Show SAO beath OF na OT I 1 HER while it was known for a number of weeks cels that she was in a very serous lous condition the announcement saturday morning that the spirit of mrs dr 11 II R mcgee had passed into tile the other life the night previous shocked this community as it has not been moved for some time and universal sympathy went out to dr mcgee and lis his tso children in a lood flood the cause of mrs lira mcgees mcgeee demise N was as placenta provia a condition incident to child birth and she only lived tor ter about a minute alter after her child a beautiful boy was born to tic baby expired about the same time as its mother and the double sorrow was almost crushing iu in its effect some weeks ago mrs mcgeee mcgees condition became so somewhat critical but her ler lire life was wag prolonged a and nd had bad she bc been cb d a atio strong ni rob she un would have passed through the final ordeal successfully in her weakened condition however there was nothing to build upon a and nd tile the artificial stimulants a n u ere not sufficient to fortify her bor the loss 0 of the laic latent nt vigor and strength which a ro buet woman would have been in pos easmon of her coradi condition tion became so eo serious friday evening that an operation was imperative as aswell 1 ell as opportune op for nature had bad begun to do its part and while hilo her husband and associate physician were consulting in the matter sirs mrs mcgaff told them that she knew they would have to operate and asked them to hurry burry with the work as ag she felt able to endure any physical pain that might attend that labor but she pleaded with the doctors not to let her die as febe wanted to live for her children and husband she rallied from the after the baby had bad been born boni but rapidly sank and passed away the baby lived to take a breath or two then its little spirit went back to the god that gave it this all happened hap paned about 1130 friday night and only those who have passed through the same experience are arc able to understand the feelings and emotions that racked the being of dr mcgee mcge during tho the remainder of the night it la Is the farst experience ciper lence ot of the kind in lis bis life and taking fronk from him as asit does uirl difo of bf hla hia bosom it J continued continue on page etwo two SAO SAD DEATH OF YOUNG MOTHER continued frow first pase page very naturally all but overcame him tho the body of mrs mcgeo mcgee was immediately embalmed embalm ed and made ma le ready for shipment back to the home ot of her early carly childhood and birth for that was her wishes and on saturday morning bishop blackburn went down to the home upon learning of the sad happening I 1 and proffered his services ur ir mcgee gladly turned over to him and so it was arranged to hold a short service at the home at 4 p in the word was not generally circulated as the family desired it to be a simple service but when the hour arrived the home he was unable to contain the friends and sympathizers who came to pay their respects reposing la a lent canopy calet of puro pure white robed in her wedding gown gawn and with her baby nestling I 1 on herard her arm mrs M ageo looked even more beautiful tn in death than she did in life if that were wera possible banked about the tn in rich profusion I 1 ere to flowers which mutely bore testimony I 1 of tho the sympathy sym sympathy felt for the bereaved and the esteem in which the deceased was held bishop blackburn presided at trie de services vices which began by a quartette coin composed posed ot of misses amber harason and phoebe madsen dr A W ensign and victor E madsen singing the selection sometime well understand prayer was offered by pres W C Il and tb the c quartette sang my afy father knows the speakers ere ahers were bishop blackburn I 1 rev adam G frank ur dr george F harding who came up from salt lake city especially for the occasion and F W fishburn Fish bura each speaker referred to the beautiful character of tho the deceased and paid tribute to her noble qualities as a beautiful type of true womankind i the speakers also bore testimony to the reality of the resurrection when tho the spirit and body will again be reunited and family relationships nali U again bo be established beginning at the point berc abere the threads are arc broken broke in this life I 1 the closing sons song w was as though deep ning trials and the benediction benedict ioa was offered by jesse W hoopes the services 9 were vere very impressive and beai bea i i ti tatul ful at the conclusion ot bilitch tho those sze present passed silently by the casket and out of tho the home sunday morning mo at al it 11 a special car avei over the Rapid TransIt railroad road took the remains of mrs mcgoe and her babe dr mcgee and aad his i two tavo I 1 who ho accompanied them to chicago his brother mr george mcgee and wife and a number ot of sympathizing friends from this city to ogden where th the sad little party consi consisting g of the doctor his children and miss romer warded boarded the overland limited for Chi chicago cagg accompanying the remains of wife and baby tho final destination tio of the party IS ie westfield III some bome nilles miles cast of chicago where mrs mcgeee mcgees SIc Gees aged father and married brother the only relatives other than her immediate family that survive her live before his departure dr mcgee was unable to say whether or not he be would return to continue his irac practice tice in brigham the death of his wife so completely changed things as they had been planned that he was hardly able to give other matters an instants consideration ile he will re return turn horev I 1 i I 1 er to 10 arrange his affairs whether lie he will remain por mantly here or not ile he owns several pieces of 0 real c estate arid and was prepared to erect act a homo home this summer just south or of the abo home of oc dr harding Hardi ag lie ile also purchased a farm north of corinno corinne arid anil through that investment his bis brother was induced to purchase the adjoining property the old rowe far farm m and mr george mcge wife and baby arrived in brigham just a with furniture sad and effects preparatory to locating op en the farm a t orin ilc the future held out such bright and pleasant prospects and it is because of that perhaps that the blow seems to tall fal doubly hard during the nineteen months dr mcgeo mcgee and family have resided in brigham they have made a host of friends and not in an individual that knew them has other than the deepest sympathy for the family in its first and perhaps greatest sorrow uy BY his splendid character and holiona honorable blo life dr has established an enviable reputation in this thia community while his beautiful wife will ever be remembered for her loft lofty Y 1 ideals d e a is of womanhood and her beautiful nature the heart instinctively goes out to the little children and maybe it is because the family avas out here among strangers so to speak not surrounded by many of their own people that this taking of 0 a mother 6 seems all the more sad bad and every mothers heart goes out to those two little folks biks who are too young to realize the great loss that has befallen them may M ay aa alluise Providen cs ever have bare iris his care over them the little party a nas as expected eipl acted to to re reach ach the home ol of mrs mcgeee mcgees relatives either last night or this morning miss romer homer left them at chicago as other members 0 of the family were expected to bo be there to accompany F dr mcgeo mcgee the balance ot of the journey |