Show rm: srMMHk statesman ( SOAR enjoys most successful year yet vitilrd CACTUS CLUB I I hurvl ri Jan cry uc'-- 1 (io-- Wed1 lU-s- t - I lnirs-- icin Mil'll Ac 1 ' 1 1 ” itudent re than ltMK) nr I the USL’ UVU umpul part in 4 regulation and orientation program nnknained "SOAR” bv umerity r olTuiati It u (he fourth year that (hi held L'SU and fven ha a( program to Awiate Director of Academic Sup-jr- l urn-rne- ri-S- Lxi alilmr’ ntcrtammcnt ( mav haie fwen Vnuri Mrlim the moat ueeful SOAR efTort ever held V )AR (Student Orientation And Regulat- ion! u i iitdinated by I’SU Aiailertnc Sup-jirSerine in ati effort to rnaar it eauer lor nr ttudeni (o rmluir (fie poeta of regn’er-manil vttlmg into life at L'St for Supjmrt Serine mails imitation anil fn hure af'Ut NOSR to projwc tn e new tulent and coordinate the orientation t Jlonis 'BcCtuip a f ormer 'Jypikvti is ciujcr to amsulhint hdp von witfi your of Come see Louis at 1045 'PC us ITey attend orientation lecture guen materia xj to familiam 2ea PRPRR Fiv c workshops still to be held FOR FALL J0 com-m- pleting their tummer week five workihop Vfl Coep 24 South Main are gill 006000 OOOQCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX mnsKaloF ftlni© L’SU will be dated to begin Aug 17 The workihop will be Advanced Vuual Photo Graphic Production Heritage of the Wr— Tarfi and Telling Politic Through film and Fiction Sdkiaetn Printing Education and PriCrou-culturnting and Education and International Understanding 70 Snrk lthough mon rtudenti latr thu R 753-474- 0 iegned with the I ST t ampin and it lervaei TVs the tudenti meet with advnrn fmrathwc lege to plan daa w hedule The Mudno thes rrglter for thru t lav with the hdpofan-pute- r and after paung the btlit thtprotta t ottiplete At the end of dan of SOAR acuntio thi year lMh new TSU ttudenn had regutered f t t la v and had paid all or par of their tuition and fee Thu figure claim I more tudent than lat vear and last war'r SOAR Iaitrd eight dan Furnished & Unfurnished Col Gloria N Main in or call plete 1263 Bedroom opts 75-44- W lafi 1 tfr program Alo preent at (he program are ofTma from the Office of AdmniKim ami Record and academic ailnaer from ra h college to astitt iuiircuttiru a ml stylim ncciis Jlair 'Production tudrnt m erg ration Student ofTo grt involved hi cg he new nuL throughout the pt'xeii Other campu organization are aiao invited to preientinr program to the new ttudent The orientation and regulation take vieral hour for mot tudentiproria to a® Iasi week lo take XI stors Monday August 10 7:OOpm-12:OOp- m Vo?ieyball: Movies: Bedknobs and Broomsticks - 7:15 The Point (Me and My Arrow) - 9:30 Dance: 2 Music by ‘Froatfirc’ Hub Patio 7-- 10 9-1- -- Th Last Great Event of the Scsaer-- QQQQQQQQQQCQQQQQOQOOOOOOCOOOOOOccsooooooowwCXXXSS |