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Show Dawson Reports From s Washington on Budget BUDGET Weber County's Weekly Newspaper Ssq!( Queen IJor, Hah, Thtirnlay, April 4, 10'7 Vol. 3, No. 47 JAYCEES SPONSOR TEENAGE SAFE DRIVING ROADEO Dairy Princess Contestants The Roy Jayceos arc sponsoring have readied 20 year of age bv Teenage Roadeo M.t 4 at the August 15, last day of the national Ikeview Elementarv Sihuol finals in Washington DC, has a drivers crmit or luense, has a The Teenage Ro.nl e o ,s clean record of no moving traffic to give the nation's young motor violations ill the past six months ists an opportunity to prose and their habits and The from driving Roy will be rn winner improve attitudes and to stimulaie rommu tcred In the state contest and the nity activitie in biggir and belter state winner will be flown all ex ense paid to Washington I) C high school driver idma'ion pro for the national finals the winners grams of which will scholarship The Teenage Roadro is for any totaling $4 500 who or not will boy girl teenage Interested teenagers may lontac the Roy Teenage Roadeo entr.in chairman, Harry Sugihara. Phon 4 1530 or any Roy Jaycee The dead line for entrants is April 26 The Democrats and Rcpubdicans this week staged a daylong, hard hitting verbal battle in the House on the subject of the whopping $71 8 billion federal budget What wa moot aignificant to me was not the issue being debated - whether the Presidenlshould specify where the budget should be cut What wax more Mgi.ifimnt was that almost evry speaker, regardless of paitv r pursuasion, agreed ih.it send ing proposals for the coming year weere too high a Milk drinking beautie in Webr rounty were invited thi week to nmul Utah Dairy enter the Princes competition, rules for which were released by Wallace A Parrish, elate chairman. Mr. Parrish said entries for county Dairy Princess honors will be received by lical chairmen beginning this week. Chairman of Weber county competition is John Chugg. Ogden, American Dairy Association of Utah director. He is essisted by Melvin S. Burningham, county agent. Wilbur C. Parkinson is essoctate state chairman. Shirley Chugg, Ogdeen, is the present Weber county princess She also won the crown for State Dairy Princess for 1956 57 "All girls will' be wise to re member that their best beauty cream comes in Utah's dairy foods," advised pert Shirley Chugg, Weber College coed, who is thee state's Miss present Daairy Princess Chugg will participate in the crown ing of the 1957 winner "It would be preferable to have county princesses selected in time to participate m June Dairy Month Mr Parrish said, observances, "However, some counties may wish to choose their winners at later events. State finals will be Sept ember 6. The state winner will receive an expenses paid trip to Chicago to compete for the title of American Dairy Pnncess. Competition rules are 1. She must be a high school graduate by September 1,1957 2. She must be single, 3 Must be in good health and be able to present a health ccrtif icate if she is chosen to represent the state at the National Contest. A Must like and use dairy foods 5 Must have a partial understanding at least of life on a dairy farm 6. Must be willing to spend time appearing in public and promoting the use of dairy foods 7. Must not be a professional model at present or have worked as a professional model. 8. Girls will be Judged upon the (l)Beauty (2) following points Charm (3) Personality (4) Poise ability to speak in public should be encouraged 9. While meal making will not be a factor in the Judging, contestants are encouraged to familiarise themselves with recipe featuring dairy foods. rix-oiv- Install Officers Thursday, April II the new of f S hool Par rers of the ent tachers Asjmj! mi who wire at a retcn' inciting will ( lected bo installed. i Starting at Frank Charles Simmons likes moved out here After nine years of residence here he should be good authority on the subject Mr. Simmons was born January 23, 1904 in Lincoln Place, Allcg-enCounty, Pennsylvania. He was the fourth child in the family with three brothers and three sisters who were the sons and daughters of Ralph Jacob and Elizabeth Blown Simmons. His father, who waa an electrical and mining engineer, was of German descent and a Luthern in belief Hia mother came from a family of early converts to the LDS church who migrated to this country from England for that purpose. For some reason or other, however, the family did not move west with the rest of the settlers and made their home in Pcnnsylwania. During his boyhood and until he waa a young man, Frank attended many different churches. His moth er continued her leanings toward Mormo.ilsm, but there weere no wards or organized branches near and ao it was impossible to go to church or to keep in contact with the people of her own faith. Later, wher the missionaries started preaching in that part of the country, and transportation had ceased to be such a problem with the advent of the automobile, Mrs. Simmons, with as many of the family who would go with her, would travel to the New England Branch, as it was called, which was aereral miles away from home. Mr. Simmons great grandfather was the presiding elder of the branch for many yean. What really got son Frank interested In the church was a young lady missionary from Ogden, Utah, 7 So p m a program will be presented b the students of tin Mth grade of tumbling Fuel Company Offer Free Scholarship - EBF.R COl'NTY-Prett- y CALLING ALL GIRLS IN Shirley Chugg, Odgen, Utah's 1956 57 Dairy Princess, invites girls of this area to submit their entries for pnnces competition, rules for which were released this week Miss Chugg. with pioneer tele phone and milk glass, portrays the 1957 theme of the nation's June Dairy Month observante history of dairying Milk re mains our mast nearly perfect food,"1 she says TWO ROY LDS WARDS TO BE DIVIDED AT SPECIAL MEETING I n-s- Released will lc tames Stewart president, Mrs Marion (rossfuM and Mrs c J Craw The wholarship is lor a four year nurse hading to an engineering digice with payments at the rale of $VK) p r year, totalling $2iO A big fund raping rwni of cn over the four year period The tertainment is Mated for Friday siholar-duwill commence with evening at the lkrvirw School 'he 19'iT faI term at the Iniver multip purpose room sitv of Utah However the success The PTA are j ensuring Fmnilv fnl applicant ha-- - the option of tak mg the firs! two sears of study at Movie Night ( arbon Junior College To the ex Starting at 7 p m Kim the Rud tent that circumstanci s may permit, ward Kipling classic, In technicolor, scholarship recipients will be of starring Errol Flynn and Dean fired cmpluvinent during summer Strxkwell will be shown vacations ,e one of the company's Admission is SI (nr family with plants students silling advBnce tukti. 1itso'is graduating from high All kind1- of goodies to wet the school this spring or who have appetite will le sold Included will eompletid high school since Jan be lucky hoi dogs, entitling the win 1956 arc- eligible to apply for the ning holdir to a prize, cakes, ice scholarship Sons of company emcream, home made randy and pop ployees who rank favorably with corn o'her candidates will tie given pr ferenre All the money realized from the event will lx used to blacktop the Full information concerning this schools playground area, accord scholarship and application blanks mg o James Stewart, president may lx- obtained from high school He said this is a move to get the principal' the mine office at Ilia area rid of the many sand burr s watha or at R19 New house Rldg, that now rover the area Salt Lake City ( - 1 Plan Recital the Roy joint membership View Wards will Fourth and A piano recital will be held Mon be held 'Sunday April 7, at 7 pm day, April 8, at 5 pm in the Roy for the purpose of organizing two First Ward new wards making four wards, ac Students of Mrs Mary Atkinson to Stake ITesident Henry tording will participate Those taking part are Sharell Neeley, Angelina A Mails Barba, Sue Ann Crouch. Jewel An All bi'hnprus of the four wards derson, Susan Crockett. Gail Clark will be namid at that tune Other and Susan Wilmott, Gray Terry The public is cordially invited persons interested are also invited -- i . of A - t -- - -- clination in .urepl htllr, of imprc-six- his bv l missionary daughter haptii d in I'M D It OMK was not as disturbed as some of Republicans by the final outcome The Dcnuxrats take t ho view that Ihe President should di red where Ihe budget should lie I my fellow cut and thus take the blame Mv view is that the President bv so do ing can also lake the iredit When dealing with astronomical figures like $71 8 billion, Congress needs all thee help it can get I am jer socially convinced that the budget can be rut without sacrificing any of our essential This projects mi arts tbal we are going to have to put up a goal deft nsc for the ap proprution for the Colorado Stor age pdojcct but I am lonvmod a good defense can be made - 1 NEW BRIDGE I tie Buieaii of Reclamation lias leleased detailed information on the new highwav bridge being con striated our Ihe Colorado River it ( lei, aiivoo damsile It will be tiie x"c ond largest single arch edge in Hie nation and will be TiH) feet above ihe river bed More than 3VKI tons nf structural steel and 'JUKI i ubn- yards of concrete will go mto the $4 million struct lire I I - 1 ill MWL SLAUGHTER lb .irons on mv bill to require huim.iie methods of animal siaugh r will open the pnl 2 House Agricultural Committee I was encouraged this week to note that tiie official publication of the packing house industry has urged iK members to take the lead in hu AREAS ()F WASTE nune s'auy liter methods Tins in Thtio are still many are ,s of i'si It is an i m our.iaging sign since waste that tan Ik- - elunnated Even 'he pac kits in the past havee all in individual Congressional offices been un.i I'ei atile opposed to any there is room for economy Each legist dinn on the subject Congressman, for examulo is al lotted 20 (XX) words in till grants I San Diego Marine SECURITY Center Notes tine pnl day years ago Weber Grads small group men gathered at ISO a of Frank W Stone son of Mr and 'uncord Bruise loaded their musk Mrs Bernard Slone of 49H9 d.nn i Is and took a stand for a way of Ave Ogden Utah l.arrv K Nich life thev believed In They called olson son of Mr and Mrs Robert themselves Minutemen". ordinary Nicholoson of 1324 Kingston Dr citizens willing to protect their Ogden Donald D Hamilton, son freedom with their lives Thru id Mr and Mrs John D Hamil fame w ill live forever Ion of 1238 Binford St Ogden. John C Marston wn of Mrs Zola it is no accident that the Minute-maR Marston of Route 4 Box 37 is the symbol for United States Ogden and Douglas D Ferguson, Savings Bond' As a symbol of the sun of Mr and Mrs Alexander Fer necessity for constant vigilance and guxon of B8 Navy Wav, Washing the Mmuteman also re seiuritv ton. Trirace. are scheduled to com us minds of a wav we ran all con 4 at pletr recruit training March 29. the Marine Corps Recruit Depot tribute to our nation's strength and San Diego. ( al if preparedness through the systemTiie llweik course includes in atic purchase of Savings Bonds struction in all basic militarv subj You can help make your own ects and the firing of all basic ' . infantry weapons Upon completion of training new Marines arc assigned to a unit for further infantry training or to one of the many Marine Corps schools future financially secure by buying Bonds through the Payroll Savings Plan Why not sign up today-foyour future and the future of Ariici ica" r - - bui little bv the tcMimnnies il A PHILOSOPHY OF THE HEART WHAT MAKES OUR HEART BENT" NO M son .ind who labored in mission field, KNOWS. NOT stop-aEVEN SCIENCE OB DOCTORS Did it start God's will7 WE WERE VIEWING HEMO 1111'. M t.MEH ENT. the second part of a special Science Series on blood, its circulation and the heart's role in keeping it moving, probing into the secrets of hemoglobin Richard Carlson and Dr Frank Baxter were featured We watched the marvels revealed with great interest, wondering, what makes our heart beat. These thoughts came to mv mind. Will they help to (died any light as to some possibilities? And God said. let us make man in eur own image, after our i Bv that time Frank had In rn home four vrars and was living in Ogden Tragedy had come into his life for his faithful voting wife died in June 1931 at the birth of their first child whirh also died Frank had been made bishop of the Ogden 2nd Ward lust beforr this sorrow came to him. but twing a bishop had its compensations in work t 26 ' Quite suddenly, sometime later, very much aware of a attractive and certain talented, Nadine Foutz Their friendship blonde young lady from Iigan, that started, continued by mail who was stanying with a sister and after Nadine completed her miss brother in law who were members ion and returned home. In the of the ward, while she taught schmeantime Frank had joined the ool church and was anxious to go to It was not long until their inUtah to marry Nadine in the tern terest in one another became appie. Despite his father's objections parent and they were married one he did just that. July day in 1934 in the Logan Temple Shortly after their marriage, His wife, Sergene Benson, is the Frank was called to the Swiss of Serge B and Malinda daughter tau and wife German mission hig Nelson Benson, the oldest child in ght school in Ephriam, Utah to a family of eight. Sergene was born keep him there. in Whitney, Idaho but when she His mission was a marvelous ex was fifteen, the family moved to perience to the young man and Logan to be near the Agriculture fired with the inspiration of his College where her parents had decalling, he wrote many letters home cided the children would reeciecvee to his father, telling him of his their college educations They did, and preaching the all experiences eight of them. gospel to him. fathcer conducted his Sergenes While the elder Simmons had own business enterprizes there and made only passive reslstence to his no be still had in wifes beliefs, CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 N to beat and will it the Pcnnsvlvama the genlle, but persistent example his wife set and the fact that one by one the children were accept ing the Gospel Ralph Jamb Simm nns finally joined Ihe iliirh and was FINAL yearly and 3000 minutes in long distance telephone call. My office uses telegrams only in cases of As a result I turned back 14 957 words of my annual allotment last year At the Washington-Utarate of $183 for 15 words tins amounts to a saving of $1800. If every office practiced similar economy, the annual savings would amount to nearly $80. (XX) also used less than two thirds of the tele phone time allotted to my office SYMBOL OF New officers who will take over he United Ag no vi ar arc C Dee Sparrow pn sulcnt, Mrs Slaes Furl (o is offering a m h'd Howard Van Dame Lr ' ,c- i i rsh p to the Cniv i rsity of Utah for dent, I. Ross Fietkau second vice the studv of coal mining engmeir president, and Mrs J.irk Harm ing O A Glaeser v it presldi nt of ihr rompanv all'll tmird tixi.iV secretary Ih-.- Community Portraits Roy so well that he said, "It was the beginning of heaven when we e PTA at Lakeview --r Lt" 1 de-ng- CUTTING he , from Ovr 30 it local Beneficial L.fo In. i.amc ' j j western states, join with President David 0. McKay, the Directors, Officers, and Lome office employees in celebrating (lie addition of this new eight story, ultra modern annex to th Beneficial Life Insurance Company Building, at 57 West South Temple Street jn Salt Lake City. Built at a cost of 0.000,000, the new building will double the available floor space to take care of the expanding needs of the Company. An open house for the general public is being held April 4 and 6th. Organized June 1, 1905, the Beneficial Life Insurance Company is Utah oldest and largest Insurance company. In 1956 life Insurance in force increased to $366,708,163, marking the companys most successful year in its fifty-twyears. At the present time there are twenty-si- x general agencies located throughout the ten western states. 10 o And the I,ord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed Into his nostrils the breath of life: and man became a living soul: Genesis 2 7 The brain, kept alive bv the heart, is the most marvelous structure in the universe, says Yales Dr. Millet. Was this gift, what makes our heart beat? Heart A word used in some parts of the Bible to denote the seat of the desire, affections and motives of man and in others to signify all his faculties and powers as an intellectual moral and accountable being A LIVING SOUI. Were these what the lord god breathed into man's nostrils, the ' breath of life? "lor the life of the flesh is in the blood. his own each Eat think. motivate, The life of the flesh lets us the blood of a circulates, A half magical and time gallon private power gives life. But what makes the heart beat? This little known power plant that starts up at birth and does not fail until death. Oh that there were such a heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments alwavs, that it might be well with them, and with their children for cver!Icut.,5-2FOR THE WORD of GOD is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing esunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerncr of the thoughts and intents of the HEART Hcb ,4 12 Not with eyeservice, as menpleasures: but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the HEART: Eph.,6-And supper being ended, the devil having now put into thellEART John. 13 2 of Judas Iscariot, Simons son, to betray hmn;-St- . I am meek and for of learn me; Take my voke upon you, and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your OUR HEART, the magnificent power plant, capable of pumping a quart of precious blood in 10 seconds, is something wonderful to ponder. WHAT MAKES IT BET? IS IT GODS WILL? Blessed are the pmv In HEART; For they shall see God.Matt.5s Shall we think together next week? souls.-MatLIl:2- 9 t |