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Show The ROY HEWS m TO PLACE ROY NEWS CALL ANY OF THE FOLLOWING Kyle Harrop Arlene Ilamblln Betty Stable Office Sun-Chroni- PORK LOIN ROAST 4 PORK SPARE RIBS Fresh Per Pound FRESH FROZEN BOOTH 71 HADDOCK Lb. PERCH PER POUND EJ, BOOTn 0F AC. FILLETS 49C ,b OXJMaMa 49c PREMIUM RVT1FT8 PICNIC HAMS r"'c1Lb. 43c Jumbo Size Sweet Juicy Sunlcist ORANGES was held at An evening social the home of Mrs Kenneth llorspool last Tuesday evening at H pin Aj pot luik supper was enjoyed hy the following Mrs Ray Wright. Mrs Neal Forbes. Mrs Wayne Simi ti, Mrs Krnest Hell. Mis Charles Mor Hamblin. gan and Mis and to G'en Congratulations Afton llryson on the birth of their new daughter Visiting le;n hers and c!ax- lead : rs of the Relief Society don t for get the Convention planned for April 12th at 7 30 pill at tbu Lake r ( HO GXRBACe UTOMATIC -A- L ,i LP CA1 IHClNtATOR.-t9S- ' ! GREEN 2 BchS' ONIONS 9c Beautiiul 7 MAI CAA, tj. I j View i ASPARAGUS FRESH Stems Blooms-Lo- ng Contains FRESH BAKED BAKED ! i $50 DONATION To your club) church or lodge for distributing 84 bottles of nationally advertised) World famous Vanilla or Shampoo or Both y BOB RENDER "Your Watkins Dealer" The Kynaston (John and Emily) reunion will be held in Bountiful next Saturday April (i beginning 15 at noon New Store WASH a ii OFITCF PHONE NO. 6506 2205 HI A o;ir. it Any man who a house cleaning knows why hurricane-are given femurne names " The last word has lived through I bachelor thinks thing of Iwauly and hr A a boy Is I for-rv- r. INFLATION CfrPY'1'. WAIT MOOUC1IO iot miC! TV nOuM ov MOUSKETEERS... is American home than a second set. When a woman plays a waiting game, shes not playing Juvenile delinquency is the re suit of parents try.ng to train children without starting at the bottom. GRAPE FROZEN FRESH cans ORANGE Just Arrived DEL MONTE DEL JUICE PEANUT BUTTER DE I .MONTE DROPS ARROW 2 49' DEL MONTE or C J for BEANS DEL MONTE $1 for IN POLY CATSUP.... for DEL BAG $1 I! TISSUE.. mRoUs I $1 1 'for C Sections .... J Crisco Spry- - SHORTENING 6.-5- SAUCE 11 L 14 $1 f or get a special M1CKK1 MOUSE IMll'B-OON RING... ome on in now I UTAH CONCRETE PIPE CO. J) 1940 Wall Avtno OGDEN Phon AND ,VlT LAKE orf CFS IN LOGAN PROVO Food $1 0 for1 r $1 JCns' POUNDS PANCAKE FLOUR 4AJc PER PACK CAKE MIXES GRADE AA LARGE EGGS COUNTRY FRESH Q FLUFF0 Lb. Can GOLD STRnCE STAMPS ON ALL ITEMS SH(lli...)ou 1 OZ. CANS GRATED TUNA PILLSBURY 303 CANS Grapefruit TOILET New Low Price MONTE5 303 CANS BITS-O-SE- 303 CANS FRUIT COCKTAIL, 1 $1 4 for1 ADE ORANGE... $ J f or for' A Mandarin 6J1 C $1 46 OZ. CANS ORANGE- - ROYALTY 303 CANS Cut Green 1 GARDEN FRESH A for JARS L TAMATO A DEL MONTE $1 14 OZ. 1 303 CANS STEWED TOMATOES CANS $1 NO. 303 CANS Ij 98c APPLE NO. 303 CANS ..... J for BRAND APPLELAND GREEN PEAS TALL CANS TAIL r for $100 DEL MONTE - 4F07t Ea. III C BRAND Cream Style L 0 CORN FRESn FIG BARS CHARMIN' NORTH OF ADMIRAL THEATRE CLEARFIELD, UTAH ... 3 ..51 211 CANS DEL MONTE POUNDS BRAND SYI YEAN 45' TWO Vx MELVIN'S SHOES straw. MISSION PINEAPPLE FRESH TASTY PICKLES Needs CANS 2W CRUSHED CHUNKS TIDBITS Cucumber Priced to meet your MONTE PEACH HALVES AOC GUM PACK 18 OZ. Beautiful SUNNY JIM 20 OZ. JARS ARO get youra today. 5C Large Variety 29' .... ith rsrry Right purchase of ftl IIIKR BIRD SLICED ELBERT FREESTONE TOMATO 29c LIBBY'S BERRIES 46 OZ. CAN TAMALES CHILI ccgfwnasiit FROZEN FRESH LIBBY'S LADIES BLOUSES Fast Colors DERBY 'ai6W71S RAISIN NUT BREAD Spcfil 10,orT GREEN S00 J for JUICE MICKEY MOUSE DOUBLOON RINGS rl:' x xxs 49c REG. J5e oz. Cans LIBBYS FROZEN FRESH KADOTA FIGS FREE giving that now-cost- if SHOW Something cost $10 a few years ago and $15 to get it fixed Nothing in television has promoted more good will in the jiMMif COUD -6 pice cake FRESH BAKED LEMONADE lu-'- No longer ' Infanta ipatmg" hut the proud parents of new babies are Marvin and Glenna Miller, hoy, Carl and Shirley Seifert, girl. Harry and Beryl Hall, girl, Reed and Vivian Rose, girl, Glen and Afton Bryson, girl YOUR SOI RCF OF SUPPLY Phone Clearfield ' Fresh Frozen ex held at last Friday night It was to celt hi ate jointly, Mrs Fields birthday and that of her son and daughter in law Mrs Field's Inr'hdjv was on the 2!lth, I laris on the 11th and on the 14'h Happy birthday all. Happy birthday wishes to: Charlene Baker on the 2Hth of March, Kvilvn Barnes on the 29th, Iva Loo Allen on the 30th, Bernice Van Dame on the 2nd of Apnl itlidav pal the Harold Field b. A LreADRI25c 29c 25 REG. 59c ! pp-sin- RADISHES 2 Bchs. 9c 10c pound 119 FRESH GARDEN AFFODIIS ( meeting will consist nf presents Stake house. tion of the new officers of the was elnss Fxlucation Adult The ITA for the coming year Also re held yesterday Thursday t at the of several on the pnign-vjorts a of the committees. This me fling Roy Schnl as planned. Next w((k short business meeting will be vs i! begin at 7 pm Following will held just before the Adult class be the Adult F.duiation class Mrs. t I hats on April 11 The business I.ihm-will a film along wi'li In lesson It will entitled "I'lefate to Life ' I.viryone is urgi d to be in ,itt dance 2 Doz. TENDER GREEN FRESH TASTY 1 (K'ATFP CHOPS SALMON COD PORK 3 Lbs. $100 SAUSAGE 47c PER POUND Silver Brite FRESn FROZEN STYLE COUNTRY PORK 45c PER POUND four-year-ol- 39c CENTER CUT FAMILY STYLE Well, that old saying, "This is where I came In" sure applies to me this week. I just got the two older children back in school Mon day after a two week bout with measles. Monday night the broke oot and Tuesday the baby broke out. I've heard of quite a number of local families that are going through much the same ex pcrienc The Roy First Ward Relief So ctety will hold ll work day next Tuesday beginning at 10 a m Work will continue on items for the com Ing bazaar A very merestmg dem onstratlon on soap making will be given I'm sure this will be of in terest to many of you ladies I have seen a sample of this soap and it is really nice. It has a very fine texture and smells so pood. There will also be a discussion on b. .er ages. These lessons on food ; ..d drinks are really beneficial V t" the warm weather Just around l..i corner It will ime to get some new ideas for ri freshing cool drinks I Per Pound Lean Loin Ends CHANGING SCENE 2240 2 9441 2 1 184 Phone le, Roy, Utah, Thursday, April 4, 1957 c FOR OQi (J 99 Mika |