Show Till: SUMMER STATESMAN Lyric to wind up thr Old Lyric Rrprnory Corn-pnbegins lo wind up its 15th con-entertain-historistcutivr season of summer Theatre Only Iyric 10 weeks of the of remain and next (juweek ut wtvk students from around the country The members are chosen each spring to fit the requirements of the plays to be performed and the technical demands the productions make The search for Company members begins in January as faculty members of USU’s department of theatre arts attend auditions held in various conventions From all these as well as from the more than 100 applications which come through the mails the Company memliers are chosen Each receives an honoraria and college credit for their summer's work — no salary is offered Ihe Old Lyric Repertory Company assembles in June at which time casting is done the plays go into rehearsal and within a month the shows are playing in rotation for Cat he Valley audiences The student Company is responsible for everything that goes into the production of the plays They build the sets and costumes take care of the lighting stage sound promanagement properties make-umotion and publicity ticketing and house management It’s a long summer but one which provides a total theatrical experience At season's close the Company disperses Several return to USU in the fall some go on to try their hands at professional theatre the members return to their homes Of the shows produced at least two this vear Tht Fantastuks and Winnie Tht Pooh will lie revived to go on tour Otherwise as of August 22 the Old Lyric Repertory Company doses its doors until summer 1982 y c stheduled Lyric Repertory Company 17 offered the public only six erki of performances a total of 18 and only have leen ( productions Thu season there four productions for adults plus a special produce for childrrn 35 performances in all The season ojieiird this year with Hay ttirr Noel Coward plav the Jarvis Andetvin-directeafuch three faiulty members W Vouo CJ Cary Bird and Jean Andrrson took part After fne weeks this production closed in order (OiBowthe faculty involved to move on to Call head of the LSL other summer projects pfrformUKft Wien the Old it begin in d department directs Sh Stoofn to faqyr Bird is directing Tht FanUulukt and ihe children's plav It 'none tht Pooh Anderson is the Company's public ist Dunng the two remaining weeks of the rian the three adult shows and the children s Sht Sloopt to Conqurr plav will be presented thritre arts runs Aug 19 12 13 sod 18 summer's Old Lyric Repertory Com-pinis comprised of 15 advanced theatre This Directory assistance for the disabled is priceless information At Mountain Ml we know that using the phone for many people w ith lsual and physical disabilities And that it s easier for them to callus for information So we'd like to help If you or someone you know has a special problem that limits your ability to use the phone book you don't have to pay for directory assistance You 2n all us as often as you nerd to free of charge Without paying the 20C per call other customers are charged after their first five calls Just call your Mountain Ml business office Of call toll free the Telecommunications Center for Disabled Customers to any weekday from 8 30 a m 5 30 send We p m (The numbers are listed below ) filled you an exemption form that you should have out and certified or worker by either a doctor social J representative from the Association of the blind mail the form to the business office and you et an exemption on your directory assistance charges Information is valuable to everyone But if you it s "ave 3 phone disabilityit can be priceless Because 50 important to your life And it s free Telecommunications Center for Disabled Customers book can be difficult 11 11 1 800-525-602- 8 -- TTY For the way you live Mountain BeJ 1 0c Hot Dogs Happy Hour WEDNESDAY Double Happy Hour 5-- 6 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ROLUN'COUNTIIV p 14 20 and 22 Iht Fantatukt and 21 and the Lynda Linford-ArerteAnnu and Old Lott plays Aug 1 5 and The children’s play sponsored bv PTA-AVBumliershiHit is slated for Aug 11 12 pint Aug 15 th season w - |