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Show Dio Hearing Loss...0r maybe just earwax. | Love You. TUT Te a)raPee)ea MTEL RSC BTCCeasel ee earwax” TRACLN FIND OUT WITH A FREE VIDEO-OTOSCOPE INSPECTION Your hearing difficulties could just be excessive earwax. Here is what you will receive: 1. Complete electronic hearing test.* 2. Demonstration on our master hearing aid. 3. Inspect your ears for wax. 4. A free video-otoscope exam* so you can see inside your own ear canal. These services will be provided by a factory trained Miracle-Ear® hearing a ig , n No) Einaneingfor 3 ny t GY Ny iv I OF when you aid specialist at absolutely no cost or obligation to you. * mon ns use your Sears Card During this event save up to 51% off the regular list price on Miracle-Ear® Hearing instruments. CUSTOM CANAL CUSTOM FULL SHELL Tne00 OnE WO 9$1,000.00 List price Saxe "099." SAVE 51% Sax interestedin something smaller? SAVE 47% SPECIAL OFFER THIS WEEK Ask about our “completely-in-the-canal”style. ; | They're virtually y invisible! invisible For a Custom CTT SEARS FASHION PLACE ie SEARS Hearing Aid Centers Fully Digital Hearing Aid |2oes7s1",semsett, “4SSunseest 483-2282* gan | WKYMiracle-Ear , ™ Wreea Ocalch mba “Hearing test and Video Otoscopic inspection : t Aunty| ae Pema TY TE |