Show 31 no loox 11 16 04 ae 0 OVA rf ae do you know that the 10 6 ile V 0 N BICYCLE 1 71 61 is the best wheel made we sell them on V the installment plan 40 10 11 christensen KNUDSON FU FO SALE to k 0 iner ch audiBe in brigham city storo store arad fixtures lix tures for rent cheap N L ilan iian sen tt tf aw vu aj api for sale ONE OF THE MOST DESIRABLE CORNER LOTS IN BRIGHAM CITY 7 BY 8 RODS WITH NEW substantial HOME NEAR THE FEDERAL BUILDING SITE JOHN H BURT FIRST SOUTH SECO SECOND ND WEST I 1 ain 1 not what we say 4 1 for example J but what we sell WE HAVE REAL GOOD SUITS FULL WE MIGHT PRINT PAGES STYLE AND GO ABOUT THESE GOOD CLOTHES FOR FORA WITHOUT RESULTS BUT B UT IF am WHAT WE SAY HERE WILL INDUCE 1500 abu YOU TO MERELY COME 1 YOUVE PAID 2000 AND SEE WE WILL NOT COMPLAIN FOR SUITS NOT ONE THE CLOTHES ARE um 10 BIT DETTER BETTER POSSIBLY HERE THE SORT THAT WOULD NOT SO GOOD PLEASE YOU NO MATTER IN ALL LL RESPECTS HOW particular YOU ARE BUT YOU CANT KNOW THE IP IF YOU SELECT A VALUES UNTIL YOU COME AND 20 f or 25 SEE AND TOUCH AND TRY SUIT YOU MAY FEEL THEM ON SURE THAT YOU WILL YOU COME IN TODAY ARE DRESSED AS A OR TOMORROW MORROW TO AND r WELL AS ANY LEARN JUST WHY WE TALK PRICE CAN DRESS SO SURE ABOUT IT ita 0 YOU wash fabrics in imitation of silks make rich dresses delicate textures which drape well beautiful figures at ac to c a yard h 0 0 S and a nd everyday every ever y day wear no better line of shoes can be found anywhere no greater values were e ver ever offered we know the shoes we know inow they will stand the racket whether you want oxfords for dress or shoes for everyday every day we have the comfortable line M EPA lal I 1 lawr h 0 IN f ilk ti J IA coq 4 1 V a ah h cco to 5 a adir I 1 SO H B U announcement we wish to announce to our friends and tile the public generally that we have fust opened up a new job printing pant and are in a position to handle commercial printing also any other kinds of ordinary printing evel everything in our shop is new and modern moderns nj placing us in a position to turn aut out the very best work at prices abao cutly right phone us or call in and give us a trial order no job too large no job too small yours for quality printing ELITE PRINTING CO Alan mangum guill hamson props located upstairs in the union block POR FOR SALL SALE tg tc stock of general merchandise in brigham city store and acs ics for rent cheap N L iian han sen tt f there comes a time in every onea theatte going ahen lich lie he gets weary of the usual company playing the same old style of plays in tile the same old slipshod manner with the coming comine of tile the JOSEPHINE DEFFRY RY CO CC goer will see something new something different not only the latest and best beat in diania and comedy but a carefully care lully tully detailed and correctly costumed performance pei of each and every play executed by an intelligent company monday for one ona week opens monday evening with the singer of moscow and a different play each night summer prices loc ff saturday next 1 the doors of M athias s tiros ROSE now new grocery store rl 11 U will swing public open to the we ve have everything ass in staple fancy u sa s1 fl ta and g green reen groceries we sell for cash quick delivery BOTH PHONES 99 the reform beform shoe store HANS prop we sell the famous Z C M I 1 shoes ALL REPAIRING CAN BE DONE HERE KEEP YOUR SHOE UPPERS SOFT AND THEY WILL LAST TWICE AS LONG WE SELL LUBRA OIL THE BEST LEATHER JOR TOR UNDER THE SUN 1 ir |