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Show it Lake Tribune PAGED MONDAY, July 14, 2003 AHE GLOBE AROUN GRABBING THE HEADLINES KUWAIT Leader names brother as premier, orders him to form a new Cabinet PRAYERFUL PROTEST didn’t like anything, said I need to mething that I'm passionate The film is Hayes’s direc: The Maldonado Miracle” is about the test I town's faith when a statue of Jesus shedding tears of blood. It stars Ruben Blades. Peter Fonda arc Mare Winningham. The movie 7. 12 on Showtime eee ar'ing up to celebrate the SOth ‘agazine Playboy ° Fil De doing as long as can. My mother lived to vital when she passed away.” 0 to launch Playboy in 1953 with t pinup. Fifty yearslater, the ome an international success. ASE king the anniversary this MEXICO Ruling partywins fourthstate in vote, dealing a newblowto Fox Mex MEXICO CITY party won its eee Cubarrtorn actor Andy Garcia, filming in Buftea, Romania, says he was the regimesof late fourth ck by the parallels between Nicolae Ceausescu 2nd Cuban leader Fidel Castre. “Cuba is under the same kind oftotalitarian dictatorship that Romania was,” Garcia said. He was wrapping up 2 42-day film shoot of “Modigliani” in which he portrays the italian painter and sculptor Amedeo Modigliani. bernatorial elections. results released Sunday mentum for rial election wa: were set to confirmthat Fox's mmservative Na tional Action Party, or PAN, | FINDINGS July 6 midtermcongressiona former ruling Institutional Ke ue PRI, and the leftist opposition ga ed seals, Cadmium,breast cancerlinked Since hetook office in 2000, Fox ha truggled his party was with anoften hostile Congress hopingfor a mi: term. The heavy metal cadmium, widely used in batteries and alloys, can affect rats in ways that mimic the female hormone estrogen, a new study has found. fh However east ebbed under sunny skies. FRANCE personw -onfirmed dead from the mud- lop economist arguesfortreating on Fridaynight, ) missing Sun. AIDSin developing countries ere also working to evaculed by the collapse of mud been killedby floods August ssue2 of the journal Nature Medicine, the study is being published online today We never expected to see this ship, given how differentt compounds are,” said Mary Beth Martin of Georgetown University. "Cadmium’s ability to functionally mimic Jen and its effect on cell growth is quite remark wt of China’s rainy i died in floodin; ining of the year, 569 people have official Xinhua News Agency reported wr The Sewewcted Pree Thousandsin Hong Kong ray: Sunday to demand democratic reforms in the territory Demonstrators havefresh criticism for official over anti-subversion law world thanelsewhere anc shown that treatment enhances prev rather than hampering them nday for a pro-democracy f fresh t criticism of theterritory's polit forced to back down recently bversion law. 5 booed when the organizers « Kong Chief Executive ng that the territory's Nation deniesits soldiers crossing Afghanborder, engagingin combat Tossed) the be Official downplays Rape of Nanking — and draws rebukes as a result TOKYO ~ A senior Japanese politician drew rebukes from Beijing and Seoul on Sunday for playing down the so-called Rape of Nanking and Japan'sannexation of Korea and reopening old wounds from his nation’s militaristic past The blowup could prove an embarrassmentfor Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's government ahead of the Aug. 15 hreatened by theanti of ubve bil r the has thrown his government 2 w ommmander said Sund: Pakistan its troop. anniversary of the 1945 end of t week to delay thebill as wing a July 1 protest by DOr World WarI Takami Eto, a 78-year-old he bill could under: three-time Cabinet minister who leadsthe third-largestfac tionintheruling Liberal Dem ceratic Party, dismissed as “a place after Britain ack to China six the 4 In Islamabad, Information Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed rejected Must spect the b with Afghanistan,” he said Education woes: The National years ago. Takami Eto CHINA Mudslide may add dozens to list of dead since rainy season began co aid the reason their 18 old ur nscreened W that he landed tario). A Catholic prie pageant say ing five-story fall out of an ‘ n leg, was Ottawa, On town's beauty learning that he is a felon with a long arrest tranalator be record andin fact had been reporting to work daily wearing an ankle monitor as a condition of probationfor credit-cardfraud HAdtor Send address changes to The Salt Lake th A three-hour head start because guards didn't miss them. Leyba, 18, turned himself inat the jail sometime during the night Died: Jazz great BennyCarter, 95, a master of melodic invention onthe alto saxophone who was also a renowned composer, instrumentalist, orchestra leader and arranger. He performed with or wrote music for nearty all of jazz's earty greats, including Benny Goodman, Count Basie, Duke Ellington and Dizzy Gillespie. Carter died Saturday in California. Today's Birthdays: Actress Gloria Stuart is 93. Former PresidentFord is 90. Director Ingmar Bergman is 85. Hip-hop musician Taboo (Black Eyed Peas) is 28. for it Italy). Taxpayer learned they w an Urdu-speaking suse a newly elected city ¢ council manfroma Pakistani neighborhood barely speaks English TRIBUNE NEWSROOM NUMBERS tdhortal uh POSTMASTER Soft landing: Arts & Rtertain Dewk Besinew Dek communities Denk Corrections Salt Lake NOTED Back in custody: OnSunday, Eric Leyba,the last of four inmates who escaped from the privately run McKirr ley County jail in Gallup, NLM. on July 4, getting a Compiled by Chuck Shephe The Balt Lake Fribune (ISSN 0746 car admium while stilt in the womb, there were changes in thea mammary glands and puberty began earlier than normal, reported Martin. f Nankingis 4 pure fabrication, a big lie,” Eto was quoted as saying Saturdayin a speechtoa lo al party chapter Educational Progre ased in June revealed that Washington, D.( in the country in reading ven th ugh th tem spends more money pe 1pil than 49 states do, and even though teacher ries are among thehighest in the nation. A dd Washington D.C.’s, Options Public Cha rter School placed it principal, Clarence Edward Dixon, in May after dsease. Butthe study found that evenrelatively low doses d the mammaryglands and sexual anumais. 15 included an increase in weightof the hanges in the lining of the uterus and ‘To say 300,000 people were killed in the Rape BELJIN( A and bone big lie” estimates that the Japanese army killed as many as 300,000 civilians during the 1937-38 occupationof the Chinesec { Nanjing, then called Nanking Ne Sand. Cadmeum has jong raised environmental concerns because chronic exposure canlead to kidney damage JAPAN Thousands of people in Hong PAKISTAN cancer, 1 a provincial anti-flood official HONG KONG need treatmen Moatti said studies show t treatment is no more comm ISLAMABAD Indays fighters drove out Pakist. In eastern China's flood-hit Anhui province, the sun was shining Sunday and water levels on the uy; eaches of the swollen Huai Rive What we saw suggests a direct link between iow and increased risk of breast Writers Ravironment Desk 4 Be SHO) 4% 00 mh News Desks Newspaper in Ed B47 Holly Mallen 60 SM Yor same day misand delivery replacement on Saturdays, call before \ sun pum. For carrier andhome delirs Photography Sports (no scores) ae State/Workd Deke Advertising, printing and distribution of The Salt Lake Tritune i handied by the Newspaper Ageocy Corporation, 4th floor, Tribune Bulding, 140 $. Main Street, Salt Lalu City, Utah i111, amd fs administered by the following President/CEO sec. VP/GM Sr. VP/Adenin, Steve Cynthia Cook Jerry Randall §. Bran ve Margie Hayes Terry Northrup VP /Production Joneph H. Zerbey 4 Utah OnLine NEWSPAPERAGENCYCORP. 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