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Show Roy Chamber of Commerce Receives National Charter IliiMiiesMUcn in Roy have team big and little which might he called the nation's "business front " The National Chamber interprets to government the considered views of business on issues of national mporlanee, and in turn Interprets to ds buxincess membership the i s " oi Hie legislative and ad hail lia'i'r biaiuhcs of govern ill' :P III! has lie'ped lo create withof commerce in ini d i handlers on in ii than 2 4'H) committees P mii.il affairs which coduct i.iiep.i gos foi mure effi i ip govei omrnl t all limes Hie nalmnal organ b woik .is a 'eon ...Pino is tri'H lo survey business i k on the ihe r v Hi d bis pi'.ion in the interest of applying oi ss i spit iiiirc lor Ihe solution a' lod f loin ti .i'it e sp Old t.t i"',s i .i'll, oi iMipim c m iii o iiiu problems That func has been ' by public ' o", ' c i f I ('Inlie ii in' fold e i t.piv. s i in the nation s a "c , s let s' "i.g o o t a P who kim) .s ihjt businessmen d d i( 1C CIO with the ,i i Hie i operations that Hie public welfare lit nlid-- e n, us! .,' al' 1, mes tic safeguarded ' a i pifsident of the Nation-iH.iuda-asked lo suggest a ", m !" Ihe "I gani.itloll. with If It is sp al ," r. spu, idld .,1 ip . u li '. Z.i! 'I., Hut "l it interest is not in ' i: ' pulilie .did ,'lc ill , old ii ' in ip i e I id business It I n 'In Si cl with Weber County K", Weekly Newspaper I'Lili, Th m 'i; i. Map'll L's. I'.L'g 'Family Unit1 Stressed at Roy Hosts Lake View LDS Conference AAU Boxing h - "Home nd Family Unit- was the theme of the Lake View Stake quarterly conference, held Sunday in the Ogden tabernacle President Henry A Matis keynoted the subject in his opening address, when he said, "Home Is a castle, an is land, a haven or an oasis from the turmoil of the world A plate whejx.yve receive love and under standing and sustenence. where we learn the basic truths of ur tue" "Our chapels arc also a castle and a haven to us. he stated fur ther He then went on to ennunu-ate some of the basic principles ( righteousness that we should learn from these two great sanctuaries Love and compasaion. honesty with God, with others and with our selves We are,not concerned only with temporal affairs, but with the eternal existence with our Hcav cnly Father. Elder John Imgdon, assistant to the Twelve Apostles, enlarged the theme by saying. "We have the spirit of God in our home by hon Relief Society Date April 17 For Convention on Relief Society Slake sention for the officers and leach ers and visiting teachers is planned for the evening of April 12th Ii will te held in the View Stake House A very worthwhile program is planned All officers and teachers are invited Charles W Morgan is spending two weeks in Texas having been sent there on detached a ri u from Hill Field .According to Joseph Alien prm cipal of the Roy F.lementary School 97T of the parents alien led th' recent Parent Teat hers confi rm res Thai is a very good an rage a The first Thursday in Apt PTA meeting will be held in ton junction with the Adult F.duraiion classes being held at the Roy school At this meeting it is r peeted that the new officirs for the coming year will he ln'rodured The members of the M.,om Idge presented Pack H72 of the Cub .Scouts with a flag for t h r pack The presentation was made at a special meeting held Sundav at 2 ym A program was prest n'ee and refreshments were sentd The rirzT - ; stake .I"'! tub' i gu al ' .ike : ' g 'll,: c w ninm ho a I " - a I 11 In "I ' at i u s tla- i weli-.nie- " hall i I v ' ' ' - - " I Verb. H - a i a I I Oil. III l 11 ot I I'M,'.' la 'ltd bung handled through the priest - of tin- rr ward' iii in the slake Mr White stressed the affair i' for all the fam illy in eluding the ladus Tickets are 90r for adults and Tic for studin's The AAt' boxing even! iii.it !"ok place in Salt Lake this weik. will send the same fighters upo the t mg F'lfleen liouts will be pre in Roy sente-with fighters ranging from Ihe flyweights up in the middle weight class The Sail I ake Hot.it y Club and the Ogden HepCai Club sponsor the matches with how from a three state aiea participating Harold McN'e il is in charge from Sail Igikc a (1 Waller Wall fo: the Ogden aiea Thurseiav Following nights event, all the fighters will be a treat'd to upjvrr by the Lake View Stake R'liel Soeietv n gam atii'ii lav ev i r dr.v en a ear y oil w a the idv applicant for a . ked 'ue liunili ' d md w enty thou ' ' ' 'H p d hi hush,and Will SPRING Si mull' r I'lo MH'J ... .. . ci 'tubed ' . . : I .. ' ,i!h vc ,iii' Mr- - L.u oh: ' da Llltcr id Tb. re an 4 M, i ,. i so i d a Ml e p - - u'a j ,' i v, V , i The R"V a - K l s 1,1 II ; s. . d ! ' i i d I ' If Anns If Kar b.ii a M m fa Id Isih F'i i n I'.d'i ' cm I ,)n t Sc f. gan-- l Son c i,; Veil o I H ui Wanda S'i ( in " ft-- ' R Si. I, I .d1 v ,t i Hess ,' !, Me,.; v n I .ib l'l ", " ' d a lo d u't ii n: h 'd the l Res Is ll,. o'di i t I. j,M .! i! i i w lii"d pt l, w v w la I 1. ' r v I im v I 111 lop w !r- AN Iiat h 11 a i ou w mild w ii, or ' !; love, you first must w secd and admiration e. ilv '' Such is the advice m : " At least it .'! ,s him, and he's "in solid in laws "At times." says r ' r g ue in chock. "I'm on beltei ,m. a her mom and sis than ' Hattie" Of course. knows Ihe congeial Liu la; v ; S' i . ' I I ' he h'i nlaldi id h is i . iv I v ( m it a a I (' k I k ni a. and ked a- - I l lliv Died in Denver c ' i I', ; and 'hi'i a!!c,lli I i L the 'hi purposes I of 'uiniuer thi' group "f i l i' ' '" I's beginnings we toil as businessint n m ,'ld low us ie. i r the n il ion ih umk cf I ' w . I 'r ' ' ii ' ' c ' In "Ie lie a sin I'll! ' V I lie mem bulk "i Hu pines came I p i " !l' . i w . " - Vi, o hi s 'm al i ; I .'d , ; l'l haii, 11 I P i" md lo v 111 111 - i In i of '"ii Him f.u flung "f pail cl bus m ss i ( pi i sen! al .mi i - S.u inis d 'HI'S', v ' R. bv o' ' - , . - I The r' , . g 'us i I mn I l'M2 at the Pi c'ldi nt t. tiled a metting in Washing of lucal thamber of rommt ret ' a' iv v Thus ihe' harnber men i of he Cnited States i' Roy a Killed in Auto Mishap s'PKk miunmg Hooper Wed Araminta lias I;, ,1 ,, ci".' of Will Read, II n do d ei Hospital, four its a ' i Hu auto winch she w is rlinmg int out of control 4p.d slunk a tree jimt south of ii'edv i i i I It f h im m wlu-- i Mar ket I" Trmiprr F'rank investigated the acci-dinHn far apparently started in topple over and hit the tree with the top of the carraoxing it Hi bourne hat k onto its wheels I l.e trie width Is only two feet f was struck at a m the store live! login r than the car, indica ting Mud. the auto mas have been ff the ground when it hit The top of le tar was flattened against Hndriver's seat Mi- Read's companion, Carl iiieig'.is Wilson of Wilson Ijne was ciuiusly inju red Read was born in Aramirila Hmipir Dee Id 1910, a daughter of R. chard Austin and Emma Cottle .loins Mi and Mrs Jones both dod during Hie pas! year She ha lived in Hooper all her life, .md aHendcd Hoojier school and Wetter Countv High School. On Sep tember 9. 1929 she married Will Re.nl m Hooper They later re ituved iln ir endowments in the Salt Temple Mr Reid died Amil In 1!)T4 Sin li.nl bein active member of Hul!cci r l'i r si Ward, having re-i siived as activity counselor in the ward YWMIA She is survived by three sons, Ronald J Hoy! W and Dennis T. Head all of Hooper six grandchil ilicn and one brother. Kenneth A Vi'irdng i.rm! , .!' I ' i' u in bijsi iii w Hi nk ' I mi son Hi.it '" ai("miish d p ' d ,v J ' : in (,'iHni .iv I I l le.oii hi Araminta Read ! H-- " o ' i. .n ) 'a ' i s n"iigi infornn ; 'nor T i ' r I i i i he Si n.ilm g""d to!! ci not i I I I dm '" I i i v "in d bim i cf a ear a". at up ,,nd sell i spi k 'p .last ee pi ' 111 . a VJ1 c a k ., Mipp'Ut av li w v.i H ' i f"i He i o i - ' Ill a I 'a v h.unt'i i I i 11 I la "Spc p , Id". (Il nd i i "ill 'wc ,d 7 n r I m lo o' !,i T i'lo, 'll, ' line pi sii!. ip j I,, lie spi i.rdesl 'III d cp O" Mari h 2 ' lo . T I room p(a p i, i.cd S .ek'd d i pi tc ivt in he !'li 111 r 'l.i'i' la s I, a i, H.c n si cj Mi,, lore in the Scn.de l'l be sc'd W t I, ki lo know bei aosi- Hit I. OU I" r Wo lid id' '" 'll term 'la have I'd; before Mil Is of thi veil II la Ilk) w i.li'i Mali will to businrsv ' u'o.ov', iiriorlane Old am all i ..'id Cl pop le.'tdi '1 rsh Hwsinew i A i in i ds .; n a 'I be si..d p throughout I1 " I In IM b,p Ha s. lc o! Hie ((cndry hid long fill the need for an invtnimt i.l to loordmatt gl Ootids s SI ole , , a .Hug bike's .mrk-g- l( public cxpresvinn lo t)IIM X ' 'a C d u pel r sv "p.n.on pill' " b. small group had w l'l k mg quiet iv W I'll till i, M lha, a iiaaHullai toisincvs nil v ci I'.uiiz.i'i' r. i ould be form i Announce The vo I am I hind hr dm a i 'I, In r H . ". i o' tiii he vuliji Ralph Thompson t I Me-- ' c t.si i, I i I h. C.ipd. In Si I, !"I m.iko ,i h'-two ., t, i Due w.m fion ,i chamber mm:i t m Ho c.iHei n end id I, ' , C.ti v Hn l j 'egi.ini' i t I their monthlv in d Hv Mm son House Mii'dc Marih 25 Special gin 'I f.si H.I evcni' g w.cs Iron DeWTn bi i,'"ii'! preba Hon officer Hi ' ; " ,V. on th. main problems mm i ruing Ho imirl-nnIhe problt ms m ,i p.nnts at (onfronied wi'h Those attending wine I'm leoi.. Mi fool Vera F'arkcr Dnrnthv tli son I.aRcnc (ilcvn Faun Ivman Hilly I.o s'., hie. M 'll lel "'cm d Maxim l',i an .rnia ' artmi h o I . n ' "I I '.pocrti S' Speech Winner i"h t ; I oil 'a Listen To Lakeview PTA Juvenile Officer Sponsor Show ' .nd l ' , .v, Vail s, ,7 i . i' e a ' I .ii I'd; ' pijt'l ftd I i 'III .1 i ' All fight fans in Ihe area are irivp.cd and there will be no reserved sea's Tickets will be said at the door, r advar.ee sales arc hood leadtr- f, I I V eferee 11 ' I . ' "1.1,1 . H v i f e r . i : Pal kc alal II". W hit .isMsted by He h p "" H ai d Hh h ii !s ,lr K"V Sc ' ca d handling publicity Jack Il.izcii. a mi n be r of tin s1. ike high loan, il an ai.gi im rds al the gym, .nd May Inn Call, the ring Maxm Ko-"local spur' enthusiast up! ,1( t ,,s i d I 'p.u I". I' fl""l alt ! I I ( .1 I r i i a isr he a coll-'o.ou- i . J 01 ' ; l'i o ( . I' box A v i i i Community Portraits If A i (MX) i ! ard "ei s inaugurated v An r- - i limit abi 'll :'V lull. i' la." i a of i ini r ; lllg i a 'a' 'v m i gf ' I 'I hui s'!, iv p m ,.t ' H Prr-iden- h in A aiea ij-- ' on t "I hope St ike Mil' i is pic,-,- ,' 'ievs when a boy oi girl is delinquent." he said An overflow i rowd of 28 jht cent a'li ndance filled the morning ses Mon and 22 per rent a'b ruled the t af'ti'oHii, session Matis rnoinw o.f( ( pries'. hood org.mi a'K,r' on tin f r i piogress thev have d' n following thi neve ' r- u oh mdebli-dii- ' President Newell It Pudge dis cussed Ihe need for parental dis e pi me and training from birth "Children cannot be left to their own devices." he said He likened the new horn babe to a diamond in the rough that has to he cared for and ohshod until it becomes a shinning light This Is done by refining and polishing each facet of it's character by de veloping in (lie child. faPh repentance spintuahtv etc " President Floyd D Powers spoke on obedience and the question of setting a propc r example to the young folks 'Someone has failed ti .i h . Tourney son i Tsr There is oring the priesthood more understanding of the t hi dren by the parents and more re sped for the parents " where the priesthood is honored "There is no end to the family unit, it can he enjoyed eternally One can build a house and add all the material things m it but it still is not a home until love and kindness abounds and there is a unity of purpose." Klder Ixingdon also slated that 'lie American future is determined by the home and school and church In ihe afternoon session. Filler I ongdon. stressed the great power of example as an influence upon Ihe lives of others "Wr are all missionaries There is much vsork to be done wih those already in the church." he said "and with the non memtwTship in our stake whieh He asked the ques is 3300 people lion. "What kind of influence are we going to he on those moving in the confines of our stake who are not members" ' We, as missionaries ran have a great impact of good upon the lives of those vve meet from day to day " "Elder Imgdon thrilled the audience with the vocal rendition of the "Spirit of God' accomjianied by Wayne Deverranx In the morn mg session and in the afternoon session wph "Stranger of Galilee' accompanied bv Mrs Hern Patter I I i olliers through out ihe nation to work for good i it ienslnp. good government and .'""d business Hv, joining the ( hambci of Loin oi n e of the t'mted Slab's Ihe Rov himl",r of (i'(iniiiii'i(T lakes its ( Ii niib p .ii e w ith im re than 2 7i TaKI " i ' .istrade some ih i.i! unis ,i I wllitli ton I' .' wold, a lat gall .1 influence in naiiou.al at .mil whoh will hung lo Roy iiifiiroi.it cl; eut.iges of pooli-d is aur ailvue abnul iinpicv al eoinmunitv ' ' c er ,il ioo.il ( Ji.nnbri 1.800, at o t - I i ! Tol.i L. sell Igdl n nni.il sciviiis will be con-a led Sal ur day al in the l.iiidq s t and Sons Colonial Fu-:r.d l.umi with Hishop Norman Ib.n! iciiniui ting i;..r.a will be in n 1 Hie Ib'iqier cemetary 1 111 I . a'o ' ., ,, that Hattie could never si with him for more than a Ii utes u Krnrsl Johnson was i a Grace, Idaho on May l'l son of N'els and Hannah I'a Johnson The Johnson's wi i, ii ii u, steaders, Grace rouniry wa, only a sagebrush flat Lime' we born in b two roomed log h. sc He recalls the many rnmnirgs when he awakened to find four lo six inches of snow on his bed snow that had drifted in durinf the mbht through the cracks in the Tbft The snow would be so deep that it copered the fence posts, and winter a bobsled and team conveyed Ernie the three miles to school. In spring and fall he always walked to school The Johnson's hauled their water from Bear River, three miles dislance. Ernies mother made 12 loaves of bread every other day to supply her eight children There were but 22 families (120 people) in the ward, and Ernie helped build the new church there. He went to work at age 12 for whom the Clegg Brother, one wai bishop of the ward. He worked for nine years on the Clegg ranch. Ernie came to Ogden in 1932, preceded by his family. The depression had griyped the country then ' THE LIVING !!!: - ir ii, - PHILOSOPHIES - ; O - ': ' : : ' k Cited for 35 Years Scouting - i ' I .( I Si i ' her cult f"l - T.T (Inlit s c cd .. .md , s'artei : he Ii l' is In in w a - s( 12 i! . y t en registeied v In 19. H he J oi .cl e (TVs Ha Honed al Ihe Willaici camp lb re he learned the technriue of ,rr I ating a bulldozer, training which later proved helpful. He has mucc worked for Wheelwright Construction Co. V. W. Clyde. Hill APR. and is now (since 1942) at the Naval Supply Depot. At 2nd Street he is a heavy equipment operator, and can operate anything from a wheelbarrow to a 60 ton shovel. Hattie was born Aug 23, 1908, to Arnold and Janna Shipper Van Limburg. Her parents were both Hollanders, both converts to the LDS Church. Nicholas G. Smith is ii lands on a mission Slice her rallies! ve.us ilai'u h.u been ,m untiring and devoted mother and church worker She wa-second mother to many children before God sent her rhildrrn of her own While living m the Four 'tenth Ward. Hattie had practically a steady job of babby sitting for those who were busy in church services. Among those she worked for were Stake President Thoina; Parker, then in the bishopric. At 15 years of age, Hattie lived in California for a year, raring foi Continued on Page 5 a ( r ci ci W.l- - k II" r We were invited t" a friend1' home lad evening While there son came in with his girl While the women were talking things In' id ( Hi MaV li 1'IJT he mar-lula ovii we nun were engaged in the same pastime t n ' In Salt Lake I'.. ki a gill would you ,e 1 quizzed my friend's son. What kind of Tt tuple like your wife to he? Supping aie Ins widow, one son I II and two daughter'. Michael R start with her mother he said One who Itelieved her daughI h s n Mrs Victor 'La ter was the greatest gift she would over have One who could nurse Roy, Verne Judy IVcston. Idaho; Mrs. her daughter without the fear of cigarette ashes falling, into her anil believes, Fl.ul Maiv.P Frinaurr, Los An eves A mother who is not ashamed of Christianity his lives and teaches it to her family. One who lives in a place where the fimr gi andchildren giles Rov six Inoihcrs and one outside is a HOUSE and the inside is a HOME n, oi lu sisiri. Herat e I Thompson El I WOULD LIKE a girl who never had to roam through Monte. Calif Lra V C Frank Hct parent home watching her parents drink highballs and and Vein W Thompson. Roy, Ell to send smoke cigarettes; until she received enough anesthetic gene FI Thompson, Ogden, Iee II I COULD E BF.LIEV NOT I DO bed. to her her half stupefied rhomp'.on. Harrisvillc. Mrs. Vern UNRENOT U)VE A GIRL FROM A FAMILY OF MODERN, (Stella) Poll. South Welter LIVING. OR RAISING STRICTED F'unera! services will he conis the ducted Saturday at p.m. at Lind-tpies- t I have an odd feeling, said my friends son, that a daughter and Sons Colonial Funeral treasure of her mother and father. That the life of the home can Chapel by Hishop Merlin N. Cook. rrolvc around her without spoiling her. That all the things s e se F'riends may call at the mortuary and hears in it during her childhood can make her a loving wife ana Friday from 6 to 9 p ni and Satur- a qualified mother. day until services Burial in MemorShall we think togolher next week? ial Gardens of the Wasatch. y in 1957 Id Like Sor a Wile If the 35 v eai pm imr has earned Ihe Eagle H bronc, gold and silver He also wears the Scout s Ki and was awarded the Heaver fo, ''outstanding serv-i'nor e in boy hood'' by the Cache Yal lev Council Hoy Scouts of America His years of scouting include .5 ye, ns as a scout, there years as a luinor .scoutmaster, eight years as coutmaster, five years as Flxplorer leader, six years as member of the executive board, and 11 years on YMMIA stake boards. He is currently stake Explorer leader of Lake View Stake. During his many years working with boys, he's had lots of rich he said. He's also adventures, coached many championship teams in basketball and volleyball. in Copy writ alwavs the trie that hears the largest, juieest apples, which Old Adage h.,s ihe most sinks and sloncs thrown at it" Foi those' trees that hear the sour runty little apples arc shunned b hungry school boys nil Ida a rd Mat mg d 01 iv al - fan .'iy since that lime. ' ; lb ,. g s ' F. COTTI E Its ' v , ; at R Kind oi a Girl a .... I fo I" bov " Hv i i i . i 1 |