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Show A A The Sun-Chronicl- December 12, 1957 e, f dent; Mrs. Ferral Chilaon, vice prealdenl; Mrs. Beth Peterson, treasurer, and Mra. Ililtrad Wilmont, aecretary-hiatoriaThe new officer take office Jan. 1, 1958. Mr. and Mra. June Martin recently apent a day in Paul, Idaho visiting with Mr. and Mra. Tbomaa Scott. Richard Scott, con of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott is in Illinois attending communications school He is learning about radios right a. UXXD CLLM MAIL rurAMII tCTMUZU PUBLISHED BY AT AO Y, UTAI THE ROY PRINTING COMPANY publUJM Imniweommunitm wtlfurronnduif th MkMTHii urrxKESTCD ux BOOTH &IAX M TkurvUr It at HOY, RJVE&DALA. WEB IK, UIXTAM. OUDKM, uua oy la h cuk. CUWTOM. UUTfmr. OUTM dOUMM, !- - HttOm, DIXTAM now. Last Dalton, Dalton, hit by NATIONAL lOHOtlAl lASSOCtATlON u SIAJtf yYiirtMimmil SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 2 PER YEA OFFICE LOCATION: 5380 So. 1900 West, Roy. UUh; Ph. EX J- - HOWARD EXT9441 STAHLE Owner Publisher, Manager BETTY, LOU STAHLE R. Weber road but failed and over turned hia panel truck. He went over the north aide of the road. South Weber haes to see Frank We are glad he wasn't hurt in this and Mary Firth move from out accident. town. The farm on which they lived Justin Young has returned to his had been in the family for three been home generations or since 1870 when Navy base after having to attend leave He 10 for got days. Franks grandfather bought it. was a day funeral but his uncles They both enjoyed living in South Weber and they hope everyone late in arriving. traeU the new family with the Bill, Duane, Dale, Glen, Lynn same respect and friendliness that and Brent Poll along with Wayman they have recieved. Frank and Cash spent last Saturday deer huntMary have bought them a little ing near Manila. They returned home at 3065 Ogden Ave. and hope with a big 7 point and three other all their friends will call in and deer. The wind blows harder there see them. than it does up on the flat they Max Wilson spent four days In said. Yuma, Am., last week on a little Mr. and Mrs. Royce Searaona vacation with a brother in law. spent two days In Preston, Idaho Hap and Ina Imlay have visiting last week where they attended at their home, one cITLaps bruthm funeral of an uncle. and his family from Escalante, Ut. . Last week Dder Gary R- They are Mr. and Mrs Frank it should address was The ladles club met at Faye of been 1027 Colorado Ave., Grand Rays this month for their Christ- Junction, Colo. On Dec. 20, the ward will hold mas party. The table was set with annual Christmas party. Budget its tree a lovely trimmed Christmas and each guest exchanged gif's tickets will be honored and for any Dinner was served and Bingo was family without one there is going to be a cover charge of 50c a famenjoyed by all those present of the The Relief Society will hold their ily to help cover the expense will annual Christmas party on Wed candy and nuts Also gifts for and the be 30 7 price exchanged nesday evening Dec 19th at and Each lady is requested to bring a Mutual age and above is 25c Claus 50c gift to be exchanged during for the children 15c. Santa been has it and be will is present in and lady the evening every Mutual older age) tthe asked tha v.ted whether they belong to the ta'k-Relief Society or not There is a! kids not go see him when hes time to the Starting mg youngsters. ways a nice party Our sympathy goes out to Bonnie will be at 7 30. a Tuesday night there will be Vkena who's father was killed in and Mutual for Christmas accprogram automobile an Wyoming in after everyone is going caroling ident last Saturday Dress warm and bring your best Pioneers of the The daughters will hold their next meeting at the singing voice with you, it is urged. There has been a quilting bee home of Ethel Earl on Thursday on at the home of Leulla Byrams Nov. 19 at 2 p m. this week and they wish to thank ihe and MIA Released from the that helped to comPrimary were Clyde Thorpe and all of those on it. done was plete Edna Thorpe, this Don't forget the holiday dance account of the familly moving to as tonight. There will be home made Clearfield. To take Edna's place sale. second counselor in the Primary. candy, cakes and pies for fun and have come Venna Harmon has been appointed Everyone to the job. Congratulations Venna Dennis Arave is th proud owner of a pretty green 1953 Ford. Congratulations Dennis. The Sunset Fire Indies Auxiliary During the snowstorm last Thursofficers were department elected new1957. day evening while the roads They Dec. 3, last Tuesday tried Dallas so slippery Thompson Shaw, presiMrs. Hildegard were: to make the turn down the South South Weber Friday, 11 year old Charles son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil 87 So. Main, Sunset, was a car while crossing the street at the light intersection, and was thrown 94 feet. He was bruised about the head and suffered three broken riba and was unconscious for a few hours. Mr. and Mra. Vern Young and family motored to Huntington and spent Thanksgiving and the weekend with their folks. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sean spent a week in Burley, Idaho with their son and the Thanksgiving bolidsy. Since coming home, Mr. Sears has been confined to bis bed with a bad cold. The Sunset PTA and the Standard Recreation Department of Ogden, are sponsoring a ski school to teach ages of 9 to 18 to ski. Buses come from Ogden and transport those Interested to Ogden and up to Snow Basin. All lessons are free but each person must have his own ski equipment. The American Association of University Women are presenting a play Saturday at 10 am. at the Davi High in Kaysville. Everyone i invited and tickets gre 35c. The name of the flay is "Onagain and is said to be very in Off-agai- teresting and entertaining. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Call. The Elders Quorum of the Sunset Ward are sponsoring Christmas tree for their project this year. The trees may be bought at Arthur Mumford's home at 681 No. Main, Sunset. Sunset City councilmen and Mayor Burson have appointed Woodrow G. Barnett to the other councilman The ladies quartet of the Sunvacated by Bursoh who takes office set Ward won at the stake and went into Ogden and represented Jan. 1st. A new Sunset bcnool is being the stake at the divisional. They consinerei to be built on a 10 acre were given the highly superior lot west of Highway 91 between rating which is the highest to be Doxey Lane and Arsenal Way for given. Sunset can truly be proud Sunset and North Clearfield. There of this wonderful talent. Meet your friends ?' 4he stake is said to be some 20 rooms in the building for our fast growing com- dance Saturday night Dec. 14 and munity. enjoy the good music. There will be Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eby left re- a floor show and refreshments and the dance is sponsored by the cently for the sorth. lasl has in the Air Force and was Clearfield Fourth Ward. Sunset Ward Relief Society held transferred from Hill AFB. Scottie and Joslyn Wiberg, chil- their Christmas party Wednesday dren of Mr. and Mrs Norman Wi- evening Dec. 11. Erlene Ward showberg were present at Jimmie Calls ed some color slides and refreshbirthday party Saturday Dec. 7 ments were served. John C. Mason was released from Jimmie was 11 years old and is the ward teacher Instructor in the Sunset Warrd at Sacrament meeting Sunday evening, and H. A. Thor-nocwas sustained in his place; Keith Egbert was released from the Explorer teacher and George Elmer put in his place. The YWMIA was reorganized, releasing Eva Dawson, Beverly Reid and Verla Haskell; the new officers are, Eda Alldredge, president; Margaret Egbert, age group counselor, Erlene Ward, activity counselor. Kay Green was sustained as drama director replacing Marlene Hill Steed. Richard Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Martin, arrived 5316 So. 1900 W., Roy, ACCESSORIES f . B-- - tHsmspnHD tyi MilKT NhK H'h Dress Shirts ... 28c Sport Shirts... 33c I tab INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED WORK GUARANTEED and lUed PARTS-A- Vir - BRAKE an isolated recurrence of the men's clothing shortage or whether U was one bigshol's way of dramatising the railroad's perennial pleas of poverty, hut this headline appeared not so long ago in a large metropolitan daily: RAILWAY PRESIDENT TO TESTIFY IN UNION SUIT. CEP CCESD AUTO GLASS INSTALLED AUTO GLASS AND We, of course, have do way of knowing whether it was due to 03MJMM mm mm ROY AUTO PARTS 4 9639 SHOE EXCHANGE Sea-mon- s Im-lay- I ' . SUNSET NEWS Y7 K CHRISTMAS SPECIAL PING PONG TABLE 'tq. 8 LEGS will give the family pleaThis well built tournament size table or packed away in assembled be can easily and sure for year storage. 58 Tickne Reg. 529.49 s23.95 TABLE TENNIS SET Reg. 54.50 s3.79 BADMINTON SET Reg. Union Pacific has awarded scholarships to 793 Utah farm students, totaling over $62,0001 The Carl Raymond Gray scholarship, sponsored by the Union Pacific Railroad, was established in 1921 to recognize worthy efforts of farm youth, and to encourage them to Pacific West. prepare for their future in the field of agriculture throughout the Union This scholarship plan, inaugurated when Mr. Gray was president of the railroad, has been continued .every year suite, and today it is ardently suppoitcd b) President 51195 s8.88 A. E. 1 ENGLISH MADE DART GAME Stoddard. Counties served bv the Railioad in eleven western states are eligible for the award. One Clubs in each is offered to students of Vocational Agriculture and one to members of Club, 196 counties qualify, and in Vocational Agriculture 161 qualify. county. In 4-- 4-- Reg. 54.95 . . In Utah, 793 selections have been made, with payments totaling over $62,006. Many award winners report that the scholarship provided the necessary encouragement for them to enter college. 3.95 Thus Union Pacific western agriculture mm (SJiniDOirQ bT 10-da- y k TRY OL it PHONE EX home Saturday, Dec. 7, for a leave from the Navy. is helping to develop beyond the call of transportation service encouragement to the youth of Western America. Paorffl |