Show NAF UTAH utah march farch 9 1912 the much talked of masquerade at the town hall was gives given 1 is as announced there wore vere clowns devils indians squads squaws tramps etc sir A hart and sirs mrs agnes campbell carried off first prize for their jimperson artion aaion of red cload and respectively the second prize was won by akl mrs lra rhoda adams as an old woman and a tramp name unknown everyone had a glorious time chas chaa kempton oscar rose jesse jasso mayne and irwin campbe Camp bc started in lambing their flocks A nae flue baby girl was born to the wife of mr james jamea campbell mother and child are doing nicely the weather is tar far fr from om being pleasant it has been snowing eno alor blowing ring and raining for several days nothing but mud under foot could use stilts it if we had them mr and mrs hyrum yates of george ceorge creek are in in town mr yates ha has s a store jand and Is also post master gereral at yost mr archie yates stopped slopped over ever night at if mr r Edy atte atts be Is going to kelton after a load of 0 freight sly lly pard a conedy ina in 3 acts was given giron at the zee zee friday evening march 8 by the george creek dramatic company will give account of same in our next |