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Show R } Ge His ee £ «06 General Demand 4 1 Cide 6 the ascertain w Washington Star starr atarrh W O sottle. Suid al Dr 8 Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. |} etc it Sees America a Heaven. W. B. Elkin of the University hat Ameriea will a verita heaven on earth within f g organism needs immediatea on, In such cases the one sure remedy which speedily removes the cause i LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Mrs. Will Young, of 6 Columbia Ave., Rockland, Me., says: *] was troubled for along time with dreadful backaches and a pain in my side, and was miserable in every way. I doctored until I waa discouraged and thought I would never get well. I read what Lydia E, Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound had done for others and decided to try it; after taking three bottles I can truly say that I never felt so well in mylife.” Mrs. Augustus Lyon, of East Earl, Pa., writes to Mrs. Pinkham: “IT had very severe backaches, and FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. Lydia EK. f $1 that ind K r asset pal ereditor restler constitutionality plan of 18 t $ he Erne every R € the Des government upholding by the sil The death sentence Goold, Vere oi the who, against with her such Mr 0, n last 1 to ir er fo Summer, has nent Cann Ca th fore La I f ( 1 \ i 1 | ] | Η I ha Gel I | \ il Ί 1 k t he and werfu f the | ton mills of the ufacturir company Boston of will be t, im Ma eafter day Jaturdays, a reduction in the closed on Fri lows A special dispatch says that reeeived the uneasi- men washed me handsome face fer honest, 3; manager of York City, from lead Mr. Hopkirk Mills a hotel which cheap lodgings poor and in that cadirty hundreds of ty handled m-laden bills to his little sister, didn't office how ain't good-looking nor nothin’.” “I know he ain't,” replied the lovelorn Maggie, “but didn’t yer never no tice w'at a lot o’ gold he’s got in his teeth ?” Why not the Natural Tea of (x He laxative, Potent. ples. he it a Made Tea point Ν i w f BR. W. GROVE. a Cold in One Day Try to getrich ¢ hunt a job to-morrow k Look making total 80 of men wounded the restitution to the shortage of $252,000, was enced to three years in the peniiary and to-pay a fine of $7,184 for a t Ϊ trial in an » to tery if Oakland, Cal., Increased by police passing a charge of for $10 His case is a family and friends his a negro, who con Sidney Herndon, a rer, in his apartments <ansa ity, January 71, has been 1 ty of murder in thefirst de his punishment fixed at t H don was murdered for his for Used the World ο to-day, then Proper 4 the gums, rec a uces In 2c a bottle cures wind collu. ] s A. yf Charles ς,. M at with an ax yard of a then his SS r» ile DODDS midnight, the West kflled Mrs ized in ruiser towing 20, on a bollard ra 1 St who f \ Port nd eason Art ‘ in la with τ R being who wo weeks fee gz I tl s ca Ϊ Ww i da DEFIANCE STARGH—'.".*.: —other starches “DEFIANCE” IS SUPERIOR QUALITY. W. WN. U., Salt Lake City, No. 9, 1908. 1 t 4 N.Y e wor on th I I 8 ace {[ΨΕῚ 1 of ‘go.’ was t head me 1 t Ε η pena bling σι Nar Cree sa ¢ 4 act εἈ6 5 1 . y u | Positively cured by , these Little Pills. CART ERS = a n° relieve od Dyspepsia, om tres: IT T LE IVER lm digestion an o dearty Eating. A perfect rem edy for Dizziness, Naw Drowsiness, Bad sea, Taste in the Mouth, Coat Pi LLS. ed Tongue, Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER, They regulate the Dowels. Purely Vegetable SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE, CARTERS NES κόρ’. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature ITTLE REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. by DISEASE re know PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PA I a uding Piles . an Birth—lIn No Help ‘ Him. 1 « bear with ‘ e cur peedy rel ef. Addr d PRANKILEN MILES, M.D... LL. B., Dept H, 99 to 109 Main Street, Eikhart, Indiana, CASTORIA x ΙΤ] ‘ 1 oO W } were as x, as \ Ww t § ] I nd w W t hey walnuts, cat great DEMISE. For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have similating the Food and Regula- | ting the Stomachs and Bowels of | Promotes Digestion,Cheerful| nessand Rest Contains neither | Opium,Morphine nor Mineral |Nor NARCOTIC. | Recipe ofOla DrSAMUELPITCHER, Punghin Seed Alx Senna + Rochelle Salts « Filarbonate Soda Worm Seed - Claritied Sugar Winkrgreen. Flavor. | Aperfect Remedy for Constipetion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms Convulsions .Feverishness and LOSS OF SLEEP Fac Simile Signature of Tre CENTAUR COMPANY, ___NEWYORK._ At6 months old 4 ‘Dosks 335 CE ΝΤ5 RECIPE FOR COLDS. Mix two ounces of glycerine with one half pint of good whiskey and one half ounce of Concentrated Oil of Pine. This latter is a product of the Globe Pharmaceutical Co. of Dayton, Ohio, and comes in one half ounce vials and packed in tin screw top cases. Any druggist should have it his simple mixture is to be used in doses of a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful four times a day The bottle should be well shaken each time about a In Use For Over Thirty Years Anise Seed + ppermint = k a glance at his The surer a girl is Always Bought ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AVegetable Preparation for As- CASTORIA MPANY How YORE OrTy, SHOES AT ALL PRICES, FOR EVERY man’s MEMBER OF THE FAMILY MEN, BOYS, WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. χά W. L. Dow 29 makes and sells more men’s $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 shoes than any other saanates Σ΄ the being in love with her the less sure she is about being in love with him WHATCAUSES HEADACHE. From October to May, Colds are the cause of Headache, LAXATIV [ BROMO QUININE removes cause. E.W.Gr ove on box 25c isha, fit better, wear longer, holr “GR re "ον of ater value than any other tea boas in the world te-day. W. L. Douglas $4 and $5Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot Be Equalled At Any Price quent | EK RHEUMATISM READERS thing οσοος advertisedin its columns should insist upon having what they ask for, refusing all substitutes or imitations pain never re- wiscritaneors ELEGTROTYPES In great varie y for sale at west prices by A. §. KELLOGG NEWSPAPER 00. 72 W. Adams St., Chicage If interested tn pesltry write for our new booklet I clear; UD a CAUTION. W. Dongiantname and price is stamped on bottom. Take No Substitute. L. Dongias W. L. rt of the world, Ins Shoes mailed from factory to anyJ Bold W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. tratedτα-τὸρ Ὧν to an 7000 vena.” re There is nothing ill said that is not ill taken.—German. USE IT, THEN YOU’LL KNOW 25ce.—ALL DRUGGISTS—50c. The why is given red buy aw grew and when active and 4 ἑ -----ϕἬ recognized I did not mind her’s cares, for strong, 1 i it. I nerv wrote t out as 8 8 A and wonders for reasons > SICK HEADACHE t “ of FINE t 1 leart s sla “Brown's Bronchial Troches” helpful to singers teachers and f, en for clearing the voice, Con are response mother At that instant a trolley car swept around the corner and the resulting tragedy threw the town into Each family wept as mourn 1g had been lost though its own son utterly disconsolate Mary was ( and, little as she had previously known of death, realized in a childish way the added horror of this one. In her convulsive grief, and while her father and mother sat with sobs in their throats and tears overflowing, Mary straightened up and sobbed: “Mother, when I die I hopeit will be of a disease and not of a damage!” W stror i 1) wa one day, throw S } one—in that she ts wrote Grape-Nuts and people r a small playMary had for ittractive boy. mate, a mugh-lo The little lad rushed act ss the street nee dad who who is a model in Late y the mistress has been using = ο : 7 η he eloquer t make Nora see But at the € of her deceitfulness. herself beaten ‘4st 8! e had to own a beaming Irish When Nora, with Smile turned and in a most eajoling tor Sur e, now, mum, an’ wot de ye suppose the power of desavin’ was &8iven us fer?"—Illustrated Sunday Magazine Pathetic Thought of Little Girl Who Had Lost Playmate. faint grew £ all YEARS Cured HER CHOICE OF Feeding. soon Cuticura ‘ fat as a litle | good natured and contented Within a w I east milk, and felt was triedon dice aby, old : x pain ¢ misery, but I from scratching as well as I could. I was so run down that I could hardly do my work. I used Cuticura Soap, Ointment, Resolvent, and Pills for about eight months, and I can truthfully say I am cured. Hale Bordwell, Tipton, Ta., Aug. 17, 1907.” “T cheerfully endorse the above testimonial. It is the truth. I know Mr. Bordwell and know the condition he was in. Nelson R. Burnett, Tipton, Ia.” nuts or I happened to find. Being a writer, at times my head felt heavy and my brain a leep. “When I read of Gr ipe-Nuts I began eating it eve morning, also gave it to the ο n, including, my 10 months of diseases FOR 55 I ] sausage, cookies, dough- death xf ter f } Ar Cn SS al at prefecture, vening of February way rhree were } njured Akashi work Nagasaki cut the 18 Only this mor-rnin’ ‘ a very later, and would go to the pantry eat cold ct after chasing her neig ring house, Japanes the tt into at committed su le by throat Jealousy was the ‘ broke McKay Μι 1y It is up to the dental student to take drawing lessons Deane va It said it were wonder ke has breakfast I felt their new midicine ] A lady writer who not only has done work, but reared a good literary family, four ij in Grape-Nuts the ideal food for brain work and to develop ] children. She writes I am an enthusiastic proclaimer of Grape-Nuts as a regular diet. I forrly had no appetite in the morning for 8 years while nursing my four children, had insufficient nourishment for t “Unable to eat koinds 1] BRAIN POWER Richie, formerly a vate judge and once candidate for ernor of Kentucky, has been held t res ects save 4li an advertisement of a comy sum to a » Was astor any “T had Judge Charles G Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. For ch! en teething fammation, allays pain. southeast ositors to the extent of $37,000 on the ONLY ONE “BROMO QUININE” That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. recently the Moors People’s bank of Portsmouth, after how fin ed have miles twenty check I the much good there you'll sit up and take notice the signa ever to Cure fifteen and B You w forees loss ef the Moors was heavy cashier of Alexander E. Butt wrecked Garfield Garfield nch goose Ff The reisa possesses a servant were readin’ r learned professor, wl i to hear about the wt stling Ε ose. g the man wl o had placed the in et of the bird, the ietor i him if he knew others like it could be obtained Well,” said the crafty fellow, “I knowof only one place, and if you will pay me a big price I will get several for you.” So the rogue brought a dozen fowls, in the gullet of each of which he thrust a whistle and was paid an exorbitant price for them before the hoax was discovered Fedala. The French had two officers nd several soldiers killed and three rhe The Winning Smile. Mag,” said Mame, “I don't see you got so stuck on him. He the to the trad a serious battle with “Say New in given Three Alarming Symptoms. Physici Madan I can find no traces of disease in this boy of yours What made you think he was ill? Mother—Well, doctor, he behaved in such an odd manner when he came home from school He spoke kindly and offered to carry coal for me, in new ECZEMA Two rogues passed a poultry shop Seeing two gee 1ung up for sale one of the rogues ins¢ rted in the gullet of the goose a little bulb with whistle attached. When the bulb was pressed the whistle sounded Then, entering the store, he told the proprietor that he had hanging outside a very rare kind of whistling goose. The proprietor at once sold burglary as Power of Deceiving. I Ww nan two who walk at Atlant g ago, were ex- Suffered Torments from Frightful Cc ndition—Got Shrewd Rascal Made Good Thing Out of Whistling Geese. Charles J Romadka of Milwaukee has instituted suit for divorce trom sen Evelyn Caine Romadka, whose tional escapade in Chicago resultea a few months ago in her imprison ment in the penitentiary at Joliet for ws Until Harkins, f yy WoO CUT OUT FOR A FINANCIER, ness prevails there. The palace has been surrounded by troops, the entire garrison is confined to barracks, and ball eartridges have been issued to John MeD } lignant scarletina Sam one a “what I want to gut,” added Norah. know is: how do thim slugs get ir the liver, anyhow?”’—Illustrated Sut lay Magazin the man, ts remark- ρτεῖε Nora vice more’n tin years old.’ “Maybe,” was the laconic Dollar worked for me one week, and I am satisfied.” from greatest “This xe “Gwar exclaimed the other girl, seornfully. “Liver trouble πὶ no new disase. Me own g atl wa havin’ liver trouble whin I were not Baltimore man’s the appeal. So he sat down to his desk to write a non-committal lett of character for the negro. His effort resulted as fol- Mar Wal tiously is nf rful for a sluggish liver.’ “Will you give 999 cor N. between board t endatior asked igh he felt tha ¢ a box ¥ I while on City one day about as s ] ί er Lisbon kiek the cat St ο: est d manny a darky, says he, as One day the i patience exhausted into hi fice and told him { conversat Irish gir) get these days. wit William Oats, more ν 50 Buff ( ts of the laxative f That it Iments ΐ it, ain't thing “It's a sthrange Norah,” asked one of the girls, “how Emperor himself, ete., Γ Ι fected straight—well, of yer ! i He the yn the i relies able success answer pl Rape, Sainfoin, the dry Bromus Inermis, the des- Emperor a 1 G Billion t chang Rather Neatly Put. I had until recently ( } working time from 68 to 42 hours a week. Nine hundred hands are at Eddie—1 don't mind o much dat I quit smokin’ ‘cause you ast me ter, bu ter be refused r, Wheat, 5 have A Philadelphie f you send 14¢ they will mail in pa of farm seed never beseen | uu. John A. Salzer Seed Co., e, Wis. K. & W t t roni than A f ) r rigit € ἱ I M Victoria ert grass f St. Leger Goold, w convicted murder of Emma Levi { s Grass, ! w + I ‘ to t.e John A. Salzer Seed Co., La ( W and they will send you the most original seed book published, toer with free samples of farm seeds 4 iw I remedy Physiological Problem That Could Not Solve. JUST SEND 10€ AND THIS NOTICE Moines particular Violet te of municipal commission, Οἱ TOO MUCH. ba t Syrup ethical lines HOW DO THEY GET IN? Macaroni Wieat, er’s strain of Macaroni or Kubanka w t is itely pure and is from seed he Department of Agr Our strain is Dakota grown hs at droughts and elements mocks black rust that ter nd would be ashamed of f it i not ret urn trom 40 to 80 bu e finest wheat the sun shines on per n good | la., Mich., Wis., Ohio, Penn., M Neb., Kan,, and other lands, nd 40 to 60 bu. per acre in arid lands. No I nsects, no failure The lowa supreme court has hand ed down an opinion regarding tl from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacement l , inflammation, ulceration, fibroid 3, irregularities, ing-down feeling, flatulency, indigestion,dizziness,or nervous prostration. in 1 Co. proceeds along 9 amusing for m leclare le p th G pains, backache, that bear- I Schedu Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound, made the filed e 1 act why i [7 ΄ renn } ὶ N St λ IT could not slee p, and had no appetite. Lydia Κα. Pink ham γ getable ( ompoun i cured me and made me feel| like a new woman.” eriodic 4 11 to a healthy, normal condition is For thirty years ] 13-4 Lu I on to tell he has written for 1al of Sociology. s which will be a ennium he pictures I Newspapers, he printed and edited by f I f βι the any questior Sold t Foster-M h other It 1 restores the feminine ν ‘ call loins, weight in the | the body, that a wor pressing-down pains. 6 un I It quickly attention to trouble by aching. tells, with other sympt nervousness, headache, p and ) γ is known DY The back is the mainspr woman’s organism. Ν It ever rof. ] yet Elixir of Senna, the California | Doan’s Kidney Pills to persons ing from kidne ] lers, bac Price 75 cents per - ee. u y = Testimonials Sa of KiNNAaN & Magvin Wholesale Drugytets, Toledo, Cure 14 taken internally acting ood and ucous BuUrfaces Of Lhe Ζ Teo eae Wise > “ORT - system. NG. be In supplying that demand with its excellent combination of Syrup of Figs and DEA Catarrh uf 2 { ea prompt 7 Saw wssse=s Zs ΣΎ Z2n, Wa Hall's tly - Toled — ' 1 1 CHENEY&C©O., part acceptabie to t undervigned, have Kaowa F. J. Cheney years, and believe himperfectly hor all siness (transactions and financially @rry oul aoy obligations made by bis fru ab ' p F be inet e a 1 5 whol Hall's = t 1 by 5 τ. αἱ 1 cured co- 8 I Cure be e= :: = - of ί cannot a ponent 1 Doliars Reward for any that = of ce va sanction How’s This? We offer One fae wD — ‘ dt I I 20 Years with te a the GEO. Poultry pP-to-date ideas for FREE 4. LEE Ο0., Omaha, Nebr. ] § M Postum Co., Battle ud, “The Road to in EKΣΣΣΧΘΡΣΣΣΣΣΣ guara Α- antile Co,, Rox 697, Chieage, |