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Show R Lessons from Iraq incorporated in Nevadatraining Readiness: Adjustments Warfare Center about 55 miles east of Reno are choosing new are already in the teaching terminology to be learned and cycle that prepares the new imagined enemies for fresh recruits tofight in war games. U.S. military for combat Cmdr. Scott Calvert returned By Ryan Pearson The Associated Press FALLON, Nev. In class. rooms,on desert bases andin the skies above, military trainers and educators in Nevada and na from three months in the Persian Gulfregion to northern Nevada’s Navy flight school and immediately began working new languageinto the curriculum. Newterms and other seem- jor fighting of Operation Iraqi ingly minor updates will help reduce “friction points” between the Navy andother branches of the military — and could save lives by reducing wartime friendly fire incidents, say Cal vert and base spokesman Zip Upham. At least two dozen U.S. Freedom at an end, formal ad and British soldiers and Kurdish justments already are seeping into the wide-ranging andnearly continuous cycle of education that prepares the U.S. military for combat. civilians lost their lives in Iraq when they were mistakenly fired tlonwide are tweaking lectures and reworking battle scenarios to teach troops the lessons of the war in Iraq. Less than three months after President Bush declared the ma- A new elective class on the onbyallied forces, TheFallon base, homeof the famed “Top Gun” naval aviator training program, regularly Iraqi war is planned for thefall hosts intensive four-week ses: semester at the National War sions to prepare troops for the chaos and fiercefighting of war. College in Washington, D.C. “Most of our scenarios are Air Force leaders from U.S. Central Command the Florida-based control center for the Iraqi war metat Nellis Air Force Base near Las Vegas this monthfora discussionof lessons Iraq-like right now,” Calvert said. With no further formal war-fighting needed in Iraq, he and others in charge of lesson plansatthe base are considering learned fighting Saddam Hussein's military. dropping erttire missions and But in the U.S. militarycul. capabilities of a new enemy. “One of the big questions is, are we goingtotailor the general ture, trainers and troops here say a surprising number of sig- nificant modifications stem not from top-level Joint Chiefs anal. ysis but from on-the-groundpersonnel transforming their own experiences into subtle lesson updates. Officers at bases such as the NavalStrike and Air reworking others to reflect the The Amerie Premfie proto Maintenance personne! move alongthe flightline of aircraft attached to Carrier Air Wing One during a monthiong training mission in May at Fallon Naval Air Station in Nevada. Military trainers and educators are recasting their lectures to teach the lessons learned from the warin iraq. toward North Korea or something likethat For the two dozen Fallon of ficers who went to Iraq, lesson revisions can be highly personal “You saw lots of things hap- soit's natural to wanttotry to I will neverforget how special Grandpa was. iron those out and prepare the next folks so they won't haveto ce gnash through those things again,” said Calvert, who helped select targets in Iraq from the chocolate milk shakes and let us have themfor breakfast ame and how he let us stay up late so we could listen to his operations center in I will always remember how he made the best Saudi PP baseline threat to something else?” Calvert said. “We'll need to have somesignificant discussions as we want to go away from that sort of thing or gear things ; CREMATIONS stories and jokes, I will miss him i ‘a f 363-7065 ; Love, www.garnerfuneral.com i TY much. 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