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Show The Sait Lake Tribune COMICS & TY _ &hs Moncey, ——— Bravo's ‘Straight Guy’ comes out: ofthe closet with aspiffytwist ~ Chanane fier watching the first two episodes History Setectives: (LED Channe! ?, today, ? pm. One ot the stores the detechves lock at are wheter five sullets ~ owned by 2 Wisconsin woman really came Tom ihe dedies of nfamous “obbers Jonme and Clyde. least I can finally learn how to dress. The new reality se VINCE Brian Basset RED, you SHOULD INY! ve ae som ern decorating tp just to make sure you Know that this can be an educational program. Don’t Cut to the Chase Reason No. 368 to Hate Fox News: Thurs ~ day afternoon, the national cable news net work hit another low ima career of lows. In | the grand tradition of Los Angeles news sta together to “save” one heterosexual man from his slob self Their mission take the man and spend a day redecorating his house, giving him a city streets. Thanks to a suspect who knew how to tions, Pox thought it remarkable to cut to an aerial view of a police chase through the ™ makeover, dressing him up in new duds, drive and two officers not very eager to ag giving him a quick cooking lesson and gressively overtake him. the chase lasted at“ least 1% hours, and Fox stayed with it for more than 30 minutes. The network finally >cut away before the chase ended. new “him.”all snazzy and refined With everything going on in the world, the ome thing Fox decided to stick to with out a commercial break is a police chase, While “Queer Eye” feeds off the stereo type of the well-dressed, good-looking gay man, the show's success comes from five entertaining and well-versed consultants UO BARK IK ‘OUR SEEP \ “Extreme Makeover, out” party in which he gets to show off the SPEKLIES Bat I Have Rover To PUN Wirt “undamentafism. =i teaching him the finer points of socializing The episodes usually end with a “coming SHE UST WANTS ME TO SPEND MORE TIMAE WITH AY WAL THAT NEW Gov IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OVER } PL/ iiterviews author Jon Sakauer (nto Tin Air) about his* Re sew Dock Under ne Jenner of “eauen, detailing Mormon landish mix of “Trad ing Spaces” and well-versed in fashion, cooking, interiordeco rating, grooming. and arts andculture,band HORIUCHI TELEVISION RED AND ROVER Dateline NBC: <G. Channe! 5, today. 3 p.m. Tom Brokaw ries, premiering Tuesday at8pm.isanocut and one withouta serial killer, O.J. or a Robert Blake at the wheel ing. And they are good at what they do,it seems. In the first two episodes, they im prove the look and lifestyle of their targets considerably, especially a scruffy Midwest have spentthe last couple of years trying to “out-fox Fox” by copying the network's « look and “attitude,” expect CNN and MSNBC to start revving up their own helt a copters to hunt down a good car chase. ern artist with a waist-long pony tail and overalls, whom they turn into a more hiplooking Soho artist. The show is lively, moves at a brisk pace. and they flash the occasional fashion or re Television columnist Vince Horiuchi ap pears Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. He can be reached at vince@sitrib.com. CLOSE TO HOME John McPherson DINETTE SET S8E1 eve! AuTTLE PRACTICE,You COULD CLEAR HE Flcor! just a guy wanted for assault with a deadly weapon. a> Since all the other cable news networks <3 who don’t seem to mind the gay typecast FREBePOCAAE OE Raine) DANCE Pee LiKE Se _. ~~ Julie Larson - "adng Sicebttaiaterse VIEWING 10:00 Miami Wet Fact Foot Fatemen nda TVPG 0 530 ‘LieWit Borne The With Bonnie “West ‘Special Edition “Wharder at 16 Who (Gracaate’ (TPG 4968 [fT A) THPG (CO) 6735 [Killed the Prime Tene Anchor?" (M) (CC) 9153 For Love or Money 2 Men vie to choose betesen 2 Itachalceetic and $1 milion) THPG (CC) 36024 [Who Wants to Marry ity Dac? Sibings choose 2 mate for Rete father (NM) THPG (CC) 56282 PG" (CC) (DS) ez murder of [NewsHour With Jim Latrer (CC) 70882 [Anything tor Love (¥) TPG (CC) 1240 (Co) eaeeisi Mightine CO) 11:30 ts (MT(CO) sone (1-8) Ena (CC) 1128) aie Eton 2) 150284 (co wns Martin Lawrence: Rowan c Suddenty Susan | % 3 [Keeping Up Appearances |Last of the Summer Wine [Secrets the Dead Forensctechniques wich 1 T¥?G 416 [TPG7363 NCC) e219 a poveal the ta of Thane: sansengers. eo ee iMovie: #44 + “Notorious” (1946. Suspense) Cary Grant ing Bergman The daughter ofa convicted rar [BBC World Mews (CC) Love Lacy Ficxy Sells SSSea for helps fight Nazis. $0646 L3s882 jie Car’ 44530 bese a a oe |Paradiee Hotel §TV) A tur quest s evicted. 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TV-G’ (CC) 770808 jHamous cancymaker cles a grand prize to Sve chikdren. 773795 1 sera ler (ea) C7? ae Show 1\ (CC) Confidential Hanover’ Teo Dartmouth University [Third Westch “The Reiay” 1 TV-14 (CC) 190153 D [vated t a uatiors ound 11 T4796578 [pay vagrants w tg.) TH14(CO) 771988 Sil Caria vars dre freee 8Gened Tear aces gute > Neeeo noe 1) TPG(CO) 7az40 Hiigharny Hangouts “Eat & Fn’ 8) TVG (CO) Marvels The ruck moves from back >to cade 1 rain seat T3000 —_ > sree PAFaden [Works Wwidnse vse a “Commande” (10865) ees hs appa ad 00) oe 0Mel: 6+ #5 “Wire” (1885) Harman comr CELE] 3 Theat |ikavie: ¢# “PanicRoom” se a! Writaeer (een poemee 0 8 tee si “Thee Rockin” (2002 Orarea)Guerin Cha Rachel Geli A iy tent epe neg woman i oie | Teoabed as =o| ——.. |