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Show t i Ban-Chronic- Riverdale News VerU R. Hull Phone EX IU31 The Riverdale Stake in conjunction with Weber StJfke has purchased a farm. The farm, located in Tarr West, comprises 116 acres. To meet the warrd assessment, a project of selling 1,000 ballpoint pens has been inaugurated. Price for the pen is $1. "Hie Primary organization heads stayed after leadership meeting Monday for a Christmas party. There was an exchange of gifts, exchanged via favors made by Lucille Judkins. Refreshments were served. ' carryalls were made, to be Christmas gifts and for use Primary work by the usjor teachers.' Judge Parley Norsetb addressed the PTA of Riverdale Elementary School on Thursday. His subject was "Parents and Juvenile Delinquency." Factors listed by Judge Norseth as contributing to juvenile delinquency were: Lack of religio training, use of liquor nd intoxicating drinks, broken homes, working mothers, not enough work and responsibility for children, lack of discipline, and supervision, and inconsistency in training of children. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Blodgett are visiting with Mrs. Blodgetts parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Call, prior to their taking residence at the BYU, where Mr. Blodgett will pursue his education next quarter. The Blodgetts have been in Germany, courtesy of Uncle Sam. Eleanor says that she enjoyed Germany very much. Doris Woodbury, Claudia Stimp-son- , and Grant Gibby gave talks at recent Sunday School sponsored Sunday evening services. A musjeal reading was given by Mary Dickson and Lois Manning, a vocal solo by Rose Thompson, accompanied by her daughter, Kathy. IDEN FRANKLIN The w4rd Christmas plriy for the children will he held mi Wednesday, Dec. 18. t.will be at 3:43, in lieu of Primary, and ; will be boeted by the Junior Sunday School. There will be entertain ment, including the singing of Christmas carols. ,fa and Pas will be the scene of the Christipas banquet for Riverdale School PTA officials, teachers and their partners. This event will be on Dec. 16 at 7:30 p.m. Norm a Mark, is general,, chairman, with Mrs. Richard Simmons and Juanita Barker as cochairman. Christmas carolling and an exchange of gifts will bq.ieaUired. Joseph Cross,. from) the. scout office, visited at Mutual Tuesday evening. There was a talk by Sally Kellerstrass. MIA officers especially Invited all to attend the holiday dance next Tuesday. Mutual will not be held during the two holiday Tuesdays. The girls will meet, however, for a makeup lesson, sometime' during the holiday period. . Hooper News December le l: 12, 1957 ft. arm span Thurston, had great from domeliner Greyhound. people wagging their heads, and A belated welcome to Arron Petshouting their bids for over three 6 hours. Everything was sold to the tune of $384. One item not sold because of Its value a $30 Mitchell spinning reel will be sold to the highest bid, over $18. Contact any night jCenny Stuart, EJ after 5 p.m. Its a real special deal for fishermen. Nora arid Toe Peterson have been visiting in Nrowalk, Calif with their son John and his family They apent two weeks down there which included the Thanksgiving holidays. Alta Peterson went down with them and is still there stay log with her daughter Maude. They all have been visiting with neu-enephews, children and grandchildren while they were down there, ancj also visited Marine Land-o- ne of the most fabulous fish bowls in the world. The sight seeing both down to California and back was erson who is out of the service. really surprised the family, by joining them while they were deer hunting. He was going to stay in California for a while which made the surprise. And just imagine the thrill it was (or his parents when they returned from hunting most of the day. and found Aaron in He Suggestions from Reunion, Drug camp. , In case you haven't noticed the gleam in Orin Bybees eye and the cheesy cat grin he displays means hes a great grandfather. Kent and Joyce Bybee had a new son Tuesday Dec. 10. It also means that another grandson has been added to the number Bob and Ar tie also have a new baby boy, born the tit h of Dec. This makes 31 grandchildren for May and Orin. Congratulations to the parents and to the grandparents. HEY KID The Hooper First Ward Relic! Society held a social last Tuesday honoring Mrs. Norma Mannnig and Mn. Wealthy Cottle, who have been released as president and counselor. The program was arranged by Mrs. Armina Widdison and Mrs. .LOTS OF CARTOONS A SHORTS PLUS Jewel Widdison Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth Lewis and their grandson, Dennis Eppley, vfh'o is staying wjth them, visited for a week recently in Whittier, Calif., with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eppley. ADMISSION 4 DOORS OPEN 2;4S Santa Claus was in Hooper Tuesday Dec. fo at 6.30 to turn on the Christmas lights on the store corner. However the lights didnt go on until the Utah Power and Light Co. came out sometime later and turned them on. Santa presented a sack of nuts and candy to all the yoyjiVtrrs rfent. A real big crowd was in attendant? This event is sponsored each year by the Hooper Junior Womans Club. The Mia Maid and Explorer Stake fireside held in the Lake View Stake House last Sunday evening was well attended and was s very inspirational meeting. George Kichardri of the YMMIA and who is a son of Residing Bishop I,aGrande Richarrds was the speaker and spoke on By My AcHIGH-FIDELIT- Y tions 1 Will Prove My Allegiance to the Church." Master of cere monies was Don Flinders, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Flinders. AM-F- M Talks were given by Frank Simmons of Roy 5th Ward and Ixanna Head of Hooper First Ward. A chorus from Roy 5th Ward sang and a quartet from Hooper First Ward sang Mrs. Cassie Mitchell and Mrs. Della Rawson are home again after a short stay in the Dee Hospital. Mrs. Amanda Widdison is staying in Ogden for a few days with Mr and Mrs Darrell Doxcy who arc the parents of a new baby girl Mrs. Doxcy is formerly Marlene Widdison. Junior Christensen flew to Denver last Monday on TDY work for Hill AFB Hans to be gone a week or so. Mr and Mrs. Loland Higley are building a home on the north side of the road just west of the Hooper town park. Elder Hal Stoddard will be the speaker next Sunday Dec. 15 in the Hooper First Ward Sacrament meeting. The Watts lorgait selling HI-1st and 2nd Hooper School grades arc preparing a Christmas operetta entitled. hTc stockings wire hung." Which will be presented on Thursday, Dec. 19 at 7 30 p.m. in the school, Mn. Katherine Brady, of the second grade teachers is in charge CABINET of the operetta and she is being assisted by the other first and AND SOUND CHAMBER second grade teachers, who arc Mrs. Jennie Christensen, Mrs. automatic record plajcr plus both AM and FM Widdison and Mrs. Lcoan Burningham. The school orchestra radio with built-i- n antenna. 3 speakers: large woofer will also play. All the parents arc invited to attend. and 2 Alnico-- 5 tweeters with electronic crossover. mm Dont forget the kids show each Saturday at the ROY THEATER The Pajama Game Ruth Barry Nylons 98c Pr. Seamless lacy mesh nylon hosiery in run resistant circular knit' Coordinated leg lengths, lovely shades. 84-11- . 89c Nlon stretch style 66 gauge Tytwist 98c $1.15 Miniature birds and bottle of perfume j.0, golden cage. oz. 1.00 Bottle Perfume Hus F E T Hus FE.T LINGERIE 9Ht- Prettily trimmed nylonized tricot. White, 5 pan-ties- , non-ru- C 5Q 7 Lavished with lace and $1 QO Rufrles! Nylon Slips . . ,70 Silky nylon tricot slip with deep 64 in. lace botom overlaid with sheer nylon tricot ruffle. Dainty borders of lace accented by satin ribbon bow. White, pastels. L. S-- c4 - v ''-- Uintah Model u - 0 V," 't.i 10RP-3- , 51 i h FIRST IN STYLING DOUBLE VALUE E3 fo? DELUXE ALL HEY BEST BUY, TOO! In Blond Oak finish $1 If You Like Music, You'll Love Roma California Port is an honest wine, a good wine. Never anything less. Packord-Bel- l only $239.95 Modern Walnut finish 21"CONSOLE Tl CABINET ALL-HARDWO- ALL-HARDWOO- D SOUND CHAMBER Convenient 21" controls, top-fro- nt aluminized tube, power transformer protection and big, speaker. OmtSI bOTTlI any or Blonde Oak finishes. 95 Deluxe Model 21 SC-- 8. overall diag. meas., sq. in. viewable area. 79.93, 89.93 HI-- COM! IN AND I SEE TV "NO-KNO- with complete remote control Included. EXCLUSIVELY v LAYTON ROY Stores open Friday evening till 8 p. m. Beginning Monday Dec front-position- 16opeh eo ch, evening, fill ed styled, Modem Walnut cabinet. Also available in Mahog- Union Furniture THE WINES IN THE picture Luxuriously finished, Mahogany finish. BOUNTIFUL ' EMERGENCY PHONE EX PHQNE EX RADIO Colonial Maple finish $1 4 I . True of people did their Christmas shopping at the building fund action last week and it all added to making the even a success. Glen dig 1 FIRST IN PERFORMANCE PLUS Famed Bourjois cologne in three popular fragrances BENNION DRUG Pm thru 23rd |