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Show The Sun-Chronicl- Roy, Utah, Thursday, March S8, 1957. e, Jr. Push rKIVII l(,IH ALTIIOKIZEO AT IOY MAH. CLASH PUBLISHED . 1 . , . V : V' IT All BY - ' tvi i f - I? S'fa$miCkionick SECOND day morning group on the subject of prayer. There will be a Temple excursMarios Stuart ion on March 29th. The Genealogical Committee urges all who can to Uintah High Benefit Program fr i i v - , f . i . - ! f i - ' attend. There were 48 in attendance at the first 411 Club meeting The girls (of the lyear old group) could take aadvantage of this fine training, however, if there were more leathers available. Step There Is a lot to be gained from working with young people. It's one of the secrets of keeping young yourself , v? V . : ; : THE ROY PRINTING COMPANY Wtrlly Nevaptper puhlhhtd iht arroundmir fommunHiri of KANEHVJLLI ftOUIH ALL INTERESTED AREAS MIMtH 7, UTAH JTAfrPI J. HOWARD BETTY LOIJ HOOPER KRDALB, AUNHir CtlNTON nd UINTAH OGDEN, BolTTH OGDEN KI IK)Y tlMAH editorial national T AsTbcrATION Associate;. t? WuniniH 4 Manager 21184 HS( Itlll ION PRICE S2 50 PER YEAR CALL FOR INFORMATION OIE1CE IOCATION 5380 SO. 1900 WEST ROY. I T H. PH. St 2 I1M Dont Sell Your Bonds Short Reprint from The Deseret News Jan 28. 1957 One of the dangers of theie Ui flationarv times Is the possible loss' of public confidence in and accep lance of U S saunas bonds High interest being paid In banks and other savings liistitut.ons might,, at first glance make earnings on' savings seem less attractive j mat'er ' v ram with hia certificate of gradua Don Val will now enter into the MIA and be ordained a Deacon South Weber the Aarontc Priesthood Congrat illations to you, Val in -- 1 of the na'ional interest Sav.ngs bonds constitute the most effective anti inflation weapon in the hands of the eiticn for money not obtained bv the g ernment In this manner roust be ob tained by other far more inf la t.onary methods MRS. ROBERT SOMERS of Rivesdale will lead the square dancing in the big Roy Rivcrdae Lions Benefit program and dance being held at the new Roy Junior High aud'torium Apr)1 Dt at 7 p m All proceeds will go to purchase equipment fur the .school llcrry Dee, also pictured, is chair man There will bo many outstanding attractions on the J MR. AND e This danger, it might be said, basn t yet been felt here, which docs credit to the good sense of cur people Purchases of savings bonds in Utah last year wire higher than in any year since 1945 leder ul Reserve reports showel recently Still, mans holders of bonds might well be wondering whether to cash them in or hold on for' u'ahile In making tli s decision there are a few cons, di rations tint all citizens might well consider One la the basis of the effect on our personal t Kketbooks Here, too, a bit of i ,ira thought is in order On the surface, the 3". average yearly interest paid by a savings bond over its 10 year maturity per tod is not especially attractive by comparison with 34 and even 4'1 interest obtainable elsewhere Hut it must be remembered that 3'1 Is the average interest of a bond and that the Interest la low st in the first years of the bonds life and highest in the later years 'I his means that anyone who has held a savings bond just one year will earn an average of 3 ID".- a vear during the rest of Its life he five year old bond averages :i 51 M a year until maturity Moreover, theie is no state tax on savings bond earnings, and these bonds represent a 194 year con trait with guaranteed earnings In vestments like that arent easy to find It mav well to that the pressure '! higher intercv rates may force an increase also m savings bond ear nn.gs Even if nut, the man who holds one would do well to think 'w ic before rushing out to cash it in or h r to invest m what seems ho a be 'ter savings system i By Voiv Ihe Primary Primary Conference Sunday evening at 7 30 pm The theme is Reverence" They would like to urge all ward men, hers to attend All children of the Primary will participa.e These conferences arc a he of work and r pre-ryour ehi'drm Si come and support Bambrotigh Phone A b happ Iv . un al I rthdav '! e th S i ' s 'h , k i i'i t ' u in in n 1 lie re is P is be re Why I he toh First Church Baptist James R McFalridge, 4 m st 11 t -- lit rtie' p tn 1 De-u- 1 1 not e I ; am searching ever searching know I 11 neve r find, A tonu rrow with more hemrs, ithe 30 hour kind W hi the r its a slock of m nd ng edi yep or a le t'e r to wi.te 11 s ire procrastinate admit I wish thev packaged pop t tii'.'i' 'i 1 ' So lets ...1 come o it and givi them our fu,. support an i show the MIA wt will encouage 1 2030 West 5700 South 1 1 fri pluv is being directed bv Ruth Mathis I'i c! uructrrs ip (.one Greer, Dub Tit'enser Bev erly ' rj e Du a e o By run, iu Beth Peek mine Dickamorv Laeia Imlay, ke na a Brake, and lo'a The pt ri (or Ibis show will Ik adults 35 tints and chtldrm 15 cents This iv t us tie n a lot of work and rep i i 's h"i i s and i,. s of pi a, t it f th" east. a. i for vo.ir e n i 0854 art II,., put off vesterday I 7 3 3 'I.. re ady I me an TOD Y oh why did 1 not do it I thcr ri si nt i eve mg at I TOMORROW It v M ei.tit'ed 'Bashful ,v j ! Realistically 'H'akmg however, It w bondholders are going to make their decisions on this basis Must of us decide such things on the their an nual Bessie i is holding 'hr gr indmi Mattie ha din Min li . i ve w'i have such good inten'ions real!' ge t It done Ibis tune really mean it I 11 start tomoirow with the - Arle ne Hamblin sun I II 1 vi n bv ( apt In the SU'I D..iuhtei s '"it V. n v as tu d .v r 'h (I ,i l.it a Mis Mrs ai Mr and Mrs Iuntoln and (indy re i a Stark moloied up and Mrs sh p t 'n Wednesday after noon to vis.t with Evan Stark wh. s up there on a ton tie t e M , ( ap S t i K y very interesting lesson, with I 1 suih i hurt nti' wire Mrs Cora Ki'idh, 1 o ! in I i . t om j .'a-- re m nt n Ji b 'r i"puei . Mrs Ethel Mis Fern i thiie ut p'.ivs t. o,r ward n i gvep the I, ti i houldi rs of gave1 I was Till li i t oi grill, at ons to Mi and Mrs Vm lu n Mr, !i- -s vvrl S'.mi r 1. the a.rival list Bambimuli and t ,e Net.-- . ( i iv 51areh 20th of a row M ittu In In sh" ills . i 'i ".id i Hjv d. b Mi'hir ...id son are re served The i i t M.e'irg wi! Im he Id dt tin ho s f '. i if Da is.1 'e .'a, Mrs H i e a"s is visiting in Pull an Daiif.Ve r I ,e lv ram 1! u I h ) r Mm und daug'i a!s will read a biograi by Nli ti r in law and Mrs Thrr s The li lief Socle tv hi ,H he i an a'ts a (1 f li . mial siKi.il last frill .V al'trno. a r .ui i Mrs i rn Poll are spend commemorating the U5'h unnivir mg a v i inn .n Cdliforn'a Tie; sarv of thi.s organizut nil The Its m viso.r.g t them hoiir son was given bv Mrs Brinm.il1 si r. and e i 'i r m iw Mr a ri and a sg, rt pro. i. in pieMiitid Mis o ' w) ore sides in San Mrs l.ui Ha Bvrirn jiisidint con u o ' rn ducted the meeting Refreshment South Ue!r s i d ay School had were served to all v ha a'iended 'll i i si (ond ( highest otten The Founders Dav program that lame a siaki meet ng uparation was to Ik- hi Id Mo.nl iv evenn k list Sundav at'erioon Lets make March 25th his I ei n postponed this i h i ext i si month Anv till April 1st This will he ht Id wav Its a gnu, to work for at the North Davis Junior High School A band concert will be pro sented under tin dnection of Hal lard t. hristiansen music instructor Bv R. HULL FKI at the sehoed All past president of the school are eoidiallv unite and Ih'ri Iuverdde bovs and two I tie will In' honored this night .s win gr el i, oil from the Pri ,i candidate loi tin coining si hoo1 m, iiv and we hoimd into the MIA year will also be piesintul b tin Mt id,iv cvenng at Sacrement Sor nominating oinnntter Tiny w nld vm s hi ui Roger Gtbby. like to emourge all parents t a' Nl ii h a I on .bo Jack Goff, Ann tend Miti he and inda Iaancaster Ro ( ongratulations to Reed 'talk a a m '1 It om 'ti 5 MMI A wn , now ly he was sustained Sundnv evinnu ied ( tw r n ( ash MMI as the ni diri tin spo-tWe all wish him a lot of muuss s(n At i it Kik incut mooting in this in w j'Signnnnt l.iuniiM Mian lfts two sons ' .rmshed the music oe a.md M Speakiis at onr Sae lament unit s. i (ii SuporintondaXit 'sundav mg SiiihIuv evin.ng wire Prisidint Kingston, and It. shop Shaw of the (,r int (, In nu incod a now class stake high rounc.l Mrs ghaw tin m'sunilu, Silinol for Senior Aaron dereel two beautiful solo niimlu r u m w iv ( o ii od and inv esti Accompanist was Mrs (hecketts gautois Mi (uMn aNo urged those on the piano who have nor us et taken the two Mrs Ktaim 1oM prnnarv piesi v o (.i m aloj u H training course dent, presenitd al Milton By ram to do so son of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Bv addressed the Sun (alvin ( h I'.dl , t 1 v , See YOUR DOCTOR... v i THEN SEE US! I I i tc I , BRESCRier 1 i , BENN10N DRUG Phone - I Roy, Utah KM " ZZZLZ T Riverdale News ! WE'RE JUMPING THE GUN! WE ARE THU CAN SUE YOU NEVRI.Y ONE HALF On Your FIRE Insurance BUSINESS, HOUSE OR CONTENTS s I r 1 INSURANCE Thone 3 8818 Roy, Utah "Roy, The City With a Future." !(Y in ft1 BEK 4 'uli-lengt- for awhile. We were horrified to hear that BeeWayne Beeson, son of Frink son, was seriously burned last Tuesday night His face and front of his body received 1st, 2nd and 3rd exdegree burns when s gas can We dont him ploded in front of know too much as he is still in the hospital in very serious condition Our best goes to the Beesons that all will soon be well CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RENT IN WEST POINT. 1949 Chevrolet, good running eond , radio and heater Reasonable Call 52420 2 Apts 2 Rdrms. FOR RENT Ph 8711 Utilities furnlshe-- FOR SALE too will say the newly developed Santdyne for dandruff la terrific Bennlon Drug YOU save Pop's dough-w- ash your sweaters in new cold water Knit Lure Dorothy's Juvenile Shop MISS DEAR REMEMBFR to buy those family show DcVets and take the whole family fur only $1. see Bennlon Drug, B'owns Market or Roy Printing Bovs vocations taught are, Ag Body and Eei.de r, Cabinet and Mill Carpentry, Commercial Industrial, Cooking, Farm Mechanics, Heavy L'toleum Equipment Operator. Iiyer, Masonry, Painting. Printing, Sheet Metal, Upholstering, and Welding Girls vocations taught (for those who may need heelp next fall) are; Dormitory Attendants, Film Library Assistants, General Industrial Workers, Home Service, Hospital Ward Attendants, Store Clerks, Restaurant Industries Write to or telephone the School. Box 345, Brigham City, Utahor more detailed information PS These boys and girls are courtoouci intcBigentTind above all, humble To visit the Intermountain School is a vrrv refreshing Co FERTILI7BU Good clean, corral Now is the time to fertilize Just call 2 53k. I, 2 8147 or 41108 Delivery will be made Roy 4th Warel Building project. Convenient L I'tnlet Tt-rni- 5 OUR OI I) TIRFS I OR DOWN PAYMENT l' o tn H'nthi di DAVE'S SERVICE Highway 91 Roy, Ttah , Wc rell nothing but Quality Products ROY AUTO PARTS Phone 9639 5316 So. 1900 West, Roy AUTO 0LA8S INSTALLED AUTO GLASS AND PARTS ACCESSORIES Nnc and Used BRAKE SHOE EXCHANGE Inter-mountai- Insurance ALL TYPES NOW LOCATED IN NEW 2 Mini' Quick repairs to Olgs Nelson. Two weeks ago she altpped on her 'reshly waxed floor and broke her eg. She bts been hopping on a cast. This will be her lot C. 0S? QC3K i jC .uni .v.j r:1 OFFICES as? uses Fast Service Launderette Complete Family Laundry - Ml F 3 X KH L I N WE n.WTJ BUYERS L. FOR ALL TYPES OF HOMES INSURE WITH THE BEST BUII.DFRS (0ni v let us explain this new savings plan to you. REALTORS ir Those of you who are arden' fans of Libersce, undoubtedly watched hia program last Monday when he said his "next song would be played on a letter writing key board. A he moved up to a type writer to peck out the ryUtyro of the next aong, he atopped only long enough to light a miniature candleabra on the top of the type writer. Besides the laugh in the aud.ence, there was no remark made by anyone in my home. Ron nie, our son, Just looked on taking in every second of the program, ai he always does but 20 minutes later, as I got my typewriter out to start this column, he asked why didnt I build a fire on top of my "letterwriting machine." And with that dug into the Junk drawer where a couple of stray birthday candles had survived, apparently for the special purpose of "build ing" a fire on top of my typewriter Just like Liberace'a E. H. Cordon , COME IN! And A N-S'F I E L D i I This new rate is made available to you through an independent survey recognizing our Fire Department M v , v NOW The Only Company IN ROY I IrTlSf The dehydrated foods program still in effect Currently being ordered are wheat and flour. This program Insures us of procuring our One year supply of food A little at a time, any of us can afford to fill our larders When we consider the fact that in Texas people are purchasing their drinking water In the grocery stores, one can see the wisdom of following the oft reueat ed advicee of our insuired leaders as tour food supply. Over half the land area of our United States has been smitten by drought Utah, Speaking of a good imagination too, haas suffered We can be very thankful for inspiration from God or trying to make something real, to help us through these times "Hats Off" to Dee II111 who put on a superb performance In Dear Participating in a Weber Semin- Brutus, Weber High's school plsy ary Sunday evecnlrg program at lie plsved his psrt of a philander Warren Ward were the Riverettes, In excellent style, as you who know girl's trio consisting of Karen Kapp, Dee, and saw him act, would know Jeannette Carter, and Irene Cash he could Anyway, those who saw Mr A Mrs David D Hamblin the play, can be real proud are happy to announce the birth of The Onn Bybee's had a real celea baby boy, on March 22 The rc.v bration last Sunday afternoon It arrival weighed C pounds was a combination of things that Yours truly and hubby just re- 44 people sons daughters, Inlaws turned from California, and who and grand children gathered todid we run into aat the town of Bell gether for Fut it was Orin's 74th f i, ear I. A ) but Perncica Fiet We birthday, and their grandson met her at the home of her cousin, Duane By bee was home on a 20 Ruth Henlnger Ryan, where we'd dav leave from Korea The getho gone to pav respect to Mike Ryan gether was done to a true Bvbee deceased Mike, a jovial, lovable style food, food, and more food Irishman, died (appropriately) on Then there were games for the St Patrick's Day youngsters and gabbing for the oldsters in every room of the house of much Southern Calif Subject A real pleasant day for everyone ornta conversation was the FYisco Also celebrating birthdays was irta earthquake We misled it when we decided against pisit.ng Fay's the Claude Stuart family The s stir Maudie Thompson, who lives' who'e family within traveling dis 'u the Frisco area If things had tance got together to consume gone as Manned, wi'd have been in homemade ice cream and cake, as 'he midst of the excitement, pos well as wshing Claude and little lb'y on the very stretch of scenic Susan the best on their birthdays coastal h.ghway that slipped into Welcome to Norma Mildon who the blue Pacific (We were lucky last summer on our Eastern trip, is helping out with the second aKo We missed a tornado by just vear Beellive Girls in MIA And one hour while driving through Thanks to Karlene Dve for the fine work she has been doing in the Chicago i speech department She has been Tuesday s Mutual gecrs listened released because she has turned to Judge Norseth speuck Also on "coed She says "Ot it's only night the program was Jane Davis a 24 school," but it sounds fun anyway minute talk Happv birthdays this week com Beg nning April 6 there will be new hours at Riverdale City Hall in to Tonv Bagiev on the 2nd Mark Stuart on the 3rd. Albert AnThe hours no a are 9 12 and The derson on the 4th and Lanny Bynew hours will be 8 12 and 1 5 bee on the 5th Anyone desiring weekend help Former Uintahites who in (or the next weeks, until school is out could do no better than to contact the Intermountain School at Brigham There are 1200 bovs and 1100 girls at the school, all desiring employment This year, haw ever, PRIVATE there are more jobs for the girls children of any For than Inrls to fill the jot But the .School Age work and are be boys appreciate mg trained in specific vocations at Tues , Thurs Sat the school The school closely co2559 MONROE ordinates the academic, vocational OGDEN. UTAH and social training of it's students PHONE 3 7203 There are experienced instructors teach'ng specific skills in the well equipped shops at the school s jum Owner Publisher STAIII.E, STABLE .. he vital statics column this peat veek, were Ila Jean Corkey with ter 4th baby daughter, and Gary-ly- e with his 1st a new baby son. Congratulations to them. I uD 1l we--- ISM. 9 v Notary Public X Lfjuy Li Is f. OPEN FROM !) AM TILL Roy Realty 4 r Z. y Carmichael Phone 4 1389 6 30 PM. y PHONE is t 3 5911 IMMO oj&.ami) |