Show CELEBRATE TE RELIEF BELIEF SOCIETY ANNUAL on sunday last the relle societies of the four city wards celebrated tho the 7 aoth anniversary 0 of the birth of the organization in a splendid manner with a special service at the taber nacle I 1 the program p as printed in the list last two ill issues ot of the news vas aas carried out and the exercises tre T re spirited and most impressive the music for the occasion was furnished 1 by the high school chorus of loaces under the direction of miss bottie io tie ower owen arid and the numbers sung were jesus lover of if my soul sweet and low the lord Is my aly shepherd and tb the soldiers chorus from faust the students sang like cham champions most of the numbers being rendered from memory bochat bo that close attention could he be paid to the conductor and miss owen brought out the volumn wad a idear bar me noay zy of the choruses in a manner other musical numbers cumbers rendered were a male qua quartette praying ing for you by 1 ns sign ign jonsen madsan and jensen and a solo just plain folks by master harvey hansen the remarks of athe abe speakers were ere e to the point the four city bishops each having been assigned a elf t ia ferent erent subject bearing on the labors of the relief society and many beautiful thoughts werd were brought out to impress upon the listeners tho the real worth of women and to emphasize the fact that the women have a much larger sphere of operation than Is genc generally rally C conceded them it was truthfully Inith HIly stated slated that no roan man would be able to endure what woman has to go through and no IDO man mail can bo be quite so and sacrificing the relief society was referred to as the mother organization of the church tor for it encompasses the mothers and thru its influence they are arc enabled to become truer mothers and bettor better aids to their husbands Mis bands the relief society which had its beginning ginning ip seventy years ago has now assumed such proportions that it is an international organization or rather it might be more proper to say that its code and methods of the work it has to do h ive been incorporated corp orated in the principles of tho the national ional and n stor 1102 women nell represent representatives Rp present irom from the relief society of the church i have been elected to high positions ot ol honor and trust in the great intern adonal bodies of the ladles ladies of this state have been honored jn in standing in iii the great conventions and gluing an c explanation of the methods of tho the relief society in prosecuting its labors while some have been ledged to offer a word of defense ii ia behalf of the people of this state and church the organization is recognized all over this broad land as a model for tle the aiding and uplifting of humanity the attendance at the sunday muot ing was splendid the auditorium and galleries being well filled and the spirit of the exercises vaa such stich that every heart felt a joy in paying reverence at the shrine of mother |