Show THi: 2 TDICID’S cm whitimo MEED MOMEY 7 Small loan from 5 to ??? WE LOAN ON ITEMS OF VALUE Buy Sail Trad AREA'S LARGEST SELECTION OF FIREARMS Sorvico Instant Photo Applications Passports Pictnros Copy from Slid Nostalgia A Black Whit Pictnros Prom Miniatures to Posters The Poster Factory 752-959- 5 55 If Main The Emporium STATESMAN SKMMI-- STAB hosts last summerflin l0 r? LU Student Activity Board will O pretent it but aitivity of the rummer quarter on Monday August 10 in and around the Taggart Student Center “STAB Under the Starr” will get under way at 7 p m and u free to all USU students and workshop visitors Two movies will lie presented in the Student Center Walnut Room fldistii ftwwtvb a whimsical Walt Disney production starring Angela Lansbury and Roddy McIViwell will brgm at 7:15 p m 7V Aisl ( Mr and My a popular animated parable about pre- - judice written by Harry Nilsson wiH S obey ball gsmes wifl be organised SC Fountain frora 7 A dance will also take pla beginning a 9 p m and The dance will be held on the SC Patiowf muiic will be provided by Free refreshment wdl also be served from Aug 20 through Sept 20 L A r i VTimrr rn-r- t employment is available ( H AND JfcTON NATIONAL PARK M Y LlkI arvJ At Jai kt'n Lake Lake LJgc) jwny ‘!frr Bay t the rrmamJcr of the lummrf illage rrvtif af ir til afnsus at the I n trig M Auk jnJ ('wicnc'r inter vino nt mm PLirmrt ( fwke rvf nt Monday ST AB activity ii the fifti o pon ored for ttudent this summer TW “STAB Under the Starr” event hawbtea held and two dance have alto Ar-n- berBcrpc Steinitz gains new Development title Tl ohn V Scrimti has been named ea-ecutive director of the Utah State mJ Univerrity IVvelopment Fund He has been director for the past three years Steimti wsj given the title by the board of directors of the IVvelopment Fund at its annual meeting He has been in the field of development since 1970 and has been in charge of foundation and corporate relation as well as estate planning The Development Fund solicits private funds for the operation of the university From 100000 in 1970 the fund received over 4 million in fiscal 1 980-8Included in this figure are the 1980 installments toward the David and Ellen Stoddard Ecciea Life Span Learning Conference Center the Life Span Residential Center and the Nora Fades Harmon Museum of An These three mayor buddings have been or are being constructed entirely firm private donaisons “The commitmrni and luppottofthc university administration and faculty haw I I for a large portion of fU j able to compete very favorably funda ” SC Movie: FOdlrn ee 7V Rmf 8 00 Lyric TWotrv: 7V Fmueutuki 8 00 I nismify Hu lrand Tctn N at tonal Park M’v SC Movie: Foot After Turn 8 Lyric Theatre: SR Sfpi s Cm-fo- r 8 00 SC Movie: FMlee m Ou Rmf 00 8 00 Sommer Quarter Lyric Theatre: f' She Stmfi s Cm- ® - SC Movie: g qq t Utter Lyric Theatre: for private Other area receiving strong suppott bvt been numcmui scholarship and the tretat stadium eapansion A large portion of the mp port has come from USU alumni either through the Annual Giving program or through individual donation The fund is now in the planning stages of i capital campaign in conjunction with USL"i Centennial in 1988 Stemitt a native of New Jersey is a graduate of Utah State and the Pacific School of Religion m Berkeley California He is maned to the former Carol Lynn Thotnpaoo at Logan 1 GRAND TETON' LODGE COMPANY the Devefepexs Fund uice‘‘ aid Stemitt "Wtartpind an institution which though it im't large a c THIS WEEK: SC Movie: Turn After Turn 8 00 TAB Soper Evrot TSC at 7 00 teu 17 laingT 1 Late Summer Jobs Available “ 7" lode m the Rmf Anemt end OU Late 8 00 Scholarship awarded to soils student ay ire I I Utah State Unnw tmJ ty senior is cat of 24 college undent is nation who were recently awarded J750 scholarispt W in conservation by 4 it Conservation America The Society of soil frt sc ience major bails Utah He pUm Providence itwlf to on graduate to go field in toils or a related after he graduates USU next spring He cater wants to pursue extension government private research swdon More than 270 scholar-- CENTER STREET RESTAURANT IS MOW SKRYIN6 SUNBAY BRUNCH This marks the final 1981 issue of The Summer Statesman The student newspaper The Utah Statesman will resume its thrice-weekl-y publications with the September 28 1981 issue a publication of Utah State University’s summer program: Gerald R Sherratt director Val R Christensen vice president for studen services Ray C Myers director of student activities The Summer Statesman is Trout & Eggs Shrimp Benedict Omelets Special Coffees Fresh Breads & More 10 am — 2 pm OpenTuesday Thursday 11:30am — 9:00pm Friday & Saturday 11:30am — 10:00pm Sunday Brunch 10 am-e- f pm Closed Mondays lea N 1ST E LB GAN DTfli The Summer Statesman was designed and edited by Larry Baker Contributing editor: John Ward photographers: Alan Whittem Ron Hendricks and Ted Hansen contributing writers: Jean Anderson J R Allred Joseph Buckridge Dale Bubliti Cliff Cahoon Carolyn Hager Ron Hendricks Craig Hislop Susan Van Alfen Catherine Zalk production assistants: Sue Da Bell Annette Davis Sherry Jensen Morris Mather Van Nham ? applied for the ch h year Two are "T0 of the society! and six are w"d Vx for Jr large Funds are provided by Foundation and the The Soil Consents! “A& Society of pnvate and educstionsl orfsnw" ® tion It i dedkstd non-prof- it V anting the of good land use- - --- ££5 members in and States Cnnnda nations other While attending full time Atwocdw°£ part-tim- e Melvin D "7 nt & I |