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Show The Roy, Sun-Chronicl- e, I 'tali, Thursday, April 4, 1957 Utah Called "Most Beautiful" By Hungarian Refugee Couple M ( OSD (UM AL'THOKIED MtM It ICE MAH PUBLISHED AT UO . I T Misses Linda Teach and Sandra Anderson appeared in piano recitals on Thursday and Saturday evenings at the home of their mutual instructor, Mary Hayes. Daughters of Utah Pioneers met at the home of Mrs. Ethel Hunter on Thursday. Visiting was Mrs. Orpha Gray, of Danforth, Maine, where Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Child spent some months of their mission The lesson, Story of Utah'a Canyons, was given by Adele Shipley. She also gave Heart Throbe, a favorite of Pearl Child and others. The Central DUP Company, urges that new members be rerecruited to the ranks of the Daughters. There are now 34 registered members of hte Riverdale group. The queen contest was announced. Camps are to select queen candidates now. All BY THE ROY PRINTING COMPANY pub li'ird Hrfier(Otmiiunltln u.HyurrounHiii lh KANFHVIi A LX I t nhHuVTliurd KIlDAI ol WilIH wriiKli KIV IIN'IAII AKEAS INTKHE-rrE- lntrl PC liuh In lh Roy BUNMlrr Cl IB TUB HOCFEH LKjIjIN, SOUTH OCiOEN, UINTAH And N A l I T I O N A L I . HOWARD BITTY LOU J OfllfF. STAHIK. STAHIK SI list Kin ION CALL I OCA 11 os , r Retain Kambrougb i Phone 2 m 1181 1181 FOR INFORMATION 1'JOO WEST ROY. I'T Ml, PII. 2 I1M South Weber r T t? Owner Publisher 2 Manager 2 $2.50 PER YEAR IltKK no. EDITORIAL sTo cITatin a u Wuiimiii-iLiI 4013 dt.ith of her brother Ralph Thump so.i ol Key There will be no Sunday School held Sunday morning due to Gen rul Conference in Salt Lake The .shoprlc would Itko Jo urge every ,,ne who are not aide to attend in peraro to w ale h it on tcleusion There will lx' Sacrament meeting held in our ward Sunday evening The Primary general convention as hi hi Wednesday at the taher for a'l Primary uncle in Salt w or kel s c c ! 1 . non-prof- it I Baptist Church Riverdale News , For vour Vitamine Needs SEE BENNI0N DRUG WE'RE JUMPING THE GUN! Who has a corner on cleverness? I'd vote for Cora Bingham' Since fhe gang of teenage gala age all have their 14th btrtr-daybetween April and August, Cora decided to honor them Jointly On Sunday. March 31. a beautiluncheon was fully appointed, served to 11 girls The birthday cake, decorated with roaebuds, was rn the form of a 14, and was in scribed with. Happy Birthday, Edith gang!' Those attending Brough, Go'dene Bingham. Kathy Thompson. Ilene Stimpson, Pauline Tcsch (with birthdas falling in April. Mer.da Bird, Carma Hull. Sandra Anderson, Donna Thomp son. Janet Garfield, Merle Crab tree (Favors were hand lotion, for which the girls had the fun of unscrambling their names Did ou hear the latest gossip This tidbit concerns the partner-exchangol the Brough's and the VanNoy's W'e must watch these temple goers. (Next temple excursion is set for April 8.) Flders President Gerald Lee announces that help is needed at the ward farm The Elders are preparing used lumber for use in a farm building project and need every man they can get The only meeting to be held at the ward this Sunday (April 7) will be the Sacrament meeting Sunday i evening General Conference sessions are being held this week ending on Sunday Speakers Sunday evening will be two returned servicemen, Bill Cash and Gary Judkins. Gol-dene'- s s Saturday evening priesthood proceedings will be tclctyped to the tabernacle at 7 p.m Visiting at Sunday School was ITesident Kellerstrass Two fine young people. Lee Manning and Lois Telford, gave 24 minute talks Two Riverdale missionaries have Howard Dickson, and returned, Lewis Price Howarrd will report on his mission on April 14, Lewis will report On Your FIRE Insurance BUSINESS, HOUSE OR CONTENTS This new rate is made available to you through an independent survey recognizing our Fire COME IN! And let us explain this new savings plan to you, INSURE YVITII Black Magic Lawn Seed Imitation Soil Major Brand Vegetable and Flower Morgro Seed Fertilizer Peat Moss All Kinds FRFEf USE OF SPREADER YVITII OF FERTILIZER EYCH PURCHASE Yc i The Special Interest program Tuesday evening honored five ex cmplary LDS families, namely, The Dahl Crabtree Sedlcy Brough Spencer Child, Ernest Johnson and Bert Child families. M.C or moder ator was Bishop Wilford Tesch Others appearing on the program were Sally Kellerstrass, organist, Janene Hughes, LuDawna Wood bury and Janet Child. E H. Cordon PRIVATE COACH For children of any School TIRES YOUR Ol I FOR DOWN PAYMENT I f to 15 to Months I'ay DAVE'S SERVICE Age Tues., Thurs , Highway 91 Sat 2559 MONROE OGDEN. UTAH Roy, We PHONE Huh ell nothing but Quality Products - nwswwswMMHMrerx Rhone 9659 5316 So. 1900 West, Roy AUTO CLASS INSTALLED AUTO GLASS AND PARTS At'CESSORIES New and Used BRAKE SHOE EXCHANGE way At Sacrament meeting. Roger Gibby and Michael Carnahan were sustained as Deacons Memgerships read wore the Don Higgj family (Mr Higgs is to be advisor to the DcDacons), the Don Bambrough family, Flo.vd Burch. Gloria Wood, Dennis Tcrkclson, Mr and Mrs. ALL TYPES NOW LOCATED IN NEW OFFICES OPEN FROM 9 A.M. TILL 6 30 P.M. H? QBSGaEBfl fir 0HJ cans Fast Service Launderette Complete Family Laundry WE HAVE BUYERS FOR ALL TYPES OF SHOP in ROV and SAVE! Roy Really Carmichael Phan PHONE 4 1389 imommsib t V t -- ROY AUTO PARTS Notary Public INSURANCE Phone S 8618 Roy, Utah "Roy, The City With a Future." - nOMES TIIE BEST BUILDERS Ben-hio- Insurance WE NOW HAVE: BEN FRANKLIN STORE REALTORS Weber Seminary. Proselyting cannot he done by school or teacher, FOR RENT it Is up to the parents to see to it that their boys and girls get this vital training. Registration Lor 1957-g- FOR RENT 2 Apts. 2 Bdrma is coming up thla month. In the Utilities furnished. Ph. 8711. last year. 24 atudenta from Riverdale availed themselves of this opFOR SALE portunity, while there were nine who did not. IN WEST POINT. 1949 Chevrolet, good running cond.. radio and Friday evening the Hosier Sunheater. Reasonable Call 5 2420. day School class went swimming at the Rainbow Gardens. Chaperoning the group were Mr. and Mrs. Hos FOR SALE BY Rio Grande Railroad, house to be moved off propler, Mrs Ted Anderson and Fay erty at 5600 South 2700 West St. Hull After the swim, tbe young Mail bids to Sup't. DRGW Railstill with bursting energy, people, road Co , Salt Lake City, Utah. went to the Hulls to dance. It took several marathon dances to wear KITCHEN TABLE and 4 chairs, them out ping pong table. New sump Easter is coming! What does pump Call 3 3410. Easter mean to you A new hat and gown, a holiday to celebrate 4 BEDROOM HOME. 2 baths, lots of extras Call 8711 with feasting and picnics, weather it Or the mean does permitting 4 PIECE bedroom set Call 8711. turning of one's thoughts to our Lord and Savior? Does It mean the YOU too will say the newly deglorious visla of His resurrection veloped Sanldyne for dandruff is and the sure knowledge that we, terrific Bennion Drug too. will live again? With this sure knowledge, our present existence GLAMOROUS, gleaming, glorious colors return to sweaters washed can be fraught with such peace ' in Knit Lure No shrinking Dorand joy. othy's Juvenile Shop Romance in Riverdale centers DON'T TIP jour hat unless ou currently around Shirley Bingham, use Sand 'Hue lor dandruff whose engagement to Lle Tucker Dri g was announced earlier On March 22. Shirley was feted by 25 of her FERTILIZER-Go- od clean, corral girl friends, who showered her with Now is t hi- time to fertilize Just gifts In charge of the event, held call 2 534 I, 2 8147 or 4 1108. Deat her home, were Misses Carol livery will he made Roy 4th Peterson and Lons Dabling Ward Building project. A Trousseau Tea will be given in honor of Shirley on Sunday, April 7, from 4 30 til 7 at the home ( i'ii i itn t in Riverdale Friends are invited The young couple will be married on April 12 They will live in Morgan Terms on May 12. "The Improvement Era should be in every home " So said Bishop Tcsch, reporting that Riverdale Stake is low in percentage of subscriptions to the Era. Lucille Judkins is Era director m Riverdale. Speaking of the Era, Bertha Child, further remarking on the Era, stated that "there are 380 instructive articles in the Era,, at a coat of 4c per item She challenged anyone to spend $2 50 in a better ADS ZS. SAVE YOU NEARLY ONE HALF .Bishop Wilord Tesch appeal to the parents of Weber High School students to urge them to enroll in Suggestion for Mothers Day gifts Pioneer books. These have many pioneer histories and are very attractive gifts The Only Company CAN CLASSIFIED Bulletin 52, Central Co., suggests that members attend tbe National Convention April fl at the Hotel Utdh Lafayette ballroom. Afternoon session will be at the Pioneer Memorial Bldg. The 28 living immigrant pioneers ire exported to be in attendance. Those who will he blowing out Mr and Mrs Merlin Badger had hir'hdjy fondles this wi k are Vc rn as thwr house guests last week 5th Susan sstndell, Willard Mis Mortis Fry berg and daughter Cos Higehiw (5th Marjetii ( iik and Maarten of Alturas, Calif Mrs llk Brake Till John l'u (,eorgi Irsl wg is the sister of Mrs Bad The quiet beauty of Salt Lake City's famed Temple Poll and Delta I t n uie on the g r Mr. and Mn. Square provided an impressive experience for lltll touring couple Two os els haloes were bksSi d refugee Hungarian Eugene Sermely, young of the American Hotel id Oiir fj't day seisiws the under auspices States Sunday United the act 'P.vMn (rimed'. thru I Ins A scant few months ago, Sermely, 28, and hie weie a son horn to Mr ami lie rue by Irul CaM.'.e,i w is pn Association fled from revolt-ridde- n Budapest, and the 20, nti d last I ridas t swung .n tin Mrs Kent Bnmbruugh in Ogden Jolnn, wife, lent of ward rwrut u hill hs th Sie.th I eh Pith He was blessed by Liar scene emphasis to their oppression memories of that Wi lx r Ml .null r the du ti n oj woo F.irl and g.swi the name of of Utah as "the most wonderful atop on their tour. estimate lint h and John Ma'lns helj mg with Kiswi (.us Alsu a son of Mr and The American Hotel Association sent the couple about the Mis f s m St.ingir, horn March Universal c tile makeup was Mr and Mis country to demonstrate the convenience of the American wl Its ram The ch.ir.utirs uwi 2U in South Wehir He was blessid owned by the card credit a unique Travelcard, lo'a I Leila liisitls poll I.isct i to tin fathtr an! given the name subsidiary of the association. Hotel Foundation, lu.las Paul 1 li r j ii I) i k I iti n i r of Jerry Ivrin This is the second; with a special interest musician arc Is an "mphshed Sermely ih.ld for Mr and Mrs Kent Bam Peon Ihr.im to lie c.iwr Jan-aart and worked studied Mrs. Sermely in American jazi. Iltkamore. Beth pc i k lo'a Brikt biinigli aid the o.ghth for Mr and in model fashion a as to Budapest Mrs r occasionally Congratulations and Duane Poll I he i et and the stang' d rectors are to hi happy and lucky parents uugr.i' ulati d tltse Wald hadirship was held last wi the r line pc rf niuiue Ki,ir Widncsdas for all officers and School Kivu, High School and and teachers are to be commended In two n..liW'i Bainhrough sang t rat hi i s of the ward auxiliaries North Daws Junior High School on the fine work thev are doing twietl the alts I he 'I his series of clinics will be re WORK bishopric would like to rn We want o i twid uui s . m at liy courage hi ttir attendance at these le.tted one month later. Clinic Being forced to work and forced to Mis Steha Pol! wi t.'ii Hunt invet itigs (bites to await av jilablity of vac- to do vour best, will breed In you In r spouse to popular dwnand cine (lm.es wi be organized by twnperance and self control, dill for mass polio immunization clinics the FTA organizations of Davis gence and strength of will, cluer tin pas s 'minty Medical Society 'minty and coordinated by the mllncss and content and a hundred i ons i ned in a special session Hu county polio foundation chapter A virtues which the idle will never si .is M inh 22 P.r? and the follow Kingsley group may nuke an appointment know mg plan was adopted with the doctor of thwr choice, James R Me Fatrutgr, physicians in Davis County the size of the gtoup to bo deter will parliwpatc m a si ru s of 12 minted by tbo dm tor above a mint 2050 West 5700 South t Ii mi s 'Iloy will accept no rcimi mum of 10 pc rsons By VERLA R. HULL ncration for their services with d a to If sues their group provide the stipulation that any surplus Spring the seed time season, is funds will he donated to the Davis own vaccine li. doctor will charge here A ril, month of reclamation (minty Indigent hospital fund A $1 er injection er the doctor will and repair of April Food and fash Hu and the van mi give chatgc will be nude of $1 per in proved ion is National Hobby Ihu-- e wishing to Mi n h April jection covering cost of materials injection for S2 Nat'l Ladder Month, Nat'l i 'im.n.:7.it on indiwd obtain tlu.r (lnms will he held on two con Cleaning Month, America's Heartcccutisc Friday nights from 7 pm ually in the office will be charged land Development Month. World to 8 3U pm. at Bountiful High $3 Imi.nimzatii.il will be g.vcn on Peace Month, and Concer Control a rash basis onlv Month (Hav I missed any) Then, All meinbws of the ward wire last vveck 18 was National Laugh contacted last Monday evening for Week Now there's a week we could a contribution to help with a pro with profit extend into a yearly gram that is underway to develop dial Its good to devclope the a recreational area on the ground laugh habit if you laugh 8t your adiarent to the chapel Plans are self and with others When the . . . to install a sprinkling s' stern, plant Mi rmon left Winter Quar lawn and eventually build a bow ters for piumers the Rocky Mountains 100 ery and other recreational facilities years ago ion April 5), they had to be used by all resident of South mastered the art of laughing at Wibtr. church and non members trouble So should we! alike The Alma Ellis have been va Phone Roy, Utah A Childs Sympathy of Rev each separately. Mrs rationing, erence, was the theme of the 1T1 Kilts visited for three weeks with mars conference pr sen'ed by the their daughter's family, the Jack South Weber Ward Primary Sun LA A IA Thompsons m California While day evening March 31. 1957 Mar CtCU there, she went to the Los Angeles garet Stronibcrg gave the opening LDS (Charlotte Jacobs, song 'Rcvcnep" Opening prayer fotmer Temple Riverdale resident, offiby Paul Wrstbroek, remarks by ITes Elaine Poll The narrator was ciates (litre two sessions daily, five days a week). Janeane Dickamore Scroll carriers were Jill Ukena, Tommy St.mger Sistci Fibs reports that Jack enDean and Don Birt, Anita Kendell, joys his Sunday School superinten Julie Isaac, Robert Bingham and dcncy werk very much. Leona cn Tommy Ray carhop participating toys her work too. at the Berk were Beth Kendell, Norma Bryan Lc k Furniture Co. (This w'as told Janet Cook was the organist and i onfidi ntiallv hut 1 can't keep it music director was Mrs Marian Leona's mam manager, who travels Brinahall Duet sang bv Jean Ray the U S over checking employe-and Linda Harmon The closing efficiency, maintains that "there prayer was given by Gary Potter is no other secretary in the whole VF ARE NOW These children rendrred their parts C S as good as Leona.) Mr Fills doesn't care to travel very well and the Primary officers IN R(JY 1IIYT You can tell by tbe price of Clarence Bassett and family, and things that these are trebled times. John Cordere. t Primary Conference Sunday To be kapyy with a man you evening, A Childs Symphony of must understand him a lot and Reverence vu presented, under love kirn n llUlej to be happy the direction of Pres. Virginia Jack-son- . Narrator was Xola Dee, reader with a woman you most lore her a lot ami not try to understand Melba Probst, music conductor by Jeane Knight, with Ruth Burton at her it alL the organ. Stake visitors were: Thelma Ketchum, Rose Thompson, Donna Child, Leota Stone, Kathryn Clements, Bernice Brown, and Gwen Hartwell. far, but he did go to Milford, Utah for eight day, where be found water for a Uranium Co., via the divining rod. Brother Ellis never fails to find water ii there is any to be found. r I jj |