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Show I Tl) Suu-Cliroukl- Roy, UUL, Thnrulay, April 4, 1957 f, eventually they went ahead with izatlop the past several years than has and built their lovely in any other auxiliary. She and erved for a number of yean as their plans as teacher, served organist, in moved in house and bishop of the Logan 44th Ward. twotory has presented several plays and December of 1948. of her the j pageants. In fact her talents have Following good example mother in doing a woman'i wort Upon Mr. Simmons release from made a grat contribution to the In the church, Sergene worked the Weber Stake presidency, the organization in which she has work along with her husband In the family settled down to take their ed. At present, she is still working various organizations of the ward, placo in the activities of the newly in the Primary but is also first assisting in any capacety to which organized Lake View Ward that counselor in the presidency of the she wu called. wu then meeting in the Riverdale Roy Fourth Ward Relief Society Frank Simmon continued serv- Ward and school house. Mr. and Mrs. Simmons are very ing as bishop of the 2nd Ward unServing in the capacity of a lay proud of their fine sons, Frank, til 1942 when he became first as it were, strongly ap- who. although he is not yet out counselor to James II. Riley in the member, to Frank Simmons who en- of high school is self supporting, peals Weber Stake Prsldncy. In 1943 Mr. the opportunity of getting and Serge, who along with his joys over called to was preside Riley closer to people, something that brother has received individual the Texas Mission and Mr. Simmons was quite difficult to do in his awards for his work in the Priest became stake president. calling He has received hood organization. David has re previous Renting s suitable home to live great satisfaction in his work as a ceived an award for five years conin wu becoming a troublesome ward teacher and in teaching the secutive attendance of 100' ; in J'blem to the Simmon's who now Gospel Doctrine class in the the Primary. four children. Linda Lou, who View Ward and no,w In the Fourth i ho Tas born in 1937, Frank Jr., born Ward He his obtained gratifying Mr. Simmons has nia in 1939, Serge born in 1944 and results from his work with the chinist for the Utah Auto Supply David in 1947. Adult Aaronlc Priesthood mem- Co, for the past 23 year', follow inand the Through friendship bers in ward work, not only because mg a trade he learned at the Junes Steel Co in Pitts and terest of Lloyd Bereett, who was of the fine example he sets in his building a beautiful new home In dally living, but because of the burg, Penn. The interests of the family re Roy, Frank and 8ergene decided sincerity of his Interest and respect solve the home and their thurth that Roy would not be a bad place for the men he has worked with and ay a consequence, their activi at all to live in, so they bought a At present, Mr. Simmons is ties together concern the two It lot adjoining the Lloyd Beerrett place, made their plans and were president of the Iake View Stake is folks like the Simmons that already to start construction on High Priests Quorum, but he is make our town such a good place tbelr house when sorrow once still teaching hlg Sunday School to live. again came into the Simmons class and conducting a teacher home. Their daoghter Linda Lou trainer class in his ward. who was just 11 years old, died He and his wife have ealso worked in the MIA together, but Sersuddenly after a tonsilectomy Matteers stood as they were for gene has spent more time in the a time after the shocking loss, but Primary and Relief Society organ PORTRAIT CONTINUED hi-e- , - f Kyi. PRINT DAY' Horrop Phone We have skirts in printed Cotton 10 TO s6 v, . v,.r . V,"V 2667 y ... A main dish favorite m the Frank Simmons home, is a German recipe for Sauerkraut and pork Either fresh or canned kraut can te used and fresh pork shanks, whkh as a rule arc quite inexpensive. or spare ribs can be used Combine the two without sea soning. cover with water and let cook slowly for from two to three hours Served with mashed potatoes exotic colors SIZES 3 f. 16 5 sugar, flour and ah and add to milk Cook over ln.it ill, careful not to let it scoiih llllll I thick, about 15 minutes Add ra en egg yolks Cool, add flavui and crushed pineapple Pour into tu- k .1 a .1 ple shell, top with ntertng ie brown delicately. 2 egg whites beaten scff 2 tbs puwdeicd sugar tsp vanilla (optional! -- Mix i Clearfield News North Davis held its quarterly conference this weekend wnh Clif ford E Young representing Mu Gemral Authorities of the IDs church Meetings on Sunday wire held at 10 and 2 pm The -- take MIA took charge of the evening session that was held at 7 pin in Saturday evening. March 30. a wet fare meeting was held for all of those concerned with this adivin at 6 3o ( m at the stake hmi-- e and at 8 p m A priesthood meeting was held for all members of the Im t hood in the stake SPc Joseph DeWay ne By bn .o. of Mr and Mrs Joseph C By bee is vjendmg thiee weeks leave with -- mssmmm sHtp (Siiiilift) Gao (HZ53 WE ALSO CSDSBGBSm HAVE from 1 Jolly Cooks Corner For Your Reflect upon your prwent blevdngs, of which every man has many; not on your peat ml fortune., of which all men have some. his parent in CJearfield. He ha and green peas. pie been- stationed in Seoul, Korea. He Sergenea pineapple cream is a delicious desert to add gla will return to his overseas assignment following completion of his mour to the meal. eave During his stay at home he V Sergenes Piheapple Cream ie was the guest of honor at a recent The following foundation tr dinner given by his grandparents, used. Mr and Mrs. Joseph O By bee of; filling 2 cups scalded milk Uintah Mr. By bee is a graduate of 78 cup sugar 13 cup flour pr 4M.- tbs m starch 18 t.sp. salt 2 egg yolks tj Up lemon flavoring 1 tsp vanilla can crushed pineapple G2I22IIDG3H) w a five day trip to California 11 group tiaveled by bus and gave concert in California and Nevada Roger, who is a freshman at Weber, is a son of Mrs. Tony Cox Waldo Jensen, son of Floyd and Bessie Jensen has received a cpll to the North Central States Mis sion He will leave later this month Sunday will be General Conference In Salt Lake City. Sunday School will be held in both Hooper Wards in the morning and sacra ment meeting will be held in the We would like to welcome Ted evening. Day of Provo to Clearfield Ted moved to Cleailudd where lie is living with his sister and brother in law Ted was a student1 is ..t BY High School m 1956 He bY the Hooper Kanesyille rr. to is of entertainment the now running the Air Way Serv- purpose additional funds for the prof raise west of the main gate ile Station ect of installing a loud speaking of Mill AFB I he Clearfield Sixth Ward re system in the school gymnasium held their ward reunion in Babies named in Hooper on Sun the West Point chapel It was a day were RcNae Belnap, daughter family affaii Dinner was served of Lois and Kim Belnap. Brent fiom (i to 8 pm After which t bey Duane Ropolato, son of Mario and Donna Lowe Ropolato, Sharon Josephine Simpson, daughter of Josephine and Eldin Simpson, and LaMar Duane Cook, son of Eileen and LaMar Cook Baptized on Sat urday evening and confirmed on were Ralaine Lowers Sundav in the sights including Hoover daughter of Ralph and Elaine Fow Dam We hoje thev enjoyed theirlp.j, Bonnie Humphreys, daughter i of Gilbert and Thora Christensen hip Among those who attended the ffumphrevs and Steven Vaughn Utah Canncts Convention held last S(jn of an(1 Mari;;,r,.t Vaughn weekend at the Hotel Utah in Salt has been sustained as Bens Jay la.ke City were A!ter1 Y Smith. chorister of the Hooper Second Mr and Mr- - Melvin G Woods. Ward He replaces Ellis Belnap who Mr and Mr- - Victor Smith. Mr and was recently called to do L Mis A. Z urn.ii. Mr and Mrs work I Dahl Mr and In 1957, Hour tlin ever pefore in II. N. Instory will take to the liigliw as - for .u ation. More, too, will lie Mopping t v h-- inm - PRUDENTIAL STAMPS and tomato. "In th. Southwest the 'chili burger pets a big call while in New England the favorite is the with onion, pickle and potato chijis. Down South it well done with onions. "K.tchup it most popular, wcond. Some teenager have tried hamburger with ice cream on top, hut we certainly don't recommend it." S.cond in popularity for lunch er a quick bite are the salad ham, tuna. And nearly coffee- - The Post take everyone Houses served 18 million cup last year. And milk tops the soft drink. A highly popular innovation of recent vears is the children menu and the kids like adults rate hamburger as their No. 1 favorite -- a mu-tar- progritn ijiat was sirvid by girls of the' berg Swt-- s teak id ward loirsi-te- d d potatoes and gravy, peas, (Kir fUlot luthru Church hot rolls and hotter pic and icr V 8 hMl BuildlDf was V'nl enjoyed by rain The dinner The program all Who attended IMih iL') f ...I une pal d. fit rent thing- - on Arthur k' f a:!'- i lie taking honors - hand Plionr damswith for laiightir heir he A SI urk i h v r, d y 4. hol no AM advamid piano tudints in a duo r e o 4hl;8c r II 00 AM Sundav Mar piano Spring Eir-- t and Third 31 in tin ( learf Ward ihapil I tie public wa- - in vitcd to attend and thi ir was no charge Some of the peci.il num In - included a soprano solist. Miss Jaime Adam-- , and a vocal quar tettc comprised of barren Hodg son, Wilma Zaugg, Shaunn Lynj Bennett, and Becky Briggs they were accompanied by Barbara T Stucki, son of Mr Stucki and Mrs Stucki who is home on Acad spring vacation from Phillips cmy, Andover. Mass was also on the program Happy hirthdav wishes to Mrs Ralph Dawson on the 6th. 1 "GIVEN WITH ALL CLEANING -- . I ih-i- 4r aEwifryjftn iT Ww i4 1 pn-riili- -- Mu-ical- 5651 South 1900 West Roy, Utah Dan -- r- i mi Mi-he- ll , BYE, BABY BUNTING Your fathers gone a hunting" so ran the old nur-vr- y rhyme The father who depended on' hunting to feed his family and pro vide the "rabbit skin to wrap the bavy bunting in" had many anxious moments. Todays father, under the American way of life, has many protections for himself and his family WHOPPER TRADES ON ALL RANGES 30-Inc- 40-Inc- h Range h Range Push Hutton Automatic Cal Rod Sin face and Oven 1957 MODEL lints Ovui With Removable Door Giant Completely Auto ilia tic. Pud) Hutton Con venience. Minute Timer $319.95 G.F. 40 GALLON QUICK RECOVERY GET A WHOPPER TRADE! Model J302P 249 Get a Whopper Trade! Model J405 50 5 MORE WHOPPER A1' TRADE WATER HEATERS HOT WATER . . . YOU " NAME THE TERMS - . $134 68. "F'or the Big Things in your be ready with United States " Dont Savings Bonds just want the big things- - plan for them. Sign up today. And life-- We . lour' jrh!(iiu'. mute yu to dk to thi nht. Dont you have omeone Were Rarin To Trade! So from the si entity of baby hood, this Baby Bunting will go into the school age and then to college, his education and his fufature made secure becati-e-hi- s a ther's "gone saving." Saving regularly on the Payroll . Savings Plan where he works SavIns into a of pay putting part ings Bonds, with thnr known, sure! interest return In 9 years and 8 months, he will receive $4 for every $3 he put in The Bonds may be hold another 10 years, and then each bond for which the Payroll) Saver paid $75 will pay off at . special in mind J?AfWipW jp. .Sr, youd lik.fo ... nd et ma-he- "IVY LEAGUE" SKIRTS place I)i-tr- -- THE NEW rating Mr. Edward, who sua rintend 142 Io-- t Houses in 3H States and of Columbia, and last it the reyear, served (') million icople, hamand in day out, Day portburger is the No. 1 choice." "Each s.ctor has its own way of Missis-lippi- , verving the hamburger. In slaw is rrwd rigid on th. Coat they "burger. On the like it broiled with Bermuda onion .n-- -- r -- J ill Miss Alma W. Stimpson and other Mis ( Meriill ami Martha Mac Widdi workers of all i om son invited membeis of their fain exec utev i i Co ily to their home on Thursday panic- - id he Smith Canning Bt'3 Rex Robison son of Mr evening to see some moving pic had taken Attending and Mr- - Everett R Robison, vi-turts ihed with his parents over the wik were Melvin aid Arinina Widdison end Also a guest at the Robison Er.inris and Jewel Widdison Dar home was a friend of Rexs, Clair rcl! and Mailene Doxey ami How Anderson Rex and Clair arc si.i aid and Jennie Stoddard Following tinned at Ioit Hoeneme Calif 'hr pietlire showing a hrilbcqui RiX a Si abee. will leave b'rily so pi r w as i rv ed to Ad ik for a new Francis and .hwtl Widdison Wo hope that bn'h Rex had a steak supper Friday eve and Clair enjoyed their visit Clearfield Third Ward held their nmg at their home for friend- who buddies former were 2! They Army annual warrd reunion Marth B Blain The family affair consisted of a are Mr and Mrs Cloyd Th' dnmr and Mr and Mrs Kenneth Sand dinner and it road-ul- eating inoir than they ever do home. So tayt J. I". F.iiw arils, Iresi-dent- , Io-- t Houses Inc., of The Greyhound Corp. a iliv As the world's largest passenger ra i irr itli a lei or it of y.,r) billion miles in 19fi, Grey-un- d harp eve oien for keeps vacationing eating hahita. A ... someone call tonight? nwun'Wiww d |