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Show 4 TU - Son-Chronic- Boy, tJUh, Thariday, April 4, 1957 le, the Rood is o great that sometime your letter msy bsve to be delayed. PROOF If you want proof that you mailed a letter, a check, a parcel or anything else but don't want the matter registered, you can purchase a certificate of mailing for 3c It show the date, name, address of sender and name of person to whom the mail was addressed. Of course, the receipt shows only that you mailed the letter, not that it Scarcely a day passes in the Roy waa received Post Office that there isn't some For card or letter mailed without ANY W HERE DID THEY MOVE ADDRESS. Yes. we said without warding addreue cannot be given to you by any post office but 11 any address. We have cards that read Dear Mom We will meet you send a certified or, registered old address, requesting your train Thursday at 0 a m. Love, letter to an June and then the front of the a return receipt showing address card is blank I'm certain "Dear where delivered and pay the small BIG BUSINESS Your Pot Office Mom and "June" blamed the post fee, you can acquire the forwarding U the biggest single business In the office when the card didn't arrive addres of the person whom you world and isn't limited Just to de DON'T SHORTEN IT are writing to Alway livering your letters and packages avoid abbreviating in your address Here's hoping this article may It can serve as your savings bank, VA looks like UT when it la writ a little m making you a bet univerhelp account, your your checking ten and COL as CAL and MASS ter in your own business, fampartner sity. your department store, s as MISS and never ue just "city United States Government Post the ily friend, a sweetheart by proxy. OVERWEIGHT Don't trust a Office. As a taxpayer, you are an "ownfat letter to get by with Just a er'1 In this mammoth business. Yet 3c stamp. The letter will be mailed we are safe in saying that there are but your friend or company on the dozens of services performed by other end will have to pay the rest your post office we are sure you of the postage plus a penalty of Marion Rtuert 2 7731 are not aware of And it is also a 1c for each additional ounce over safe bet that you frequently misuse two ounces When you send an in Our deepest sympathy goes to the services you do know about. sufficiently stamped letter to a !Ois and Lane By bee and family 13 MILLION DEAD For instance friend in a foreign country, he ha on the loss of their new baby 23,000,000 letters will end up in the !o pay DOUBLE the postage. daughter that died at birth March dead-letteYou often gain a 31st Graveside services wehe held office, undeliverable TIME S.WER and unrcturnable to the sender whole day's time in delivery ll you at the Uintah Cemetery on Toes YES, THAT'S 23 MILLION: The rn.ii sour letters before noon The day chances are some of these will be Rov office has two dispatches at We are real happy to report that your. Roy destroyed hundreds of ID 20 and 1140 and then there Wayne Beason who was badly bum Christmas cards last yule season isn't another dispatch until 5 40 ed by an exploding gas can, is imbecause they failed in deliver for p m or 5 50 a m the next morn proving. Doctors said it was a nur one reason or another on the ni.nl mg The greatest handicap at city ach- his eye sight was not Injured ers part In addition this year will post offices is the 5 p m flood of and his burns had healed enough Tins burden is partially to let him return home last Sun find one million packages ending 111..1I more employees day We are real glad It wasn't up dead. That's a lot of wasted solved In anl more of sour money at this worM. and hope his burns continue money and heart aches So, perhaps you really don't tune of day. Even so, sometimes to heal rapidly Abo in thp hospital for an op r at ion. was Fernelius They had just returned from their trip to California with their daughter Merle, and Laura was taken to the hospital We re glad she is improve ing also Elizabeth (late recently tele brats d her Hlvl birthday She has lived in lintah for Iho pad GO years anl r members a good slur1 lot the things that hast taken plate in oui little town ( eh hratmg the Hist event with (nr n the 27th of i March were thru of niet.es and her daughtt r We som to hear that Aaron Peterson was in the hospital for a month, down in California where he is in the armed senue There is good news Wilma Pet erson, was mentis- married to Don Patterson of Layton They sjnnt a weeks honeymoon in California where they were able to visit Aaron while he was in the hospital, also her brother John and his and 1 Where Quality is neijrusire family he IVtcrsons are now mak ing their home m Eiyton SHOP in Hi V ;ind .s.lFT' There were four lathes from Uintah who have completed the know all you should about "playing post office. We feel you should take lime to acquaint yourself in the operation of your business. NOW LISTEN Address all letter and packages completely including return address. Sound a little Juvenile? All right. Just remember those 23 million letters that will end up dead because of Incomplete address. Uintah r Aid courw that was given over Mn Roy recently. They are Lydia Cottle, Elva Powers, Olga Nelson, and Nora Peterson Con gratulation ladles, hey have done something that more of us need to So often their I a need for first aid, and to many of us have no Idea, what we should do When an opportunity like thu arises again, lets be able to say that more than Just four have taken advantage of the opportunity. A fery lovely Primary conference wa presented last Sunday by our Uintah ward primary. The theme "reverence" depicted beautifully by boys and girls and teachers ol the Primary. The Primary ihorus led by Janice Bybee, and at coin ard s.mg the panied by Sharon Hill song "Reverence". Donna opened the meeting with prayer Pres. Laura Bybee greeted the con gregation Then the program began to unfold With Glenna Cumin as narrator, the little ch Idren pre sertted "A Childs Symphony of Ibeverenc?" and song I Thank Thee Dear Fathtr 'Reverence in the Home" was presented in panto mine by Craig Kendell, Nancy Bag ley, Sue Bagley, Sandra Bowman, Mark Stuart, Freda Jones, Ijw rence Jones, and Beth Fernelius, with teacher Darlene Fernelius as the reader Under the direction of Grace Bagley, the Copilots and Top pilots presented "Reverence for the House of the Lord," and Linda Keyes Flrt sang the "Reverence Song. "Reverence for Myself" was given by the Home Builder girls , with Barbara Anderson, Mary Beverly Ward, Linda Beason, N juicy Bagley, Mary Jean Jacobs. Bonnie and Connie Peblcy, Ellen Pearson, Georga Powers, and Nor ma Forsgreen, with each saying a verse to put over their theme. Reverence for the Priesthood of God, was given by the Trail Build er boys, with Natalie Hartmann taking the part of the mother Those taking part were Keith Wad man, lanny By bee, Theron Keyes, and those who presented the pictures of the temples were Roger McFarland, Craig Kendell, Lane By bee, Terry Jones, Carl Kendell and Terry Jones The very well prepared meeting was brought to a closo with the ITimary chorus Ken-dell- and congregation singing "Glory to God on High and Ians Anderson gave the benediction. There were two babies blessed in Sacrament meeting last Sunday. Theyl wen- - little Miss I.ori Joan Million, daughter of Dee and Helen Mtldon and Daniel George Osmond, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Osman. Tins coming Sunday, the evening meeting will be presented by the Clarke family, from West Weber all be there to enjoy the ex cellcnt talent that they have to pre sent. A Xry unit tra different part of the dtj week. On the last day, the mobile chest for a attendant noticed a woman whoso 1 face seemed familiar. "Haven't you had an ' 1 AUTO PAINTING I SHOW 1 (TURING aoomrmiipu. ARDS AIWA. TIM 4400 fW ft 4 tlVftftAlf 39 - SEE US for SAVINGS On YOUR Familys Furnishings for your old water heater or range on purchase of a new electric model F -' Its almost too good to be true. But it is! & That old range or water heater in your home will really net you a lot more now during this special offer to all customers of Utah Power & Light Co. allowance on You can get an extra big yes, really a WHOPPER trade-ion the purchase of a new electric model your old range or water heater now W . . from your electric dealer. - SALE on Outside . Per Gal. SAVE CLOSE OUT ON N0W...GET ELECTRIC 3(1.25) s2 u '1.29 Waterproofing for that . . fijsw Dot neceaaary CUAN, Tray 8 Roller Gal SAfT Fnnrelv automatic, tileot, cool. ' SPECIAL PRICE NOTHING 98c TO You get to much more from a modem dcctric range ita "white glove" dean, kitchen walla, eu retina, port and pent itay dcaoer. IAST With ks fully coot rolled beat and automatic (eanaaee make every cook a good cook. I AST Today 'a electric range cook food a fat aa it can be cooked to retain ita full flavor and goodness. MODCIN Smart ttyliAg in your choice of colon an an electric range makes your kitchen the non modern room in the boose. $049 L C. mm MEASURES UP ELECTRIC COOKING CUAN $1.93 .... HEATER $A&4 CAR BRUSH fto Aluminum Handle YALIK SPECIAL PRICE WATER electric water heatera, with tbeae advantage I Arm -- A "quick recovery" electric water beater produce! 3 Onset more hot water in a 24 hoar period ti an old type model the aame aiae. TAXIS USS IRAQ can be installed anywhere in the home . kitchen, doaet right dcxt to point of greatest ute Because of recovery cipaciry, a large 10W COST ttorage tank Both for ROX QUICK RECOVERY Wirh thu special offer, Utah Power It Light Co. announcet the acceptance oo ka line of the Dew uickrecorery 3V PURE BRISTLE BRUSH 12" PURE BRISTIK BRUSH 1 CLOSE OUT . . . 3 42", ITEM OF THE MONTH VYLOID PAINT Wet Basement . . . You can arrange low monthly payments with your dealer. This offer is limited, so see your dealer right away. $079 (Was n ... WHITE PAINT 5-- St. Stcpladder SPECIAL $49 Buy now front your doalor or plumber UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. TJ'C ray be- she replied enUuul-astically. "This is my fifth trip, and can't tell you now much better the treatments are making me feel." "Oh yes," SIGNS TRtCK X fore" he asked. DONALD S CHILD wiHMv(rut ' veled to 1 |