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Show OUR GREATEST DISPLAY OF FINE NOW! BEFORE CHRISTMAS! AT DIRECT Stores in BOUNTIFUL STORES OPEN FRIDAY CARLOAD PURCHASE - ROY - LAYTON DECEMBER 16, OPEN EACH 1EGINNING MONDAY, EVENING TILL CHRISTMAS wall fIf an exclusive feature of the I OF FORMOST MAKES! STYLES! FABRIC? NEW COLOR COMFORT PULLr.lAU SELECTION PRICES! EVENING TILL 8:00 P.M. FROM A WIDE CHOOSE 'Pullman deposit or those who feel tired will hold any until Christmas LOUNGE CHAIR Reg. $149.73 - COMFORT QUALITY - STYLE Now -- DISTINGUISHES THIS RECLINING NEW CHAIR CHAIR Tha Sacral of Pullmarvoira Comfort To 11 Ivt' it fA.ft.&t , CrrW torfpr.rfwW (O IWAf ta relieve tenilon 5 oW IMfMMlMl to manog- U) to relieve (angled nerve ' To stimulate clrtvlatton entire body to eaie oching Jegt eootfre tore mutclef - bft fovtfv0 vW Kleg Site leg Sett f (tension ver Before Shown ! Oftomo jlri won derfvl comfort tor yog nood Ml awppon. AIL NEW Hardwood Frame in Beautiful Provincial Finish New, Heavy Matelasse Covers. All KOEHLER fO CHAIR Only 3975 up TODAY'S BIG VALUE! New PLATFORM Rockers Aade for TV First quality constructien Built for Service We are eo sure that vou will want this wonderful new frame, double dowel Designed for the most In comfort Finest of durable covers now at remnant low prices. nart New Fabrics! All for Only V f vv . 'YW . v f zmvrx, OUTSTANDINO COYII SIIICTI lyear ON of dcoro tor cokxv. jnsort fabrics combined wtth titpen ire "fabric boefced piottio ttvot itoy now ond dean by merely wiping vttb domp doth WkJ Guarantee rortg Cemplde ont(j yo r techl Made bjr the makers of Stratolounger A flick of the awitch sends an massage action that pene- trates your entire body Stratorester is pletely automatic lean h end motor gu for egoinit f i held In the position moe comfortable for you Ideal for TV watchinf reading or catnapping Stratorester is alread-bringin- a new kind o com- just back and you will be comfort and relaxation t thouaanda factory wor kern, businessmen, profes sional people, houaewivet FOR "AMERICA'S MOST WANTE RECLINING CHAIR" This is a new group of these fine Rockers in new Heavy Mo- hair Freige cover. Shown new for the first time. Take Two for Only Stratorcetor Vibrator Htcbner that we offer it to you on an unconditional 1 0 day free trial I A;;- Closed Arm Style i Cushionlzed Comfortl w75 10 DAY FREE TRIAL No Sag Spring All hardwood . Gooorowft proportson for full comfort for ovon toll it portonsl Swivels! iewing! resh New Styling! Modorn Styllnf Prfc1 'th ony decor MAJwoy P'ghtcontmporory itytirvg SEE OUR BIG DISPLAY t ,;v' ' V v OF THE FAMOUS Reg. Value 79.00 F-IR-- 75 Now E-E WITH YOUR PURCHASES A DELICIOUS FULL SIZE . LESS VIBORATOR Nvr WITH YOUR PURCHASES OF $100.00 OR MORE A BIG 2 LB. BOX DELICIOUS CHOCOLATES 3975 t t t This Rocker Is Easy e $59.00 Value CUSTOM wirz, Provincial Chair O Heavy Matelassse Cover Wide Choice of Colors - U i, y- - This Same Rocker is Now Available in a Completely New Heavy Duty "Vinyl Naugahyde" Cover in New White, Tan and Crimson Shades. ; V ; V' ' : ' Stylish Tufted and No Sag Spring for C Low Open Arm Rocker Now WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF $50.00 OR MORE Si CKir Been Priced this . . TENDER HAM 'a. before has a quality Reclining See It! You'll Like It! For Buttoned Ba' Better Service You have a wide choice fro Our New Stock. New Colors & Styles to Choo. from 1,75 0.75 O Carved Frultwood Frame Reversible Inner-Sprin- g Cushion for Longer Wear. Reg. $129.75 Value FOR jr 7ir Top quality "Vinyl Naugahyde" cover over arms end head rest position assures long wear. OnlyJi BOUNTIFUL - ROY - LAYTON Parking at Rear of Ail Stores ? 1 1 ; |