Show NOTICE TO THE it PUBLIC the t to 0 leading magazines of 0 the th e PaC pacific lilt coast the pacific monthly and the sunset have been consolidated under ander the title vile ot of sunset the pacific monthly lt it isabe intention ot of tho the bubli publishers 11 m f to 0 aparcio money por effort tomae sunset the pacific monthly a q credit to the west and a magazine of 0 national value and importance to introduce it to new subscribers we vill wake nake the he Jol following lowing special offer celd ae in stamps and we will pu pa nenie on our subscription list for the ext lour four months and will send yu tree free ci a copy of t tl superbly illus traul tri ul d vio 1110 winter dunber nun ber and also the famous sunset indian poster securely packed la in a malling mailing tube it will make 2 a beautiful ornament ornain nt lor for your front room or den send rend your order to fred bookey Lo diey northwestern magazine mag agazine sunset S duse et the pacific monthly portland oregon you yon judge jud e a man not by what he promises to do but by what ho he has baa done that th at Is 16 the only truo true test cough remedy judged by this standard has no superior people ale everywhere speak of it in the highest terms of praise for rale gili by all dealers |