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Show Or Finger Bow! Would Have Been Put to Nove! Use, PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BY P. e editor UTAH . . the TTAH STATE NEWS a hunting τυ trip, ien John was f acci- ;e At At the National Capital one-time Ar Irish that I wit possessed On one w !, and their © he was tin A time fing napkin y « it at 1 Cassid Albany traditional f f William of We \ the in the t men | Leh hen arrow nother « a t t Gossip of People and Events Gathered in Washington | ΜΑΝ 5τ. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH « ] a . late usion, é mber of years ag a guest at a politic: ar on Our stock is complete now and prices in keeping with f’-- “mes, ] SIORIS CITY LAKE SALT | PERUNA A TONIC OF Write in right away about the things you want for Christmas. FOUND OUT JUST IN TIME. ADOLESCENCE OF THE DOLLAR introd d uncerta d by } { 1 and STRICT RULES FOR VISITS IN WASHINGTON SOCIETY Present Unit of Value Has Had Many Forms and Shapes. crystal di privat a τ ἃ of ending The I Lia publie June home 30 of y i i 1 and led 1 to ει luring the Savage, at 18 Jobn Claude Clark, the negro who shot and killed Lewis Jones, another co in Ogden on September 8, has been found guilty of voluntary manslaughter. Joseph Manoney, an Ogden man, was last week convicted of stealing a load of hay which a Hooper farmer left standing on the square, and was sentenced to ten days in jail. According to a statement prepared by J. A. Edwards, state auditor, the total acreage of irrigated lands in Utah is 2,135,900. No irrigated lands are now available for settlement The taking of testimonyin the case of the United States, plaintiff, against the Utah Fuel company, defendant, is dragging along slowly before Master in Chancery 8. H. Lewis of Salt Lake City. The Beaver National bank, Beaver, Utah, has applied for authority to start business. Charles Woolfend of Beaver is the pricipal mover in the enterprise. The capital stock is to be $25,000. pur- chased the Grass Creek coal mines, in Summit county, and a company of Og- den capitalists, with a capitalization of $250,000, will operate the mines in the future. Under a new ruling recently made by the general land office, registers and receivers are prohibited from certifying to papers, which the practice. copies of citizenship heretofore has been Salt Lake banks last week began the issue of the new currency. This new money is local bank circulation, which is adequately secured, and is expected to pass as freely as national bank currency, Chris Barley, thirty-two years old, employed as a switchman in the Union stockyards at Ogden, was killed instantly by falling from one of the cars, which passed over his body, mutilating it horribly. The management of the struction company, who dling the Western Pacific tion work, have determined their forces owing to the of the money market, 1 ched hav St Phat’s good,” 1 \ hir i Sate ν ; he whispered 8 f good l t Ρ done tl [ should have j I the in it."—Harper's Week! wa was| ITCHING RASH 18 YEARS, The Ephraim Commercial club has taken hold of the eity waterworks proposition and are figuring on the cost of installing a new system of waterworks for that town Eccles of Ogden has te Par) Governor Cutler has issued a proc lamation designating Thursday November 28, as Thanksgiving day, and declares that Utahns have abundan reasons for thanksgiving David 1 layed { b man, during a fight tly napkir yeur City, was destroyed by fire on 18th, and a loss of about $1,000 sustained by the owner, as there no insurance ored 11-81 i $6,436 Sale 4 ye Utah Conare hanconstructo reduce condition There are three government reclamation projects now under way in Utah, by which 600,000 acres of jiand will be made to yield crops. This land will cost $40 an acre, including water rights. It is probable that Arthur B. Hayes, formerly of Ogden, may be appointed assistant attorney general to succeed J. A. Van Orsdel of Wyoming, who was appointed judge of the court of appeals of the District of Columbia. It is announced. that the Salt Lake & Ogden railroad will be completed within ninety days, and that work of extending the road up Ogden canyon will be pushed, The project was started by Mr. Bamberger early in 1893 Stanish Mesich, who shot and killed Herman Obradovich on June 10, 1907, in Salt Lake City, because Obradovich had eloped with Mrs. Mesich, has been committed to the asylum, having become a raving maniac since the shooting. A woman who attempted to pick the pockets of a young man on the streets of Salt Lake was caught in the act, and in her endeavor to escape, she attacked the young man with a hat pin, stabbing him in several places, She was finally captured. Minerva Hall, aged 20, threw carbolic acid into the face of Isaac Ryan of Salt Lake City, as a result of which the man will be disfigured for life. It is claimed that Ryan betrayedthegirl and refused to marry her and she took this method of vengeance Girl's Rash Spread and Grew Worse Under Specialist's Care—Perfect Cure by Cuticura Remedies. “When my daughter was a baby she had a breaking out behind the ears The doctor said that she would out grow it, and it did get somewhat better unt 2 was al fi ϊ urs old, and after that she could get noth ing that would drive it awa She was always applying something in the way of salves. It troubled her behind the knees, opposite the elbows, back of rounding. Nor true, but, much bleat or bellow ¥ 4 ING Cattle ng country folk, at one matters dollar, while W made use of article ff y abundant for é igt ecple ndard payment of all merchani ΄ } I max in Harper's Weekly ΓῚ n ancient Greece, a I es and id the value of a i working wowe é man, on the other hand was given in t W t exchange fo only four such beasts scientifical place of money | to accom] i the ῃ » its traditions, and an if i d after live stock There 1 metal | gard to vigits, ΓῚ pecunia applied to prigin from “pecus’ lucky st tent I heads of nat n the ttle came the of a sum i" of counting present des in cash—capital, or In Sanscrit, Brother's Method Was Simple, Also Somewhat Costly. flock) eousness, and he met her right- gaze un- flinchingly. “Maria,” he replied consolingly, “you wrote to me/that if | wanted the key of the billiard room I should find it in the pocket of your bolero.” “Yes, yes!” “Well, I don't know a bolero from a fichu or a box pleat, so I took all the things to the lawn and burnt them. Then I recovered the key from the ashes.” She froze him with a stare, and he is now thawing slowly on the kitchen stove.—Stray Stories, A teacher in a tenement district hur‘led from the school to find the mother of a pupil who had been taken quite ll. “Can you show me where Mrs. Angelo Scandale lives?” she inquired of a cherub transplanted from the sunny south to a dark, sunless alley, “Yes, teach’, I show you,” and a willing, sticky hand dragged her on with such speed as to make her stumble over an Italian dame seated on the threshold. After the teacher’s breathless flight the little a pencil.” “Oh, yes, provided you wet the check first,” said the friend soothingly. “If you can’t get water, lick the check as you would a stamp and then do your writing while it is still moist. An indelible pencil 15 filled with nothing but ink powder, compressed into solidity . When it is moistened it becomes ink. Try it.’ “I see,” said the nervous man as he signed his check with a flourish, “that there are more ways of killing a cat than choking it with hot butter.” These Were Big Hailstones. The weirdest storm story in years comes down from the Downieville and Snow Tent country, where it is alleged that chickens True to His Promise. toward the clouds, | of in 1 etis | must n ig the but ar city every day visiting and to keep lists are being visiting is the joy as of the Washing 1 has to be aitacked 1 as diplomatically that is required by etiquette in re woe betide the un unconscious sins | and who 811] 2 i rules most laid down democratic | ju be present expectancy are the The at socially {9 called on yreme t he court cabinet, sen- | | ators and representatives first Thea the members of the ¢ net call on } one anc ! 1 or 1ators and house members Ί senators make} their supre: u 1 cabinet vis its and finally reach one another. But a senator's wife whose husband has | | been in Office six years cannot demean | herself by calling first on the wife of hand stopped tugging. “There where Mees Scandale live,” indicated the horizontal arm and finger, “but she downstair sitting on the step,” finished the smiling lips.— Harper's Magazine. were killed by hail stones and a horse was knocked sense less. The storm is said to have been the fiercest in years. Four chickens are said to have been killed by the hail and many knocked down. Lightning struck a tree on the Goodyear bar grade, and it was still burning to day. At George Cooper’s ranch, near Snow Tent, the hailstones were re ported as large as small éggs, and one of these knocked the horse senseless —Nevada City Correspondent San Francisco Call. Aggravating Man. “I don't see how you can have any fault to find with him.” “Why Not?” “Because he appears to be a man who is absolutely without faults of any sort.” “That's just it. That's his worst fault.” Vegetable with Old Lineage. Asparagus is the aristocrat of the food plants. None other has so distinAlso Have Things to Learn, guished a lineage, for its records reach back almost to the beginning of an“For many years I have used coffee thentic history It is mentioned by and refused to be convinced of its bad the comic poet Cratinus, who died effect upon the human system,” writes about 425 B.C, The ‘Romans hold a veteran school teacher. asparagus in the highest esteem, the “Ten yéars ago I was obliged to give elder Cato treating at length, in his up my much loved work in the public “De re Rustica,” still extant, of the schools after years of continuous 18: | virtues and correct cultivation of the bor. I had developed a well defined plant. Pliny, writing about 60 A. D,, case of chronic coffee poisoning. has a great deal to say of asparagus, “The troubles were constipation, He says: “Of all the products of your flutterings of the heart, a thumping garden your chief care should be ag in the top of my head and various paragus.” parts of my body, twitching of my Good Stuff in This Boy. limbs, shaking of my head, and, at The Worcester (Mass.) boy who times after exertion, a general “gone” sent five cents to the conscience fund feeling with a toper’s desire for very to pay for some apples he took ts strong coffee. 1 was a nervous wreck made of stuff that will bear better for years. fruit than any he stole. There are “A short time ago friends came tc hopes for a nation owning boys of his visit us and they brought a package of SCHOOL TEACHERS Postum with them, and urged me to try it. I was prejudiced because some years ago | had drunk a cup of weak, tasteless stuff called Postum which I did not like at all. “This time, however, my friend made the Postum according to direcEdwin D. Crowther, of Salt Lake, | tions on the package, and it won me who died at Milner, Idaho, last week, | Suddenly found myself improving tn was oneof the pioneer actors of Utah, a most decided fashion. having been a member of theold Salt “The odor of boiling coffee no longLake Dramatic company in the early er tempts me. I am so greatly benedays. Mr. Crowther came to Utah in fited by Postum that if I continue to 1856, crossing the plains with an ox | improve as I am now, I'll begin to team. | think I have found the Fountain of The twelfth semi-anunal Sunday Perpetual Youth. This is no fauey school convention of the Utah central letter but stubborn facts which I am district, comprising Utah, Juab, Wagiad to make known.” satch, Carbon, Grand and Emery counName given by Postum Co., Battle; ties, was held in the Congregational Creek, Mich. Read the book, “The Road church at Lehi last week, there being to Wellville,” in pkgs. “There’s a Rea 8 good representation from all the sa.” founties. In Chicago. Mrs. Dearborn—What {s that ham mer hanging alongside of your bureay? Mrs. Wabash—Oh, haven't you ever seen that before? “No, I don’t believe Ihave.” “Why, I cut a notch tn the handle every time I get a divore s.”— Yonkers Statesman. For Those in Love. Tt is safe to swear eternal fidelity and to talk all sorts of nonsense, but avoid writing too much. A poet has said such a one should be hung on hig own pothooks. and counsel for Anti-Trust League, writes from Pennsylvania Ave., N. W., Washington, D. C., as follows: “Having used Peruna for catarrhaf disorders, 1 am able to testify to its great remedial excellence and do not hesitate to give it my emphatic endorsement and earnest recommendation to versonsaftected by that disorder. It oa tonic of great usefulness.”’ T. Barnecott, West Aylmer, Ontario, Can., writes: ‘Last winter 1 wasill with preumonia after having la grippe. J took Peruna for two months, when I became quite well. I a!so induced a young lady, ~~ @ was a// run down nnd confined to the house, to take Peruna, and after taking Perunafor three months she is able to follow her trade of tailoring. Ican recommend Peruna for all such who are ill and require a tonic.” Some people prefer to take tablets, rather than to take medicine in a fluid form. Such people can obtain Peruna tablets, which represent the solid me- BE MOST SIMPLE AFFAIR dicinal ingredients of Peruna. Each tablet is equivalent to one average dose of Peruna. [| probably will be a relief to the inclination to go the rounds seems to great masses of the people to} prove the point. It is understood that young Grant knowfinally and positively that Miss “ | Edith Root, daughter of the secretary has no money beyond his pay. He is | of state, and Ulysses S. Grant ITI. are} a first lieutenant of engineers and his wage is about $125 a month. He gets to have an extremely simple and quiet | an allowance for quarters, however wedding at the home of the bride's provided he is on detached duty where | parents on Rhode Island avenue. The | there are no army quarters. The govc.ildren of the big ones, especially inj; ernment will give him and his wife Washington, ordinarily have enough three rooms to live in, or if he is away spent on the gewgaws of their wed- from an army post it will give him the dings to keep them in household sup- equivalent of the rent of three rooms. plies for 10 years. The only social It is said that Edith Root, although affairs in Washington more costly the daughter of a rich man, is perthan funerals are the weddings. fectly capable of keeping) house in The daughter of the secretary of state is to marry the grandson of a jresident and the greatest soldier of his time, and few people are to be gathered together to witness the ceremony. It is a fine and an appealing arrangement. There probably will be a lot of presents. Neither the bride nor the groom, it is supposed, can | prevent the flood of gifts which the prominence of their families will start. | Young Grant is a quiet, unassuming | studious fellow, with a bent of mind | for mathematics, for he graduated into the army’s engineering corps. The bride is a girl of domestic tastes, She has been comparatively little three rooms, and keeping¢house there contentedly. Not to Be Thought Of, There was once a multi-millionaire (he was very “multi,” indeed) who spent immense sums of money on his children. They had everything, including four automobiles and a steam yacht each, Still they were not satisfied. “Can you not,” they implored, “spend a little time with us, now and then?” “Time!” cried the multi-millionaire, greatly shocked. “No, no! You are dreaming. It is impossible.” This fable teaches that time is not: money, in any practical sepse—Ex. change. FREE TO OUR READ! RS. Lieut. Grant has an/ enormously Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chiwealthy aunt, who lives; part of the | cago, for 48-page Illustrated Eye Book time in Chicago, but he has no expecand if this paper is mentioned they tations from her, and he is too much will send you a Free Bottle Murine for of a Grant to take anything if it were Your Byes. Write all about Your Eye offered. Elihu Root’s father was a Trouble and their Oculists will advise college professor, who was earning as to the proper Application of the about $1,500 a year, perhaps less, when | Murine Eye Remedies in Your Special Elihu was a boy. | Case. Your Druggist will tell you that It isn’t at all probable that he will Murine Cures Eyes. Makes Weak contribute largely to the household Eyes Strong. Doesn’t Smart. Soothes funds of his future son-inlaw. He Eye Pain. Aids those Wearing doubtless would prefer to let the Glasses and Sells for 50c. young couple go it alone for sometime to come. This wedding promises to be Not Caretaker’s Fault, known in the swirling circle of Wash- | entirely satisfactory from every inIn answer to a complaint made by ington society. It is said that she trinsically valuable American viewthe town council of Camborne, Enghas good sound sense, and her dis-' point. land, that the caretaker of the recreation ground had allowed the grass to grow to an inconvenient height, that officer replied that the donkey which had formerly eaten the grass had died of lockjaw and he had been unable to buy another one to take its place. | ROOSEVELT CELEBRATES FORTY-NINTH BIRTHDAY nomen RESIDENT ROOSEVELT cele. Aside from this visit the day was marked by no special observance. There were family congratulations and resents, and the president attended Grace Dutch Reformed church as is his custom. Returning from church, he spent an hour in the White House office, and in the afternoon took a long walk into the suburbs of Washington, on which he was accompanied member. The custom of the club of | by Secretary Root, Although 49 extending its congratulations to Mr. | years old, President Roosevelt on his birthday began when Roosevelt, after six years as the head he was governor of New York. He of the nation, is only two years older became a member on his return from| than President Grant when Πο took brated his forty-ninth birthday a few Sundays ago. He spent the day | as is his custom, attending church i the morning, and spending the after- | noon in the open air. | In the afternoon he received a committee of ten representing the Hun | garian Republican club of New York, | of which the president is an honorary| Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years, The Kind You Have Always Bought. A bright woman who is also a pretty woman has the world in a sling. Cuba in 1898, and during his first cam- | the oath; a year older than President paign for governor of the state New York the club took an of| Cleveland and the same age as Presi- active, dent Pierce. He is still a much part in New York city. The commit. | younger man than were his predecestee extended congratulations on the | sors when they assumed office—McKinpresident's successful hunting trip and ley at 54, Lincoln at 52, Tyler and Aroeard a partial description ofit. ὶ thur at 51 and Polk and Garfield at 50. SHROUD OF MYSTERY FOR TRIP OF PACIFIC FLEET Vanilla in Panama Vanilla grows well in Panama, but great difficulty is experienced in cur- extreme HON. R. S. THARIN Hon. R. 8. Tharin, Attorney at Law ROOT-GRANT WEDDING TO pattern. ing the beans owing to the dampness cf the climate. one who has only served his country three years The senatorial and congressional records are called in requisition and lists made out and the length of time men have held office noted The house members are not as exacting and a little more license is permitted them, but still an immense amount of form is necessary to steer clear of the breakers of social political life. Diplomats are exempt to a certain extent, as after presenting their credentials to the president they quietly wait the onslaught of visitors. It requires a discriminating foreigner or one who has employed a secretary from the very innermost fold of the fashionable set to tell whom to receive and whom not and to sift the shower of cards that descend upon him, especially if he belongs to the diplomatie corps Washington is an especially easy city for outsiders, as they have the right of way and must call first on all those who hold an official position. These visits are returned and thus the thin edge of the wedge is inserted that leads to social distinction. Pe-ru-na Tablets. but The face of George exhibited all the conscious t ust iull Signature in Indelible Pencil on Wet Check Will Be Accepted. “Who has a fountain pen?” asked the nervous man as he fished out his Miss Dresswell had just returned check book. “I have to pay mine host after spending a week with a country | his bill, and as I'm going out of town friend. Imagine her consternation for a couple of weeks, | want to get Wien she discovered her previously the job off my hands, He hasn't a pen well-stocked wardrobe empty! and ink here.” “Here is an indelible “Gracious, George!” she said to her pencil,” said a friend, as he reached brother. “Where are all my clothes? into his vest pocket. “That won't And what in the world is that great do,” snapped the nervous man. “No black patch on the lawn?” bank will take a check written with well-known signs of 1 roupa 1 ade roupya, or the In while the ingots of elec trum, or admixture of gold and silver the neck and ears, under the chin, and when firs n use as money, bore the then it ¢ on the face That was Not clumsy impress of an ox or cow about three years ago. She took treat but too fragile, were the shells in use ment with a specialist and seemed to as money by the negr oes of Africa get worse all the time. We were then | and throughout ancient Asia, where advised to try the Cuticura Remedies, natives, taken b3 its beauty, gave and now I don't see any breaking out. | the shell a money value M. Curley, 11-19 Sixteenth St. Bay City, Mich., May 20, 1906,” | PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR INK HOW HE FOUND THE KEY, (herd, (hea custom IN are HE voyage of the battleship fleet to the Pacific will be veiled in impenetrable secrecy. No news regarding the St to be conducted on the trip around | South America will be allowed to fil- | ter through to the American taxpayer. | Newspaper correspondents will be rigidly excluded from the war vessels. form of meager reports furnished by naval officers specially appointed for that purpose and who will careful ly avoid references to those things in which the public is interested. These decisions were arrived at by | President Roosevelt after a consul ta- tion with Secretary Metcalf, Rear Admira] Evans and Rear Admiral Brown| son, chief of the bureau of naviga tion The journey of Rear Admiral Evans’ of the navy department . large squadron will be virtually on a | After a conference, Secretary Metwar jooting, for the only information | calf announced that the fleet would set tha: will be allowed to reach the peo- | Sail from Hampton roads on DecemΡο who are paying out millions to | ber 16. The president has been in- kvep the navy up to the highest state | formed on all important items in the ot fighting efficiency will be in the j itinerary. To convinee any woman that Paxtine Antiseptic will improve her health § and do all we claim for it. We will send her absolutely free a large trial box of Paxtine with book of instructions and genuine testimonials. Send your name and address on a postal card. cleanses and heals mucous 1η e mbrane affeetions, such as nasal catarrh pelvie catarrh and inflammation caused by feminine ills; sore eyes, sore throat and mouth, by direct local treatment Its curativé power over these troubles is extraordinary and gives immediate relict. Thousands of women are using and rec6 certs at druggists or by mail. Remember, however, ommending it every day, IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO TRYIT. THE R. PAXTON CO., Boston, Maas, ee corm ERGATIS |