Show efow W lose to set I 1 lie h live within your means limit your wants while enlarging your resources dispense with luxuries as long as you aan can pay only tor for necessities promote your independence by becoming a money saver as well as a money earner yo you u can buy an interest bearing certificate ot of deposit or make a deposit in our savings department every time you have a spare H dollar STATE STA E BANK OF frigham B R I 1 G H A city frigham CITY UTAH capital surplus resources 00 DAVID ECCLES R L FISHBURN jr president vice president W T DAVIS GEO A ANDERSON cashier abst cashier I 1 low i g lie fe 10 the price of razors a week under the surface for one week we we an aie the celebrated SHUMATE DOLLAR RAZOR THE LIGHTNING AND THE VULCAN A each guaranteed for 73 cents shaving sit up take notice try one it if satisfactory is you will be surprised we know jf if not satisfactory we will be also the SHUMATE BARBER RAZOR tho the best of its kind for one this makes your dollar worth one hundred and fifty cents this week IV and dont forget we nye are agents tor for the ins carbo razor the best I 1 A value in the great U S at let A i us its show you our safety device for uee I 1 on a regular style razor all the cut L ting ability ot of the good old razor and all the safety and surety of the most up to date patterns 04 YOURS CUTTINGLY 11 THE EDDY DRUG THE REXALL 3 STORE I 1 a L BRIGHAM UTAH e new stock stoc k of stylish oxfords Ox fords slippers and 9 18 school shoes dittmann Ditt mana mans celebrated makes at cut prices best values direct from manufacturer THE NAME ASSURES THE QUALITY to do this I 1 must buy and sell tor for cash only NOTICE all repair work from now on will b cash on delivery best oak leather and work only booking ind and credit system discontinued I 1 do this to keep up with the times and give you better value tor for your money than otherwise possible I 1 am the only shoe manufacturer in box elder county C do brown bi owne south main alain street au R L a 6 A UHA finiff N 6 E ONLY GOOD A FEW DAYS 12 acres first class apple land plenty of water small souse trees that produced last year bushels of apples and just coming into bearing this year all in good shape for 40 acres apple laud land with water all under c cultivation and drained peach land with water along car line between brigham and willard at per acre ask about our irrigated land at 33 35 to SO 80 per acre well located and on easy terms wo do strictly commission business in ral detate and write that insures united commission go coo 23 25 south main street WANTED 2 good furnished rooms near forest and first east apply at this office A daughter arrived at the home of sir air ind and mrs airs william jensen last night sir air and mrs airs jensen now have as 18 many any kinds as any body john F r hess of plymouth and family moved into their now new home in this city this week having purchased the homo home ot of mr air and mrs airs N P lindholm on oil north second east street mr air hess is one of the prosperous farmers of Plym plymouth olith who has been enabled to spend the balance of his days enjoying life and he selected brigham as the best place to do that we are are deply appreciative ot of the kind sympathy exten bcd lcd to us in or recent bereavement and the dance tance rendered by ou our r ar many friends in this ward and art ham city their kindness wis waz andee a blessing and ah alays tys he be to ic mrs janle janie L steed and family government statistician here last li l i st saturday mr air halsey 11 II ois ol 01 denver colo was in brigi am ain setting citing statistics on oil the acreage ot of e ii haap in 0 elder county and the number of the various fruit trees already set out mr air rhodes Is a special agent ot of the united states department of agriculture and Is required to take the census on matters of interest to the department quite often ills his district includes colorado wyoming utah and idaho new zealand tattooed rocks mr air clement mho w ho has hag inspected what are known as the tattooed rocks on the coast near bar raglan new zealand Zoe Mand jai I 1 distinctly or of opinion that they are the tb work of neither tamil nor but bat ar are the h Ina crip tiong of a very ancient race rac of 0 sal na worship people antedating the tb of tho the maori by untold centuries the spiral circle ovals croese and squares qu area lie says are ar most aad ad his opinion that now new land has beau lull habited by garly less aaa he H conil dofa tile til ir are probably rb ably with at master batter isiaah and cottral sad suf south Am witia and aai are ara antoan or ar le L nurias III arifi lB fur fart tilT bor that hat tho maori coad ake tb rhal uia the relies of er pavlo aj aad dai 11 rt lift initiate it don dont t miss the free aeroplane flights a genuine curtiss farnum biplane malies makes daily flights from the show grounds rain or shine not a lifeless model but a real airship sails through the clouds daily to bo be seen only with kit carsons buffalo ranch wild west shows that will show in brigham city wednesday slay may notice to lawn sprinklers lers notice is hereby given that sprinkling ot of lawns must be done ONLY at the time stated on oil water time tickets any person using a nozzle more than one fourth or of ili an inch in diameter will be prosecuted according to the ordinance anca regulating lawn sprinkling this is a final notice and any person found violating any provision of 0 the water works ordinance will be handled accordingly PETER 11 II ni 11 25 supt bupt of water works dr E snow graduate veterinarian Is located permanently at glovers stables both phones no a 6 4 0 10 11 I 1 I 1 A I 1 r va ae I 1 i Z A 5 a it 19 pictures are the first thing you see WHEN YOU GO INTO HOME AND THE VISITOR USUALLY ENJOYS THEM MORE THAN A ANY OF THE OTHER furnishings IT IS AN unquestioned FACT THAT THEY HAVE AN INFLUENCE SECOND ONLY IN SOME CASES TO MUSIC ON THE PEOPLE THE HOME AND SO ARE AN indication OF YOUR CHARACTER AS WELL AS YO UR TASTE we would like every person who admires good pictures to see durstock our stock whether they wish to buy or not 4 we like to show them just as well as you enjoy seeing them and there may be a room or niche where ope will arst fit in rohl Culli pany THE RELIABLE FURNITURE HOUSE both phones 29 on what WA 0 U k vath 50 h 0 H I 1 d know that our great annual may bargain sale commences friday next we name a few of the hundreds ol of bargains we are offering waists latest styles beautifully at about half price latest and most alost up to date talking S shirts arts at 25 per cent below the wholesale wholesale dilce 1 lot silk petticoats at a great reduction 1 lot efens sample dress shirts at I 1 lot biens alens regular stock dress shirts boc I 1 lot and negligee shirts in white cream and tan jelly behy are real Dar bargains gains at sac I 1 mens and doys boys to ties at pairs of hose at half price and some at less leas I 1 lot and remnant dress goods at ai csc we are also slaughtering prices on our ladles ladies spring knit underwear white goods hand B bags digs sample curtains and hundreds hundred of other Ses articles Artl cleg we still have some lt of those embroideries laces and trimmin Trim mim that we are almost giving away and plenty of best beat Cali calicoes coes at 6 5 cenis cents this sale Is not one where goods have been marked up and then trapped to about the regular price it is ab nb absolutely blut e ly a genuine bargala side sale on goods that someone has lost I 1 a whole lot 0 money on we still lead in Dar bargains gains R hoist n a U 0 N half block south tabernacle brigham Drig ham city utah aft i je A IPA the celebrated pacer I 1 DIRECT owned by le leroy roy C N nelsen lsen will make the iho season at brbgham city ile ho has a record of 2121 2 tile bat horse ever bought to stay in america merl ca doth both phones |