Show WASHAKIE Wash washakie akle may 22 well some 0 of our indians are shearing sheep up in canyon quite many ol of sheep men are shearing in this country and some hauling wool to the railroad track dut but they shipped 2 or 3 carload out last week and some of 0 them have just started shearing I 1 hope they may finish shearing latter part of this month it seems to be quite a lot business going on here and also our grain crop looking very promising so far and sugar beet crop too we finished our water ditch work mr hyrum hymn and wife are returning return ins home from adorth visiting their relatives and frends up in idaho and find everything is all right mr and wife went home last week I 1 suspect they set get home time this week our country Is very dry and needs rain pretty bad ad I 1 expect we c will have it later on mr george is very sek and may get well ho he is been sick for long time about 6 years and also mr Qu arretz and little girl are pretty sick she may die I 1 dont know yet perhaps she might get better later on mr moss mose newmann have little babe last week and mother getting along pretty nicely WILLIE |