OCR Text |
Show 168 Sait Lake |ribune . a eae For “s09—Autos For Sale| 900—Autos For Sale| 900—Autos For Sale| So a | eT mile WATS Pepnt pares i robes coe Tes-<5885390000 568-1886 “87 Sondionee— VE TOYOTor "ly einer rast lower Bispacdyke STserena V-404b ioesel or 347 $1 480. (801) 7 we: $300 easeifs.3 EERE T30 oo hee=| fate WOW lets Te,er, 515K exon, body 8,ie a ee ioys, somo, $10.9 tenet ne am Bars)| 7acages Sorin $10,498. 557-1490) ‘eae07-18ss a ore WWE CET ee 5 % tio, IngerO66edad. § ipo | "Yaa eee SS tien. $4, | 315.500 577-0088 fm7= 13S) 283-4223 Ergon roshy ir mc YWete CSSed oF, rok tamwey gags $13.308 EARBER. yon sone Con 202-2078, Bint? Rmg/looks greoft Lest ton isos, $19,590 eA Conecaer| Geaneot| ||| ie ew Oe -h08-203-5103 noe.an 4S DET ieae manent 972 780076 01301 280 Bete asa” = $8555.01 sf| oy FORTCron ae | OO 137,cantor syote3s4-2100| 286/108, Dei 555 ol Bessw oseey ¢ |e [roe BEE nerusee res Said OR 7 | si ehoy I 263-6266 Trond, OOOIT v6,oo| et BTL Missa yeg2e3 $1 ag9at 910 1 CORVETTE Comertil, RSGH Sere Spee 373-9700. Ob arn later Toyore364-7100| Dea757 | WT eR Pie ed OLFORT 2 Soar aa | Grong, 5 | SATE Scar, EP | TOV Cas Je adh eal eae \aogadt $1 20500 122-401 | FORT Rae aapose, $1374 be Du'3900. (80) 090 Ty Cte BNE hors. "WWW Fonot 2 , looded, “rent rst| ieki eG Seniro GXE igaded, 50k mi, only IPPho Tee sobe Diabet p HISSANServo FFT" Sond.Fr ma heen,ro0g ie, TTPORT BLOWOUT 4806 3990. tae. shsons0654 ewichev.|-a8b-203-5103 O) AISSANAine OXF ovio sor oa o y 108oe woogie fee 1-888. 188-703-5103 "OLHISSAN Aino CHE| Miser BoeSaicaaua™ , ENR 888-203-5103 OL ee aes‘els Seine SL 460. ‘OTASGAN Aina, Tow mlat peal greot, 266-0033 valve Wee sti ‘TTABSAN Maxine oe 55d,sar.ea mega Hees ho 0633 Obs76t Sentvo dr, alr, leaded, exiroshare $778 Jooas34 bas)FONT $114 ‘OT a, SE, RiV-CHel dean,NISSAN VomSeniva, wal ‘02 FORT Sonfive 995, 265-1930 i pao 60Ba one Eas eo * eee ASSAM Santo XE.ot wv core See “ri It Boontif TVW Tete wider, Gl my, iaded,” $10,980" Nate Mri nO)415,988 7 VANPORTS-986-203-3098 OT ee, eee om loaded. Spon see:th power dr ' pos, rear clean, 56K mi. ony 315,998 egeta“i 312.574 Lew be 756-2958 2 air. qe coal 1308 & groy 2 to SSece 987 avtie. | a8-2b45103 “2b7 its799. isowat Willey Ford 888-211-6025 Sint Sout 333-000 “SP Sdaor, icdea, $10995, PY SSW 8 Sateoe SE loaded sole, $9,080 Nate _Y/0%e Subory 366-4534) ome ees, Serer jetta VRG, Tie, sun05SoA. ‘overagemlSx hetToyotes64-2100 cots, $50930 Coli 209-9783 ARCibo ETNRENT ai CalicaSY,Bik, OW 6 mtg yh. lather, CD, ieee auto, xeleon, 53, on 60k mi, looded, only $9895, Ike$2 TW. 45th & State 262-5550 $9986 768-9909 0h oe 801) aap55 UW ea MaDealos Povinc264-8833 mie Va NOOB, $8,090 a loaded. lowBoke payments ors Beets as, 2 ie 18S0. Tegostato a63$5.43500 res, le ese eeioe 4534 HISSAN AlinaSE, huss asa a “aaa "S500Spd TOYOTA Coral. O¥-4 3640 3th0605 + ry alignment} uthsre inteane reins foraie $2995, ford Ford Al= snar PeeS00abet 2350 oa aRF160 weet 203-5103 ois 100, 263-1001 only S777, ge miles, Sond dn Macnamof fereny, werwcvcutoales.com. eer Sane MGB BI, oR : 0% Pita 17208 800-004-9321 wontalelsoy gestcoed (YeeNS 35:b40-0817 ended, $15,959 oats a fehaemTh ene Wade Smeets see A534 STOP Paying High Prices seen 4 ii ou ee to BK SUBARU aa or Hites i "st 7b srs re-bulmiles on professionally. TOPSage| OOvalora eaten Corauggoon 3 Grond Wade Subaru ee 4534 SeEE 57%, now 16" ol ‘white, 102.K mi,Caravan loaded, 0 tesae iatGok Afore }; 7A $36,990 888-203-5103 ae Seawt iim 964.1 738)541-a loaded, an oto, owner 14, ‘CHEVROLET 1-866-298-8888 1O0 DODGE DODCE Caravan, ATG ee en aEe= “| mae raven, only 2 left, miles, under sorting ot $17,950. nedie| verse 293-9534 Bt ae oe8 'ST-PORTFirebird Trans Am Pencon tare meter 595,965 t1400B'48897 100 ian Alte KE, outo,66% mis $7,700"819-0471 mage, ‘UT HASSAN Aina SE4a, 7 2, Spor Bas 263.9008 ies 108-5103, Sem renaae omTate anvSieabt205°5103 oon a peel te i ot op.ea hoo waetastie.75258| ‘eother, ebi cremate, RV-CHEV- | cho. BO1-273-7639 j eatbatsabas) 2015 wo Teas 50 DN, toke over L375? payments, Hoo lebe ereTat AiG CD more, hax for Bobby, oS ne re, ies. bive. $3500 ‘ast Sell 682-6132 35 ee OPT wl eyComers 6853 $7990 PV ase CHEV. sa av W TOYOTK el $15,995 iow ‘888-203-5103 100K 2cFae,bre4dr, wor 260-5500,on mers orn 575000/oom 1264860 TVSome, | ropeeleréeo ivercprions. 1 1). $3700.00 06 clloys, Jondes,38,090| 990Koh | seelet Toyt0364-2100 | SOW ah |S TOYOTA avolenXTToo. UW Sra. Font $16.200. nba | feory2st-ar'se wore, $11.99 x Miler Yoyerasbee200| Imp, looded. 37% ri SWEETMUST SEE! sian2Fay1 BuOeae oot &Pree siegedss 736-7970 oF loaded, dod, ST S7t ‘a Si a 3980 (Gauteng oengesch anol By.989. Jerry Samer Or eeSTE5, 268-9809 DL4061 ra beake aodeso: 3.0375 Fo, aa my., Deated seats, C5, Ssod., Bbc 8, nona . Needs Fi 2306 fobe. 377 3583 restoration $2800 261-8400 "VW BesteGis HOW 75. 75% restored $35 UT gee moe “ait nsif | PR ISRe oat 1 207" rh Avolen \ooded, bench$13.47 seoh thy 53k oinyWerth,clipe 3 | Fane ep % Sk $9,400 coo fa ie sis, (8) bar Site Bese conolsYee owner Yyikinece Aawo 806-237-5121 ht Ir| "roy$t RETARD Doser Je SOHN 8 #503) 2“Toaged088very | Seiner Chew 952-5700 $3900 obo (435) 649-5368 "ST MAIDA MATA. | JnttyHed, eivaMPoRrs. Sand, nice, cute. | Red. Wveconvert. rw broile 38K ri. 75‘funsCHEV Comoro, greot, great. 750interior, Some funt | ne eas, 6-Co $900: (oh Bh 8155 ‘Cho 485-5131 $9300 obo.a8747 Ww amare RERTOESSIRO er. BiosOy a8. sy Siar, Comey1E,. (a0)455-2467 $7985 467 Seb6 aan 83_| aaa es oweoonmoon, Hoy OISedan, Bw, "70. FORD MAVERICK “a36an $11,996 wm oeFzsi 3452 Dl,loaded$10,405, $800 ob0, 966-0925 AV 1860-203-5103 8 HISSANMaximo Teather '0: 16,987, #80028 013016) 7-51 tk Miller Pontioc266-8833 100-237-5121 "SI Grong im, rook, looted, spoter, Mt Sa FORT V5, 6804 1-888-203-5103 $7990 SOeee RiV-CHEV- Mod "Sear Me Stier Toycts384-2100 eee207 1895, 013757 RH FORTGre VE; tow| Babi OOS, enHg onebett308.103.3008 BSR esais gai, bob-237-5171 OT HESIN” iiina V5. i : Om Hot wih eae * | es xa, cond. $22,000. 891-5400 dats mvc. a8 38 - 1039 eeeB esSTE Seas 489-7650" Corre “PE T Grand Caravonkee tan, 46k mi, pw/pl #6831, $7,990 |_$ao9s 407608 ola ices‘ i 1e0s-s103 PORTE,MIS,a Pe erie New ' fires, a 2 mo ’ba aay 35k ot $3,995 3 5CRY, Se Wee 1-866-298-8868 207" ‘Seiner South 495-6800 721, $13,990. iv-CHE-1 3398203.5105 1 APSE Bann2109 i Aa434 xdleon,‘34061 locded 59986 268-9909 To ope tee top =| sito386°990934061 263-2596;699-8078. 24,942 #800274, DL3016 lack, Whe, clean, 237-5121 21900. Dea7 al‘ob9healCte Gee $2,000 Stocle 265-9172 home Tmocuioier White w/arey TE lo aa, (akMe pea 378 8h Yee $23:ee 814061 Tooter AN‘ltoptions inh| ;2600/obo baghw key. New res. misTR" 100k ‘ware X49. ‘un. greet,wor$1,498." out a/c, — ted Yon. 30k‘below $24,800. Call 870-0444 ‘owwart. in erie: | UyDEcemtcomor =oaE =ee i aTeg5090 spd sliver, alr, new tires, sateMiterToyete364-2100 spolet. a 8989466 ‘need needs ay, Quto, RWBeSB $4999 obo 647-0999" 1Bpatir $18.500 fatk, ‘07 FONT “Sonfire SE Tar, "DY opin Corals wan oF Sind, 37% monty $1 1500 SUBARUimpress,7 SSTOYOTA rust s0e, SAVE colise "86ria139 landed, teal ‘Note 388-9909aa Spee Chiristophar Kia 495-6950 ‘oxen, cond, aft op! iE Moalme10 V6, OYFORTFeenarfe S179 ino Stas. 366 uit) Wode Suva386 aes 76 TOYOTA Cay peor ee sot vot PRM TRUCK ‘ne,209°6432 oa Sot, $950 Big 317.998 608.Se34 Tied 0 Fosri9e4 eletaee ay Y crevacurr $9395 wate MAKE. OF ac, 394 mk, ieick inmoe, eee Saat e e Bche Wor i, fee masae "OE 27a Windstar astaaa are Hiller Toyot0:364-2 00 250-1836 se blogs,6600con NN sere GRE War, "pampered, i Sha,254:6201 peMaen se dean, joaneville, ready BOT SUR (eg vite,low VtBBB'aby.So8 rust 208 maeserra 025k, 2609509 atOON 78K 1m soon $12,908A171 rret WyFd02s ‘Marl Mller S205 yo Pho ton “ary Dx, ton a ant Fats1800. ORSAD me Toyor0264-2100 WW Ten OU VE es Git, Sipd, B2X mi rebuiltPO. atta HISSAN SeioS, enn POY FORT Grandae Vanains 19 ie, loaded, 49K mi, New tors ae tooded, must: cpl ark’ Miller Toyot0I64-2100 $33000b0, Willey Ford 888-211-6025 eo 598-51 16 eeaie 10.0. lobe fires, $10,000, 947-9824 "y Sonor S0uth 495-6800 Cire PORSCHE ee aco 100-978-265 1 wii i oreay 5 10K, "TOYOTACony. GU_V6, 572-2108 oF 11Fees blog160-806 i77att |O7Toaded TORD.yan,Windstor ato7 preieg reney waa Wolbng nice price. 80) vt,tatalls daa 2 2505 918) 700. PERFORMANCE "na ad Marine, NO. ‘Motor $16:506. 3633rm «M1408 Free noev8.08 982-0643 onylime. Sen $70 B70Sas, pias aFone 311 Carrera 553-5100. aa 39.488 OE SBA, UTAH'S 8-VAN areaTee ‘en aMeei siti x ore| an eee OLDSTorr eGrea (930. turbo 778 VW PRS a widgpegy on44300,a Pet,Uh Turbo, tip tronte trons. 60K “ning.HannPretecol excel avilupoets 386-203-4098 renee mianalloy wheels, excl Jector. GULEST Ban7008,598-5505z fohe cond. couseo| OF ‘sory, ShinOgese Sze BY CRUISER Gaeta aK73 "SHAR SaBTOVOMA Camry 5 "sa. Wan, tow mie $16,708 ciTakeA deraver TA 7IT starting at Black, NEW KOHLER, Command TT, S859"35pfone” v e r y Rare ie Sore ay $27.8 res Mew700 ao Mar her fetes 14s)eoe laaSN Jae!ee Cail Caycamoresorre-saren’ 25r *aho01) 725.152 FRUSSAN axis,GET i Th38 2001 sae99:362.2921 = |_S1 00 38.2506 SCE IETS S- cero,ehme aa peeeel iron sll$9, eyCo new tires, ie Phisadedoe $600.465-7340tauity (arte Nui7ae $Phig00"%56.3%0803075 "OOTegacy Tow miles,Yo6-0033 “a” Cuiboa, options, $i's,9a4 OCs7e N55 798-0970, 680" 080 OS HISSANHaxina3F hee alPY $30 loaded, perma. finish, Gregory Pontiac Bie GC oneSwine, 13k piote Ml, perfect Grond Prix GT, $12,200, 9435482 oT ‘re way FORT irommunner! SAVE ASS Mania,SE Jerry er BnSbostz7 i ‘ort $1 1,995 110700 x Mller toi 2100 OYFR gBea, £14000" 0 5, aoe seeAA, ke Beki Se oat ad AAS2 ‘OT SaSatho, boyFy any abe NISSAN Alilmo GIF auto, eae oaro8oe mg SES BBN Moni ByaHASSAN Bade at ml “OT ORTSesire 4dr, outo, M25) consa i an Ty tatod oon Coll’ 562-' ee ee Th fortr 401895, OLI757 ISSAN, Pi doersvests RIGSARTINA,SEF, "WO SUNARULegacy Outbork,| Spd, 2 oN, mt. 43h, eet a | 000. 07 VC LVS80 mHOv 1028 00K we dove euler $27ithe,9bjoade | KEN GARFF avo Toll Free 868. or. sesat siveToe cote ae ston won14068" aveV 188.410990. 203:5103 TOT GentFete (ot Bii6001537400" $58300"(eon) 397-860 00" 906) Teaser Made, ton $meeery| $ERS7E| ade roae rocks 366-4534 E BS TARO WS1S994 axes, Ieodes, 3 9 0 mit. edger tem nor aE SIO a ba i towKENouprcador8) priced ot VOlVGs2.998 Tol Fre Gantt 866-711 5 RTO |e TutBN"aromlooted oe 2 VOLVO. toll PreeCant 866-217-0806 "WO VOWS C70” Convert Hoy, Nicest ground, onky PS choobeay ay $24,980. Join Mecham ot fron yatoda FV’ OOK worronty loaded sum Fomily eat ot YOLWO. $16,788 KEN GARE Toll Free 866-21 103 e TRANSMISSIONS INSTALLED neHog1cy loaded Mis"tRK0308, & GUARANTEED! 973-7788 $41 ,90 801-495-0111 ene et ~TRARSHISSIONSFEBUITT TTovOrs rt Serier 6 Classics. 292-9263 CAL Silver won ‘Alo. 206-3810" aes ‘SWEETconvert, $25K. BKtp, 381-00113K, Bam ‘mi $14,905. 488-1700 ee i CANTATAS & TES, 7 Snug ‘lloy,cel,cand. low mi, Sspd, 19.795.) RU 232-9517, 123520 ‘amerer fon ifae TENE ay ie auto, tk Miler Toyota364-2100 cara ag, Ale wo chrome,ok‘centon $208 ii991/ob0. 637. 2608 3664 eer Tier “TapaTred alloyOg$900 kT auiieaaeones Sip ‘ot hi. SooBb.er 1a cond. 969-8664obo ra VW IETTA Cadi, Hilaeae Ta bol, Sopa areea. ahore "3550.ECan ifor Clwv engine. 305, cond. $3695/ab0 255 ver, wal,vee a Sher a, ii ali, "G5 WW Colocorer 100. (801) 879°8327 rest shape, fun times. STSto i" SHSooh PARTI VW TetaCU Vb,eo,towmon314095 aad Wes iy awey PARTING,"55 cyaos ‘ato tomaeh aS leaded! ia00 sie Parse Mines $100. 807-122 Nev, leather, aunrt —*= HONDAS WINDSTAR FORE D HONDAS * HONDAS = ad. $1000, obo, eon) more! $29,995, #080), os ‘MarkMiller Teyotas64-2100 All Years, Moker, Models pis s8500'268:990812001 seior 2087 lease Colt 801-553-5100 Windsor 4dr 1X, 7 "ear A/C roel 3,484 BoeTreessar Sartsees, Willey Ford 888-211-6025 Coan only. 293-035 FORDWindsor 17 BEAUTIFUL, JAG RW Car, To. Fon i74, Ford £800 foodes, die, $3,700, obo, Call eee 50ee HO, Von. Sin,30‘re‘Wade Su 14-5574 oF am T777. Comper 328-4541 bord, 366-45: C a 75 Repl FORD 4 von, “03 ba XS 30 Siiver/ Vertis, aint cod with 260 V8, $400. Call DN, Toke over Ask auto. 4,AC.8 im 301-633-6434 for’ 013757 $2:500 00. "Call im 419s f0.° arivelines, afer 1-888-207-1 Be. BS 9or 343-980, ‘ato, from.979-4 4x4 replies Tatton’. Are eral iter a 9 foun £350. ne1 Automobile Bj Fe _ aoe Choe FORT Grond AM SE, 7; 496, 5496, 017, very Noe, %E "30 foaded, $8,988, z sbh,"$6006" F95°0800 $3is0"%561 107datas 7SORAud £5)000" Wit Sibary 366-4534 W7culo.exc. TagocrCuibore SARG cond loaded i8 saa} RISSAN Maxima, 700K yaa IN, bids stort at $1000, $390266 a oon Jeremy exit oll free 866-531-5684 0 10% 100K warranty, Ithr, loaded roy (ENotGARFF § VOLVO (an oe ae $5300 795nn Stee Sra SIS. i oa tte, $6,508 319.6746 so VW.lentoGT, red,Spd, red, Ssod. AIC. 99K mi $5950 reg tome. Mat soot eo 209-3616. RE 15. 736-2990 ¥060, DLI555 Trotier tar, $8,895, 736-2970 of 1660, DLI555 Coaae Blazer ere ‘ehite, omncions, (andl Reny's10,975. o5e-oser aaa CAL We Tr wier 59K miles, 801-961-1033 $17,000 Siborbon PETS? a0| a aeons acnebebes2108 ear RIV-IMPORTS-888-20: 9, #13074 1 ra nvcert ae 4X4,teitazes: new tees. ‘cet 70k a, Pa Sapcades. white, $76980 268-' im svat13753-7619 FOUCE TAPOUNOS!ond Turbo evs from $800, For ting =| aa at $12,500. SSRIOnto won. | 1-860-719-3001 X.C385 a1785.9536 iis/tweet, copa new2 pa, DO FONT, GrondPris OTF $7088 «36-1688,ond,Holinoue 0388 "77 VOTO,50aon adsS0807030 ofaol 100% ware. 7 yack. Wi ge torbo, leather, rook Soteh Tht ‘ode, 2 ml, 26 th Vownermalweer $11,377 Sa CTLAWEAT SLARIBCROOS "HW HISSANSeni Toy ine,Aur 237-2000 ‘OT EMS, GAL, ASR Blowout, #858 silver, $36.5ot 550-8232colt iV-CHEV-1 -888-, 33163 500268790 ai 487-626) | Tas CRY 9/6 ven, V8,9 78 ie, HeoeotSb 3a4.7108 iewae OS me. | oe 03 moce, mat’ 801 ‘OT ODS Tove | ond 34-5100 e890,$11,? Cre. 888.703-5 103 ‘OT CWDS Alero Coupe. {6800 Am 3 CHEY.$11,290 ABB-203-5 103 "REPORTGrond fooded, bright 1 TRUCKLAND onded low, low m 30 $25,357 245.15 785:1930 Epi gieatatnin on aT i oteOe lee BLU moner TN | tenat aoH fremy tren18 Hal$39,908 Sere eee 3847 ‘orSUKAWO. ovale Won T“porely cxedl $1630. edt 43 434 larry Seinar Chey 957-5700 "VE PORT Grades CTF, seis fol orr. £1 B88, Jorn 190.0 Peatsaath, 1060-978 7851 TbCote TPmen 1238H IRTHGUE Refirm Se ee pa tgiey, “aoAWD, iam ogo ih nae re | igB01! must Talon Toyotasea.at Rd BaBSI sire ou feet roa’: coe “ohare, | Oe Corvetie mae080 aE obo. Jaancel coy 4 ran me 3aT 1 vored i's oat amore copolcned "S18000. SP4-7361or” DU YWoctet INK Cleve,opded Tae omprek: 1oK ml 8953008 Se Sod, Tor appt vert-|"%aanaae tao val$13,300 292-0136 00244-6315 yer onty PR 209-7499 FORT | 72eet ie myTie 1 fas203-s103 ‘sare vec Sapa,edtea. Aocescmecong, Sartonin| A SPS aah mone Torelo FS ips...OW: 5300. CD the new $13,900. PCy ComaresCRY fc ed! $17,375 dana #8sro ea, BabeRagear sooth pb 57088 02-87% Poueee WTConvetie ville ch fam rena ae hr Rrra|, Arg 3qe‘ = B = 4 wT "ie Taarefoul ‘oT oyen se DG TomFS:si amore Sais my COMMILA TT, NG sy at Vea PRT Eee iy mi, nice, ‘eH 988. etal =ie pea eee Tens 7 498-6800 See PEane ee Ne r 5700 wre BONSTLI hae, moe ‘VERTUREa BOT PTaes Sas BRP Rea Bae Pear he: incrSalar Chee 952-5700 | care We BAfatay ty OHTRLER + seer tite, T5500cooH67-S100" babrhe! he hole ery Same lereT With aLa cost iio idk») ruby Hoses Sya ab AY as OEKAE POs cfd| oyeay rae, | | POISONS. 53 attaae | JE Ba Car‘f Ey Wiifenewash Nt 4) tooreling WF eae a OF OVEN Ti "aDUNT) J, 34.3eu Py 1: TOVOVK Cavalier ate, 7M sen TT eaeSTSMay oe oeSSN te Winditor 1X. WOORY hiro ves AWO, $8snnbeMo}aea-asa0 “TSHon Tareeea | bike, Soo | very nee $7250. 292.5888 Ram250 ex. Pa bom,$13,70851 po. 39-0371 mut see, SAVE pam, Jerry Seiner South 495-6800 Toupe. Excollent 16,500, 514 ‘at s08, | 11-0804, LI 233, meraa ay Reor A/C, ee hott oe ‘Gaors Pag, Kalra he | Ae ShsbanatRh: tatessre oo $75,407oltidod$3871 Be Sara rosy. lorry NOV- SOTO Sririnsios1738 Powe Sdecoube audet aloePotioe2 66-8833 “IT FORT Teaitons oof 1-33 TOS WILE Top 13K 12CHEV salon Va SOC TEE TOYOTA RATER pine {acel cond 418,200 oe ae ptt $s-F8 SovonaetFin ‘mt sive) Matin fe 5710/ma, 254:3153 SE TOVvaney (FT SCOFema tea) 15K. 566-7614 BEBUIK go Canty 315 Wu, corr coon, 817, eT em on ‘sgh raat 99 Come S00. bod arareas 2100 erry Seinae Chay 982-5700 y 90 /obe. 558$P388 ooeao wed ores “TW RRIS: ene iats-inn- 907a 901—Automotive intor- 901—Automotive intor- ‘ext ent "OY TOVONKTalica CTS colt Nem. ‘SI7-Sanb. mation Service mation Service sane sae4108508-9007 atom ae saat TeAObt Suite ae | 7 TAREE Carrere |" TOYOTA Calkes GTS, UdsiBie, oats”? TobeBESS ig attr janeses b Eregory aero ot ar Martie 3bs.203-5103 CORVETTE Stingray Tiga tae Soma| ek rage bape. bhb 263.409 Mawourboro wt eee Tete, OS Aare we, ee, 50 0 roe | doaBeE tea i8s2 WO 41 acvol en cnt Tis Vader hod smoain chrome, PSOS i pb. | Temi, CHRY ont lox Heat, 15, #6659, 1-888-203-5103 RY. 8. TORmle grest (adEoe 293-0636 "18. reor airBOK ae ‘obo. Cleon! 598-5116. AvoTSis06d em s7-st0 $707 mere o oT THEY Ventrelaa vor Taek, iooded,reodyTorYeti, Antique, lassie Vehicles coast "37 PACKARDve120$33K wae1oeails Thy ie 088-209-5008 4%,OTUS fundapr /: only 59% miles, Oh SeaSRB som Moat a stom whit.Tow. Tint = UMMCUTS-066-103-5098 $16,195, Saint $14,900 obo 861-652-5626 1-600-978-2651 nore asaza7s OF CHEV” Ventre, Tally eran: ae iaales BNFSS5 Poo 7499903000 38 7M Tew oti va SUZORT So 01 collage ve Wortcor {4790 obo. 001-694-8064 Sem Todd Pca TAT: gas8 id sorter <0) 98 SwistophetKia 485, ‘80 i certoausst Talia4 GL ranvee; we NGOS S57 aTF ae 774m imma.condi CHEY TS pane $21,900, 567-1126 ‘OT,Brel rear ol 3 sery aaah 493-800 PAs Se Mas Te r Chev.ti A1 8ERO, 88-203.5103 OY many BMW extras, TS, 3.0, 23K dai mi fven, $28,999 obo. 541-0824 "%S BlocCD. ‘Sind, whee, $14,495, Call 262-2479, DLI212 bestcoer BufPl.So Mg wonrs 098. vwThar ow S, fF os. Tarde, iro, S103 mer TaareBh Saee =| Raper [Soa |