Show LOCAL AND mm PERSONAL sir mr casper anderson was la in from elwood yesterday on oa business mr air K E W V Dunn pent yesterday in ogden on oil matter ot of paper banging painting and nd cal so somin mining irs all mork ra faulkner president oleen cloen K N stohl spent tuesday in 0 ogden on matters of 0 bust business coliee the pitt millinery opening on 1 it liage tour 0 small piss pigs for sie sale W korth lt it p judge C 0 christensen performed the ceremony cere moa 11 mr walter atnia adman dadmun aud and Mis Miss Vioa stewart booti ot oi Ogden thes ere re married 1 f 1 1 tuesday 14 i 1 S 1 we have ty bag ilus watch our ad next week 0 hoist son 1 I Thorough thoroughbred bied lafr eggs for sale isal 10 ap per er setting mrs clyde ih II 11 spencer phone kinal all Ilig highest hesi price paid for chickens eggs veal teal P and nd hogs bogs W L hoist mal tf EGGS FOR HATCHING thorough bredar bred it 1 I fied goe coe per pec setting of 15 mrs IL 11 standing phone k tt tf mr dartell darrell C the bustling representative of brads tree as was in brigham tuesday and wednesday getting the financial rating ot of tile the cess firms patrolman T 11 blackburn jr wife ind and children came up from ogden sun day evening md and spent s a fear hours visiting bishop blackburn and family see tho the beautiful now easter creations at too the pitt hat shop wednesday and thursday it john jenson jensen W IL 11 glover henry yates george Gilb gilbraith Gabra ralth lih nets nels chris to fferson 11 J larsen james knud SOD BOU charles cheal john dingham and eugene may ma r all purchased vehicles from the consolidated wagon Mach machine itle co this week this shows the companas comp anys goods ar are in demand FOUND A locket bearing name call at this office identify same and pay for ad it mr lorenzo hatch r c f franklin pla fda 1 ho Is a guest at the home ot of mr air and sirs D P woodland mr air hatch blatch Is I 1 a cousin to mrs woodland contractor M E anderson has bar begun ork work B on tile erect erection icil ot of a modern tome hone for ills hia own owl family on an north j second cond west street he be having pur i or of ground front from J C piece chadd cb ayda a Jens jensen cit mr joseah bosc ph F hansen returned last friday een eenberg bEg from Ms his trip east mr air hanson did not nol t go as lar far as he autice anticipated circumstances having come up that altered ills his plans word Vc rabia has r ached this city that elders elder joseph P eurt burt and W G gladne have been rele released aed from their missionary labors in cogland Cn Un gland gIand and are on oil the way home Is now being made for a five ave room bungalow on south main alain street which will be occupied by sir air and sirs mrs franc is when completed mr 11 IL C fryer of Dowe was vas in town yesterday dohig some soine eliop ping and attending atten dlug to other matters of business i mr and mrs oe malad atalah have returned to their home bome alter after a few weeks beelas stay in brigham Drig ham during which time mr stephenson under un dervent an operation at the bearse hospital for appendicitis mrs stephenson was miss nora hortensin Mort ensIn ot of this I 1 city the brigham young college dramatic club of logan will be here full force tomorrow to morrow friday evening in the great southern military drama barabra rrie frietchen Fri etche iche under the personal of prof W 0 robinson which insures great d treat ladles ladies attend the millinery opening at the pitt ilat hat shop marca 2727 27 27 1 senator W C went down don do n to salt lak city monday morning and spent the day in 4 a commercial way special on for two 6 foot cement walk at per foot blowden sherwood in 21 28 the finest line irae ot of oo go carts and raby Car carriages rines over ever shown in dom elder county aro are ready for your inspection hansen furniture company tt tf mr 11 C jensen one of the nent residents ot of Dewe deweyville spent wednesday iu in nin on matters 0 of busin business cs A bouncing baby boy came to the homo ot of mr i and mrs robert el mar cus cm last night all well remember its grandpa fig gins now highest price paid for or chic chickens kons eggs veal and boss bogs W I 1 holat sir mr anti mrs J S harason jr and baby have been spending several days of 0 the week visiting relatives in this city they returned to their home in Tre tremonton monton this morning we still lead in bargains watch our ad next week C hoist son it rumor i has it that the hanson hans on mercantile meri company is gong going to move into the union block half way up maln main street idson brothers having purchased the north half of 0 the block from sir mr it 11 W valentine and the entire building ivill bo be remodeled making mn the tuo sections into one with an 1 n elegant new front in connection with this rumored ored change it Is ig also leing asserted about town that the boothe building present home of 0 the hanson mercantile will wil house a nev bank that is ig to be organized |