.—James Currie, keeper of the lighthouse at Aldridge Rock, brings news of the finding of Judge Wood allowed the plea Pittsburg.—"‘Give me to issue the bonds and I will see that Warden is Fearfully with Posse Camden, N. J—A pitched battle be- Killed by Desperate Men. sentence oe Wednesday, March 18, at 10 a. base of the Pacific for’ American tar- }ef the Atlantic and Pacific fleets in and Sixty-four People Perished. nitely. PITTSBU RGERS STARVING. in Meantime Mayor and City Council Cannot Agree on Relief Measures. Battie and Captures Another. Prison the Assistant Warden is vessels of both the Atlantic and Pa| cific fleets, after the naval review at get work and battle practice drills, | the bay of San Francisco will take and by right of temporary ownership On the day of the through government lease the vessels, place on May 8. if not the men of the fleet, may feel review all vessels will be full dressed and at night the ships will be illumithat they are again in hore waters. nated. Vessel Went Down Kleven Years Ago the matter thoroughly with his attorney and had made up his mind. defi- Pitched New Jersey In Bloody Qutbreak in Montana | get the man to stand by the plea of American In a Wealthy Horseman is Killed. Kansas City—David Waldo, a horseman, well known section to rising, and the indications | wealthy are for a disastrous flood. The Great throughout the United States, and Kanawha and Poca rivers are boom- who formerly owned a race track here, was killed near Independence, Mo., in ing, and thousands of dollars worth @ runaway accident Sunday night. is lining up his friends in the senate whose position regarding the Aldrich bill is not certain to vote for the bill; not that he regards it as perfect, but he believes it is the only measure that can be passed this session andin bis opinion it is better to have the Alrich bill than no legislation. Satur- day he conferred with a number of northwestern senators, including Bourne, Dixon, Piles, Borah, Flint and several others, and it was to them that he made known his views. No Room for Anarchists. San Francisco.—Acting under the orders of the chief of police, policemen stationed at Waltoa’s pavilion Sunday afternoon arrested Carl Brown, son-in-law of Coxey, of Coxey His body was found late at night lying in the road where it had been army fame, and himself a noted Socialist. He is being held on a charge of disturbing the peace. He was making an alleged inflammatory speech thrown from a wrecked buggy, which to a crowd of about a thousand at tre houses are flooded and many people lley nearby. He was a graduate of have had narrow escapes. The Ohio Washington and Lee University :Ἡ river was forty-six feet at this place | Virginia, and father of Jed and Wil on Monday, heavy rains having fallen liam Waldo, who were famous jockduring the previous day. eys a few years ago. time o* the arrest. The police have orders to bring in any persons who display any anarchistic tendencies or make public speeches of an anarchistie nature. of timber has been lost near Spencer, W. Va. The flour mill situated on Mil) creek was washed away. Many Defects in Design Cost Eighty Lives. Ottawa, Ont.—The report of the royal commission on the collapse of the Quebec bridge, in which eighty lives were lost, was presented to parliament on Monday. The commission finds that the collapse was due to War Between China and Japan Not Looked For, Tokio—It is believed that it is en(τοῖν improbable that Japan will make any effort to retake the Tatsu or send warships to Canton waters. While war is considered most improb- defects in design and that the parts able, the naval base at Sasebo is exof the bridge which first gave way tremely active. It is, announced that were the lower chords in the anchor a part of the first squadron wil! leave arrangement near the main pier. The port March 14. The armored cruiser design for the cho s that failed was | Chiyoda suddenly left port Sundar made by P. L. Szlapke. the designing night. Coaling is proceeding rapidly, engineer of the Phoenix bridge com- a number of torpedo hoat destroyers | ‘bav'ng alieady coalea pany. Towboat Goes Over Dam. Pittsburg. —Three lives were lost when the towboat Stella Moren with two flats of coal went over No. 2 dam eu the Monongahela at Port Perry, Pa, and sank in twenty feet of water. The Stella Moren was about to enter the lock when the strong current due to the high water swung it around, and before it could be controlled the ves sel and the flats were swept over the dam and completely wrecked One man was cauzht betwee n the lock wall and boat to death, while two others |