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Show ΕΞ AROONED ON Usan QNELY ToLAND 7 “" / HANDLED GOTHAM PANIC i te Γ ) - RHAPSODY OF A YOUNG LAWYER. . p deck ste andl| shor λ 5 e and have a that | am really ice we cannot my spirit, Se κ M e } ν ‘ ur | ‘ t the ν ; ex I i ¥ i I co : if lovely lady, - | i i | — by Uninhabited Isie—Men Forced to Live on Turtles, Shellfish | τ i CHILD, COLE CO. | Southar a lonely island, wt 5 | is were hamy d by ark A le recent .π stiania. na Se SESW auoes or a The 5 ἈΟΉΦ t ory α0Θ8 νο «ἡ. tht oor = for Both Phones, No. 325. i t ' : ΜΗ ᾿ ΜΑΣ nearly You may be absolutely satisfied when you have your watch re- 1 8 MORE OF Branch Office, Eureka, Utah. . : jie. . | THE BROKERS 100 Atlas Block, Salt Lake City. am ewes | g ” surviv kngland thence to ¢ | i‘ suffe ‘ nthe of νεῖν Norwegian | a ς st nea. follows n Ϊ . Address and Lizards. | | how For information concerning the mines For tabulated statement showing range of prices during 1907 For map of the Tintic Mining District For prompt execution of commission orders | Bark Abandoned and Landing Made on MUST HAVE BEEN Ny I Bought now are certain to make you large profits during the next six months. | TWO DIED AND ONE WENT MAD her the . NOR N THE PACIFIC i | | . rranche t OF hing he could “Ἡ Statesman | ᾽ { 2 heard SUFFERING WEGIAN SAILORS BECALMED made | | of suct "| etty, fluffy law e lady says ‘ me But a ot raise her heavy Imagination gh fame, romance a ‘ 8 I much prefe Hark—some on¢ hea a pa n¢ the sunshin« ΐ f No, TERRIBLE Mrs K interesting law.| band wanted ty streets floats|on ea Yonk window-pane; | vise Sr Mahone| saw I he out of banana M Eg thing d at last to its e . the The Slipper Shopper UTAH STOCKS paired by us that it has been done by skilled experts in the very ᾿ ΚΗ best possible manner and at the very lowest possibile prices. six 1 i Mc the ¢ tio A ( i i banking can ( { ri LW ur ( sign Ν world ee fe - Green CHANCELLORMAYRESIGN | Se eae é W nad A SO LONG AGO, yy t ne I em] i rid 1 Ι f th I G t of Rather re H Ss 1 t Discouraging ] n new e)—Is { sil | VW he I | ΟἹ 1 { sian grand duche has sy he was a Camporeale von Doenhoff, achieved her V« | rich « but | ΕΙ aged hac he of the the prir with his chances of the lover embassy, advancement ( ( H I 1 attracted by the young attache Without any pretense at secrecy in Re 1 ue for G in few e people diplomatic ¢ 1 she ] und ted have and fled The appealing much charm of his Auntie—There is pressure cow Berlin society, however, and strong 18 to induce him to dismiss his chan Policy t we you seeuth nurch long patient believe “It 88 tl hone the inte el us For young men } 1 : for the a al i ' : ee ries ot Warner Miller, { New iblica has faile prominent God as THE ONLY WAY. r ha top of face of the the of land in Martinique | invested there t the intair ea iid voney init. The e meet his obligations he disposed of pu and Thomas C. ple fe sought thing τ he as he when I et | brought 1 th it met They failed chine. a as nate, and τι the Mining Co., a I but rehearsa that this was is the POOR | BILL, | id in the senate, 1 and re became producing Chapter |. eceive the indorsement they Jonkiing. He never did any 1g obscure a personagt ly 5 veland IN la ] b by. ΙΝ The Play. Manager—Now, as to the quality of piece, we w INDIA a of state of the colonies British « at being Penson: the ; the ia 1 h allowing the ¢ Indians as crin ; s ste τι ιο ᾿refus aw να fe l aca 1 ee . I : Ὁ 8 ma in Ono the ee Just as the ste sent home by Indian resi lents of the Transvaal before the Boer war of the of the British there brought on the northwest and two rather serious wars frontier, so the story of the treatment of these Indians now may be the cause of still more serious troubles Lord Elgin said to have explained that he was forced to consent to the registrat of the Transvaal on threat of a rebellion, but if he yielded to such a threat he shows self to be a much weaker man than he was ten years ago when he was viceroy of India. The frontier was then in a disturbed state and the Afghans, stirred up by Russia, were committing outrages. Lord Εἰξ took upon himself the responsibility of sending an army to bring the to t s, which he did in short order. Lord Elgin, alt a Scotch nobleman and a descendant of an uncle of King Robert the Bruce, was n at Monklands near Montreal, while his eeewas governor general of ( The latter died in Canada when the} a lad of ἃ mora at 8 t—By its absence mes “Ohoe whe ° comes ad been in the British dip-| Jomatic service for generations, and the name was known ql over the east. we clubbed a “Bill 1 ire ' “Why?” t hort al t n until we οἱ < f a ics nd f a pe of re ts and swam a Eve 1 cliff which, the ind| 0 e-| & nce aw St ahead l He remained came, } beach more to face ( | || > and that their to 6 2M i 1 ‘ η ed think Sé Ν ! 8 th ali’ 2 1Ο a ΄ i i @e Principally to the de of some of the n¢ was n x Of the best grades of coke is said Food was| there gd 1 Gases in Coke The silvery very lust ister a § » quarters and τ bel . eshe In U early = BE ws and ing f | breakfast how i his ; Ἢ plentiful and \rmy Early Up On Getting | to change our camp, 3 die in. 18 cham f poir s with i t ife trouble about water Chicago Jour-| € n there ) much better than the old. now He's got married é the One All except one atte the , some mg bel help them keep afi t had fallen into despair To | he returned the answer t | whi he w: 5 ‘ ( to} FRANKNESS ng e elsewhere on the island, we decided| 8° Out of « ων has given up the cold water | He is taking the hot air cure} sea vulnerable mere deta 8 t me i we ie | late when help everything to you, of course. We don't | :was Hissin found on the: uch The care how you manage it.—Puck a ο ἄνα} ee — = ς ΤΟ ΡΕ have gone to jail rather in ir aon and in a few n” will be known all over on several uprisings Play wr ae nme | Treneveat ba i : gislature to treat British to jail if they and send them ’ 4 day foo vented us from trav τ le Ww a a ouroe narrative Leader be very conspi Els had reached could not open it I 3 pane out x whispered, hoars ly | esent Lord it τ 1 often hear a} of At last we had to make food lizards. Wetried to make bread f ife solely of co the powder of pounded bird bone us 1 sles Sa 1 Wr iff er } t failed - J bal : eu ϱ t o o were they f Thinking we might find more ᾽ he implored ᾿ The burglar’s : i | the window, “TH hafter k Roscoe Conkling I good nose to be his αρα Break » pent to appeal to the peo- ] spe. } n fresh trouble to find the r food iad hard work - A ed TROUBLE ma ] 1 him. Virginia 1 ΑἹ xe had that i | ΜΕΝ oo. A Heh Witew whe on ΜΟΝΟ baceene with the stuff he wrete, andele married holdings and een a « ε | . case tt the Impossible! Θ he kel e Tne pent end it came to crash, Senator when man in town, one ¢ And, would reached the ‘ at Β he = made — it all by Not h expe > rapes te h circum ͵ : η ntoxicar tr Brown € y Lo mall | ay n t € cial a| per- | formance I t My ise only first I inde 1 Mid 5 h ira Dearest—You said that very| ne {1 mly last week to May} Blossom e told me so herself the fear of West the | Harry ni er ¢ and caused | dress the Ol truly | Miller stood to with mines never seats in the Platt resigned their and ulf ance ( } value al stock of $3,000,000, hoping notice prominent 1 blew off f shipping caused his mill and lumber Sierra Consolidated Gold to recover through that, but ihe . as standing : properties, although he held on for 12 year br Miller Wown with | came really } 1 canal people had meantime ike an equitable bargain. The Miller was deeply involved. To He held about one-third of it f fields the work which r mir moral effé Same at All. dearest, you are the | woman | Mlaited Giaten bad virfualls ke disaster, t Miller city Deeply interested in the Nica Miller had invested much of similar outbreaks in Nicaragua Th come to their senses and were preparing Nicaragua canal project was dropp¢ corporation, waste the a among the came pinned his faith to the viped ruin yea later ragua canal pre ded to ut Then of | only much de hi a fortune. one Not the Harry—Clara, ait Moral Effects of Athletics Aside f I τοι Chicago Daily News. | loved a foot dol a of | | a it terrible explosion of natural forces that the horns aste of nwell x d lid he around and try to play quoits on m3 | Re 1 I landing it suddenly flashed through my mind that I was carrying a corpse I seemed to feel the chill of the dead breast penetrate my own.” Noticeable among the other embalmed bodies of dead and gone | Egyptians in Loti’s study was that i | of a little three-year-old girl, who | stared down with sightless eyes on her owner W ng his ro mances an in the watches come | in te Wil his didn't w | | | | | I'm a sinner if a} loafers ed ag 1 moving ang idy “t a winding this beauti They are so super in. ful had to car | stitious shack the dead—I ᾽ : remarked the humble of village | from “Our slaughter of the turtles had|'Y ber upstairs myself. made. the survivors shy;.and soon wei.J’%., Pelieve me, as 1 who answerour ates rtisgmentg keep a με΄ their agreement ea $10 weekly we are that call better off.” | ¢ ‘hicago Daily News | — βθπΏ- M ΄ He United States a ve ne formerly Yo politics tt my er es f μη 1 ze A fe " te 9 ich spring in : a cave and brackish instance, as apd women I } n = al 1 sale oe τι ᾿ u his serva his mummie | stance ; | without ] fa 1 ' ps do,” chuckled the man pays ' Why, I thought I'd be patient and | stan i under the shade tree all day | PLIGHT eee ( 18 ell *] But of t expressive lec the sheep EX-SENATOR’S as τί i ] Ἢ to bh , month. ‘ ] as : lick = ΐ I { novel I γι What is the trouble now?” queried | cellor make Be cra of the don’t “There is nothing in this businessof | peing in you I was married in Niece—Ab! I suppose now, auntie = Took Advantage. The incident recalled the Not a λ most η Frenct Γεν t Yor ked the ager ing married the lady when her husband had divorced her 11 years after the being r ‘I certair for elopement, they were received into the most exclusive circles, now w Gary pays Von Buelow given ἃ n ( | dicate wife, even then little more than a child, her rare beauty and their fidelity coupled with Von Buelow’s own undoubted talents, kept him in the imperial favor, and he was sent from one embassy to_another until he returned to Rome as German ambassador Roman society conveniently forgot the elopement, and Von Buelow hav being brought to bear upon the emperor Ν Did Hobby new mur ‘ vere n But ter? would life with ¢ und en he That of « and long ν Writer τ! 11Τ eheet husband Was connection that Οὐ ( f fhe princess found the ramblir her husband, a man old enough to be from Rome with her young Ϊ th ; M ὶ ὶ hit ! τ Lot t we Δ \ f hat Pierre ( Ϊ Great ( I ( \ } ma ar of Share His ‘ ] of i that young was ' ' reminded Germany when τι } Servants ΣΡ en Agents Wanted HAD NO LIKING FOR MUMMIES ; € 1 ( 7 i ( ‘ ‘ tending a once | ' ne τ ‘ | in, i taw ἢ ἱ | ead ed i rth SEEDS Intern’] Nurseries, PLANTS, TREES _ the ( fi Ϊ { n ᾿ SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. ‘ . board tl F be ᾽ ‘ ] ( h ¥ Ἢ ; Γ uric ' could gases evolved the process of coking, é position during the deposi- them. The place swarmed with ants thin coating protects the pe m al Sleep was almost | burétice ta tis aca τ “si η = sea and mosquitoes, a | Of Two Evils. Milliner—And madame will not take | impossible with sores The men Their were nerves covered fos were , the durabilits ye a aa 7 ity shown by any But | Customer—My nusband doesn’t ike | it, so I suppose I must change it | Milliner—But, madame! Whynot! charge of the boat party lost his mind completely and for five weeks he had| pyje change ze husband?—Cleveland ‘Lead- | er to be watched day and night of poor wretches reading this and get- ~ . A Sixth Sense, Bobby—Sister must be able to see in the dark Mother—How so? Bobby—Because last night, when she was sitting with Mr. Staylate in/ Schaffer, irritated at a porary | Telegram scarcity of food, started out on foo ene zis beautifsl and so cheap hat! why? the parlor, I heard her say: “Why, Tom, you haven't shaved!”—Judge. ΡΝ ~ wracked by loneliness and despair and more than one showed symptoms of mental derangement. The mate in] aes Beware of the Rolling Pin. Α woman sociologist says wives must obey; that One of the sailors, a German named | ting into a mess Ἢ, Asker—Is your this season? Tellit—Not News. wife entertaining yey. Chicago Daily into the He fell “We ved thus < 7 ἃςκ] hore,| men were born to The mind's eye can see a lot of trouble—N. Y. ----------- And Win the Love ofAll. Keep true to your best faith and dot | the days with deeds which love and | kindness prompt Be just in your we spied a dealings and keep from stain of evil οὐ Ο the morning of Octobe sail. It proved to be a sloop, and we| ~ Gene ent ead, snd yon wear the crown of an approving tak conwere saved.” | science —Mountford |