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Show The ROY HEWS TO PLACE EOT NEWS CALL ANY OF THE FOLLOWING Kyle lUrrop Arlene Hamblin Betty SUhle Office Mr. and MrsT Max Oliver on the J- Manson on 3rd, Mr. and Mrs. C. the 5th. a suffered Vern Thompson his when last Sunday broken leg now horse fell over on him. He u Dee Hospital. the in convalesing Don't forget the second session education in the scries of adult Thursday each classes being given There are night at the Roy School. five 'more to go. They are under the direction of Mrs. Melba Lehner. Even if you missed the first one, there will be much of interest to be learned in the next five, so come on out and enjoy yourselves and 7.30 pm., profit too. Roy School, Thursday. to Mrs Happv birthday this week celebrated She Smith. Mae Julia her 82nd birthday Tuesday the Sun-Chronicl- Boy, Utah, Thursday, March 29, 1957 e, Tender Green California Non at its best n -- Phone 4 2240 29441 211M Ninth grade students are urged to enroll In seminary at the high school the last week of March. enroll the High School students will on At present, in week April. first are students 78 per cent of eligible enrolled, according to I'res. Henry A. Matts and it is hoped that that to 100 per cent will be increased cent per View Ward The annual held Thursday be will family party children unfor 28, March evening der 12 years A family stylo dinner will be served at 0 p ni. sharp, followed by games and entertainment till 8 30 pm Friday, March 29. a family dinner will be served all ward members over 12 years old, at 6 pm., followed by a prosugram and a dance. Keith Gale, School, the of Sunday perintendent is the overall chairman of the lea tiviUc-6- . The program is undei 1. direction of the MIA and Jhe 'm ner will lie prepared and serveu I, the Relief Society. Adults are resilverquested to bring their own ware Fridas night The Lake View Ward Seventys guorum will host the dinner party vl the 215th Quorum of Seventy, which includes the Seventy's from the Lake View, Roy Third and Roy Fourth Wards, Saturday evening March 30 in the stake house. Din ner will be served at 7 p m Quorum members and their wives are in sited Please bring our own ail verware. PER POUND Tasty Get well wishes to the following little ones who have been confined recently with measles and to all the little ones I havent heard about Susan Bell. Icwcy Solomon. Marlene Horspool, Brent, Susan, and Mary' Lou Morgan, Lana Griffin, Christine Bowman. Peggy Estep and Linda Woodland We hear that David Parry, son of Mrs Fern Ostler, and an Army in Specilaist 3C is taking part maneuvers in Louisama He U regularly stationed at Ft Sill, Okla He will return to Ft Sill and iha 52nd Artillery Group on vornple mm of these maneuvers. Mr and Mrs Ivan Walker, Mrs Walkers parens, Mr and Mrs Elmer Rippon. Mr and Mrs Fay Rip pon, and Clifton Rippon (brothers and sister in law of Mrs Walker)1 planned a family excursion to the ogan Temple last Thursday. Clifton, who just returned from a mis i sion for the LDS Church, will lriu-I the hey Army. thortlv to strve in Mrs Fred Weston is doing nice It it would be the last chance ly In the Dee Hospital, following they would have for a while to Mrs a major operation last all go together to the Temple Fred Gale is recuperating at home, Mr and Mr Ivan Walker attendMrs after suffering a heart atiack to ed ,i birthday dinner last Sunday A E Drown is also at home again tile birthday of Mrs iebiate following a serious operation. Walker's mother. Mrs Elmer Rip ni of Ogden Mr and Mrs George A Free Happy anniversary to Mr and stone of Roy, Mr, and Mrs Meade a Mrs Ernest Bell They celebrated . W Stevens of Rawlins, Wyo former resident of Roy, were the their anniversary on Wednesday, dinner guests of Mr and Mrs K M.iuh 27th O Maughan uf Kamas, Itah at the The Roy First Ward Relief So will have their theology L'tah Hotel last Saturday evening u.-iMrs George A. Freestone was meeting next Tuesday at 10 a m hostess to the Cul de Vel Club at a hie to an exYa Tuesday in luncheon at her home last Thurs .s month, the Roy First Ward day, Irish motif was carried out m Relief Six it tv will have a special the decorations Those in attend program on the last Tuesday of ance were Mrs Raymond Wright the month lm sure it will be very Mrs Russel Tanner, Mrs Aeriel enjoyable Belnap. Mrs Harm DeBoer. Mrs Vern Taylor, Mrs E Smith Mur When you see a man opening a door of an automobile for his phy Ephrum Van Dyke and a ape dal guest Mrs Shorten, Two shotr wife, you can be sure that either books were leviewed by Mrs Hus the automobile or the wife is sel Tanner. new. As dinner guests at the The church too many people home Sunday was the I' re family, to is the "Seventh Day Ab Mr. and Mrs J Edwin L're and s. sentist five sons of Kamas. I tah Mrs l're As they came out of the theatre, Mrs Mr and of the is daughter the husband said to his wife. "I Freestone never can understand why you tc extended Birthday wishes arc sniffle at a movie over the imagln Ivaloo Allen, Connie Hare, on th group of people 30th, Spencer Cahoon. Pamela Mur ary troubles of ray, Milton M Bingham on ihi you don't evrn know " 1st, David Lyle Bingham. John M "It'a exactly the same reason," Larsen on the 2nd, Joyce Smith replied hi.s wife, "why you Jump Carolyn Simpson, lnry Wallaci up and yell when a man you don't on the 3rd. Rodney Kent Hnuseal know slides into second base" Gary' Mifflin on the 4th, Matthew An old follow walked into the Murdock. Bill Borgeson on the 5th office and asked for Those celebrating their wedding unemployment lhc necessary papers to fill out Walanniversaries arc Mr and Mrs lace Brown, on the 30ih, Mr and Laboriously he spelled his name Mrs Richard Jacobs on the 2nd, George Washington. TEXAS PINK Get FREE vacation information at Fresh Baked Bureau! ft outstanding rara-tlo- A EC Per Loa! PIECE POUND MAMS 4 34 Pound CENTER SLICES Cans WISCONSIN OPEN EYE GORTON'S FROZEN MEDIUM NIPPY SWISS FISH 59c STEAKS BIRDSEYE OR LIBBY'S FRESH FROZEN CHEESE Per l.b. LIBBYS 15c 10 Ox. PACK No. 303 Size Cans 2W BERRIES LEMONADE ROYALTY SIZE TANS stsr KHESII O LARGE Doz.' EGGS BIG CHIEF 4 paradlsaa lha Amarlca! H' nwMt, TOILET TISSUE 79c CREAM Z' vacation trip' to finlah, take And to make ure your trip a a lucceaa from alart all otheral Bameonlte Streamllt- e- Uie luggagt that CHARGE, NO EFFORT TO GET COM2 IN NOW-N- O DETAILS FOR TOUR BIST VACATION 11 Rolls APPLE $100 JUICE 46 OZ. CANS In Ploy4laR TABLE PRIDE TRIP EVERI JERGENS With Free Dispenser Deal 49c 20 OZ. JARS STRAWBERRY PRESERVES PURE QQr GOLD STRHCE STAMPS ON ALL ITEMS . ?- i. . -- ' ' "V VO V i '! ' vrw. - tlSjj'r ' - 'Where Quality is Inexpensive SHOP in BOY and SAVE! hoo tore BRAND Mandarin Oranges HALF GAL. ice APPLE JILL 11 59c 4 lor STRAW ORANGE GRAPE GRADE AA COUNTBY $n QQ for I Per Lb. SLICED JUICES PEAS CHEESE LIBBYS FRESH FROZEN GREEN CHARMIN 59c FRESH FROZEN n aalaal. and quick eat way for you and yotir fam lly to plan exciting 89c Special HAM Wilsons Certified SAUCE In S1.00 SHANK PIECE POUND BUTT AM APPLE 8am-aonlt- a Regular DEVILS FANTASY APPLE LAND Wonderlnf Mr to vacation T How to tharaT Whara to day ? Just ctiwX in at our naw Traval Bureau. Tou'll art wil Information on Hi Per Dozen ff Fresh Baked Tempting BEANS CORN Travel ra Carmel Icing PEAS Samsonite 56s Regular 69c .. Washington Bakery w59t CAKE WALNUT CHIFFON With Walnuts SWEET WEST BRAND New - Per Lb. Fresh Baked 1 be-on- POTATOES TOMATO 2(3th RED Florida New Carton Finn 10 OZ. PACKS 11 OZ. 89c CANS 6 For 1 00 |