Show recou nnSU President Stanford Cnrr referred I II I to the university’ budget pnjxvii as "definitely not wish lists they are legitimate needs" as he urged memlters of USU’t Inxriiutional Courted to approve a substantial budget inrreas e for the I'cHJ Hf k hool year In its monthly session held Saturday the Council agreed and approved the plan which would raise USL" total budget by 19 15 percent Counril members that USU is an “outstanding umvertuy bv anv index" and that it has endured budget ruts who h hive been "somewhat demur alimg" in the past three years He stated that an increased budget in '82 83 would not make up for the funds lost m previous budget ruts but would allow L’SL’ to begin to catch up over Cazier told a three year period approving the plan the Count tl apmillion instructional budget represents a 19 95 percent budget increase it also means that USU will ask the Uuh Legislature for 50 1 million — 25 29 percent more than USU received this year Pie Institutional Council’s approval is the first of several steps in the budgeting process The proposed budget request will now be taken to the Utah Board of Regents for review in September Utah Governor Scott M Mathesnn will also review the request in October before it is presented to the Legislature in January According to Cazier the budget is formulated to fare three of USU’s primary concerns increasing the size of the USU staff and its salaries in order to be competitive with similar universitities providing kdequaie space for an anticipated increase in In proved a J65 6 While this tom previous budget cutbacks enrollment and providing additional funding for equipment and research Included in the university's plan to upgrade the salaries of faculty members is an ecjuitv salary adjustment of three percent According to Cazier the adjustment which lot ill f 1248500 is necessary and would still leave LSL at the bottom of a list of comparative universities Cazier added that I SL is losing important faculty members to ocher institutions and private industry due to the current salary levels In addition to the regular budget USU is also requesting a appropriation of JOOUOOO to renovate laboratory space and purchase new research scientific equipment for the newly remodeled Lund Hall In other action the Council heard a report by Gerald R Sherratt vice president for university relations and director of USU's summer program in which Sherratt desc r i lied USU's summer school as "atypical ” Sherratt noted an increase in USU’s summer enrollment and programs in contrast to a national trend toward lower summer participation Sherratt showed that USU’s summer enrollment has increased 30 percent during the past five yean e for The Council approved a one of USU's residence halls Millard Hall formerly known as B Hall in the Student laving Center will now be called Emma Jones Hall in honor of the second largest contributor to USU funds Ihe Council also approved V Gordon Lind as the new head of USU’s physics will replace department In September Lind a who has accepted position at Peter Banks Stanford University one-tim- e name-chang- Ec-cl- es Police hiring under way TX a Monday morning any other for most people in Cache Valley last week but at USU there were 50 anxious people lining up for a chance to do something a little out of the ordinary They all wanted to be police officers for Utah’s newest police department The day proved to be a busy one for these people Divided into groups they were subjected to a written examination a tiring physical agility test staged on the top level of USU’s Parking Terrace and an oral interview before a board of six evaluators The interviewers of(three professional police ficers and three representatives of the USU administration and student body) questioned the applicants in order to evaluate their abilities to communicate and react to practical situations was Dt n 3 t A 1 - - ll-- ' - T f -- jlAjA 1 11 if AxX 3 n ' - “ f d f — t- tec-- v f Two of the applicants dropped out before the rigorous testing was complete The rest went the distance but only 13 were selected to be eligible for a final chance at the position be USU police hired to become Of the Men currently worke officers in the ing as USU Security Department officers oi USU's puys"1 Of 48 poopto who went through the officer of administered last week to applicants for the position Ubu po jlyciaone ttsl 13 only four will full-tim- have already been selected to fill three of the police officer positions on the force The day of testing for the prospective police officers was the first of several active steps being taken to assemble USU’s new police force which is scheduled to begin operation on September 2 The 13 finalists have since taken a written psychological test and checks of their backgrounds are currently being conducted The final decision on hiring the police officers will be made police by the director sometime next week The search for the police director is scheduled to be completed this week Well over a dozen applicant for the position will be interviewed by a selection committee cm will August 12 and a director newly-appoint- ed be hired The month of September will be spent primarily in training as the new officers undergo instruction regarding university and county procedures Officers will also study normal police operations and will be required to qualify to carry weapons Later in the year the officers will begin atlenchng Utah’s Police Academy to complete their i certification |