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Show The Sun-Chronicl- NOTICE 7a December 12, 1957 e, said Northeast Quarter and Tunning thence South 175.09 feet; thence West 12.084 chains to the place of beginning; excepting therefrom that portion which lies within the boundaries of the State Highway along the East line there- Notice is hereby given that public hearing will he held by Hoy City, Utah, on the 3rd day of of. January, 1958, at 5.00 o'clock pin. at the Municipal Building, Roy, Dated thia 11th day of December, Utah, regarding the following: 1957. By C. W. Rapp 1. The amending of the Roy City . Mayor to Ordinances, Zoning Section Published Dec. 12, 1957. change from Zone R-- l (residential) to Zone (Commercial) the folORDINANCE NO. 136 lowing property: The East 50 feet of a strip of land 150 feet wide ly AN ORDINANCE TO GOVERN ing immediately East of 2000 West EXPENDITURES FOR THE YEAR 5400 South Street Street, 1958 BY THE CITY OF ROY, and 5500 South Street, 2. The annexation to Roy City, UTAH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE Utah, of the following described CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY . territory; OF ROY, UTAH. A part of the Northeast SECTION ONE. That pursuant Quarter of Section 21, Townto the provisions of Section HH2-15 North, Range 2 West, ship Utah Code, Annotated, 1953, funds Salt Lake Meridian, U.S. Surare hereby appropriated for the vey. Beginning at a point 773 municipal expenditures of the City feet South of the Northeast of Roy for the year 1958. corner of the South one-hal- f of General Administration C-- 2 to-wi- z $27,375.00 HEY FOLKS DON'T DRIVE TO OGDEN SANTAS AT UNION FURNITURE IN ROY 5 ( 0 7 P.M. WEEKDAYS Streets snd Public Improvements Wster & Sewer Dept. Storm Sewer Cemetery & Parks Public Safety (police and fire dept.) Municipal Acres 25,100.00 173,335.00 7,600.00 7,900.00 for Everyone." All members of the ward are invited to attend. No Primary will be held on the 18th, or 25th of Dec. or the 1st of Jan. Also on the 20th a Beehive Girls Christmas Caroling party- will be held, this' la an event throughout the church. The West Point Jaycees are spon soring a Christmas lighting contest again this year. The theme this year will be Put Christ Back in Christmas. First, second and third prizes will be awarded. To be eligi ble ybu must live in West Point town. Have your Fights orvDed. 22 at 7 p.m. See the Jaycees -- If you wish to enter, for more details. A dance will be held at the stake house on Dec. 14. At 2 p.m Sunday Dec. 15, Stake Sunday School Preparation Meeting will be held at the stake house. The Relief Society Christmas party will be held on Tuesday Dec. 17. A dinner will be served. Every lady in West Point Ward is invited to attend. The dinner will be served at 1 pm. There will also be a Christmas program. There will be no Relief Society meetings held on Dec. 24th and 30th. On Dec. 18 the M Men and Gleaners are having a Wassail - ' 1 - , TO 6 P.M. SATURDAY PHOTOS IF DESIRED Vf, A C010R PHOTO -- 5x7 Mayor ONLY $1.50 Madge H. Gibson Recorder Published 6 FREE 5x7 Color Photos with $100 Purchase 12 Dec. 1957. WEST POINT NEWS unmtuit Oh By Kyle DONT MISS THE FOR Melt butter and marshmallows over hot water, add vanilla extract; beat well. Pour over rice cereal mixed with cinnamon candies in a greased bowl; stir constantly. Pat out in greased 8x12 inch pan. Cool, cut in squares. In light-crac- k Makes two dozen. 13 Oispy Ceres cup butter People are no bigger than the things that make them mad. Squares H LAUNDERED SHIRT 1 FR. WITH ANY DRY CLEANING ORDER FOR ... or LADIES DRESS SUIT A MAN'S A special limited time offer TO INTRODUCE OUR EXCLUSIVE sleeping collar Shirf wi,h Points stay flat Modeled to conform to your neckline 5taysXvrmkTe frte Indoset or suitcaseNo "colar Harrop The folks in West Point were so sorry that Jennie Thurgood met with an accident last Tuesday It happened at the intersection east of her home. Although Jenny was hurt and will have to wear a sling for a month or so she is very thankful that she was noth urt more seriously than she was as their car was completely demolished. We are hoping that before long she will feel much better than she doe; now. She was such a good sport center. POP CORN BALLS about the whole thing. Be nice if there were more people with the 5 quarts popped corn same gallant spirit that she has. Tuesday Dee 17, the MIA will have a Christmas program, it will start at 7 30 p m. There will be no Primary on Dee 18th. On Thursday Dec. 19 the Primary Stake Preparation meeting will be held. On Friday Dec. 20 the Primary Children's Christmas party will be held at 7.30 p.m. The program is entitled "Primary Vi Cook sugar, salt, water and corn syrup to a very hard ball stage (256) degres, add vinegar and vanilla extract; cook to a Bars are something which. If stage (270 degrees) slowly pour over pop corn; stir well to coat you go into too many of, you art every keraal. Mold in balls around apt to come out singing s few of, the gumdrops or marshmallows. and maybe land behind some of. Use shortening or butter on hands. Jolly Cooks Corner As far back as I can remember, pop corn has played an important role in Christmas preparations. What fun it was when my two big sisters popped the corn on top of the coal range while we younger ones busied our fingers threading it on long strings to hang on the Christmas tree. How beautiful our tree looked, bedecked with the fluffy white pop corn, bright red cranberries, paper chains and strings of candy, tinsel rid dime store ornaments. Remember when we used to light our trees with little wax candles? Wonderful as those trees were to us then, they would probably look ridiculous now with all the glamorous coloring and trims that are popular today. Pop corn and pop corn balls still remain a favorite treat for young and old. Here is a time tested recipe with a little surprise added such as a plump fresh marshmallow or a large gumdrop in the tsp. vanilla ounce package rice crispys cup cinnamon candies 15i slow oven, 300 to 325 degrees. 24,000.00 104,120.00 SECTION THREE. That this Ordinance shall take effect on the 1st day of January, 1958 PASSED, ADOPTED AND PUBLISHED THIS 13TH days of December 1957, (SEAL) Attest: C. W RAPP Vi Keep pop corn hot and crisp Congratulation! to Phillip Penney on his being advanced to the office of a priest. The 138th Quorum of Seventy will hold their annual banquet and Total Budget Year 1958 $369,430.00 Christmas party on Dec. 18 at 7.30 SECTION TWO. That in the pm. at the West Point amusement opinion of the City Council of the hall. They always have such nice City of Roy, a public emergency parties. exists in connection with the matters herein contained, and that it is necessary to the peace, safety and general welfare of the inhabi tant$ pLJheCity of Roy that this Ordinance take effect on Januiry 32 marshmallows cups sugar l'fc cups water 'h tsp. salt Vi cup light corn syrup 2 tbs. vinegar 1 tbs. vanilla party. 1. 1958. V-'&v- 2 curl" . . . Returned to you FRESH AND CLEAN REUSABLE NOW IV PLASTIC BAG CLEAR - for Your PICK-U- In a co nve P nen c e &DEUVRy Roy and are.s 2-79- mm HAVE HOLIDAY YOUR CLOTHES 95 DRESS-U- CLEANED NOWI CTvJr s199 CHRISTMAS-ONL- Y FUN OF OWNING A PAIR 95 X. M r K? F? i OENUINI (iBp)TS 's.L Never before so many top quality features at this low price. Come in today compare picYoull in compare price. agree And youll agree TV your best buy is G-the best Christmas gift is E TVI ture E! G-- New 1958 model with slim silhouette Aluminized 110 VttY design picture tube donVenient moves on large silent pasters tdl 2IT143V with matching h I armada Vania flntafc ' As Shown Also Get WEATHER-BIR- SHOES AT MELVIN'S SHOES BUY FROM YOUR DEALER UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. CLEARFIELD, UTAH Reg. 219.95 Only . . . ,Mr3. P. ROY, UTAH C. isst, EX |