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Show ——————— VETERAN OF THREE WARS, 8 acts dently yet prompl- rm Wa e if --- ly onthe bowels, cleanses ]] i - i 1 nd Amer ] Mrs art. ae the 1 exp 4 "vy 8 ΐ habitual constipation y |e ermanently, To detits a i, Sanford P will be N ] 1 e denuine, ed itu l Manufac tur ed ly the CALIFORNIA i er notk affected mou I | μ ula t 1 de ] i ha d i been a} made into ea ation I ΜΕΟΚι ( ban} ] charged wi i > uid KI I Luc ng At right f istri th ls ! i t changed , his I itive no I n th a ] harwed in yueht in Er"xacS Thousands of women thoroughly Shoes. Theyfit like a glove and feel as easy as a stocking. No laces; they just slip on and off at will. βὶ Elastic at the sides prevents Bf pinching or squeezing, and Καὶ ‘gives” with every movement of the foot, Absolute comfort guaranteed, Your dealer will supply yous if not, write to us. Look for the name and Trade Mark on the sole. ΕΠ ῈΝ © ©: Send the name of a dealer who does not handle Martha Washington Comfort Shoes, and we will send you free, stpaid, a beautiful picture of a κ liar ( [Νο ] 1 ty see, sir, visited $ le Iquique, large i he Chil in quarter A | 1 home ΐ Ὁ ΤΗ || F, Mayer Boot & Shoe Company MILWAUKEE, WIS, “Solid (οπιἱοτί”ΕΝ he r t« oO 1 Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Diss tress { Dyspepsia,Ins digestion and Too Hearty Ealing. A perfect re |, edy for Dizzine $8, Nau Bat 3 yas ne eal y Vegetable, SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE, CARTERS Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature jews REFUSE SUBSTITUTES { on, and said: ° }ht ri al Div for n « nation for “Py gen Every garment guaranteed Clean - Light - Durable Suits $322 Slickers $329 SOLD BY BEST DEALERS EVERYWHERE CATALOG FREE FOR THE ASKING USA siring to buy any- —ememmcrecmomme (hry adverts its columns should insist upon havir what they ask for, refuse ail substi- tutes or imitations In great variety for sale at the lowest prices by A. N, KELIOGG NEWSPAPER CO, , 73 W. Adams St. , Chieago DEFIANCE STARCH—:.."c.: 12 ounces—ear, price and SUPERIOR QUALITY. re Pay Highest i Γ 10 ἱ i ν 5 he ΐ 1 1 [ be 1 In the Church, “Of course,” said Tess at Miss ners wedding to M Timmid, Yer“the lovely, as brides Oh, fraternal | Thomas walked into a bath | his | The outlaw Stout, wanted for the skooting of Williams at Little Fort, | Β. Ο., last week, has been shot and | killed about thirty n les north of Charle Kamloops, by McLean, a member of the pursuing posse. The negotiadons which J. Pierpont THE negotiacionshave been whic . conducting| | Morgan & Co. with the Bank of France to obtain be tween twenty and forty millions in pment to New York were definitely broken off last week | Forty tons powder and shells | | passed through Omaha last week over he Missouri Pacific and the Nort we rn on its way: to Gettysburg, Β D., the scene of the Ute trouble. The hipment was from Fort Leavenw ulso including veral I ϊ Secretary Metcalf last weel ontracts a ratir $2.270 he Electric Boat company of for the construction irine 1 ime. S'7¢ 1 with New οἱ t 1 ‘ and others of the f same the n of Octa® type but The steam ballast from San Pedro for $ cisco, was destroyed by fire about teen miles from Gavitea, Cal The | vessel was an oll-burner and the fire tarted in the engine re yom All on and were board took to the boats saved. Ernest Th mpson Seton, the author, | to the United State from an eX] n trip of several who has reti months northwest thro. Canada into the great plair m, is ve | part of Canad { k We always the φον question jury at Joliet, grandmothers used in few drugs medicines and teward (thananyother manufacturer. THE RE ASON W. L, Douglas shoes are worn by more people life thar Ly bees “Ven you can't fool me no more, ‘cause if it didn't make you good it won't make me good.” On City or ToLepo, | L e Goes { 55. kJ. CueNEY lakes oath that he fs senfor the irm of F. J, Cumngy & iving 88 in the City of Toledo. County and State d, and that sald firm w! ay the su ot LUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every ca f CATARRA that cannot be cared by the use of Hac.'s Caraura Cure. ow carefully W. L understand whythey hold their sha wear longer and are of greater value than a y other mak ᾿ My $4.00 and $5.00 Gilt Ei ge Shoes cannot be equalied at any price, CAUTION! The genuine have V L. Douglas name and price stam edon bo ttom® Take No Substitute. Ask your dealer for W. L. Douglas shoes If he cannot supply you, send direct to factory. Shoes sent everywhere by mail. Catalog free. W.L Douglas, Brockton, Mas® FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subseribed In my presence, this Oi day of December, A. D., 1886, (---“} Έλι. A. W.GLEASON, Norary Pvsuto, Sold by all Druggtsis τῆς, Take Hall's Family Plils for consttpation. | Ϊ The pope has a million dollar lace | collection, BALLARD’S SNOW LINIMENT Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Qld Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, any iat,EO PINKNAIM : During its record of more than thirty years, its long list of actual cures of those serious ills peculiar towomen, entitles Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to the respect and confidence of every fair minded person and every thinking womar When women are troubled w th irregular or painful functions, weakness, displacements, ulcerat ion or inflammation, backache, stion or nervous prostration, they flatulency, general debility should remember there is one tri i and true remedy, Lydia E, Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. female il! ly in the nds of w eour Η͂ Α ham's V it it has done for them. nen to write her for advice, She has mty-five years she has been advising 1en free of charre ham and as her assistant f immediate direction, ] h τ. i 7 FLESH e daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkvefore her decease advised underher n, Mass. 18 5 Ringbone, HEIR = ς τεε Sizes, 25c, 50c and Φ1. Sold by all TO. . Druggists. | Return this with 60 one cent stamps and I wil! mail you a Dollarof Wolcott's Pain ake Paint pitle x 1 residing in every part of the United wonderful virtue of Lydia E, Pink sick | | Ὁ try has such a record of cures of States be guid Chilblains, Pollevil, Burns, Scalds, and ALL THE TI . isan honest, tried and true remedy of unanuestionable therapeutic value τ $3.50 SHOES THEWORLD in all for their peculiar ills more other berta, Canada. $25,060 \ testestoesnotmake&cell hard, ‘dia fac. E. Pinkham’s Vegetable C ompoun dq. y Pin 8115 ege able No McGill St., Montreal, Can. and Edmonton, Al- aeTCaa $3.00 & was you you good, were than bash Ave., Chicago; 134 W. L. DOUGLAS yes; caught after Lydia E. and eff ee td acious combination of drugs L ; raw skins. » brideher run Pinkham, of Lynn. Mass,, in her study of roots and herbs and their power over disease discovered and gave to the women of the world a remedy your Write fer our price fist immediately and send us a trial shipment to our seerest Fur Warehouse, (33-135 W. 25th St., New York; [58 Wa- Building. DEFIANCE STARCH—2.7.2 -other starches only “DEFIANCE” iS 12 ounces—eram: 6 $30 AN HOUR MERRY GO ROUNDS Has Been Taken In With Our JWe also manuf acture Razzle Dazzles, Strikers, ete. HERSCHBLI LLMAN OO., General Amusement Uutiitter D Λ RTH TONOWANDA,N. Y. ARAZOR ANDSTROPFOR5 ding raze r anc by matl post pald for antee to holda and get a new one, price and SUPERIOR QUALITY, rubber han i hide and W.N. U., Sait Lake City, No. 47, 1907. ¢ = a A , ; niexel .4¢-% inch blade, Sold only ao abt Mg σος swivel. 120 Ν Cont ttz, W: Blake Hazor Go.” * : amen enone old people who suffer from rheumatism,stiff joints, goutlumbago} neuralgia, sciatica and paralysis SloavsLini m e nt \ gives quick relief. It penetrates ha 19 of the Ute Indian sit vat 1 Butte, S. D re ports: that the Indians have finally consented to ept tl ' yyment on the Milwa Ὁ railrcead for τ winter, and n is a ition A our all Prices for Raw Furs I ed to too.’ amore potent remedy in the roots and herbs of the field than was ever produced from drugs In the good old-fashioned days of of uisceitanenrs ELEGTROTYPES ¢ I was, my son—and spanked J. Β. Thomas, aged 65, cashier of the Bank of Albany, Mo., committed | suicide at a hotel in Kansas City by| το READERS of this paper de- of 18 Proved Useless. “When ou was e panked like I am to make papa?” 16 amount argel OILED SUITS, SLICKERS AND HATS 1 I “Run down? a long chas of the College of Phy- cal invite trappers, collectors and shippers to send all their raw furs to Revillon. Because we are the largest manufacturers in the world we can atford to pay highest prices for down.” ire to improve the ] ion agamst establish minimum fees and term The lowest fee | ac bride looks rhe objects of q an Revillon Freres, inc. viola recently do.” Yes,” 1η ied Je I groom doesn't. He app¢ loctors of this eet have formed me “No, 11 Ter- ὶ law, 4 ed, a union the up NATURE PROVIDES FOR sick WOMEN t “other starches only “DEFIANCE” IS looked For the second time In_ seven menths Louisville is suffering from a street car strike, the 800 union employees of the Louisville Railway company having walked out shortly after midnight on the 16th. ; pus, Ay towte CO BOSTON it, ng } case his “Don't worry about it,” his wife reHerlanda West, of Mexico City, Mexico, was burned to death at the plied; “it isn't likely that anybody nohome of Deputy Sheriff Bert Rico in | ticed anything unusual about the way Los Angeles, where she was visiting. you spoke or acted.” Mer clothing became ignited from the flames of a gas stove ἵ and guaranteed — absolutely WATERPROOF ἣνδῷ “aneniimaamesisiiuaele Encouraged, Hall's Catarrh Cure fs taken internally and acts troit. He retired at night in appareat | directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the “Tam afraid,” said Mr, Henpeck, {| system. good health and died from heart dis- | Send for testimontals, free. Ὁ ] r HENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.| “that | made a fool of myself to-day.” ease during the night. τ ees os τ 7 ~ | gold for direct Pur ito ger 1] t man sleeve with 1ré 4 residen and deliberately blew out No motive is known brains. They regulate the Bowels. tv Ge Toror Ν t room Drowsiness, ‘ ) up to Novem): Price 25¢ and εος. you 8 I 1 fixed at $2, while the minin for minor operations ed to $23,480,300 |{has been fixed at $10, and that for The Hercule nitro-glycerine fac major operations at $50. For a first tory, located a mile from Bradner, O., visit to a patient $2 hereafter will be blew up with terrifie force Οὐ charged, and $1 for each subsequent three employees were in the neigh. || visit, wt ile the fee for night visits will borhood when tl e explosion o curred, be doubled, being fixed at $3. The} and all were killed | charge for an office visit has been Dexter M.3Ferry, head ‘of the great made $1, including prescription, while seed house Which bears his name, was | to give anesthetics $5 will be charged. vember shooting. sea, t association the anti-trust i Toronto Physicians Fix Higher Scale of Prices. lestro tion of tl | Ulal fir medical ion of DOCTORS ORGANIZE UNION, 8 were TAKS OUT THE PAIN AT ONCE,REMOVESTHE STIFFNESS. PREVENTS ITS RETURN, TOO. FINE FOR BRUISES, SPRAINS AND SORENESS. τ . < ported additional indictments against Dr. W. A. Rohlf and Dr. 0. L. Chaffes f Ne nage ot S$: JACOBS OlL Ia—-The Bremner county which a few weeks ago indicted fourtcen memb rs of the coun found dead tm bed at his home in De- | artha Washington, size 15x20. We also make the stylish “Leading Lady Shoes.” * | , Comptroller f tt Currency | Ridgeley issued his circular trging na tional banks to take out addit it culation, the total {πι 1 from No enjoy the genuine relief and comfort of Martha Washington Comfort bother about buttons or at y ceived an order directin vertime in order to coin monthly $ of tl midiary coin in addition } sa COMFORT SHOES ] 1 ed γ t mar hair Waverly, grand jury, cal ' } 1. ] | WET AND DAMP CAUSE cOLD IN THE JOINTS Two Indicted in lowa for Conspiracy to Force an Independent Physician from a Surgical Case. one on the longer. He little, cleared fortunate c a STIFF, YES? DOCTORS IN GRAND JURY NET. ] η Ντ] EARATAR A if η] noonday lion SOLD BY LEADING DRUCGISTS-50¢ pe- BOTTLE ha . 45,8 Fic Syrup Co. 50 cents a box Buffalo, N, An Acute Observer. A one-armed man sat down to his luncheon im a little restaurant the other di and seated on the bull ] right of him was a big, symypathetic indivi ! from received at] the rural district. 1 T big w noticed his neighf Ame bor’s left sleeve hanging loose and | kept eye } 1 sort of how-didit' wa rt e-armed man f failed to t k the ice, but continued I to keey his one hand supg Δ time hz by wreath to cover his her you enter a shop state j When For then the merwhat you want chant can go intelligently to work to sell you something else people law of commerce is to what they don’t want. What they do want will sell itself But, probably it is no harder to live up to your reputation when you are young than it will be to live it down when you are older Pack cen a ᾽ A has-been is 4 his ills for what docivanced kidney of us have been ] Sar wee mdred } ] ment the bird in the bush notion of doubling its value ing to the hand and I have beth wife >| n one million pounds leiefieial effe ts buy veteran of the indian wars, and a j ioneer of Colo rado, now living at 218 East Nebraska Street, Blair, Neb says “I had such pains in my back for a long time that I could not turn in bed, and at times ‘ was an almost tal Stoppage of . έ. *im at, 5 IH b assists one in ov ercomind { a _ at aburg 1‘ rced the system effectually, Matti War > Pithy Remarks from One of the Foremost Jokesmiths Ei Λ New eran εεεειτεεεεεεκε the 4 The mills of ή ] {LRA ft A ¢ SU ειεεειεεεείεέεεξ A Syrup offies oFlixic#Senna“ et ~ καα) CRATARATRORATORATOAN FOUR SHAFTS OF HUMOR, A Pioneer ef Colorado and Nebraska. Af | NEWS SUMMARY 1 ν acquitted Τον Benjamin F Graff former Baptist! minister, who was sed of forgery in connection wiitt nsurance a eation. In a fendant was arrest disagreed. The ed in Michigan and has been in jail at! Toliet several mont! trial the jury through the nerves andtis Sues, relieves the inflammation andconge Stion,quickens the blood and gives a pleasant tingling sensation of comfort and warmth. τω very little Lace ITτω rubbing. At all dealers PRICE 25¢50¢ DrEa rl S.Sloa n, Boston & $100 Mass, Bradford, Pa |