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Show i The will Among Men and 'Nations. The original creed was prepared by Dr. Charles W. Eliot with some slight changes by Woodrow Wilson. OCR HERITAGE The late Presi dent Ramon Magsaysay of the Philippines has tried to Insure the sano tuary of the mails of his country and offer some of the mail protections we enjoy In the United States. Much is left to be done in that country in spite of the sweeping efforts of their president. One lTulippine mailer at our office stated the stamps were stoita ofl the letters and packages taken: even insurance offered no protection again! theft. BANK BY Vernal. c'h still stands the bank that was p!It by mail in 1910 Bricks had to be shipped from Salt Lake City and cost 15e a brick by freight and 7c by mail. As the trip by mail was almost half the price of freight, a scheme a as devised to have all the bricks mailed via parcel post to Vernal. As 70 pounds was the maximum poundage that could be sent at one time, every resident (farmer, dentist, doctor, cowboy) ordered 70 of bricks from the brick kiln in Salt Lake until 50,000 squares arrived to buDd their bank. A MA1I-- In CARRIERS CREED On the Fa cade of the Washington, D C., City Post Office appears this in scription as a tribute to the carriers of the mail Messenger of Sympathy and Love Servant of Parted Friends Consoler of the Loney Bond of the Scattered Family Enlarger of the Common Life Carrier of News and Knowledge Instrument of Trade and Industry Promoter of Mutual Acquaintance of Peace and of Good A former clerk at the Roy Post Office was a missionary in Argentina and to be certain his letter arrived home in the United States, he found it necessary to tear the stamps In two before glueing them on a letter otherwise the stamps would be stolen end the letters destroyed. Sometimes we take so much lor granted Corner r- k I h Horrop i- I hone 3 2667 - , v' - f . K r - i ' The lowly potato has quite a history behind it. Contrary to the popular belief, the potato did not originate in Ireland, rather it is a native of the Chilean and Peru vian Andes and was cultivated there, long before the discovery of America The potato was taken to Europe, provably by the Spainards, in (he early part of the 16th ccn tury. Sir Francis Drake introduced inio England In 1580. although. Waiter Raleigh is said to have taken it back with him to England the year before Until the later part of the 18th century, the potato was considered as more or less a curosity. although the Royal Society of Ixtndon had recommended it in 1683 as a pns siblc safeguard against famine among the Irish peasantry It took a grain failure in 1772 before the tuber finally started to come into m IB A 1. j ye' i.. litOKalUl! 0M - -' K Boy, Utah, Thursday, March 28, 1957 e, its own as a popular food. It was undobtedly the Irish sue cess with the potato that introduced it to America. Now it has become one of the most favored of all veg etables in the American diet. As sn example of the versa ility of the pototo, here are some recipe's that will compliment most any menue. Pre-Scho- Dates Noted Y - , Imf I fi ' tbs. grated onion : Worcestershire sauce 4 tsp. salt Buttered bread crumbs. Scrub potatoes and parboil with the jackets on, 20 to 30 nnn., or until nearly done Split partially cooked potatoes lengthwise into halves Spread each hall with mus lard, onion, a sprinkle of w arches lershire sauce, and salt Top with buttered bread crumbs and bake in a very hot oven. 15 to 20 minutes or until the potato is com plotely cooled and the crumbs arc browned Inslead of bultcied crumbs, chuppcd bacon can be used A ( Jj- - Refrigerator MODEL CUBIC FEET BIN ROLL OIT FREEZER IK)OR SHELVES Receive Flags to a- n VV. HAWS A 'Come a You .V' par'y the home of ( h,.r!ev and I.eo!;, Child was held on S.t' irdav eve ning Virginia WiddC " .vas award ed the prize for apj .img in the most uni(ue attir. Games were placid ..nd a buffet supper was served I.. Merrill and Martha M3e Widdi-o- r Bob and Janet Hansen, Gene and Faye Fow-erOrson and R.th Christensen, Don and Donna ra IuiGrsndc nd Beverly Belnnp Will and Donna Cottle, I.ynn and Jum Christensen and Joe and Flore nre Mien The Hooper Serond Ward M Men and Gleaner rlr.ss aught by Rue and Della Cunmngton enjoyed a progressive party on Tuesday eve ning Twenty seven young people attended the courses of the dinner being served at different homes. Madalaine Hancock, Nr.dmc Penman and Jack Simpson were the committee in charge Orson Christensen is at home recovering from a recent operation By the way, he appeared at the ch lids "Come as You Are" party in his pajamas Fawn Simpson was lerently sus tained as the secre'aiv .if the MIA She replaced Cliurh lie Simpson woh is a new counselor in the Primary Lake View Stake Conference, held last Sundav was very well attended One of the nicest talks of the day was given on Peggy Christensen, entitled What the Gospel means to me Indivdual awards were presented to 34 boys of the second ward Sunday at a special Aaronic Priesthood program in connection with their Sac cement meeting It was aj thrill to see so many boys getting !k awards Mr A Mrs Allen A Taylor are wry proud of their son Paul and' they have every light to be The, a grr.it jbility to, vmingMcr "how a acrobat at the early age of 5 months Paul is a real surprise baby is bis parents had beocn happily' mimed fur 23 yiars when In- came along Paul has a seven year o!d s ster Alalia whom the Tavlors adopted Marine Sgl Felix J Martini i son of Mr A Mrs Sam Marine? is pov tationed in Japan with tin Mari; I ighler Squadron 334 of Marine rir.tfl Gioup 2 at Mu- C S Naval Mr Station ( learfield is loosing one of then local familys The Art White family la fnovmg to s.in Jcwe, tali! Mr White has alreadv left hut hi fain iiy will ri main here untd June Art has lain m business for hmwlf here a' d is well known and well 1m- - 0 1957 10 CUBIC FOOT Refrigerator Reg. $299.95 WT Model LB10P Parents are requested to bring the completed doctors certificate and the birth certificate of each child at the lime of registration The school public health nurses are 111 charge of the roundup. It's convenient' You Those wi'h rtiimversdiys wck are 'Im Mr an) Mrs Fred B.1117 Mr and Mrs Trevor Tippitls, on the 24th Mr and Mrs u Ross Sanders on the 27'h Mr and Mrs Periy G Bateman ,tnd Mr and Mrs Vern C Nudsnn on the 30th A viiv Oappy Aniuvi rs.iry to all of sou aid mas son have many more We aie very happy to have Miss Fl aimr s ater ba k home again Lliam.r has heen on an I. I) S i in Australia for tin past 1H months P.lei aiioi is thee d.iugho if Mr and Mis Hi nrv Sl.it mis-ioi- 1 1 I 1 1 eon Dr , ' Friday & I KlN Saturday dkkssks Cotton, Nylon Si.o : save where t - Values to $10 The Payroll Savings Plan saves your money for you regularly It's safe' Your Savings Bonds are as sound as the U.S Government itself It Pays' Your money in Savings Bonds is steadily earning interest for you. It builds' You'll be delighted to see how fast your pile of Ronds grows through payroll savings. are helping your It's patriotic!! country's economy stay healthy. t oval Older of Moose will hold dance Saturday, March 30th at the Moose Horne This dance is sponsored tv th" 25 Member Club, Degree and Fellowship Degree Music by Hulls orchestra. and their guests are tu attei d The progceeds will go toward a portable television set for the entertainment of members child: en at the Moose Home Loyal Order of Moose will hold the.r elections for new officers Apr. T!h at 8 p ni at the Moose Home These officers, to be elected, will .serve ihe coming year The Academy of Friendship, Women of ihe Moo.se will meet Wedm-'l.nl 3rd at 8 p m at , Hie M..0-lloine A social will follow he business meeting honoring lie following April birthdays Mrs F J Arch. bald, Mrs Vidor Dcgn, Mr- John I lhomas Mrs O W Saxton and Mrs Wiyliam Duly-niuThe hmlessc.) for the evening will lie Mrs Asa Conaway and Mrs. 0 W Saxton Women of the Moose will hold a special March luncheon on Sunday the 31st at the Moose- - Home luiwein the hours of 11 am. and 5 Mrs William Dolymuk, Mil ihairnian ncourages members to bring the, families and guests to njoy this delicious Sunday lunch I a -- you work It's automatic Well its Happy Birthday tune again to the following, Maurine Saxey. Fdum D Weaver, and Don aid Lee Critchlow on the 24th Neil Passey, Darathy G White and B Fail Strmgha.im on the 25 Susan By bee. Garth King, Denise Wilcox. Stephan e Smith, and Cleo Smith on the 2tith Jantre Wood Ruth Ann Butler, Ina Ford. Milton Hadfield and Del Ray Green on the 27th Melvin C Rigby and LaMar George on the 28th Murlirie Joy Christensen. Jane Jtnhoff, Jean () T Smith, Golda Barlow and RoU-rWilliams on the 29th F A Naylor Shirley Pruk'r Dee M.lls Brian I. White and t hnrles Jones on the 90 Moose Activities Ralph C Pi !i rsnn is home What cou'd !c sadder than a following snrgitv on Ins knee He hurt ) s k i,ei about a year ago and man without a country lK d We air ui v s,, rv to si e ' urgeiv rcirnth We Woman Im the audience, shoutthem go, hut wish them ail the Kuk hoieriquueil hi will he mn.phtilv re( o A countrv without a inan in the world Prior to Wts leaving ing) en d soon he "3" un.t of honm i: two part Mrs Arnold Ihurgood hi 'd a ies due was held at 'he home of. Mr A Mrs Henry WYNon and gti' t quilting Ini WidiH-sdaificl.idid niqlilmrs to the Whites' who have known them for the past II years in Clrarfield Tie- nth' r one was held at the Whin- home with Mrs fora WiU,. ar.d Mrs 19 rnicc (KKikent? as hostesses The guest mciudtd Mr A Mr- Vi 1 --v Mr A Mrs Montgomery "When you keep in step Duffy Palimr, Mr A Mr Myron with A you dont have Mr yourselL Mrs Bodily, fara Tolman to worry nbaut the rent of the Mr A- Mr- - Don Ietirhorg Mr and Mrs Melvin Wilcox and Mr Frich parade." Payroll Savings Plan Pointers Design to 3 p in. 111. tu-e- ; Straight-Lin- a , Goeikeritz. Mr A Mrs Phil Blood Mr and Mrs Rex Bubschueoler Good luik also to Mr and Mrs Aden Johnson who have run lung tin- Sparkle Cleaners, on their move to Morom I tah Sorry to os. yon but hope that you will tome baik to sre all of your friends in Clearfield r A pre whool roundup of children entering kindergarten this year la scheduled March 27r 28, from 9 a 111. to 4 pm. at the Riverdale School where 85 children are expected to sign up to attend kindergarten the first week in June. Names beginning with the alphabet A to L, will lx processed the 27th of March and from M to Z on the 281 h. OTHER SCHOOLS Registration will he held at the Municipal School, Monday morning April 1 from 9 to 12am, the Roy School. Aprd 2. from 9 to 4 p m ; Club Heights, April 4 from Bam. to 4 pm, the Lakeview School, April 3rd and 4th from Bam to 3 pm by scheduled appointments and the Hooper School March 28 29 by scheduled appointments also 9 I Clearfield News Girl Scouts An event of special interest Girl Scout troops was held Suiday March 24th at the Moose Home Women of the Moose ogd-Chapter 134 presented seven troops with American flags to be used in troop meetings and otbi r in-.iactivities The program included .i im torn picture, a musical number -d a talk by Dr Merle Isham William Hart from the forest service ghi on fire information and refreshments were 'mi! The flags were presented by Pappas, civic ib.i.im.in Troops receiving flags were Troops 67 and 29, led by Mrs Mel Mrs vm Wood. Troop 111. led In ad to S'anh-Jensen, Troop Policeman Have you any expla Mrs d Chester Nelson, Troop 73 nation for wandering about this by Mrs Walter Wheel r In- p 5 time of night led by Mrs S J Donivo Troop Reveler Look here, if I had an 130, led by Mrs William Srliger On the same program f'.ig explanation I'd have gone home to to 16 Cub Sco.t i af kk the wife hours ago' by the I'.yal Ordtr of Mn.se re There were 178 Cub Sc..ut sent Ives'di's den mother" and din father Fifty five Girl Sou's Brownies with leaders u r algo present REVOLVING VEGETABLE e i .A. J Scalloped potatoes Wash and pare 0 medium pota toes and cut into slices Place in greased baking d'.sli in three layers, 1 mih deep, springhng each layer with sail and pepper and flour, dotting w Jth butter Add milk till It can lie seen through slices of the potatoes, bake cov eiui, in a moderate oven till ten dcr. Grated or sliced onions may be added to the layers for further flavor, and cheese slices may be laid over the top of the potatoes, ab: ut 20 minutes before taking from the oven iS ADJUSTABLE ' 6 Pigs in Blankei Wash and pare medium sued Make a hole through potatoes each with an apple corer and force a link sausage Lnto each cavity. Place in bakingclish and bake in hot oven, 45 minutes, or until ten dor, basting with sausage drippings several times during the baking A slice of salt pork to bacon may be placed over the potato 123 LB. si V By MARIE 13 ft V.-.- 1 V ' Hooper News 1957 "on. Baked Potatoes on Half Shell 1 Set ol Registration 0 medium potatoes 2 Up. prepared mustard Senes Jolly Cooks Sun-Chronicl- Now $3.50 M ATKlvNITY odds HHKSSKS and Ends Values to 59.95 NOW $4.00 T 5651 South 1900 West 2 Roy, Utah JT I |