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Show Letter’s scription Certainly the it GING JUDGING NEWS SUMMARY NOT PLEASED OLD GENTLEMAN BY THE RESULTS. Re A WELL d Not Been of MAN, AT 81, The Interesting Experience of an Old Settier of Virginia. r 8. ‘ Q Va 1 thir I such 4 very had i at > FACT WELL WORTH father, ud πρό» € ( i six oe W s. My were 5 8 a ( i a child ΐ x I le I how 81, and I use of I eg iD 1 th on Β saw 8 n ¢ } ΐ Ss a box Buffalo, N. i rach out between ] ch imim shoulders 1 } were t H, (Γι t ) ffering kd ( Have ill, the g ] I € Rur γἱ Not Born There. A Washington man, whose busine had brought him to New York run not long ago into Connecticut where he had lived in his childhood In the place where he was born he accosted a venerable old chap, of some very to 80 year per the certain place pr i tl I arc proved to be 1 \ Ga, were of Mr. \ their charged and Mrs. violent been Hart swept here of tray e « Kmy W. Willic I see automobiles There ts more Catarrh {n ott pre & a w 6 al tren f a re It fa death to men were burned n others seriously injured by ee jumping from windows in a fire which a troyed three workmen's shacks on the north side of Manhasset bay, says Port a Senator-elect ΝΥ Oo Bradley of Kentucky has given out a_ formal statement announcing himself in fa vor of the nomination of Vice Presi: dent Fairbanks for the presidency by At e e direction opening ί 1 set 1 8 ' b successful in relieving the suffering of women or received so many genuine testimonials as has Lydia EF. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. In every community you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, Almost every one you meet has either been benefited by it, or has friends who have. In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn,Mass., any womanany day may see the files containing over one mil- lion one hundred thousand letters from women seeking health, and here are the letters in which they openly state over their own signatures that they were cured by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has saved many women from surgical operations. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is made from roots and herbs, without drugs, and is wholesome and harmless. The reason why Lydia E. Pir ham’s Vegetable Compound 18 successful is because it contains in gredients which act directly upon the feminine organism, restoring it to a healthy normal condition. Women who are suffering from those distressingills peculiar to their sex should not los¢ sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to restore their health THE MEN WHO KNOW THE SUPERIOR QUALITIES OF im ton Ὦ ] 1 ha x I ise ro 1 4 1 Mou ϊ ο O., f ] $ Cine of t 1 ed i 2 buggy hattered the vault i the bank building rt t 1 shoc i tl villa Ellwood T. Hance, first vice presi dent of the Union Trust company of Detroit, and former postmaster of De troit, shot and killed himself on the 6th in his home. Friends say that he had been greatly depressed over his own financial affairs. Governor Creel of Chihuahua an nounces the ¢ stablishment of co-edu public schools of the cation in state of Chihuahua. This is the first time in the history of Mexico that beys and s have been allowed to attend th me schools nator comptrolle senate 1s mad York man wants to have the f the currency send to letailed statement of all onal banks In New City 1 The adv were on } yrtunit ress, to lateral securities December 1, 1907, with of borrowers. t of female suffrag given their annua > | the sent ntation pleas to cor to the senate being mac woman su fore the Ϊ A contra the Rawh pany and company f nofa Walker necting the ie world been signed between Western Railway comCalifornia Cons tion mmediate eor f he new cam] hus t h the out s fea 15 οἳ , next To Save Trouble. A Connecticut man tells of two Irishmen from Bx yn who, while driving through the tha y vanes the “De F the e 1 8 We usually expect the doctor to put us on some kind of penance and give us bitter medicines A Penn. doctor br ought a patient something entirely différent and the results are truly i resting. “Two years »,” writes this patient, “I was a frequent victim of acute indig tion and biliousness, bega to eat very few zht suggest, 1 one thing at lg s r to no ed to try this new i le ar < n i ay doct Wis., A. ness, Naw iness, Bad and { i Salzer they will 458146, T They regulate the Bowels. ur ( . Mt f ye Drugg for [Appyeme! a you. GARTERS sand ‘Tho we will add a pack epi seeds never batons wats kh. ΝΤΕ & Purely Vegetable Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIAa safe and sure remedyfor infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of Fac-Simile Signature ΘΖ, 9 772, te TOILET ANTISEPTIC ] 9 he a, st the al nd Keeps the breath, teeth, mouth and body r ἑ pie 8 rage New York antiseptically clean and free from une healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors, which water, soap and tooth preparations glone cannot do. A germicidal, disinfecting and deodor- i mu tl Merry present 11 istipation. Lesson in Music. Little Marion's music teacher, while endeavoring to make plain to her the different note values, used an apple as an illustration. Cutting it in (πο, Marion announced: “Those pieces are halves.” On bisecting the halves, she replied “Quarters,” but when it came to dividing one quarter to bring out the idea of eighths, here was the wise response; ‘“That’s a bite!” Genuine Must Bear x| REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. True Generosity. “Theey say very few authors sleep more an seven hours a day.’ But think how much ber they furnish ¢ ther people.”"—The Herald and I byter. f \ Lond y King Bar which produces re. Sainfoin, the dry soil izing toilet requisite Get Busy. “It costs to advertise of exceptional excellence and economy. Invaluable for inflamed eyes, throat and nasal and This much fs flat: But what of th It always pays. It Cures While You Walk. Allen’s Foot-Ease is a certain cure for hot, sweating, callous, and swollen, aching feet. Sold byall Druggists: Price 25c, Don’t accept any substitute. Trial package FRE. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. uterine catarrh. At drug id toilet | by mail postpaid. Large Trlal Sample WITH “HEALTH AND BEAUTY” BOOK SENT FREG THE PAXTON Tol on 00, Boston, Mast powter, WHAT CAUSES HEADACHE, From October to May, Colds are the most frequent cause of He . LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE removes cause. E.W.Grove on box 25¢ and stores, 50 cents, or A powter magoozine iss full mit latent enertchy—und sometimes mit If interested in poultry, write for onr new bookie® 20 Years with Llustrated. Poult Brimful of facts ar a up-to date ideas the advanced poultry raiser. FRE GEO. HL. LER τύ, » Omaha, Neba In Use For Over 90 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought. Malice supplies the want of age.— aerial Latin. | W. N. U,, Salt Lake City, No. 11, 1908, Wouldn’t Burn. The coal man came down like a wolf on —— He the fold _ sled with silver, he tinkled with aaa us his speci “walnut” by | name And we slated our roof in the spring with | He Drove all the snakes from the same, IRELAND A Sore Throat or Cough, ‘JACOBS Gi if suffered to progress, mayaffect the lungs. “Brown's Bronchial Troches” give immediate relief. if you haf money to trow to der birts, id iss appropriately to hant id to der goldfinches. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENTis guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles ip 6to days or money refunded. Sic. Leap-year girls would rather marry in haste and repent at leisure than never have a chance to repent at all. Drives all aches from the body, cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia and CONQUERS PAIN 25c.—ALL DRUGGISTS—60¢e. (G MUSIC worth ot MERRY WIDOW Be wise to-day; ‘tis madness to defer.—Young. °%5cts. For On accountof the fact that there is no copyright on the music of this wonderful opera, we are enabled to make this unusual offer. 25c Merry Widow Vocal and Instrumental Gems 25c THIS BEAUTIFULLY BOUND BOOK CONTAINS NINE NUMBERS “For I Love You So” “The Silly Cavalier” “For I'm a True Loving Wife” “Land of Our Home” “My Vilia” “The Lovely Women” “I'm Happy at Maxim’s” “I'm So Parisian” and the celebrated Merry Widow Waltz. All for 25c, postpaid—40 pagesin all, Lamps are Mrs. Winslow's Soothing = gis For children teething, softens the gums, reduces tnfiammation, allays pain, cures wind colic. 5c a bottie. MUSIC MUSIC $2.50 glow - ing, leve is grow «+ ing, for you Merry Widow Gems complete, 25c. Postpaid. 5 copies for $1.00. 10 copies for $1.50, ALSO 3 BIG HITS, 25c EACH “Dreaming” — “Sweetheart Days” — “I'm Afraid to Come Home in the Dark” These 3 Song Hits and Merry Widow Book $1.00 postpaid. Address JEROME H. REMICK & CO., The lar was sick and tired, t anothe perfect rem» ly sea, MPS John William Oats, Silver a it was worth its we ght alter IN § the 1 Too dearty Eat Ta : things. One day our family doctor brought me 81 package, saying he had found omethi n to eat, at last “He said it was a food called GrapeNuts, and even as its golden color Κ ER € per 8 ONLY ONE “BROMO QUININE” Food Worth Its Weight in Gold. 1UVC to Crosse, it That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININB, Look for the signature of K W. GROVE. Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. - THE DOCTOR'S GIFT, } 8 rs to the per a Only unselfishness wins affection; Perfectly Plain. With all the impartiality of the par- | only toil achieves success; it is only tisan, Prof. Price set forth the con- the courageous heart that does brave tentions of both political parties re- deeds.—T. Farquharson. garding the tariff You ought to be satisfied with nothing At the close of his talk he was surless than Nature's laxative, Garfield Tea! rounded by the fair members of the Madeof Herbs, it overcomes constipation, | regulates liver and kidneys, and brings Woman's Current Events club. “O Prof. Price,” cooed the fairest, Good Health. “thank you so much for your perfectly If the opportunity for great deeds lovely talk! I understand all about should never come, the opportunity the tariff now It’s just like a lover's for good deeds is renewed for you day comparisons—the free-traders are the by day.—Farrar. other girls!”"—Sunday Magazine, “We Ν wag } hman other, “can why they always have a rooster an’ hiver a hin on the top of thim barns?” “Sure,” replied Dennis “Its because of the difficulty they'd have in collicting the eggs.” 131 West 4Ist St. NEW YORK publishers and retailers of papular music in the wor aye tS πη ty Aine 4} e he μ΄, ΄κα, Nuts ase fy state named, observed had weather τ iw ul wife, “the world doesn’t appreciate you now, but some of these days it will see things in a different light, and give you a big monument; and if it should not, you just keep up your life insurance, and I'll see to it myself. You deserve a monument, if ever man did!” And then he said it looked like rain, but he thought he'd risk it outside awhile, anyhow.” ry 1 me | the committee on i to the house be Mnmitte¢ wrong Marble Consolation, “Never mind, dear,” said the author’s pa old yea 79 Allison wa Senator on March 2, and received t congrat ulations of his colleague rhe sena tor has completed h thirty-tifth year in the senate, which breaks al) records, He has been in congresy forty-three years - lr SHOES AT ALL PRICES, FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY, “neo WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. . Douglas makes and sells more ed ; +} 1 n BE mon’= $2.50,$3.ο αρ$3.50 shocs ea Nintt Towers Fish Brand eS π made since 1836 a mI 12, t da FREI FOR THE ASAING tt ] ce are the men who have ( put them to the hardest tests in the rough5 est weather. Get the original CATALOG Taft | h ban sty BRA SLICKERS. SUITS | AND HATS / for from June he full na so § fe until ' entire No other medicine has been so n blows n of bids ect ot ( of comn 1 convention national Republican the was “Yes, frequently, but I don’t suppose he everreally believes it.” dispatch L., L. Washington, he r B ΐ y Take Hall's Fa “Does your husband ever admit that ln They also relieve Die tress from Dyspepsia, I~ Every Lover of Good Music a Ἐ ts ta 2 g ané pron 8108 ἔοι οἱ Addres Sold by coun al res ' I of the ! . ϊ Oh, n d tt native. “I was born two good miles from here.” this section seus ars wa eas I fift have been introduced in Borneo, T. T. M.—What do you think will be the result? W. Willie—An increase in the number of wild men. f if SEND tons a i Positively cured by these Little Pills. hem e Seed ( than a}; i lived and SIGK HEADACHE ou the only original seed catalog relished ine AniΜετὰ ins Of SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE, twe I π ST 1 a oS earlic ν bu. 6 > his 8s! them were on the have π Warren British isle of bodies witt gale has rous wreck conce man lways and Altogether cony Vast 1 have insville, the 1 the Washingtonian sought answer ing who himself entirely of ec cura A lady in In of how my daughter cured her little son by the Cuticura 8 little one had that they thought they it, She used Cuti cura and they cured her child and the disease never came bac Mrs. Sarah BE. Lusk, ColdMich., Aug. 15 and Sept. 2, 1907.” M of eve SOLD ALL LEADΙΝΕ ‘DRUG CISTS, regular price 50¢per bottle. one sizeBYonly, ‘Hester, Mary The Editor of the Rural New Yorker, | m there Potato Ex he r’s Ear he cured 1 with ( diana heard ( Fic Srrup Co. ed on the by whom it is manu factured,pr smal] stone above her the words and I CALIFORNIA “‘For ey itaph see large stone.’” n to teak Seater ex pany down on I Best ffor Me Wore and Child. ren -Voun; 4 and . Ἶν det itsBen --ᾖ Ἐµ ponefic oh Af fects λῶν τ the {ποomuine hich has “the+je ll name«of the Com- virtues Under each name a hand Edith pI ointed to a large stone in the center of the lot, and under each hand e bought a box of 1 Ointment and gave it a faith Cut on “En tr uly as NY) Laxative. ~ an old way ere three dif r it came and ΘΝ of “ActLS naturally, ,ac had the Christian name of each Invaluable. ‘ eczema n "Ν.Ε the mi of her wifely this Y. Two Babies Also Cured ther ies dlue te ( eee 1 “But inscriptions, he found, were very expensive He economized in Woman Tel sof Her Brother’s Terrible Cuticura mistakes with an inscription commemora- ve THREE CURES OF ECZEMA. Suffering 8 and desired to erect for each a head- stone, lam aw r life and ᾿ s Kidney P Ν 1 ake in a piece of economy that he put in practice in the cemetery d man had lost four wives, r, 8 Fost will native Freetown He, , Was mentally undeveloped, nothing Wrong or ridiculous ] and I It ait oe is like An- j 11 wa gt ne ] replied my certain the Al t lo with your York Evening KNOWING pe Dispe ls Cok lsandt {Head in 8 n—hic—con- ‘f t's nothiz as ki 8] Ι s ¢ leanses the System E {fect1 sma Gihcuily > t x ν i the villager looked upon the ed, parson,’ SHixirfSenna nan of Corne Se ' Β he shot I 4 oye Up:Πίος 8 pai Wn fellow ν { a Ἶ y nat grandfat Ww AO z 1G. ] P Ba ( n ECONOMY CARRIED TOO FAR. Old Man’ +ThriftThatLed Him Into δε world, ar aderr bit t Po “The " manufacturer because they hold their “E33 shape, fit better, wear lenger, and Big 27° of ater value than any other BB 5 I of tt "any ( Road to W shoes In the world to-day. , atL. Douglas $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot Be Equalled At Any Price an ΩΙ AU TION. W. tated Ustalog £tree to a L. Dougias name ana erywhere, Shoes mail oo a os Take No «μων ant part of the world lo» LAS, Brockton, Mass. |