Show mi: srMMKK statesman 4 Former USU president plans to return to Logan a the Icai Glen with the of State to Tdart is L “ rrm f 'inf t 1 - I O rf - I " 1 ' 'its- - ' ' ! I'-- ' "rf wl '! f Kf !:) P' 4 rir:rr fr W- - ’ i-- 'hf - inrrnjiini ( I i i hn 41 !v rv t Na I tfrrr hr- - I ia 4 or Ayrii ! S'air nr! help mmtcr: improve prt of In add- IVpartmmt htatr w and hai Van of lntrrrui-t’iaStudtr at Muhiyan I’nivrrtity Hr ha alio a I lrrri invohrd r of ! of ul'urr Srrvur rrrd iinrr rr ul priori l urnlj'iiri which atlairi aiyriTirnt hr hai workrd w'h thr I’ S IVpinmrm kyro uliurr'i Fomyn h - nt m thr frld ition to hi ’ ijnit4' 41’ ’ll ft:- - r hn Irrn i f: 111' F" jh! ' 4 O r rw gg ’4U ri'41 I ' t ft 4fjj '!i r ! f i of5 I i " fir fr I I of ! ' t 'l!f K r 411' rt ? Ik d t k I n I i n " f ? rv 1 eJ k Hiitii n 4 i urnjUfi‘f him ? v tf a t r t i rpfrcj K w f fct mr fu on Aujum hut hr will rrmain in thr fat lor a month or two to rk on a Foundation yrmaf "huh will hr hr'd in Ba I aifyart t 10 vrar prridni-v at I si’ was rmlrd in 19?9 Whrn hr !rpIW-- down frwa thr I of dur to a L'tah Rani ol Rryrnu rryulaimn afuefc rrrj'inr i univrrotv prmdmti to rrtirr at ayr hS Muihof I ayyart'i tarrrr 1 tlfh pfrti 0 n ( Uadnmpon rnd J4 m bu-th- r Foundation ''offrrrtl hm an oppnuny that hr would enjoy very nnii h Mu dutir m in r from rrMir km Krlloi thr nr 4 juhr I'M’ a r ! r nr Kellogg Foundation ho laart clearer Am v position Slate will tx rrfur in I fnril i accept t(jh of I'mvmrv mn to Uiiurr J Department timr frirmf 4nJ 0 a i ng l m thr orr a dorrn drvrkip-rnrn- t tnililu-tm- n of hiyhrr learning in In dev rloped rountriet and mr-r- i 4 fr d a the vie ihanirlkir (prrvidrnt) of '1141 the L'nivrmtyof Nigeria for two vrar Festival ends in success will expand next season mi prutiaiily the nwt lunruful Fctival of iht Arorruan Writ ever itayrd ended quietly Saturday night After right day of celebration the Ian ywton wandered away from the fairground and participant calmly packed tFirir Fielonging to head for home Ia’fl fie hind were aatisfied Feftival orgamrer who were tha rrlaaing for a moment while thinking of wav to mcanirt uccer year Gerald Sherratt vh e prridrnt for univrrvity relationiwa director of the lammcr program at USU w4‘ rf of thoae who reflected on thi year’ Fetival It wa Sherratt wto ill w drvelojird the cone rpt of thr Frtival and organirrd run nine year ago Since then he has been kept buiy tandan to improve the program each year by perfecting old new talent and by bringing in Sherratt say the FeitivaJ grew llowly in the beginning thi year it really began to ’’take off ” According to Sherrill Feetiv when all of the receipt are totalled attendance at the a may be up by IS percent thi year Sherratt cite amount of participation by profrisional entertainer men from acrou the country a a rravn for the Fei' rreaing popularity haa built a aohd national reputanwr All of thi aucceat the Fettival It haa already been featured in Th nd 7tme and Th Wuhtngtcn frit and Bitr Horn s the it in afiout article planning to publish an Travel agenta and airlines are beginning to put me the maps for iummer tourtta The Feuvl Pageant drawn the attention of national produter corn attendance Along with the reputation and increased the ytu w ing more money also Sherratt re thi a to u Fetival the in finally provide funds to reinvett thi yfar crease the quality of tFie production “After ne ratt aaid “we’U have aome eed money to do ome thiirg" On tap for next year will be working out new tec n for presenting the audio-visuportion of the Festival's Weern Art exhibit may finally be grwed by presence of authentic Russell and Remington P‘n'n wonL Relaxing and measuring successes probably work toon for the Festival organizer They’ll be back to g11 keep that just laboring to keep pace with an event bigg'fal 1 - |