Show fr MIS 7 A wv wild bills first fight wild dill bill whose real name was james hickok first came west in 1857 anil and drove an ox team on the plains for majors russell in 1860 up edgag engaged ol himself to the overland stage company as stock tender and was as put in charge of a new r stage stat on on rock creek near the old eld laa station which was known as robber robbers robet thin this aas as the headquarters for the rang gang a crowd that had held field together since tho the MIsao url kan wui border ruffian days and generally had thing things their own way ay A man named Fick liti and P number one ove stage band hand was the superintendent lie ile tried to buy out the mckandles las station atlon Kt but falli falliner nir in this he built a now one near by putting young hie kok in charge up to that time he had never experienced trouble with anyone and was not likely to have friction especially with the old station beeper Iee per mckandles las or his 11 s raen in the winter inter of 61 mckandles las md nd hie his nephew and four other men passed by the new station on horse lack thick leading an id ld roan man who was afoot they had a rope around the old fellows neck and occasionally the them would take a few turns around the horn of the saddle make a run on fm the rope and jerk the old man mart down and drag him on 01 the ground un til be he was vias nearly dead the only spite they had against him hint was that he was a north Aleth methodist odist preacher it wild dill bill vi as an thing he as an abolition lat and rind frae froe soller and loyal to the united stat states stats s the laa crowd wa planning to make mahe a raid on several stations to secure the stock and go south they told young hickok they u would tal tat e the stock he lie replied that thit be he would be there when the returned lete la in the evening two stopped at tae th e corral two went to tre tle front and two to the back door of the bihin or hut hickok told the them ern he be would shoot the first man who took down the bars of the corral the elder las alred at hickok Ill chok but missed him re the fire alth a rifle and shot mckandles laa las in the heart the n next alj shot from hickok killed the nephew and tho the two to fell at the front door just then the two to at the back door opened fire 11 re one shot rom a double gun lodged seven full grown gron n buckshot in lle koke koks right side and breast two of which entered his lungs the two men who stop stopped peI at the corral came camo to the as assistance istance of 0 the two men at the bouse house hickok was then in a it hand to laud fight v falth ith four men he ile killed three of them in the house aud and wounded the other so badly that he died on the prattle denver field and farm |