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Show s FACE a The Roy News Ph. EX Kyle Harrop Arlene llamblln EX 4 2240 . Mrs. Myron Perry and daughter Erin are enjoying a trip to Alabama to visit with relatives and friends. A Christmas social will be held Tuesday, Dec. 17, for the Roy First Ward Relief Society. All ladies of the ward are invited to bring their friends and neighbors. Each 25c lady is requested to bring present, wrapped and ready to exchange. hTc literature lesson will be given by Doraline Roskelly at 10 a m. in the chapel after which the social will be held in the recreation hall. TTiere will be lota of fun and good things to eat, see you there. The main speaker for the Sunday evening services will be How ard and Bunny Terry at 5 p..m Little Wayne Hess, son of and Sara Hess, is home after spending six days in the hospital with pneumonia and complications. He has been very sick but now is recovering. Have you noticed the pretty red, white and blue mail box in the post office? The one placed there specially for speedy delivery of your Christmas mail. Be sure you sore your cards and distribute them in the right slot. A Christmas party for the ladies of the Roy Third Ward Relief Society will be held Tuesday, Dec. 17, at 10 a m. Gifts w ill be ex changed but they are not to be over 50c. There will be a program and lunch will be served All ladies of ami Ibo warrd arw participate and enjoy each others company.. The Roy Third Ward will hold its Christmas party on Monday Doc 23'.' All members are invited to at tend. Winners in last week's drawing to-co- me .... held at the Union 76 station were Randy Howard, 5300 So. 1700 W., basketball; Matthew Schwartz, 5085 So. 2700 W., football. The 76 Sports Club is a nonprofit organization sponsored by the station and is distributing a series of 26 booklets on sports from every field. Book number 4 will be distributed on the 16th and the drawing for a basketball and table tennis set will be on on the 21st of Dec. Any boy who is interested may register at the 76 station in Roy. Member of the Ray Junior Cham ber of Commerce were host to nearly 300 Jaycees from the state of Utah last Saturday, Dec. 5. Din ner, program, dancing and jusi plain sociability were enjoyed by all attending at Mas and Pas. The Christmas party of the Roy Jaycettes will be held Monday Dec. 16, 8.15 pm. at the home of Mrs. Robert Stevens, 5135 So. 2150 W. Mrs. Gene Gorder's color team wil. be in charge, consisting of Mrs. Harry Sugihara, Mrs. Robert Olsen, Mrs. Tom Williams, Mrs Arthur Wickstrom. JUMBO STALK SIZE 30 JUICY SUNKIST NAVELS CELERY Ss Each Each re$h Baked Special When YOU have a party WE'LL fix the Chicken CANNED - PENNANT WISCONSIN - Red Rind Cheese 2 MEDIUM NIPPY Window Lb. It't Study In Ju it Six Minulti! Burger Bar Phone EX Roy, Utah 2 9607 Convenient FOR SALE with the STAUFFER HOME REDUCING PIJIN. Ph. F.X day or night, for demonstration. home YOUR OLD TIRES FOR DOWN PAYMENT Used only 3 Special now, $75 DA I.E RINGII Up to 15 Months to ray MUSIC M 23c,B 59c PSC BRAND 9 - 4 1 12 cz Window 1 b E 15 LIGHT 69c 3'wtr Christmas T. ll9h, Trio Pock KAYCRAFT Assortment 3 00 1 DOLL HOSPITAL DOLES FIXED AND DRESSED ALL CLOTHES FOR SALE STOKER 5649 SO. 2700 W ROY D5 PH. EX 4 1431 TUPPERWARE DEALER EDNA RUNCHEL YOUR Quality Producta -1" 1948 W. 4400 So. Ph. EX 2 5759 Roy. Utah, Lb! n 79c 3 Salted Lbs B38$l 13 oz. Can 89c CIRCUS 79c WRAP 0ur 12 Inches Tall $129 JEWEL Gem 3LbCan 79c CHARMIN Poly PolyBag TISSUE 10 POUND Bag Rolls $1 11 HONEY $2.29 SYRUP 89c large LIBBY'S Tall Cam Pitted Ripe QyyJ Spray1 Tall Cans CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 12 Oz. Refrlg. BIG TOP 001 1.25 $t Tall Cans TABLE PRIDE FOR YOUR US! NEEDS... CHRISTMAS I.IBRY'S 2 WE WILL BE OPEN TILL 8 P.M. FRIDAY OCEAN 2 Quart Cans PUMPKIN SPRAY Pint CRANBERRY JUICE ' green peas v ,f. f r ... ij- - Pure 10 Oz. 4 for $1 j rvV-S- . SMm a " Where i bom lx. ,or 43c 39c 35c SUNNY JIM 4 for $1 GOLD 40 Oz. Jar Pure MARY ELLEN 20 Oz. ,1 STRIKE Jars jforsjoo 12 Ox. Can 49c Chunk TUNA' 4for$r 3.. BRAND 14 Pound WHOLE CHICKEN Whole 8 98c Oz. Can OYSTERS BLUE TAG 303 3ior$,oo Sit. Con No. 303 Size 3 forsl Canj 3 c"" T Quart Cam PEAR HALVES 3f,,rSl Quart Cam APPLE SAUCE INDIAN GEM 46 Oz. Can APPLE JUICE CORN STAMPS Ml IKJ ROY, UTAH 39U . 4 for $i 39c PACK CONTAINS . Quality is Inexpensive STOP in ROY ank SAVE! Fancy 6 CRAB MEAT.. APPLELAND 75c Plum Preserves 6 39c Ala$ka Smal PACIFIC PEARL ROSEDALE Strawberry Preserves 10 Oz. Packs " jr e ,or Oz. Con RASPBERRIES Jars Boysenberry Preserves X wty Shrimp 12 Jars 10 Oz. Strawberry Preserves TABLE PRIDE 3 for$j00 Pure 4 3orr Strawberries Ocean SEE PACIFIC PEARL 35c Jar PEANUT BUTTER n 45c 20 OZ. PACK BETTY CROCKER BLUE TAG 89c Size Ripe C live) BISQUICK GEISHA largo AA GRADE 39c FOUR CAKE DENNIS Half Gal. FRESH 43c CHIPS 32 Oz. Pock CARNATION PAIL EGGS CHRISTMAS CANDLES STELLER 69c $2.00 Value ROLL CHOCOLATE PIECRUST MIX 13 Oz. Can Virginia DUDE RANCH WRAP 12 Oz. Bog SOFTASICK LEWIS 356 Inch Roll CHRISTMAS 98c 98c Pack WRAP CHRISTMAS 7 2 2 Pounds 49c Dates CAMPFIRE CIRCUS Pound-49- c Poly Bogs BAKERS NUTS TOILET Continuous Rolls CHRISTMAS BEAUTIFUL EX 4 5649. We sell nothing but 4- RIPE COUNTRY PAIR white girls shoe iccj skates, size 3 and 6'v Thone Highway 91 Roy, Utali Mixed Nuts MIXED OR THIN SLICED 55c Cello Pack Pound 3 2 Pounds T CALIFORNIA SHORTENING With Globes ; $4.98 FRESH 1 PEANUTS Boxes CHOCOLATE CANDIES RIBBON 'N TWO SERVICE No. CASHEWS EX DAVE'S Bacon PEANUTS GLORIA KAYCRAFT White, 120 bass. or 4 times Was $285 ACCORDIAN 1 CANDIES AIL FILLED MIX JUST RIGHT FOR CHRISTMAS Children's table and chair sets, made with formica tops and wrought iron legs in your choice of colors. Large table $9 95; with 2 chairs $14 95, with 4 chairs $19 95. Phone EX 2 8353 or EX 2 6995 or EX 4 9727. Proceeds go to Roy Third Ward building fund. Terms - $98 BRACH'S ASK ANYONE You look lovelier if your are slender. Reduce at Budget p Box 75c 44 Lbs. BRACH'S $3.98 P I CN I C- S- 4 SWIFT'S - Sweet Rasher 69c Lb. SUGAR RIPE Toffee Candies & 55c Pounds Luncheon - DORAN'S ASSORTED HARD MIX BUY IT BY THE TUBFULl. 49c SWIFT'S PREMIUM SUGAR Utah , . Regular 59c 5 POUNDS BULK MINCE MEAT dry cleaning Inquire Roy, Pumpkin SPICE CAKE 4 POUNDS $2.98 3 POUNDS Ice Cream Mix Lickin' Good! Special AMS 1.98 2 POUNDS 1 1 HI SHUPE WILLIAMS HOY - SWIFT'S PREMIUM High School Boy (Preferably with own car) for part time pick up and delivery of laundry and Youll find it Finger Per Loaf 23c BREAD BUTTERMILK Regular 35c WANTED NIST KATIN1 CHICKIN Fresh Baked 29c Doz. 3UTTERFLAKE ROLLS Hard Mix Kl - GREEN Fresh Baked CLASSIFIED woaio i DOZt Per Pound 2 THl 3 CAB BAG L ADS P GRAPEFRUIT A Large HHOASTEI) CHICKEN rang SIZE SOLID pm crowd attended the first Christmas party sponsored by the Roy Chamber of Commerce. It wai attended by the various civic dug; of Roy to make It an inter-clumeeting. An excellent program was en joved during the evening. Favors were given to all lad.es present an. a large number of door prizes were.doed out to those luck) enough to win. There were su hams, traveling case, several tabl. decorations and potted flower and All Purpose dressing given u the ( hnstmas spirit E. Gavle SheUield gave sorn venous thoughts on the meaning of this the Yultide season. Master of ceremonies was Ber me Diamond of Ogden. - MEDIUM TEXAS PINK Prizes, games and refreshments are planned. A board meeting will proceed the general meeting at 7 December 12, 1957 Sun-Chronic- ON AIL 1i...lOc ITEMS |