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Show Monday. December 3. 1979 Page 2-THE HERALD. Provo. Utah Y Invites Experts To Talk About World Briefs U.S. Friends, Foes Rap tran UNITED NATIONS (UPI s lined up behind the that the principle of diplomatic immunity be upheld United States today in the U.N Security Council debate on the Iranian crisis The Great Debate SALT I!” Many also spoke in favor of often long, pushing the debate human rights violations com. mitted by the shah’s former into its third day today the mes sage delivered in a dozen dif regime — but not before the hostages are released ferent languages was the same the hostages held inside the U.S American officials conceded Embass, in Tehran must be that a Security Council iesolu released Rarely in the history of the tion will not be able to force Iran to free the hostages, = but US RUTH E. BRASHER Ambassador Donald McHenry said the speeches were still useful in that theyshow the Iranians that they are out of step with the world.’ In what could also turn out to be a promising sign Secretary General Kurt Waldheim said Qutbzadeh informed him Sunday Security Council debates has an issue united such traditional adversaries as China and the Soviet Union, Israel and the Arab the developing and develope! world Iran boycotted the debate and in Tehran, Foreign Minister Sadeq Qotbzadeh warned Sunday that passage by the Security Council of a resolution condemning Iran would have an “undesirable effect.” But the 28 countries that have that Iran plans to dispatch a new Two faculty members at Brigham Young University will receive the Alumni Association's Distinguished time for the Security Council debate Service Award Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Wilkinson Center Skyroom. NOWafter Mormon Judge WASHINGTON (UPI) — The National Organization for Womentodayfiled a court appeal to disqualify a federal judge, who is a Mormonchurchleader. from hearing a case involving the Egual Rights Amendment. Eleanor Smeal. president of NOW, said the group was taking the action because the administration hasfailed to pursue the issue. She said the situation presents ‘‘an extreme danger’’ to the future of the Equal Rights Amendment which is being challenged in court. The women’s groupfiled an appeal with the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals based in San Francisco asking that it be allowed to intervene in a suit brought by the states of idaho and Arizona and by four state The Addressing a housing forecast conference sponsored by the National Association of Home Builders, economist Arthur M. Okun, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said the recession Senate Near Windfall Breakthrough again," Byrd said. Stevens said under a plan by Sen. Henry Bellmon, R-Okla.. oil producers would get a windfall profits tax credit for re-investing their windfall profits in crude juction. »eelmon said Stevens, ‘‘is lock- lay. “We might just be coming to a breakthrough,’’ Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, told rtezs when asked about weekend negotiations, Senate Democratic leader Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., was-less optimistic that a breakthrough was imminent, however. “I would hope we could get the bipartisan group back together vations necessary. The center will be closed ffrom Dec. 21 to Jan 2. Dances are eachSaturday from 8 to 11 p.m. New Year's Eve dance celebration will be from 9 p.m. to midnight Dec. 3. Several tours are in the planning stage for early next year. Those Tuesday Noon — lunch; quilting, cards and pool. Wednesda!y Noon — lunch; pool, cards and quilting; High blood pressure clinic third Wednesday each month. Thursda: Noon — lunch; cards, quilting and pool; harmonica band practice; matinee dancing from 11 a.m. to noon first Thursday each month, music by harmonica band. Friday Noon — lunch; quilting, pool and cards; health screening clinic; nurse practitioner available; appointment necessary to discuss health problems Monday Noon — lunch; pool, quilting and cards; beginning ceramicsclass Starting at 10 a.m. 100 LOUNGE Cc RS United Press rs 1 Month Coe Yeor MAIL RATESIN UNITED STATES OFFICE...... [_sacounoy HERALD TELEPHONE NUMBERS: overextended, $g NEA with households running out of money at the end of the month even with two bread winners,” he said. The present business “The business cycle expansion was described wasstretched out at the as the longest in expense of much higher peacetime history by inflation,” and by conDonald E. Maude, direc- sumers who could see tor of economic research that interest rates were for Merrill Lynch. He cheap and started credited expansivefiscal withdrawing their savand monetary policies ings and financial assets for ‘‘stretching out the to buy real assets, inexpansion,’’ with the cluding homes, Maude “punch bowl”’ of easy but said. expensive moneylasting Schwartz said the until Oct. 6 when the Federal Reserve Board Federal Reserve Board would resist politicsal changed its pressures during the monetary tactics. electien. Plan Activities for Week For VD information citizens Mondaythrough Friday from 12:15 — 1 p.m. at the Provo High School Community Pool. Because of the popularity of the seniorcitizen tour to Death Valley and the Indio Date Festival, another bus has been to senior citizens wishing to go on this tour. Registration is needed immediately. Two Christmas tours will depart from the Eldred Center this week — “Festival of Trees” tour to the Salt Palace, Thursday, at 10 a.m.; “Christmas-Around-the World at Brigham Young University Friday at 7:15 p.m. Tour participants should be at the Eldred Center at least 15 minutes before departure time. Tuesday Noon — lunch; 1 p.m. — beginning ceramics class; 3 p.m. — advanced ceramics class; 4 p.m. — organ instruction; 8 p.m. — weekly senior citizen dance. Wednesday At 8:30 a.m. — COA board meeting; 11 a.m. — harmonica band and dancing; noon — lunch; 12:30 p.m. — musical entertainment with the Madsen Memorial Chorus; 1:15 p.m. — canasta; 3 p.m. — square dancing with Don Machan. Thursday At 9 a.m. — sewingclass; 10 a.m. — A.A.R.P. meeting; 11 a.m. — John Farley at the organ; noon — lunch; 12:15 p.m. — special dinner hour music with Maggie Griner; 4 p.m. — bowling for senior citizens at Regal Lanes. Friday At9 a.m. — quilting class; 10 a.m. — beginning and advanced art classes; 11 a.m. — harmonicaband and dancing; A National Venereal Disease Hotline Information and Referral Service is now in operation. The number in Utah is 1-800-227-8922. The VDHotline is supported by the Centerfor AmericanSocial Health Association (ASHA). It has been in operation since Oct. 15. The purpose of the hotline is to provide confidential information on sexually transmitted diseases for the 48 contiguous states. The service includes information on gonorrhea and syphilis as well as on other sexually transmissible diseases such as herpes simplex II and non- specific urethritis. The increasing incidences of sexually transmitted disease is a national concern. The VD Hotline is designed to provide a convenient meansof getting facts on these diseases to individuals across the nation on a confidential basis. Anyone wishing information on sexually transmissible diseases is urged to contact a local public health departmentorcall the toll-free VD ‘Hotline. class, Monday At 11 a.m. — harmonica band and dancing; noon — lunch; 1 p.m. — exploring books class; 1 2 p.m. — new beginners square dancing class; 4 p.m. — bowling for seniorcitizens at Regal Lanes. ADD YOUR CHRISTMAS MESSAGE TO OUR COLORFUL, HOLIDAY LETTERHEAD Lo $5.00 $60.00 373 5050 3753103 Sass © Opp 257 W. fe, Tomple ‘Salt Lake City © 100 Ne. (lest ot Freewey) evetitel © 281 West Conter Prove ® wer16.00 1 BM FLANNEL SHIRTS Mtitude, BARDONE SHIRTS we teS180 . 3422 LEVI'S 50's shrink to fit, Reg. $16.00 ...... 3Q% (WORKJEANS B25 oe eeeeee 55 1405 So. State, Orem rc 225-3033 LEVIS arcived Reg. $22.00 . .. S44” ae Boys trom...0% MOON BOOTS 7 SUIT SALE piece men's Reg. to $200,"$49" pl BOYSCt COATS fonts sq. BOYSSE SHIRTS 7A PANTS Terry Cloth Weg $20... 5500 GIRLS TOPS Pats & he $1062 0... sq WRANGLER CORDS Gals tse... DOWN COAT Wan Dae »>UNSET’S SPAe7US) ONE NITE ONLY WEDNESDAY 4PMtol1 PM Other Styles In Our Large Stock || $54.00 “SHIRTS T-pearl Disease Control (CDC) and is operated by the noon — lunch; 1 p.m. — current events + Reverse Cosbuons #3 Colon — Gold, Crean & Biv (© 40 Herdwrood Frome in White, Service $30.00 6 Months ing ‘‘agonizingly slow.” Leonard Santow economist for J. Henry Schroder Bank and Trust Company of New York, N.Y., said housing starts should close the year relatively strong before ‘‘falling like a stone’ during the first quarter f 1980. “The consumer is way Bratios) Specially Priced At: Entered os second closs motte: a! ‘he post office in Provo, Utoh. P.O. 109143060, MEMBER Internationa! SUBSCRIPTION RATES and the hours were extended to move the equip- contributed WESTERN Property Redistribution center at the Universityof numerous papers on sociology a and ment morequickly. family relations. Burr received his “Now people can stopin on their way homefrom bachelor’s and mster’s degrees from work,” Madsen notes BYU and the Ph.D. from the UniverThe center offers an array of common anbd unsity of Minnesota. commonitems. Includes Holiday Letterhead & Printing from your camera ready Published SundaythroughFriday by ScrippsLeague Newspapers,Inc. Audit Bureau Pamphletes and 99: University Extends besitoe ..... $3" PONDEROSA Surplus Shop Hours WOOL SHIRTS SALT LAKE CITY — The only new thing at the tore 16M Utahis its hours. The surplus equipment‘store’ is now open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. and has “an abundance of microscopes that would be great for Christmas.’ reports Paul Madsen, center administrator The second-hand store was getting too crowded copy. (Overnight BE. JENSEN, Publisher IN. LAVERL CHRISTENSEN, Editor Emeritus hear their points of view.’’ observes Dr. Stan Taylor, BYUprofessorofpolitical science. director of the Center for International and Area Studies. and chairmanof the Forum Speakers’ Committee “The professors have played anactiverole in advising and consulting with government agencies with both SALT I andII,” he said Oregon. Brasher received her bachelor’s degree at BYU, master’s degree at the University of Maryland and Ph.D. at Utah State University. Before becominga full professor at BYU, Dr. Burr directed the Center of Family Life Studies at Arizona State University and the Family Studies Program and Family Life Research Center at BYU. A member of the National Utah Councils on Family Relations, he has written and edited 10 books and 100 Copies Only $ 7 95 ea North 200 Wert, Provo,Utah 84601 SALTI] issue, andit should be veryinteresting to Hotline Established Swimming is available to senior cheBaitigerala of Circulation public service positions in Utah and Each speaker will have about 25 minutes to pre- senthis side of the issue “Both professors are considered experts on the Provo Senio r Citizens annual Eldred Center Christmas dinner Dec.21 should makereservations soonsince ticket sales deadlineis Dec. 14. “The School of Tomorrow’s Stars’’ will entertain. The Eldred Center Christmas Bazaar and BakeSale will be Dec.19, from 9:30 a.m. until noon. Senior citizens may donate handmadearticles and baked goods for this occasion. into the ground. The Senate ay entered its second weekof debate on the controversialoil windfallprofits tax. with liberals cautiously optimistic they have the votes to boost its revenues to at least $185 billion. wishing to attend the Tournament of Roses Parade, Pasadena,Calif. should make inquiry at the seniorcitizens center desk for tour leaving Women’s Concernsandthe BensonInstitute, and is the managing editor of “Family Perspective’ magazine. In addition, she has served in various would bottom out by the 3rd or 4th quarterof 1980, but with inflation falling only to 8.5 or nine percent levels, meaning that the u.s. would still be operating under the “cloud of stagflation” going into the 1980s. The forecasters generally agreed that housing production would fall from the 2 million unit plus levels of 1977-78 to about 1.3 million units in 1980, with the recovery in 1981 be- Seniorcitizens planning to attend the Orem Senior Citizens Tell Week's Activities Senior citizens planning to attend the annual Orem Center Christmas dioner Dec. 20 at 6:30 p.m. should make reser- vations soon as ticket sales close Dec. 13 Entertainmentwill be by the Mendelsohm Male Chorus. Special Christmas lunch will be served at noon Dec. 2) with reser- faculty, the Advisory Committee on ment and assistant director of the Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard BURLINGTON SOCKS Wen's dress or tube Reg. $3.00 mi cotton border threatens Thai security andincreasestension on the frontier. The dramatic halting of relief supplies came during what military analysts said was the “largest offensive so far’ by Vietnamese troops in the current dry season. Sources at the bordersaid Thai military units halted trucks cartying food and siHoslies buses and cars carrying Western aid officials as they tried to enter antiCommunist Cambodian campsat Ban Mak Mun and Nong Samet, about 124 miles southeast of Bangkok. WASHINGTON (UPI) — Senate Republicans and Democrats are nearing a breakthrough on the oil windfall profits tax, which has been stalled for several days, the assistant cae Republicanleader said to- Dr. Michael Nacht. associate professor of public policy in the John F. Kennedy School of Govern- Housing Recession Predicted WASHINGTON, — An average, middle-sized recession with housing bearing the brunt of it wasforecastfor the year 1980 by nationally known housing and economic observers. Thai Units Block Supplies Government spokesmen have said the presence of armed guerrilla units and refugees on the E. cording to Robert P. Thorn,pastpresident of the BYU AlumniAssociaiton, whowill make’the presentations. Dr. Brasher hasserved as chairman of the Department of Home Economics/Education since 1969. Previously, she was a state specialist in 4-H and Youth Development in Oregon for 11 years, a National 4-H Fellow in Washington, D.C., and an agent for the Utah State Extension Service and International Farm Youth Exchange. At BYU, Brasher is a memberof the rte Smealsaidif the appellate court allows NOW to interveneit will then askthatcourt to rule on the question of whether Callister’s Mormon position should disqualify him. BANGKOK,Thailand (UPI) — Thai military units cut off the flow of relief supplies Monday to hundredsof thousands of Cambodians who have refused to leave camps straddling the tense der. Military sources said the move was designed to force the Cambodians to either accept an offer to be moved to a United Nations-run refugee camp 9 miles inside d or return to their war and faininewracked nation. Kuth recognizes exemplary contributions to profession, community and church, ac- Callister refused and the a Department did not ap- Thecase involves a challenge recipients are Dr. Brasher, professor of home economics, and Dr. Wesley Ray Burr, professor of Sociology. The award to the constitutionality of allowing the proposed ERA amendmentto remainalive even though the original seven-year period in which timeit had to becomepart of the Constitution has expired. NOWsaid the Justice Department earlier this year asked Judge Marion Callister of the U.S. district court in Boise Idaho,to disqualify himself from hearing the suit because heis a regional representative in the hierarchy of the Mormon church. whi opposes extension of the legislators from Washington WESLEYR. BURR Alumni A ssociation To Present Awards ambassador to the United Nations, although apparently notin will be discuss: by professors from Harvard and the University of Southern California at the Brigham Young University Forum assembly Tuesday The public is invited to attend the 10 am. assembly in the Marriott Center Opposing the proposed SALT II agreement currently before Congress will be Dr. William R Van Cleave. professorof international relations and director of the Defense and Strategic Studies Program at USC. Proponent of the agreementis giving Iran an opportunity to present its grievances about the Though their speeches were nations SALT II Issue spoken so far were unanimous in their condemnation of the embas sy seizure, and their insistence In a rare display of unity, friends aA foes and communists and See Tuesday's paper for the greatest sale ever! Don't miss it! LADIES DENIMS Sizes from |