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Show The WEST POINT NEWS n'r s By 1 Virginia Olrtoa Pnone ville was good to 1 have been told. There will be no priesthood meeting next Sunday morning due to stake conference. We are happy to report that as write this Alton Johnston who recently underwent surgery is now able to return home. We wish her a speedy and complete recovery1 wish to express my heartfelt thanks to all those who have-beeso kind to us during the time since my hursband was hurt and who have called to see him sine, Ins operation on Monday morning at the Dee Hospital. Naturally "back operations take a long time to heal but we are hoping that the worst Is over and that Horace will soon ! able to Le borne with us again do not like to mention family and sell but so nui.y have called that 1 want to be sure to thank everyone fast thy Thought lor the week bread upon the waters, for thou shall find It after many dayi 5 131v Happy birthday to Lyn Kirkman and Diana Craythornc on the 29th, Max Fiahcr Leon Thurgood Ellen Flint, Nolan Edwards on the 31st, James King, Jeffery Miles and Evona King, and Wanda Stoddard Cn the 1st of April Karren Ann Jack Putnam, Etta Broadhead, Dahl and Betty Ixu Fisher on the 2rd of April, Myrtle Holbrook, Bob lie Moss of the 4th, and to all others having' birthdays Happy anniversary to Mr and Mrs. Wilford Zaugg and Mr and Mrs Luke Johnston on the 4th of April One of the best plays seen in many a day was the three act play presented last week in West point by the MIA. The play was ably di rected by Wilma Twede The lovely stage settings were by Max By bee Hes a master at design and building fine sets and other stage equipment. The cast was well chosen and each of them did an excellent portrayal of the characters Those who were in the cast were Sherrie Penny, Douglas Twede, Marjorie Singleton, Golden Flint, Darrel Page, Janet Moss, Lynn Blake, Richard fraythorne, Darrell Dal ton, Jean Singleton. Edward Patsy Look and last but f.u from least Jackie Putnam. The play presented by tin- Jay cees and brought here from Kanes Saw-ley- , 1 CONTINUED JOHNSON CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Sun-Chronicl- Eoy, Utah, Thursday, March 28, 1957 e, worked at the Dee Hospital, in the room, aterlizing supply room, room and nurses home. While working at the hospital, she became acquainted with Mrs. Johnson, mother of her future husband. Hattie, according to Ernie, was somewhat of a coquette. He arcuses her of deliberately flirting with hun with candy Valentine hearts. This flirtation took place on the back row at a funeral. This was in January he two didn't see each other again until June Not that Ernie didn't try to see Hattie. He called at her home in tending to ask her to accompany him to see Timpanog.i Cave, but she wasn't at home It was then that her mother and sister Edna "fell" for his charms They had a date all arranged for Hattie when she returned home She s.mplv couldnt refuse The couple went together for 3 years before they married Ernie was ordained an Elder in February of 1040 During the sum mer of that year, he was secretary of the Thirteenth Ward Elders Quorum Then for 8 months he worked in the presidency of the quorum. He was asked to be presi dent of the Eiders, but the Joh i sons were then contemplating the move to Riverdale In Riverdale, Ernie thought bed rest from church duties, but his rest was short lived In two months, he was working in the president of the YMM1A with Dale Bingham and he continued in MIA work for 12 years He was counselor to Da'e in 1946. then to Oliver Baird in 1947 After division of the waid he was president of TMMIA in the Iaikc View Ward Then he worked scouting, simultaneously witii work mg as secretary of (he Elders Qmr the family of Prof Vern Knud on She waa devoted and conscientious in this work, and as ' tied down" as she is now with her own family. Hattie taught Primary at an early age and at 14 taught Sunday School She was secretary in the Religion Class for a number of years. After her marriage on May 14, 1940, the Johnsons lived in the Thirteenth Ward and Hattie was coordinator in the Junior Sunday School until they moved to Riverdale in June of 1045 She was given the same position in Kiurdale, and many of is will eternally be grateful for solicitude for our children under tier jurisdiction Before her marriage. Iljttie was urn He was also counselor to Golden ar, elevator operator at the Eeeles Building for eight years She also Bingham in the Elders Qjorum and later counselor to Ezra Van Natcr after which ho was president of the quorum for four years He was released from this position in of 955 at the request of Montlcth Wooley, who wanted a good scoift chairman of the troop committee He was also advisor to the Evjilorers for ,i e.ir uml-i Harold C. Steed Receives Award rw r f tt ' fL, i K FREE TRAVEL INFORMATION ' v - NEW SAMSONITE BUREAU GIVE One oj the most revolutionary pate in this national campaign. marketing programs in the history The Samsonite Travel Bureau of the luggage industry, the estab- will wosk as follows: Travel lishment of the Sjm-omt'1 A handsome, specially Bureau to provide free travd infory Tsavel Bureau counter mation in the Lugi ue Depaitmeiit will be placed in Roy Dept. will have its first test in a local Ml ore. The display will hold ape-- i department store. posts tally prepared, 100 of the than more cards listing will this 'open Boy Dept Store cam nation's most popular resorts of nationwide merchandising free vacation information. of the establishment with the paign 2 Customers select the vacation fust Samsonite Travel Bureau in on spot or spots, of their choice, fill Ihcir Luggage Department in llicir name ans address, and the Mai ill 29 lord is t ben mailed The resort area "We are not just in the Chamber of Commerce will then of selling luggage," reports Pair send a package of information ct Me their area spoi la.ly selected to the Hodge at Roy Dept Sidle aie in the tiavel business also The inquner's home Sm li iiav el aid si rv.ccs gives integration of Samsonite 1'iuvcl Bureau into our Luggage Dvpait customers all the mfoi motion they want about ally ot the nat. oil's top to meat bungs this conclusion ll is the plea vacation pots, tiow to get ther. sure of Hoy Dipt Sloie to pnit'c. things to see, places to stay e id m I s jj tZZi dis-pla- ) 1 J s 1 " -- .... .. S Schramm, state director, Treasury -- received by Humid State Bunk for the puop.e of this atea Davis County Saving.- The silver medalion, presented at C S'.ed this the Harold rejuest of George Humphrey, clot' award week received the H) secretary, of the I' S Treasury, is significant of the fad that Davis Charles Hansen. Then, oi. Sept 8 County exceeded then Savings j;i55. he was called to tin K' rd.de Bondi quota for the year 1951 Ward bishopric, which Beginning this past year with a holds quota of $1625,000 in Savings Ernie loves music, and one of Bonds, the people of the county is air invested $1.718 035. or substantially his most prized more Hun the r posed goal exquisite. Silver keyed bln accepting tins awatd in be of Italian make, an ir-- 'r ,mt n (u- - m"th i half of the people of Davis County which he purchased most vertainly would like to ox now deceased The Johnson's have five chit press my sincere appreciation to volunteers working Hie patriotic Churyl dren Ferrtn. Dumpt'c Bren! lOopie) a', i Di hi a Don with us in the irond program." said School or Mr Steed "And tho-- c many tine urtte K Junior Sic n.da Test'll people who have found it wise to Hirst, along with Hatties fine train'll, Jm mother save in the safest of all Invest m hood is manifest m ways incuts The silver medalion mounted in IB r family are stit' on users ot udhcri ot,u a Incite desk stand, bears the in the Wort of Wsd--to the natural wav of life scription "For patriotic Service " amt D S Savings Bonds Program Hallo very thou, h' In' of 'hrr ' i II 'steed h1 it n o! h..s engraved upon is very appreciate - u.r.r is- - in lor behalf St e n no mber Mr Steed wont on to 'ay, Ever two ivents givin in lu h tor lights of her l.fi Ho f.i-- i of inn the last war, 'le people pf t 'be-- e was a surpr i fimi our ana have been faithful Sav Plan Kam ngs P' nd buvor' and wc are proud by Ruth Bitter ( ur the v rr y tine record that has over, the o'her vu- - u k1-'on Bng'um bein made v With a rrw year prisi given ' by on Ps way. we are confident The "sal! and s a i.d back bum' inti ri st in Savings of cvrry cctnmunitv t!. like tile rurnr-nj B nds will be maintained and that 'he Johnson- - If t w Id - i 'o be saved ,iiid I1' t ,m won. it our 1957 quota will Be made m - kind of j u will he because of j,. nl tune." hi added to j r it e ,i Seed, cashier of the Clearfield p!e people .vim ojiie who .me ti i t ; ml Bur in State Bank lias been a volunteer in ill thi ir dialing vu'h man and hi Mate Savings Bonds Committee God for years AWARD PRESENT! D Savings Bonds Division, C Steed, cashier RY Clem U S aiK-id-al- i 1 L-- I S CHILD SIGNS PRUDENTIAL STAMPS 2 SHOW I ' r Mips .U. V. 1 7 t -- ! Nelson Queens of Canada C 8 P.M. Salt Lake V Rockets FRIDAY, MARCH 29 Free Skating Following Game! Reserved Section $1.00 Adult General 75c Children Gen. 50c GOLDEN SPIKE COLISEUM ICE RINK t r fceRtlTHHV, I HOCECEY ,v ) lillltlM, 1HKH WIMH'W-.omt- BCE -- -- AUTO PAINTING "GIVEN WITH ALL CLEANING" Attend the SKI MEET and 1 ' DONALD NCAA J. 1 1ETS M v 44r TLm SM-tia- SKATING-RI- NK 4 30 TO fi Patties l OPEN DAILY. 30 I hy Appoinlini nt M 8 K(HT Institution dm-sdu- GARDENERS! Get these Good Quality Garden tools at MONEY SAVING PRICES! GOLF BRAND 1 Lb. $1.45 AMERICAN Full 18 A I.ONG HANDLE Round Point SHOVEL Cut Rotary Mower BRIGGS MADE PRICE y mi d expect to pay for an imported inferior shovel High carlton steel blade, shot piened and protected with Aluminum Iicqucr Boiled Shoulders AT STRATTON SQUARE POINT Only $59.95 $10 DOWN SHOVEL Open Back Made In U.S.A. $6 MO. Polished and Lacquered Socket Good (Hade Long A real bargain Handle Size of blade is in a LOW PRICED SHOVEL Full 18 BRIGGS A 14-Too- th Cut Sale Price GARDEN HOE 89.95 Jin BOW RAKE Popular Rounded Bow Design. Forged Stei Head 5 ft Ash Handle STRATTON FREE DOWN Use of roller and Spreaders lor seed Blade and Shank forged til one piece from solid steel. WHY PAY MOPE0 ing and fertilizing! 4-Ti- GARDEN HOSE Marvel Lite 50' $4.25 Estate, Non kinkahle $13.95 r Sprinkler Hose $1.95 ne Forged Steel Head with diamond back tines. long. Steel Dnandle Top. Attractive Finish fit ylm mm $4 88 X SPADING FORK BH-c- 579 " STEEL LAWN RAKE Has twenty broad, spring steel teeth, firmajy anchored in a sturdy frame. Clear lacqurcd Ash Handle. Lightweight, Serviceable, only long-lastin- .SUNDAY TO 10 I.M. QCC s A Saturdays |